Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts


the most important directive of the Torah

20.5.20: relig/judaism/
the most important directive of the Torah:

Reform Judaism Rabbi Josh Weinberg 2020.5.19:
"( “Proclaim liberty” (Leviticus 25:10)
is the most important directive of the Torah,
more basic than having one God
and more fundamental than ... even
loving one’s neighbor as one’s self.)
. the whole point of liberty
is that "free will" comes from the spirits;
the supernatural makes demands on us,
and it becomes very painful to ignore those demands;
both liberty and pleasing our god
mean the same thing:
following the will of the supernatural.
. even loving one’s neighbor as one's self
is concerned with
following the will of the supernatural
as it pressures us to protect similar beings
who follow the will of the same god.

. thus nothing is more basic than
Deuteronomy 6: 4-5:
4 Give ear, O [the prophet's people]:
{Adonai, Adonoi, The Lord(owner, master, guardian)}
our god is one: [ie, the god of gods:
the will of the supernatural
shall be the same for all of us:]
5 And our god Adonai is to be loved
with all your heart, soul, and strength.

. here is the meaning of that command:
the supernatural comes to us with a variety of ideas;
some of which are contradictory,
eg, the supernatural wants some to gain by cheating
only to want others to discourage cheaters.
. thus there are limits to liberty,
as the god cannot have
what the god later regrets;
therefore, knowing the god is one,
that we all hear the same god,
and not a cacophony that would bedevil us,
is more basic than liberty.

. on the other hand,
if your people and my people
cannot agree on the same god;
truly then, nothing is more important than
liberty to love our own god and not yours.

. but what about world peace?
therefore, we should design our god of gods
to meet only the most basic needs
to require the fewest loss of liberty.
but can we really agree?
. some assume abortion saves a child from
the abuse of subconsciously feeling resented;
while others assume such euthanasia is murder.
. some feel abortion saves the world,
as it is the only way of reducing population
and building wealth that helps with peace.

. the 3rd alternative, by the god I promote,
is to communalize child production
and vote on how many children a person can have.
. each commune can have their own vote
(I join where they let the entertainers and scientists
do 80% of our breeding!)
but there are limits to the poverty of a commune:
a commune that is spending more on unemployment
than on education, needs to demand that
the commune as a whole has fewer children.
. if a commune has trouble with compliance,
they need to start restricting the men involved
rather than euthanizing their children.
. we can afford a few mistakes
without making the kids feel resented,
because we are all coming together to
finance and babysit the commune's children.
. communes don't need to share a house;
but sharing childcare is easier if you live nearby;
they only need to share a newsletter.
. but this also means that parenting is allowed
only if some commune agrees to adopt you;
a parenting club with enough members
to cover the costs of unemployment.

. it's true, isn't it?
nothing is more important than liberty;
not even the care of the children.
give us liberty from liberty.

The Mystery of the Shemitah:
The 3,000-Year-Old Mystery  That Holds the Secret
 of America's Future, the World's Future,
and Your Future! 2014 
Jonathan Cahn


lobbyism -- rep's for virtual states and cities

pol/representation/lobbyism -- rep's for virtual states:
. representatives should be more of a lobbyist,
representing my group's particular interests
rather than the interests of
the group I'm geographically with;
the key to proper representation
is moving to a virtual city
where everyone thinks like you
and your wishes are not nullified
by an opposing majority.
. so, how to find your lobbyist?
learn the issues;
locate your position in multi-dimensional issue space,
place your issues into essential vs nice-to-have categories;
computer shows space of group you're in
and shows larger groups you are close to but not exact match;
the larger your group the more votes your rep has;
eg, for every 1000 people in your virtual city,
your virtual city's rep gets 1 vote.


Putin on election interference

Putin on election interference:
. usa admits to interfering with Russian elections
but says they have a right to because
they are spreading democracy;
is that civilized?
... the chaos [of using media for propaganda]
is not the result of any interference
but of usa's own political system:
the internal struggle, the disorder, the division ...
[it's caused by democracy that tries to
unify nationalists with globalists,
and liberals with religious conservatives.]


cultural appropriation @IngrahamAngle on @FoxNews

5.2: pol/free speech/cultural appropriation:
@IngrahamAngle on @FoxNews tv:
. you can say I feel like the other sex today,
so I will just dress like the other sex,
and use their bathroom too;
but if you feel chinese,
and say I will dress like the Chinese today,
that's hateful cultural appropriation.


#nationalism goyim, heathen, pagan, gentile, gentility

2017.11.19: pol/purges/nationalism/
goyim, heathen, pagan, gentile, gentility
2018.4.16: summary:
. this is a review of all the terms
that religious nationalists will apply to
those of other religions or classes.
. notice the same root word gent-
can have opposite connotations:
gentiles are lowly, outside your nation;
but gentility refers to nobility
more international than national.
. the "Jus Gentium" (latin: law of nations)
was defined as "the law that
natural reason establishes among all mankind
and is followed by all peoples alike."
. pagan means a civilian, non-combatant:
not a "christian soldier" globalizing Bible law.


"g-d" as the voice of community survival

1.29: relig/god/the voice of community survival:
. when we say of a work, "god said that",
or "god had the prophets or the son say that"
we mean that work supports a plan that is
in the best interest of your community or the world,
or something your common sense will agree with
given you are sufficiently educated
to think about the spirit of the law .
. otherwise, how do we know god's voice
when there can be false prophets?


#Jesus #privacy vs #knowlege #the_truth_will_set_ you_free

10.25, 11.2: relig/jc/the truth will set you free:
. when Jesus said "the truth will set you free"
he was talking about the truth about
what the god wants from us;
knowing that will set us free from sin
(being addicted to behaviors that harm us,
or that set us apart from the god,
giving us bad luck in war and competitions).
. is it generally true that truth is freedom?
there are 2 schools of thought:


#freemasonry vs #Catholicism

5.24: Catholicism
Mark R. Dillon says:
"A chapter on how the College of Cardinals
of the Roman Catholic Church
is really a coven of satan-worshippers
without documentation?!? ...
The Catholic Church is the foremost
defender and propagator of the gospel in the world.
It is also the foremost opponent of
freemasonry from its beginnings.
Know your allies."
my reply:
. I think that was supposed to imply that the
freemasons are the satan-worshippers in this line-up,
but let's be clear:
the catholics are styled as globalist dictators
-- when not defeated by a plague of liberals --
whereas the freemasons are the States' Rights party,
asking only that you believe in one god,
without worrying about whether he has children
or who his prophets are .


4/13 usa'architect Jefferson b'day

pim/calendar/4/13 usa'architect Jefferson b'day

Jefferson was a Free* American Founding Father,
the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776)
and the third President of the United States (1801–1809).
He was a spokesman for democracy and the rights of man
. the first United States Secretary of State (1790–1793)
serving under President George Washington.
In opposition to Alexander Hamilton's Federalism,
Jefferson and his close friend, James Madison,
organized the Democratic-Republican Party,
and subsequently resigned from Washington's cabinet.
*: [ there are at least 2 "Americans":
the Latinos (latin is the language of Catholics)
and the Free-thinkers (deists, Freemasons).]


you have 2 choices to make #wwIII #globalization #nationalism #catholicism

10: pol/purges/wwIII/you have 2 choices to make:
. wwIII is obviously going to happen
as usa defends zionists in Israel,
while Russia defends Arab regimes against
being undermined by usa's cia,
which in turn means that Russia is defending "terrorism"
(anti-zionist guerrilla warfare operations
punishing usa and Israel).

. in the bigger picture, the purpose of WWIII
is to decide who will be the global leader
of the modern world:
will it be usa's brand of democracy
and attention to human rights ?
or will it be something from russia
promoting orthodox christian views
as they rally against bible-sex deviants ?


Marches for the various Truths on 9-11

American Muslim PAC`March for Truth:
20: context:
. one big stumbling block for Dr.Wood
as she communicates 9/11 was an inside job,
is seeming to imply that USA culpability
somehow washes away the guilt
of years of anti-zionist violence .
--[30: correction:
Dr.Wood has been very careful not to assert
any particular theories of who did what;
she only points out that there is evidence
that strongly suggests the use of beam weapons .
. it is a stretch to say she
communicates 9/11 was an inside job;
logical people seeing evidence of
directed energy weapons (DEW)
will tend to have intuition communicating to them
-- without Dr.Wood's intention --
that 9/11 was an inside job
( who else but USA insiders could do this
if a hijacked plane could not?! )
so, lets reword that:
. one big stumbling block for Dr.Wood
as her proof of DEW seems to imply
that 9/11 was an inside job,
is that the next logical question is:
ok, if USA's secret military did this
to motivate a war against anti-zionists
-- Islamic radical terrorism --
then is this war really justified ?
oh, and by the way,
anti-zionism is the new communism:
it could be dangerous to your career
to not support Israel under Zionism .
. if you think Islam is all about peace,
what do you think Israel is all about ?
. when Jews mass-migrated to the Holy land
backed by so many arrogant Christians,
-- especially the Nazis --
the Muslims who were being invaded
didn't just call their lawyers,
or in any way sue the United Nations
for giving Muslim lands over to the Jews;
no, Muslims think they are the new real Jews
and they won't be bought off:
they are not letting go of Israel
without a bloody fight to the end .
. and,
that is what the 911neocons were telling us
when they did that inside job on 9/11 .
. I want Christians and Muslims to apologize
for pushing the Jews in and out of Israel;
I'm not marching with either of them
-- Christians or Muslims --
for any cause related to either
9/11, terrorism, or the zionism war .
. why have a march against fear
when there is still so much to fear?
the Christians and Muslims are pawns
as the USA and Russia are conspiring
to launch the WWIII Shock & Awe
that ushers in a One World Government .


Einstein prepping for Israel PR 1955

4.19: news.pol/zionism/Einstein prepping for Israel PR 1955:
4.20: summary:
. this reviews Israel-USA history around 1955,
when Israel was working with Einstein
to give a nationally televised speech
celebrating Israel's Independence day .
. Einstein's main motivation for embracing Israel
was worrying about post-WWI German Jewish refugees;
he hoped Israel could absorb them;
and so, he hoped that Palestinians could
coexist peacefully with those in need;
but he didn't appear to have been familiar with
the same Bible used by fundamentalist Judaism
which glorifies the conquering of Palestine
with no thought to the democratic values
that Einstein so hoped for .
. however, I did like his idea for peace:
start with a strong federal presence,
and gradually relax it as individual communities
were better able to govern (and defend) themselves .
. I didn't see how a USA-style democracy could work;
but, I could see an Israel with a variety of religions,
as long as each town could determine its own religion,
and Jewish settlers didn't try to take
what the Palestinians were already established in
(there was plenty of desert to live in
and plenty of sun to drive desalination efforts).


the big reset #WWIII #WMD #BalancedBudget

1.3: pol/purges/wwIII/
911neocons use ritual to announce USA annihilation #wwIII:

. I'm suspicious that the 911neocons
used the ritual killing of new yorkers on 9/11
as a holy warrior-calling incantation
declaring they had every intention of starting wwIII
in order to both
bring this Islam-vs-Crusader irritation to a head,
and to deal with the debt crisis
caused by an over-reaching democracy in USA:

. when leaders offered social security & medicare,
medical was pretty useless and inexpensive;
now, we can cure anything for the right price
-- and each person is equal, and worth that price .
. if that alone wasn't enough to sink us economically,
look at how much there is to cure:
high-dose sugar (available from nearly-free HFCS)
is now known to cause an devastatingly expensive
alzeheimers and diabetes epidemic .
. finally,
USA's christianoid democracy has the expectation of
not being asked to help with suicide;
even when so many prefer The Good Death .

. the elite can erase these mistakes
with a wwIII that annihilates medical services .

. but the problem isn't just medical:
the universal religion is overpopulation
and that has created a significant inflation; [13.2.21:
actually the cause of real estate inflation
is how rich we are, ie, how many dollars
are chasing after the limited amount of prized lands
-- too bad we're not all equally rich!
nevertheless, population size does inflate many prices
like the cost of food and water .]
. democracy demands that we continue
both the allowance of overpopulation
and the raising of entitlements to match inflation .

Iran's WMD's aren't in Iran #WWIII #crusades2000 @geraldcelente

1.2: news.pol/purges/wwIII/
Iran's WMD's aren't in Iran #WWIII #crusades2000 @geraldcelente:
1.3: making the connection:
. communism could have an empathy for Iran
because of USA's use of economic blockaids
to force Iran's people into a democratic uprising:
if you tried that on China,
that would be an act of war .
1.28: re-eval'ing my threat model:
. N.korea just said it's going to test a nuke on us?
I am reminded that my latest paper is
so sure Iran is the heat;
but some think Iran's image is a total frame job
(it's been contested that Iran threatened Israel).
. and furthermore, why do I believe
Nostradamus predictions about Iran?
other Nostradamus predictions seemed true
according to those who knew how to read ambiguity?
why would g-d send a warning?
... well, why not, right? but the point is,
why are we sure this is g-d's warning ?
well, we are in a lot of heat with Iran
and have been abusing them for 50years, arf.
and they are growing up, ...


EMP bomb could throw USA into stone age #WWIII #zombie #apocalypse

1.8: pol/purges/wwIII/emp
2.1: summary:
. here is the military's report on EMP threats,
where a single nuke miles above USA
creates a magnetic wave so powerful,
that the currents it induces in wires
will fry all our computers except military,
and could erase all data on hard drives .
. history has shown that when the power goes out
the crime wave is proportional to the outage's extent .
. we could be eaten alive by the mobs
before our enemies even set foot on our space .
. the worst part is our utter reliance on electricity
for pumping our water and fuel .
. without water and sanitation,
we will quickly be visited by epidemic disease .


New Israel -- preventing #WWIII

. could we, in the USA,
humbly offer the Jews of the world
a chance to all be peacefully Zionist
with some ocean-side national park land
to call their own,
for an everlasting, sovereign New Israel
away from Islam's center of mass?


#Catholic gloriously right and fatally wrong

12.8: relig/christian#catholic/gloriously right and fatally wrong:
. the Catholics were both gloriously right
and fatally wrong:
they knew that the planet was doomed unless
we coordinated under one loving govt(papacy),
but their strategy for motivation
was to claim their authority came from
Jesus being The Son of God
which then inspired the equally successful
militant Islam counter-christian revolution;
thereby ensuring
they could never claim the crown
even after 2000 years of demon-amusing war .
. another mistake of the same kind
produced the schism that resulted in protestantism;
again, the idea is that if we want a rule4all,
we need a very lightweight doctrine
that can give local variants room to breath .
. on the other hand,
the true, covert purpose of religion or gov,
has been to provoke the wars
that promote the evolution of tech
that ensures our eternal survival after Sun death .
. in this regard,
Catholicism has been a stunning success .


#9-11 #holocaust #denial pushback @PBS

news.pol/purges/controlled demolition/
Experts Speak Out against usa gov on PBS 2012.9.11:
Sep 3, 2012  "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"
"9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"
is getting public attention and
casting doubt on the scientific validity of
the U.S. government's investigation
into the WTC tragedy.
PBS is the first major network to air the program.
Just days away from the 11th anniversary
of the World Trade Center tragedy
and months away from the U.S. presidential election,
a game-changing 9/11 documentary
is ranking number three among
"most watched" documentaries on PBS
and number one among "most shared."
. see similar:
. books from professionals refuting USA gov reports .
11.20: Dr.Wood interviewed 
by OneStepBeyond`Theo Chalmers:
(title: Nov 15, 2011 Directed Energy Technology)


obama #2012 #vote

10.30: summary:
. this is a collection of my reactions to
news about Obama, the presidential race,
or obamacare .


witches, queers, and schiz', oh my!

6.1: co.apt/med/psychiatry/corrupted by mobocracy:
. our forefathers thought that you could tell a witch
by their being undrownable;
if they died, you killed an innocent
-- but that was justifiable collateral damage
in the war on witches!
. modern psychiatry until the 70's
had diagnosed homosexuality as mental disorder;
because it was indeed causing mental disorders
to many around them,
but politically you couldn't say most people are
mentally ill on exposure to homosexuality,
so they simply cheated the queers .
. the opportunistic mainstream gov's
or their tools of control, like psychiatry,
were caught lying about witches and queers,
and they are still lying about schizophrenics: