
the meaning of Jesus moving a mountain into the sea

2023.11.18: relig/jc/the cursed fig tree/
god is in the heart not a mountain:

. in the story of the cursed fig tree

Jesus explains that you can do anything with your mind

if you have faith in yourself;

then he says you can even move a mountain into the sea.

[Mark 11:12-26]

. what is the significance of that?

. he also said that if you lead the children astray,

it would be better that you were moved into the sea

and drowned. [Matthew 18:6]

. Jesus meets a woman whose people(Samaritans)

parted from Jesus' people (Judeans)

because they couldn't agree on which mountain the god resides in.

. Jesus, trying to unite their peoples,

said that the god is not in this or that mountain 

but in our hearts. [John 4:19-24]

. when he said he could drown a mountain

he may have been referring to the destructive delusion

that their god resided in a certain location.

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