Showing posts with label HFCS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HFCS. Show all posts


the history of bee decline

11.30: summary:
. bees immune systems seem compromised
by both pesticides and by dietary changes
(HFCS replaces their honey).


new normal sugar doubles heart disease risk

7: normal sugar doubles heart disease risk:
. sugar has been shrugged off as merely fattening;
but, it can also lead to cardiovascular disease
as well as many other chronic diseases,
including diabetes mellitus,
liver cirrhosis[from fructose in sugar],
and dementia [from cholesterol raised by sugar]
— all linked to metabolic perturbations involving
dyslipidemia, hypertension, and insulin resistance .
. in the latest study (JAMA Internal Medicine, Feb 3),
added sugars were defined as
those used in processed or prepared foods,
including sugar-sweetened beverages,
packaged cereals and breads, etc;
but not those that occur naturally
in fruit and vegetables.
. sugar counted for at least 25% of the calories
among 10% of the group;
that group had a 2.75 times greater risk
of cardiovascular disease mortality
compared to an sugar intake of less than 10%.


#cancer grows in #fructose #HFCS #sweetsurprise

11.14: in fructose:
Cancer Res 2010:
. Synthesis of nucleic acids and nucleotides
is of utmost importance for proliferating tissues
and especially cancers.
. fructose's contribution to nucleic acid synthesis
is considerably greater than glucose;
and, cancer cells preferentially use fructose
via TKT-mediated metabolism
to synthesize additional nucleic acids
to facilitate increased proliferative capacity.
. previous studies have shown that
chronic fructose feeding in animals
leads to insulin resistance
and promotes in vivo growth,
as evidenced by increased organ weights
Additionally, in humans,
increased fructose consumption has been linked to
obesity, diabetes, and elevated uric acid levels,
the latter in keeping with our
in vitro metabolomic studies showing
increased fructose-directed nucleic acid synthesis
[ Metabolism. 1982, J Nutr. 1985].
We have recently shown 2.5-fold higher
serum fructose levels in pancreatic cancer patients
compared with healthy subjects;
furthermore, in healthy volunteers,
serum fructose level rose rapidly following
ingestion of a liquid fructose and glucose load,
and in contrast to glucose
that quickly returned to fasting levels,
serum fructose remained elevated for >2 hours,
suggesting that circulating human fructose levels
are unregulated in comparison with the
exquisite regulation of blood glucose  [ Pancreas 2009 ].


Dr.Sears`zone diet 1997 reviewed #hormonics

11.10..12, 16; 12.21..23:
health/hormonics/Dr.Sears`zone diet

. this is a collection of notes for the book:
Barry Sears. zone-perfect meals in minutes.
HarperCollins Publishers (1997)
isbn 0-06-039241-X
. it includes notes from other sources
in order to full explain Dr.Sears' work;
and there are some updates for obsolete material .


#trehalose is not a #slowcarb !

12.1: health/hormonics/#trehalose is not a #slowcarb !:
. trehalose should be presented as
a healthy alternative to popular sugars
(which includes not only sucrose,
but also high-fructose corn syrup);
the reason it is a better sweetener
is not because it is digested more slowly
but because it has no fructose
-- and nothing could be healthier
than ending the use of high-dose fructose .
. it also has some other health benefits .

trehalose is hardly a #slowcarb:
. when compared to pure glucose
its raising of blood sugar levels
is 33% lower than pure glucose,
(isn't that an index of 66? -- like bread!)
and the extent to which it raises insulin
is only 14% lower than pure glucose
-- that is hardly in the zone!
. also keep in mind the risks of
genetically modified foods;
trehalose comes from maltodextrins;*
and "most maltodextrin is manufactured from corn"
and of course,
USA corn is mostly GM (genetically modified) .
. I'm not sure anything is wrong with GM sugar
but I can't be sure about the dangers of GM
because the science is corrupted by Big Money,
-- and by Big Religion:
we need to keep feeding a population
that won't stop growing !

yeast infections love trehalose:
. after tsp/4 trehalose before bed,
I woke up with an inflamed mouth
which I understand was a mild yeast infection,
since I'm quite prone to that .

. but that could happen on trehalose itself,
not just the breakdown into glucose,
since the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
can use trehalose as a carbon source for growth;
and, Candida albicans synthesizes Trehalose
in order to avoid stress-induced apoptosis,
so perhaps that yeast also can grow in trehalose .

. yeast is usually controlled by bacteria,
so I will mix the trehalose in my peas,
where I keep the probiotics .
. that will lower the glycemic index too!

* trehalose from maltodextrins:
"In 1994, two patents were issued by
Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratories Inc. (Okyama, Japan)
disclosing a novel non-reducing
saccharide forming enzyme
(maltooligosyl trehalose synthase,
MTSase; EC
and a trehalose releasing enzyme
(maltooligosyl trehalose trehalohydrolase,
MTHase; EC
obtainable from the culture of
microorganisms such as Rhizobiumsp. M-11
and Arthrobacter sp. Q 36 ...
The first enzyme acts on reducing maltodextrins
having a polymerisation degree (DP) higher than three
and catalyses the conversion of the α-1,4 linkage
at the reducing end to an α-1,1,
the second enzyme specifically acts on
the α-1,4 linkage adjacent to the α-1,1
liberating trehalose and a
lower molecular weight maltooligosaccharide
[ an oligosaccharide derived from glucose monomers
linked as in maltose;
maltose is converted to glucose by maltase.]
The enzymatic synthesis of trehalose
is currently obtained using the
MTSase and the MTHase described above
by Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratories Inc"


USA's pound-per-week hfcs = 8% diabetes rate

USA's pound-per-week hfcs = 8% diabetes rate:
High fructose consumption, higher diabetes:
. countries with lb-per-week hfcs diet
(high-fructose corn syrup)
had a diabetes rate of 8%,
which is only 1.3% higher than
countries not using hfcs .
Goran and Stanley Ulijaszek
of the University of Oxford
said of the 42 countries studied,
USA rate is 55 pounds per year;
Hungary: 47 lb per year.
. other high rates of hfcs include
Canada, South Korea, Japan and Mexico
Slovakia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Argentina,
. low-end hfcs users include:
Germany, Poland, Greece,
Portugal, Egypt, Finland and Serbia .
. amazingly, some regions still use
almost no hfcs! they include:
United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia,
France, Italy, Sweden, Denmark,
China, India, Uruguay.
Michael Goran, director of the
Childhood Obesity Research Center
and co-director of the
Diabetes and Obesity Research Institute
at the Keck School of Medicine at
University of Southern California .


who's economy? obama's or private parenting?

5.29: co.apt/pol/purges/reaganomic/
neolib's are not job creators:
. I am a neolib, and I'm just warning you,
if you think romney is about jobs,
both the repub's and the dem's are also neolibs
giving your jobs to the needy globally;
so, if you give them a tax break,
they are only giving more jobs to india and china .
. just remember, you're the 60% who actually
owns something in america besides a birth certificate
-- crappy commoners .
5.10: news.pol/purges/reaganomics/
it's obama's economy:

andy dean conservative radio:
. he has this subservient lesbian sidekick
who when asked what she thought of
obama's lackluster economy,
said she doesn't believe in the 99%
-- said a person's job prospects are
up to the individual;
so it doesn't matter what obama did .
. the 99% is hiding the elephant of overpopulation,
and that is indefensible;
but, why isn't an obama supporter like herself
pointing out that the economy has
nothing to do with the president?
. obama isn't even allowed to touch
the root cause of our unemployment
which is globalized capitalism
-- that is nothing less than the unstoppable
perfection of the american way!
. if you believe in capitalism at all,
you believe in eventual automation,
so you must believe in massive unemployment
-- inevitably!
so stop dreaming about economic expansion,
and think about the homeless you generate
breeding like you want to .

5.1: pol/purges/reaganomics/
family values is dictatorship just like communism:


ready for your sweet surprise?

5.14: co.fb#inst for respons' tech/health/
corn is not just bee killer:
What are your thoughts on this article?
GE corn & sick honey bees - what's the link?
| Pesticide Action Network
No farmer in their right mind wants to poison pollinators.
When I spoke with one Iowa corn farmer in January
and told him about the upcoming release of a Purdue study
confirming corn as a major
neonicotinoid exposure route for bees,
his face dropped with worn exasperation.
I'm  sorry bees were harmed by gmo corn,
but we need hfcs (
to drive up glucose consumption
for more diabetes, cancer, senility, and heart disease
in order to fast-track healthcare technology .

5.14: co.fb#a4m (American-Academy-of-Anti-Aging-Medicine-A4M)/
health/cost is not just insurance pigginess:
Soda's Not-So-Sweet Side |
Anti-Aging Tip of the Day | Anti-Aging News

More Americans now drink sugar-sweetened sodas,
sport drinks and fruit drinks daily,
and this increase in consumption
has led to greater incidences of
disease over the past decade
another reason to send jobs overseas:
we can't possibly afford sugar nation's healthcare .


link between alz and sugar may be cholesterol

 link between alz and sugar may be cholesterol:
4.13, 4.17: summary:
. when alzheimers was reported to be a clumping of protein
and related to diabetes,
I had assumed it was a glycation problem,
but here is evidence that cholesterol is implicated
by way of reducing leptin levels
which apparently is what prevents the formation of amyloid-β
and the occurrence of phosphorylated tau .
. the way it all ties together is that
cholesterol is elevated by sugary diet,
and a sugary diet is a leading cause of diabetes
(see the theory and results of an epi'study).


desert diabetics at risk of fungal infection #HFCS #hormonics

4.2: at risk
of deadly, desert fungal infection:
. the Mayo clinic (in az's Phoenix suburbs)
has released a report of an invasive fungus,
Basidiobolus ranarum,
that is partial to deserts (Arizona and Saudi Arabia);
and, it grows tumor-like masses around the intestines;
but it's very rare, because it prefers diabetics,
other metabolic disorders, or the immune compromised .
. a systemic fungal infection that is partial to deserts?
that reminds of valley fever .
. I got very sore knees from valley fever in Tucson
after tilling the ground during the fungal infection's
favorite growth period: after a long-needed rain .
. Basidiobolus ranarum starts from ingesting the feces
of some animal whose intenstines usually contain it .
. the CDC had no clues as to how the very few victims
could have possibly ingested feces,
but they may not be aware of the desert's
ferocious dust storms:
they can dig deep for fresh feces,
and fling it into a breathing mouth or nose .


fructose | Chlorella is an antidote

Sun Chlorella Granules 3 grams 100 PacketsNOW Foods Chlorella 1000mg, 120 Tablets7.24: is an antidote:

. Chlorella is a nutritious
fresh water algae,
popular in Japan and Taiwan
that may reduce Insulin resistance
when used daily in several meals .
. the #1 cause of insulin resistance
is excessive fructose consumption,
according to Dr.Mercola,
referring to the modern diet high in
added fructose+glucose sweeteners .
. a rats-on-fructose-diet study showed
that chlorella undid some of the fructose's
insulin resistance .


safe-carb's Dr.Lustig

7.26: health/zone/safe-carb's Dr.Lustig

reincarnation of saint Atkins found!

. the spirit of Dr.atkins
was the same as Jesus Christ:
going against the established culture
to make big improvements for even the least of us .
The Great Cholesterol Con: The Truth About What Really Causes Heart Disease and How to Avoid It. his particular achievement was to reveal
that, contrary to conventional medical advice,
a high fat diet was actually
safer for your heart than a
low-fat, normal-carb diet;
-- at least when you were
obese and insulin resistant --
because, among the insulin resistant
there is carb intolerance,
so that what seems like normal carb intake
is actually perpetuating
insulin resistance and high insulin
Why We Get Fat: And What to Do About It-- by far the highest risk factors
for heart disease;
he also revealed that for those who were
highly insulin resistant,
a zero-carb diet was essential to
getting back your insulin sensitivity,
and getting back into fat-burning mode .


born-again conservative with Congressman Aaron Schock

5.10: news.pol/born-again conservative with
Congressman Aaron Schock:
Men's Health magazine/The Ripped Representative
America's Fittest Congressman:
The Aaron Schock Workout & Summer Challenge


what's cooking, doc?

1.17: belt is frying poly'fats:
HSI - Jenny Thompson
HSI e-Alert - Southern fried Jan 17, 2011 at 5:07 AM

. within the states between the stroke belt
the risk of stroke seems higher for southeastern states
between Arkansas and the Carolinas;
this was curious because they eat plenty of fish
known for reducing strokes;
but an Emory University analysis of 21,000 usa diets
found that their fish is mostly fried,
at high heat, in oil rich in polyunsaturates,
or trans fats .
. another study showed fried fish is
increasing risk of heart attack and earlier death .

Problem #1: AGE's from high-heated poly'fats;
Mount Sinai School of Medicine 2009
compared normal food with an "AGE-less" diet
where foods were slow-cooked with plenty of moisture,
such as steaming or poaching.
. inflammatory markers (such as C-reactive protein)
were reduced while vascular function improved.

Problem #2: Trans fatty acids:
. people still use partially hydrogenated oils
or other sources of trans fatty acids;
even small daily amounts raise cardiovascular risks .

Problem #3: acrylamide from hot battered meat:
. most dietary acrylamide is formed by the
Maillard reaction:
when aspargine and reducing sugars
are heated above 100C° (212F).
brown-frying is temp > 170 °C (338 °F);
golden-frying reduces acrylamide formation:
145 to 170 °C (293 to 338 °F)
. typical sources of acrylamide are
coffee (54% of intake),
fried potatoes (12% of intake),
and toast (9% of intake).

food-browning can happen at low temperatures:
. fruit is dried at around 70C°(158F);
dark dried whole pears and prunes
contain surprising amounts of acrylamide .

. acrylamide (acrylic amide) is a potent neurotoxin,
and can also cause nausea, sweating,
urinary incontinence, myalgia[muscle pain],
speech disorders, numbness, paresthesia[tingling],
and weakened legs and hands.

. the body can break down acrylamide for fuel
via the citric acid cycle or
gluconeogenesis [liver-produced glucose];
but, along the way
this process can result in high levels of
the excitotoxic neurotransmitter aspartate .

. this is done with L-asparaginase
which removes an ammonium to form
the excitotoxic neurotransmitter aspartate;
A transaminase then converts the aspartate
to oxaloacetate .

. acrylamide is produced by any browning reaction
between a very common protein
(asparagine = aspartate + ammonia)
and a reducing sugar (glucose or fructose)
or a reactive carbonyl (aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acid and esters).
. nearly any whole food with sugars
will also contain asparagine
unless L-asparaginase is added to break it down
into excitotoxic aspartate.

. the modern diet is rich in reducing sugars:
most popular sweeteners include them,
and should not be used in cooking .
# Honey is 38.2% Fructose, 31.3% Glucose;
# inverted sugar syrup is 50% glucose 50% fructose .

. table sugar (sucrose = glucose + fructose)
doesn't form acrylamide until there is
sufficient processing to break sucrose's binding
into separate molecules of glucose and fructose .
. in the usa, subsidized HFCS has replaced sucrose .

. High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
starts out as corn starch (glucose chains)
enzymatically degraded to glucose,
and converted to varying fractions of fructose .
HFCS 42 (for foods) is 42% fructose and 53% glucose.
HFCS 55 (for soft drinks) is 55% fructose, 42% glucose;
-- usually HFCS 42 + HFCS-90, 90% fructose, 10% glucose .

L-asparaginase can be used in cooking
to reduce levels acrylamide;
but, 10% of dietary acrylamide is not caused by asparagine;
so, breaking that down with L-asparaginase wouldn't always;
avoid baking powder (ammonium hydrogencarbonate, NH4HCO3, E 503)
as it promotes much more acrylamide formation
than Baking soda (sodium hydrogencarbonate, NaHCO3, E501).

glycidamide formation:
links to cancer:
. acrylamide is metabolised in the liver
into the reactive epoxide, glycidamide .
. this epoxide forms DNA adducts,
ie, causing mutagenicity by adding things to DNA .

. glycidamide can also be directly formed in food
from high-temperature reactions between
acrylamide and poly'fats
but, most of the diet's glycidamide load
is from metabolizing acrylamide .

Advanced Glycation End-products (AGEs):
Foods with significant browning, caramelization,
cooking done at temperatures above 120°C (248°F),
the use cooking oils high in polyunsaturates
as opposed to monounsaturates (olive oil, almond oil, ...)
will result in Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs).

Food manufacturers for the last 50 years
have added many AGEs to foods,
as flavor enhancers and colorants .
. foods with very high AGEs include:
donuts, cake, barbecued meats,
and dark colored soda pop.
. AGEs are also made naturally by the body
when excessive sugar is consumed
or when insulin resistance has developed .

Glycation is unintended chemistry between
saccaride derivatives (glucose, alpha-oxoaldehydes, ...)
and biochemistry (protein, phospholipids, guanyl nucleotides);
-- Glycation is also called non-enzymatic glycosylation;
ie, the intended chemistry is called glycosylation
and that depends on control by enzymes .

3-Deoxyglucosone (3DG)
3DG rapidly reacts with protein amino groups
to form AGEs such as imidazolone, pyrraline,
N6-(carboxymethyl)lysine and pentosidine.

. 3DG as well as AGEs play a role in the
modification and cross-linking of long-lived proteins
such as crystallin and collagen,
contributing to inflammation and aging diseases,
and the vascular complications of diabetes:
atherosclerosis, hypertension, Alzheimer’s disease,
and retinal circulation issues leading to blindness .