Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judaism. Show all posts


Israel's key to the Promised land no longer fits?

12.19: pol/purges/zionism/
Israel's key to the Promised land no longer fits?:

. the original purpose of the Promised land

was to have G-d followers replace G-d rejectors or idolaters,

but today's Judaism is trying to replace the godly muslims,

who tried to bring globalized religion

from the idolatry of Christianity deifying Jesus

closer to what Judaism was practicing.


the meaning of Jesus moving a mountain into the sea

2023.11.18: relig/jc/the cursed fig tree/
god is in the heart not a mountain:

. in the story of the cursed fig tree

Jesus explains that you can do anything with your mind

if you have faith in yourself;

then he says you can even move a mountain into the sea.

[Mark 11:12-26]

. what is the significance of that?


the "woke" agenda from the Jewish perspective

2023.7.3: news.pol/purges/zionism/
the "woke" agenda from the Jewish perspective:

Charles Jacobson 2023 6/25:'s/Too_Jewish_2023-06-25.mp3

. the liberal agenda has been about equal opportunity for all;

whereas the "woke" agenda now in play

is about equal results:

if a race or culture is getting worse results,

that is proof they are getting oppressed by

the races or cultures that are getting good results.

. people of the Jewish culture have some of the best results

so among "woke" liberals 

the Jewish nation has lost its status as victims,

and are instead a big part of the oppression.

. actually, the main reason that

the Jewish nationals are seen as oppressors,

is for their support of zionism:

[ their being willing to wage an endless war

to maintain a Jewish state in Israel

at the expense of the Islamic state that existed there

for several hundred years.]

. authentic Judaism entails zionism,

so when liberals attack zionism,

they are being antisemitic.

. Charles Jacobson is a compiler and editor of 

"Betrayal: The Failure of American Jewish Leadership" [ad]

. see also David L. Bernstein, Natan Sharansky 2022:

Woke Antisemitism: How a Progressive Ideology Harms Jews [ad]


a note on "religious schizophrenia"

22.10.26: bk.relig/christian/
Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe`Prayer 101:

. this is a comment on the book:

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe`Prayer 101:[ad]

5-star/a note on "religious schizophrenia":


a christian comes to agree with Islam

2022.10.6: bk.relig/islam/Steven Colborne 2021-2022

Discovering the Qur'an

[as translated by Oxford World Classics

M.A.S. Abdel Haleem] [ad]

5-star/a christian comes to agree with Islam:


#Arizona is fighting about defunding public schools again

2022.9.18: web.pol/edu/vouchers/
#Arizona is fighting about defunding public schools again:

. with expanded vouchers, the newer public schools

may have trouble repaying construction bonds.

. other than that, vouchers could be good

for promotion of gun-resistant and mind-liberating 



the god of gods is the Lord of Armies

 2022.1.30: relig/judaism/the god of gods is the Lord of Armies:

. when I first heard of the god being referred to as

"Lord of armies",

I assumed it was just a way of saying

that we should fear the god because

it could call on foreign armies to invade us.

. but now I'm thinking it is related to

the reason the god is referred to as

the god of gods.


feasting, drinking, and getting stoned in ancient #Israel #judaism

2020.12.24..25: relig/judaism/

feasting, drinking, and getting stoned in ancient Israel:

. this is my commentary on:

biblical archaeology review 2020:

46#5; p52: Gluttony and Drunkenness in Ancient Israel

by Rebekah Welton.


Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz the Talmud in Hebrew

2020.8.16: news.relig/judaism/
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz`the Talmud in Hebrew:
. after Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz passed away,
Rabbi Sam Cohon of TooJewish radio
especially recommended 2 of his many books:
the reference guide to the Steinsaltz Talmud,
and his book about Kabbalah and Jewish mysticism:
A Discourse On The Essence Of Jewish Existence And Belief]
. he is best known for translating the Talmud
from Aramaic into Hebrew (Israel's language).
. Steinsaltz Talmud is the most accessible edition available
of the Talmud, the nearly 2,000-year-old, 
central text of the Jewish people. 
Translated from the Aramaic to modern Hebrew
(with editions in English, French & Russian), 
with explanations and commentary by one of the 
great Talmud scholars of all time, Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz.
from acute pneumonia at age 83.


the meaning of the Cain and Abel story

20.7.9: relig/judaism/the meaning of the Cain and Abel story:
. in the story of Cain and Abel
two brothers give gifts to their god;
but the god showed favoritism toward Abel's gift;
and then Cain feeling cheated by the god,
murdered his brother.
. coincidentally,
the preferred gift was that of raising meat,
rather than relying on plants which offer far less protein
and usually have anti-nutrients that require special processing.
. this story may have been a warning to
the elites who design our gods (the priestly caste)
not to create a god who causes injustices and hurt feelings:
we need a god that says our tribe is better than outsiders,
and within the tribe, each is equal to self.


the most important directive of the Torah

20.5.20: relig/judaism/
the most important directive of the Torah:

Reform Judaism Rabbi Josh Weinberg 2020.5.19:
"( “Proclaim liberty” (Leviticus 25:10)
is the most important directive of the Torah,
more basic than having one God
and more fundamental than ... even
loving one’s neighbor as one’s self.)
. the whole point of liberty
is that "free will" comes from the spirits;
the supernatural makes demands on us,
and it becomes very painful to ignore those demands;
both liberty and pleasing our god
mean the same thing:
following the will of the supernatural.
. even loving one’s neighbor as one's self
is concerned with
following the will of the supernatural
as it pressures us to protect similar beings
who follow the will of the same god.

. thus nothing is more basic than
Deuteronomy 6: 4-5:
4 Give ear, O [the prophet's people]:
{Adonai, Adonoi, The Lord(owner, master, guardian)}
our god is one: [ie, the god of gods:
the will of the supernatural
shall be the same for all of us:]
5 And our god Adonai is to be loved
with all your heart, soul, and strength.

. here is the meaning of that command:
the supernatural comes to us with a variety of ideas;
some of which are contradictory,
eg, the supernatural wants some to gain by cheating
only to want others to discourage cheaters.
. thus there are limits to liberty,
as the god cannot have
what the god later regrets;
therefore, knowing the god is one,
that we all hear the same god,
and not a cacophony that would bedevil us,
is more basic than liberty.

. on the other hand,
if your people and my people
cannot agree on the same god;
truly then, nothing is more important than
liberty to love our own god and not yours.

. but what about world peace?
therefore, we should design our god of gods
to meet only the most basic needs
to require the fewest loss of liberty.
but can we really agree?
. some assume abortion saves a child from
the abuse of subconsciously feeling resented;
while others assume such euthanasia is murder.
. some feel abortion saves the world,
as it is the only way of reducing population
and building wealth that helps with peace.

. the 3rd alternative, by the god I promote,
is to communalize child production
and vote on how many children a person can have.
. each commune can have their own vote
(I join where they let the entertainers and scientists
do 80% of our breeding!)
but there are limits to the poverty of a commune:
a commune that is spending more on unemployment
than on education, needs to demand that
the commune as a whole has fewer children.
. if a commune has trouble with compliance,
they need to start restricting the men involved
rather than euthanizing their children.
. we can afford a few mistakes
without making the kids feel resented,
because we are all coming together to
finance and babysit the commune's children.
. communes don't need to share a house;
but sharing childcare is easier if you live nearby;
they only need to share a newsletter.
. but this also means that parenting is allowed
only if some commune agrees to adopt you;
a parenting club with enough members
to cover the costs of unemployment.

. it's true, isn't it?
nothing is more important than liberty;
not even the care of the children.
give us liberty from liberty.

The Mystery of the Shemitah:
The 3,000-Year-Old Mystery  That Holds the Secret
 of America's Future, the World's Future,
and Your Future! 2014 
Jonathan Cahn


intuition, probabilities, paranoia, and serially attracted to abusers

20.5.12: psy/schiz/intuition, probabilities, paranoia,
and serially attracted to abusers:
. is intuition something we need to trust?
I explore what intuition has in common with
paranoid schizophrenia,
and being serially attracted to abusers.


#easter #goodnews the spirits influence our minds!

20.3.21: relig/judaism/psy/schiz/the spirits influence our minds:
3.23..24: summary:
. according to Jewish biblical authors
(including the first Jesus followers)
spirits, demons, angels, or the national god
-- with a mind of their own --
are influencing your dreams and thoughts;
suggesting that the mind is more like a
radio receiver than a computer,
exchanging data with supernatural stations.
. I list some examples of this from bible,
and review the scientific evidence that supports it.


Genesis explains why human are without an os baculum

Genesis explains why human are without os baculum:
Megan Sauter February 18, 2020:
Ziony Zevit 2015 claims
The Biblical text says that Eve
was created from Adam’s tsela‘.
Although tsela‘ has traditionally been translated as “rib,”
Zevit argues that it is better translated as os baculum.
. "os baculum" is a bone used for penis erections,
in all primates except humans;
so Genesis might be a myth about
why humans don't have an erection bone,
just as it is a myth about other mysteries,
such as why childbirth is painful
and everyone has to die.


our fight is not with humans but with spirits

2019.12.4: relig/christian/
our fight is not with humans but with spirits:
. the current divisions between usa's political parties
(Repub's as christian or traditional;
and, the Dem's as liberal or modernist)
reminded me our primary fight is
not between countries (eg, usa vs Russia),
or democracies vs dictatorships,
but between the various spirits
that support opposing moral positions;
eg, the biblical vs anti-biblical,
or the modernist vs traditionalist.
. the bible of the early church
has some related verses.


how could Abraham's ram get trapped in a thicket? the way of the Azazel

3.2: relig/judaism/
how could Abraham's ram get trapped in a thicket? the way of the Azazel:
Genesis 22:13
And lifting up his eyes, Abraham saw a sheep
fixed by its horns in the brushwood:
and Abraham took the sheep and
made a burned offering of it in place of his son.
[YESHAYAH(Isaiah) 53:8]

. how could a ram get its horn caught in the bushes?
notice the ritual of the scapegoat
in which a goat is pushed over a cliff;
that is how a ram could get its horns
into but not out of a thicket.


prophets don't need to be perfect

2017.12.14: 2018.7.31: relig/liberal/
prophets don't need to be perfect:
. all prophets have moments of inspiration
that may be the word from the god
but they are also influenced like the rest of us
by the devil(god of this world)
and personal or national opinions.


#nationalism goyim, heathen, pagan, gentile, gentility

2017.11.19: pol/purges/nationalism/
goyim, heathen, pagan, gentile, gentility
2018.4.16: summary:
. this is a review of all the terms
that religious nationalists will apply to
those of other religions or classes.
. notice the same root word gent-
can have opposite connotations:
gentiles are lowly, outside your nation;
but gentility refers to nobility
more international than national.
. the "Jus Gentium" (latin: law of nations)
was defined as "the law that
natural reason establishes among all mankind
and is followed by all peoples alike."
. pagan means a civilian, non-combatant:
not a "christian soldier" globalizing Bible law.


#Chinese calendar similarities to #Judaism

1.1: web.relig/judaism/Chinese calendar:
. the Chinese calendar has some
similarities to the Jewish calendar:
it is lunisolar, with some holidays on
the 15th (full moon),
eg, the Lantern Festival
is on Chinese calendar's 1.15.
eg, Mid-Autumn Moon Festival (month 8)
[In 2018 it's on September 24th.]
eg, Ghost festival (month 7).
[2018 date August 25]
. but the Chinese year starts differently,
with the new moon near the midpoint
between winter solstice[12.21]
and spring equinox[3.20]
--or the new moon between 1.21 and 2.20
. and the day starts at midnight not sundown.


menstrual synchrony supports #telepathy

news.psy/parapsy/telepathy/menstrual synchrony:
10.28: 12.9: summary:
. menstrual synchrony refers to
the ability of women who live together
to align their menstrual periods
implying they would have to reset
the duration of their period.
. snopes calls it unproven.
. see list of all the conflicting studies
concerning Menstrual_synchrony.
. one problem with this theory
is that no physical communication
such as human pheromones
have been found to explain it,
thereby leading to the idea
that it involves being influenced by
a collective subconscious,
and if that exists,
it would support the idea of telepathy
which is considered a "bizarre delusion";
ie, there is widespread suppression
of even good telepathy evidence.
[ Rupert Sheldrake`telephone telepathy]
. see Rupert Sheldrake`The Extended Mind.
. the suppression of telepathy evidence
is part of both establishment atheism,
and biblical laws against remote-viewing
and other uses of the collective subcon'mind.