21.1.25: web.cook/ph/
find new supplier of progesterone with minimal additives:
. progesterone is both a male and female hormone,
but many versions of it are targeted at women,
and may contain estrogenic herbs that men don't want.
. my preferred retailers are amazon and iherb;
I chose Emerita Pro-Gest from iherb.
item I used got discontinued:
Bonvida 1g Progesterone in 60g Cream
purchased 2020.9.11 -- was using about 8mg per day.
other prostate health offerings:
fake news about progesterone:
woman claims Dr.Lee said you can't overdose on cream:
[5.12:. in at least one book by Dr.Lee, he warned about
how easy it was to over-dose on progesterone cream;
and that you had to consider that too much
could have the opposite effect.
Dr. Mercola has commented on Dr.Lee,
warning us that applying this to skin is not the best;
you should be applying it to a mucous membrane
(I've been using it nasally with good results).]
. the following list is sorted with
the first being the most preferred for men.