Showing posts with label hormonics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hormonics. Show all posts


bone and muscle boosters

 2022.8.22: health/diet/osteo/hormonics/
bone and muscle boosters:

. one of the best things you can do for bones

is getting vitamin k2 to keep the calcium 

from being pulled out of bones by vitamin D.

Vitamin K2 doses need to much higher than vitamin K1 doses,

and I found only one supplement that provides a dose

proven effective in studies:

Life Extension Mega Vitamin k2, 45,000 micrograms of the mk4 form of K2.


find new supplier of progesterone with minimal additives

21.1.25: web.cook/ph/
find new supplier of progesterone with minimal additives:


. progesterone is both a male and female hormone,

but many versions of it are targeted at women,

and may contain estrogenic herbs that men don't want.

. my preferred retailers are amazon and iherb;

I chose Emerita Pro-Gest from iherb.

item I used got discontinued:

Bonvida 1g Progesterone in 60g Cream

purchased 2020.9.11 -- was using about 8mg per day.

other prostate health offerings:

fake news about progesterone:

woman claims Dr.Lee said you can't overdose on cream:

[5.12:. in at least one book by Dr.Lee, he warned about
how easy it was to over-dose on progesterone cream;
and that you had to consider that too much
could have the opposite effect.
Dr. Mercola has commented on Dr.Lee, 
warning us that applying this to skin is not the best;
you should be applying it to a mucous membrane
(I've been using it nasally with good results).]

. the following list is sorted with 
the first being the most preferred for men.


progesterone is equally a male hormone

20.5.12: health/hormonics/
progesterone is equally a male hormone: 2020:
"Doctors Test Whether Female Sex Hormones
Could Help Men Fight COVID-19"
[progesterone is an anti-inflammatory]
this news is promoting a common misconception!
progesterone is a female hormone? no!
. men's levels of progesterone are similar to
those of fertile women before month's ovulation.


usefulness and availability of various forms of #ginger #health #diet

2019.12.28: health/diet/ginger/
usefulness and availability of various forms of ginger:
2020: summary:
. Dr.Sears and others who promote
ginger as an anti-inflammatory,
suggest you should use only the fresh root
whereas the cheapest is dried root.
. people who are buying fresh ginger online
warn it can easily get moldy in storage;
so, it may be safer to buy only in store.
. I would like to find frozen cubed ginger;
but I found research that shows
powdered ginger does offer some benefits;
and, certain high-heat ginger extracts
may have more benefits than fresh.


#CBD slows #bone remodeling in study of #osteoporosis

GPR55 antagonist reduced mouse bone resorption:
12.23: summary:
. bone strength is maintained by remodeling,
where bone is removed by osteoclasts
to make way for new bone by osteoblasts.
. CBD appears to inhibit osteoclast function
and might be of use against osteoporosis;
but it also increases the number of osteoclasts,
so that if you ran out of CBD for a time,
the osteoclasts would be reactivated,
and there would be many more of them.
. as seen with the Bisphosphonates
the strategy of stopping resorption is flawed,
and should rarely be used [Dr.Ott]
because while the bone may remain dense,
the bone is not maintaining its strength.

. interestingly, this is another situation
where CBD and THC counteract each other.

. as a strategy to control bone loss,
a person's hormone function is key;
[J Osteoporos. 2010]
but, never take hormones orally,
or when modified in some patented way;
that is how Hormone Replacement Therapy
got a bad reputation.
. see Dr.Lee about progesterone cream
for bone health as summarized by Dr.Jo.


estrogen dominance as a risk of prostate cancer

19.12.15: health/hormonics/cancer#prostate/estrogen:
. Dr.Lee 2002 noted that prostate cancer is
one of the many diseases that can be
associated with estrogen dominance,
where there is too much estrogen
relative to progesterone.
. this is supported by a 2011 study
[ Expert Rev Endocrinol Metab. 2011:
Estrogen action and prostate cancer.]

. estradiol-17β has been classified as a carcinogen
by the International Agency for Research on Cancer [9–11],
primarily based on its association with
endometrial and breast carcinoma in women [12–15].

. young men have low estrogen,
moderate progesterone,
and 4 times as much testosterone (T);
but when aging they get more estrogenic activity
and the combination of T and estrogen
is what dramatically increases the risk
of prostate cancer.
At least in rats, testosterone alone
is necessary, but not sufficient,
for the development of prostate cancer.
It is only with the addition of estrogen
that cancer can be reliably induced.


#cancer #melatonin 10..40mg #health

19.12.8: health/hormonics/cancer/diet/
cancer recovery forum:
20mg to 25 mg of melatonin to combat cancer?
literature on melatonin and cancer:
Here are two reviews of many previous studies.


how moderate red wine use affects hormones

/red wine and alcohol:
. red grapes fermented or not
may raise levels of free testosterone (T)
by reducing conversion of T into estrogen;
and can also lower the binding of T with SHBG.
. alcohol may reduce inflammation for heart,
[Dr.Sears, the inflammation zone]
and it may reduce what is binding T,
but may also convert more T to estrogen,
and might reduce progesterone levels.
. red wine compared to white wine,
gives more free T and lower SHBG levels.


boric acid #cook

9.28: aq.cook/boric acid:
. boric acid has some medical uses;
and, when you get a good price,
it will be for technical grade;
whereas we should have NF or USP grade
for use in eyes, ears, and internally.


#healthcare #fluoride Dr. David Kennedy

19.6.2: pol/healthcare/fluoride/Dr. David Kennedy:
6.3: summary:
. more bad news about fluoride
being a hormone disruptor;
I live in Tucson which doesn't fluoridate,
so my main source has been tea
which is a fluoride accumulator,
and comes mainly from China
where there is a lot of fluoride pollution
from burning coal.
. fluoride is known to affect thyroid
and very high levels of it may reduce
testosterone levels.

. heard Dr. David Kennedy on the radio:
with Martie Whittekin (Healthy By Nature)
[Tucson, AZ, KGMS 940 AM – Sunday 1 pm]
. fluoride is an endocrine disruptor
by affecting g-protein function.
fluoride increases brain aluminum.
Dr. David Kennedy has a book:
David Kennedy 1996`How to Save Your Teeth:
Toxic-Free Preventive Dentistry.
. that book has cult-classic pricing on amazon
but cheap pdf's are sold by


fragrances are untested #tradesecrets and often #endocrinedisruptors

fragrances are untested #tradesecrets and often #endocrinedisruptors:
. Marilee Nelson 2015 gave some great resources
on the issue of toxic secret fragrances
that I explore here.

#cashews #lectins #diet @DrGundry

8.14: health/diet/lectins/cashews:
. cashews seemed to be a good nut
except they inflamed my mouth;
but Dr. Steven Gundry claims
they are related to legumes
and have the same toxic lectins;
although he also said
the toxicity of legumes can be reduced
by heating them in a pressure cooker,
although he didn't say that applied to cashews.


unlisted preservative #tBHQ might provoke #allergies, #obesity

unlisted preservative tBHQ might provoke allergies, obesity:
. conventional preventive health science
has warned us to avoid fat
claiming it was the main source of
both cancer and heart disease,
whereas alternative medicine warned
that the primary problem was from
a diet high in grains and sugars.
. here is another example of convention
being right for the wrong reasons:
. it turns out that most added fat
in the many processed foods in the usa
contains hidden preservatives
which might have adverse affects
including food allergies and obesity.


Dr.Jay Sordean`outsmarting the #dementia epidemic #alz

Dr.Jay Sordean`outsmarting the dementia epidemic:
book review of Dr. Jay Sordean 2015`
Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:
7 Key Memory Care Actions to Avoid Alzheimer's
and Successfully Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp
and Sexy Into the Future.
. his website pages related to this topic
and fb news feed.


boxed wine and canned sardines #health

/boxed wine and canned sardines:

. boxed wine and canned sardines
are some of my favorite products
but are they a source of endocrine disruptors,
being exposed to plastics? not to worry:
the endocrine disruptors are even in our water;
there is no way to escape from them.

dietary sources of AGEs #health #diet #cook

5.15: sources of AGEs:
. a doctor who wrote a healthy lifestyle book
says that sautéing is the best method for retaining nutrients;
but, sautéing involves browning the food,
and exposing fat to high heat.
. browning via heat is a Maillard_reaction:
Acrylamide, a possible human carcinogen
can be generated as a by-product of that.
. browning is related to AGEs
however, I suprised to find
that compared to the diet I had supported,
browning vegetables is a relatively minor source
at least if very little oil is used;
because, foods high in even good fat
tend to contain high levels of AGEs
regardless of cooking method or being raw
-- relevant to a ketogenic (high-fat) diet.

J Am Diet Assoc. 2013:
Advanced Glycation End Products in Foods
and a Practical Guide to Their Reduction in the Diet.
"Modern diets are largely heat-processed
and as a result contain high levels of
advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
". grilling, broiling, roasting, searing, and frying
propagate and accelerate new AGE formation
[Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 1989,
J Am Diet Assoc. 2004]."
"In all food categories, exposure to
higher temperatures and lower moisture levels
coincided with higher dAGE levels
for equal weight of food
as compared to foods prepared at
lower temperatures or with more moisture.
Thus, frying, broiling, grilling, and roasting
yielded more dAGEs compared to
boiling, poaching, stewing, and steaming.
Microwaving 6 minutes or less
did not raise dAGE content to the same extent
as other dry heat cooking methods."
"... in animal studies, a reduction of
dietary AGE by 50% of usual intake
is associated with reduced levels of oxidative stress,
less deterioration of insulin sensitivity
and kidney function with age,
and longer life span [Am J Pathol. 2008:
Oral glycotoxins determine the effects of calorie restriction
on oxidant stress, age-related diseases, and lifespan.
"advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the diet
correlates with serum AGE levels, oxidant stress,
organ dysfunction, and lifespan."]

. oils and nuts are AGE-rich, even in their
uncooked and minimally-processed forms;
for example, measuring just one of many AGEs,
we find in 100g:
grilled veg(broc,carrot,celery): 226 kU AGE;
-- a browning process yet not very toxic;
raw cashew (steamed briefly) contains 6730;
-- compare to roasted: 9807;
so, most of the toxin is from the natural fat
not the roasting. compare also,
100 mL (3.38fl oz) extra virgin olive oil: 10,040.

protein is a moderate source too:

100g chicken boiled 1 hour: 1,123
-- or half that if using acidic solutions
such as lemon juice or vinegar marinades.

salmon canned: 917
salmon raw: 528
no mention of raw yolk but
100g yolk cooked 10 min is: 1193


everyone's #testosterone lowered by environmental endocrine disruptors

4.14: news.pol/healthcare/hormonics/
everyone's testosterone lowered by environmental endocrine disruptors:

Travison, Araujo, OÕDonnell, Kupelian, McKinlay.
A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels
 in American menJ Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2007.
full text:
( Study Observation years Age range (yr)
, TotalTestosterone (ng/dl) (Median, Interquartile range)
, Bioavailable T (ng/dl) (Median, Interquartile range)
1987– 89 age45–71
(501, 392– 614); (237, 179 –294)
1995–97 age50 – 80
(435, 350 –537); (188, 150 –234)
2002– 04 age57– 80
(391, 310 –507), (130, 101–163)

how is higher linoleic omega-6 oil healthier?

how is higher linoleic omega-6 oil healthier?:
4.19: summary:
. if anything "predicts type 2 diabetes"
it is sure to tell you that the studied population
was eating too much grain and sugar.
. this study basically says that
foods with more omega-6 oil were actually helpful
in a group tending to abuse carb's.
. while omega-6 (linoleic acid) may have problems,
a major source of it is nuts and seeds:
a great source of fiber and B vitamins.
. but as for linoleic acid reducing risk of mortality,
can you really get health benefits from
guzzling corn or soy oil?
. also they found palmitoleic acid was bad
whereas that is sold as a health food;
likely they were measuring levels of meat
rather than healthy sources like macadamia nuts.
. this was a study of types of oils found in blood;
that might not be directly related to oils in diet,
due to conversions.


only 2.7% of #usa is #healthy #weight #diet #exercise

4.7: 2.7% of usa is healthy weight diet exercise:
5.24: summary:
. the study found that most usa citizens are unhealthy;
90% failed due to being overweight.
. 15% of the overweight ones were seen as
both following the official usa diet,
and getting enough exercise.
. the official usa diet may be the problem:
there is no upper limit on grains;
in 2005 there was no limit on refined grains.
. the expected activity level is
150 min/wk (22min per day) of moderate-intensity
or 75 min/wk of vigorous-intensity physical activity
spread out over at least 4 days out of 10.


grape seed extract for treating edema seed extract:
2016.5.11: summary:
. review of 2015 cook and med notes
about grape seed extract for treating edema.
I had edema in feet for 2.5 months,
then it was much reduced after 2 weeks of
quadruple dosing of grape seed extract.