Showing posts with label supernatural. Show all posts
Showing posts with label supernatural. Show all posts


intuition, probabilities, paranoia, and serially attracted to abusers

20.5.12: psy/schiz/intuition, probabilities, paranoia,
and serially attracted to abusers:
. is intuition something we need to trust?
I explore what intuition has in common with
paranoid schizophrenia,
and being serially attracted to abusers.


#Asperger's syndrome --what is a mental illness? @1a

9.27: psy/Asperger's syndrome/what is a mental illness?:
. an adamant correction by @1a's Joshua Johnson
had me retorting:
how is Asperger's syndrome (autism spectrum disorder)
not a mental illness?


#science how to get more #natives involved

9.6: news.psy/science/how to get more natives involved:
. on @scifri radio they featured how to
get more natives involved in science.
. First Native Americans are
making up only 0.2% of usa's
STEM[sci tech eng math] workforce
in 2014, despite being
2% of the total population.


prophets don't need to be perfect

2017.12.14: 2018.7.31: relig/liberal/
prophets don't need to be perfect:
. all prophets have moments of inspiration
that may be the word from the god
but they are also influenced like the rest of us
by the devil(god of this world)
and personal or national opinions.


theory of #evolution renamed biological diversity

5.29: news.pol/edu/biol/
theory of evolution renamed biological diversity:
Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction
Diane Douglas, has a good point;
in the theory of evolution,
we assume that the point of genetic mutation
is to evolve, when in fact
it could be something else like
adapting without necessarily evolving,
or simply to promote diversity.
. obviously some life is highly evolved
so Douglas's wording reminds the student
if random changes do not imply evolution
what does cause it?
. science has no answer for this,
except to say that
no matter how complex the design
it is not impossible
that completely random changes
could have produced the evolution.
. science has no way of disproving
that the genetic changes are not random;
except to remind us
that any alternative theories
involve unpleasant ideas that cause paranoia:
# being genetically modified by aliens;
# having our "randomness" influenced by
an intelligent supernatural entity.
. have you seen our wacky "big bang" theory?
the establishment couldn't care less
about the public knowing how we got here.


the fundamental theory of #Judaism #passover

4.9: 4.10: relig/judaism/the fundamental theory of Judaism:
. passover is about fulfillment of the god's promise
to use Egypt to build the blessed nation,
not about a savior for the enslaved.


#Jesus will dethrown the Devil influencing our thoughts?

8.27: co.apt/relig/
Jesus will dethrown the Devil influencing our thoughts:
. some Jehovah's Witnesses are inviting me
to read their pamphlet;
it responds to those who would ask:
why believe in god?;
well, the existence of the god is obvious to me:
I noticed from "mental illness" [telepathy]
that thoughts come from the supernatural;
from the devil or the god -- hard to tell the diff because
good can lead to bad, and bad to good;
and the bible says the devil can tempt us;
so I figured we are really fooled:
actually, all our thoughts are influenced by the supernatural.
. the man agreed: just look at the world;
his wife gave me a tract to address that concern:


Rupert Sheldrake The Extended Mind

8.5: web.psy/Rupert Sheldrake/The Extended Mind:
GoogleTechTalks`Rupert Sheldrake`
The Extended Mind[the mind beyond the brain]:
Recent Experimental Evidence
Rupert Sheldrake at GoogleTechTalks!
(partial transcript [and comments])


Dr. Morehouse annoyed at remote viewing 9-11

2.14: news.pol/911truther
/Dr. David Morehouse annoyed at remote viewing 9-11:
. remote viewing is the use of prayer
to get private info about events .
. last year the big news in remote viewing
is's exposure of the 9/11 event
as a conspiracy among usa's own government,
but they contradicted the evidence showing
the trade tower dustification was from
a classified beam weapon technology
rather than some clean nuclear bomb .
. a magazine about remote viewing, Eight Martinis,
interviewed Dr. David Morehouse
and he was not excited about remote viewing
because he wasn't into conspiracy theories!
. he was likely thinking like me
what difference does a conspiracy theory make
if it doesn't expose the biggest story:
9/11 was evidence of directed free energy technology .

remote viewing and the Law of Attraction

2.14: news.psy/parapsy/remote viewing and the Law of Attraction:
. this is my first exposure to EightMartinis,
a magazine about a parapsychology method
that gets private information supernaturally
by basically praying to know something .
. those who practice it often also meditate
and that is a key to the Law of Attraction
(the secret to influencing people).
. some people seem possessed after remote viewing
becoming obsessed with discomforting thoughts
suggesting that "dabbling in the supernatural"
may increase risk of psychosis or obsessions .


Shinto torii

1.26: web.relig/shinto/torii:
. there are several styles of torii  [see pict]
(shinmei torii, mihashira torii, ...);
what they all have in common
is providing a door frame to walk under,
. sometimes there is some brief fencing,
but instead of the gates going parallel with the frame,
they are parallel with the door's path,
reminding of the handrails for a creek bridge .
. the purpose of the gate is to
suggest you are leaving our world
and entering the spirit world
where the Shinto shrines are meant to be at .
. often a wooden red torii
marks the entrance to the shrine grounds,
then a stone torii marks the actual shrine area.
[ 2010]


#schizophrenia as god-mediated caste control?

8.24: 12.31: psy/schiz/god-mediated caste control?:
. a common time to become schiz'ic
is when transitioning to another social level,
such as trying to enter a major in college,
quitting substance abuse upon growing up,
moving from lower to the upper class,
or even from childhood to adolescence .
. schiz'ia is caused by the Holy spirit
intervening as a spiritual father
teaching one how to be totally honest
by revealing secrets through telepathy .
. the Holy spirit may organize a caste system
and give loyalty to the upper castes
in order to maintain some plan;
but schiz'ia doesn't hit every upward social move?
maybe some know what they are doing
(pledging allegiance to a group)
or they are highly sought
for the position they are entering ?
... but more likely it's as simple as
when moving to a new social position
you might not be aware telepathy exists,
and as you move, your subcon'mind realizes
other subcon'minds don't approve of
the secrets or attitudes you're holding;
ie, the key to not showing "delusions of telepathy"
is to have been basically loyal to
the caste or social group you are entering,
or to have been of sufficient emotional intelligence
so as to not warrant any fathering interventions
by the Holy spirit .


happy #Hanukkah #dream

12.16: co.self/dream/relig/pro-life/happy #Hanukkah #dream:
[ this dream happened on the first day of Hanukkah
(but 16 hours before the start of it)]
. I was telling some teens that abortion is seen as murder,
and I feared that one murder can lead to
a chain reaction of more murders even within a family .
. one teen thought my motivation was purely religious:
she whispered in my ear "happy Hanukkah"
so I tried to present me as non-religious by saying:
oh, I'm not Jewish, but family is .
. in the next scene, as I walked alone,
I thought about the abortion debate more:


anti-christ war 3.23

pol/purges/wwIII/anti-christ war 3.23:
. march 23rd was said to be significant 
"Celestial Sign could mark the beginning of the end"
and so I gathered some news for that day .


the symbolism of quick-cooked meat

6: psy/the symbolism of quick-cooked meat:
. quick-cooked meat is burnt on the outside,
but still raw on the inside,
and could be a vector of parasites or pathogens .
. this is similar to born-again* syndrome
where someone has been raised by whims
and then at the last moment saw the light
and quickly adopted a culture
that others trained years for
leaving reflexes that are still untamed,
so there is a problem of serving 2 masters:
the born-again wants to be nice,
but in a world of telepathy,
it's not enough to hide rude thoughts;
rather, to really have a nice meet,
we need to be enculturated much earlier
so that diplomacy is subconscious,
not pairs of infantile thoughts
being revised by parenting thoughts .
. even with good intentions,
those who are quick-cooked may find
they have a lot of rough edges
that make them difficult to be around .
. if someone serves you quick-cooked meat,
and you get worms in your brain;
you might want to ask yourself:
where has that brain really been? ;) .


Dr.Rupert Sheldrake`extended mind

17: summary:
. I'm interested in parapsychology
in pursuit of theories of supernature;
this helps us to understand the phenomena
that formed religions and theories of god .
. I recently found Dr. Sheldrake's intro .


how much proof does a good gambler need?

10: co.apt/relig/god/how much proof does a good gambler need?:
. if you can see any proof of supernature,
and that it is interacting with our mind,
then the simplest theory explaining that is:
there is one supernatural intelligence
and it has full control of mind .
. the god could use this control to
give us roles in a game or long-term plan .
. if you look at parapsychology
as contributing to a proof of supernature
you can see there is considerable debate
about its scientific validity;
but if you are good gambler,
you have to ask yourself:
do I want all my money on one theory?
if there is a god giving guidance to all,
and thus there really are no secrets,
then I could be vulnerable,
so in the slim chance that there are no secrets,
how do I want to defend myself?
should I have nothing to hide,
or should I have layers of security and weapons
to protect me from people knowing my secrets ?
. if you assume that god is
trying to use us in a game,
you can then have a more conscious choice
about what role you finally play in that game,
and are less likely to be played the fool .


teachers DMT & schizophrenia

13: news.psy/Jan Kounen`Other Worlds (Ayahuasca):
. my notes from watching
Jan Kounen`Other Worlds (Ayahuasca).

. Ayahuasca is a herbal form of DMT
which can totally separate the mind from body;
the body is a refuge:
a truly free mind can be in hell
just as easily as in heaven;
but the body is there to arbitrate
to mercifully limit experience .


dawn in Aquarian's World

12.20: web.relig/aquarian/myan calender:
. when is the mayan calender changing?
it's friday, 12.21, [why did I think 23?];
the ancient Mayans’ long-count calendar
ends at midnight Thursday,
. archaeologists have uncovered Mayan glyphs
that refer to dates far, far beyond 2012;
an age change happens every 5,125-years .

. our understanding of the mayan calender
may be off by two years:
some think Mayan's new age started in 2010 .
. when is the actual dawning of
the age of aquarius? [2000 or 2600 ...]
are the Mayans referring to this?
[ yes and no ... ].


Genesis sync's with Dream Theory

10.22: relig/bible/Genesis creation narrative/sync's with Dream Theory:
. the genesis story's trees of life and knowledge
appears to be aware of
the same creation story that is told by
Dream Theory and the Perfection Plan .
. the story starts with the humans
getting into trouble with the Tree of Knowledge,
and that part is getting the spotlight,
but it is these 2 trees together
  -- Knowledge and Life --  that are
 the central theme of creation:
this universe could not have existed
unless it was capable of creating
the indefinite experience .

. the main reason we can't all see g-d,
is that g-d couldn't create every experience
if there weren't blind people walking into holes .

. ... and the Truth shall set you free ...
-- Jesus Christ .

12.30: summary:
. Genesis reminded me of the Dream Theory;
because, treeing Life represents
the ability to define experiences;
while treeing Knowledge represents
the evolution of technology
and the remembering of history
so that it wasn't repeated .
. without wars the technology would not grow;
and when the sun fizzled out,
the Tree of Life would have to start over
on a new planet from a new god-seed .
. to protect the Tree of Life from restarts,
the god needs to grow our Tree of Knowledge
to get us surviving off the planet;
but we would rather be peaceful farmers
rather than torturous or bored scientists;
so,  the god controls our emotions
for getting us to burn each other;
and, then the burned ones find preventives,
-- and everything else along the way .
. any way life tried for finding peace
the rotating sword of the god's emotion controls
would cut down those rational ways .