Showing posts with label christianity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label christianity. Show all posts


Israel's key to the Promised land no longer fits?

12.19: pol/purges/zionism/
Israel's key to the Promised land no longer fits?:

. the original purpose of the Promised land

was to have G-d followers replace G-d rejectors or idolaters,

but today's Judaism is trying to replace the godly muslims,

who tried to bring globalized religion

from the idolatry of Christianity deifying Jesus

closer to what Judaism was practicing.


a note on "religious schizophrenia"

22.10.26: bk.relig/christian/
Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe`Prayer 101:

. this is a comment on the book:

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe`Prayer 101:[ad]

5-star/a note on "religious schizophrenia":


Jump-Start Your Career by theology master Chris Fontanella 2022

minister Chris Fontanella 2022`Jump-Start Your Career:

. this is a brief review of the book:

Chris Fontanella 2022`Jump-Start Your Career: 

Ten Tips to Get You Going[ad]

. help shape who you are as a person, 

which in turn can shape your career.

5-star/a minister at heart:


About a hidden Garden by Werner Langer 2022

2022.10.21: bk.psy/schiz/
Werner Langer 2022`About a hidden Garden

. this a commentary on the book:

Werner Langer 2022`About a hidden Garden[ad]

4-stars/thoughts from both the god and self (#schizophrenia):


John Allen 2022 Life After This --a common delusion

 2022.10.17: bk.psy/schiz/John Allen 2022`Life After This:

. this is a commentary on the book by John Allen 2022

Life After This: 9 Chapters: 

History Shows We Have Contacted the Deceased and You Can Do It, Too[ad]

4-stars/a common delusion:


Christian evangelism from a systemic relational therapist

2022.10.10: bk.relig/christian/
Christian evangelism from a systemic relational therapist:

Theressa McMorris 2022.7

Kingdom Blueprint: Cultivating an Intimate Relationship with God

5-star/best suited to Christians 

but interesting systemic relational therapist:


parenting with Mark J Musser

22.10.8: bk.psy/parenting/Mark J Musser 2014:

. a commentary on the book:

How to Raise Kids that Follow Christ Not Culture: 

10 Ways to Help Your Children Honor God, Stand for Truth, and Impact the World

Mark J Musser 2014[ad]

5-star/a good overview of effective parenting:


a christian comes to agree with Islam

2022.10.6: bk.relig/islam/Steven Colborne 2021-2022

Discovering the Qur'an

[as translated by Oxford World Classics

M.A.S. Abdel Haleem] [ad]

5-star/a christian comes to agree with Islam:


#Arizona is fighting about defunding public schools again

2022.9.18: web.pol/edu/vouchers/
#Arizona is fighting about defunding public schools again:

. with expanded vouchers, the newer public schools

may have trouble repaying construction bonds.

. other than that, vouchers could be good

for promotion of gun-resistant and mind-liberating 



is suicide rejected because we deserve to suffer?

2022.3.28: news.relig/christian/
is suicide rejected because we deserve to suffer?:

. a Tucson public radio story about dying,

said the nurses in a place of dying

will often hear "life review" stories

that are triggered when they ask a visitor:

"you know the dying better than anyone,

are they in need?" 

. when the reporter mentioned that

life review stories can be dark,

I imagined the spouse of the dying basically hinting 

that the dying deserved this medical suffering.

. we are told that suicide is killing,

and the god has a commandment against killing,

but actually the rule is about suffering:

you are allowed to kill if it will 

increase the suffering of the judged,

but not if it will end the suffering of the innocent.

. but are the terminally sick really innocent

in the eyes of the god?

. how many deadly medical conditions are due to 

ignorance of what is healthy,

or willful carelessness, or gluttony?


or you could see the god cares for us:

. how are we supposed to learn from medical research

unless the sick are pushed into experiments

rather than be allowed to euthanize their suffering?

. banning suicide is not about deserving to suffer,

but deserving knowledge and empowerment.


Merry Mother's day!

2021.5.9: relig/christian/Merry Mother's day!:

. my mother's name is Mary,

and she often writes a smiley face

in the M of her name.

. she gave out this picture of sunflowers,

so I turned it into a mother's day card for her.


intuition, probabilities, paranoia, and serially attracted to abusers

20.5.12: psy/schiz/intuition, probabilities, paranoia,
and serially attracted to abusers:
. is intuition something we need to trust?
I explore what intuition has in common with
paranoid schizophrenia,
and being serially attracted to abusers.


#easter #goodnews the spirits influence our minds!

20.3.21: relig/judaism/psy/schiz/the spirits influence our minds:
3.23..24: summary:
. according to Jewish biblical authors
(including the first Jesus followers)
spirits, demons, angels, or the national god
-- with a mind of their own --
are influencing your dreams and thoughts;
suggesting that the mind is more like a
radio receiver than a computer,
exchanging data with supernatural stations.
. I list some examples of this from bible,
and review the scientific evidence that supports it.


our fight is not with humans but with spirits

2019.12.4: relig/christian/
our fight is not with humans but with spirits:
. the current divisions between usa's political parties
(Repub's as christian or traditional;
and, the Dem's as liberal or modernist)
reminded me our primary fight is
not between countries (eg, usa vs Russia),
or democracies vs dictatorships,
but between the various spirits
that support opposing moral positions;
eg, the biblical vs anti-biblical,
or the modernist vs traditionalist.
. the bible of the early church
has some related verses.


#christian proof our #god does not hate #queers

9.5: relig/christian/proof our god does not hate queers:
. Rush Limbaugh on the radio reminds us
people who believe in the god
don't worry about global warming;
because, this place was made for us,
so, how could it be so easily destroyed
by such things as cow belching?
. also, I couldn't find it in his transcript
but I thought he said something
that seemed similar to the idea
that the god of the entire universe
hates unrepentant queers;
has Rush any idea
just how queer nature really is?


one taken while the other close by remained

web.relig/christian/one taken while the other close by remained:
11.12: summary:
. the christian bible talks about
the coming day of judgment,
when people working close together
and even family members
will be separated by the judgment.
. when Jesus said "Whoever is not with me is against me":
he meant you cannot have no opinion of Jesus
when family is against him.


prophets don't need to be perfect

2017.12.14: 2018.7.31: relig/liberal/
prophets don't need to be perfect:
. all prophets have moments of inspiration
that may be the word from the god
but they are also influenced like the rest of us
by the devil(god of this world)
and personal or national opinions.


#nationalism goyim, heathen, pagan, gentile, gentility

2017.11.19: pol/purges/nationalism/
goyim, heathen, pagan, gentile, gentility
2018.4.16: summary:
. this is a review of all the terms
that religious nationalists will apply to
those of other religions or classes.
. notice the same root word gent-
can have opposite connotations:
gentiles are lowly, outside your nation;
but gentility refers to nobility
more international than national.
. the "Jus Gentium" (latin: law of nations)
was defined as "the law that
natural reason establishes among all mankind
and is followed by all peoples alike."
. pagan means a civilian, non-combatant:
not a "christian soldier" globalizing Bible law.


menstrual synchrony supports #telepathy

news.psy/parapsy/telepathy/menstrual synchrony:
10.28: 12.9: summary:
. menstrual synchrony refers to
the ability of women who live together
to align their menstrual periods
implying they would have to reset
the duration of their period.
. snopes calls it unproven.
. see list of all the conflicting studies
concerning Menstrual_synchrony.
. one problem with this theory
is that no physical communication
such as human pheromones
have been found to explain it,
thereby leading to the idea
that it involves being influenced by
a collective subconscious,
and if that exists,
it would support the idea of telepathy
which is considered a "bizarre delusion";
ie, there is widespread suppression
of even good telepathy evidence.
[ Rupert Sheldrake`telephone telepathy]
. see Rupert Sheldrake`The Extended Mind.
. the suppression of telepathy evidence
is part of both establishment atheism,
and biblical laws against remote-viewing
and other uses of the collective subcon'mind.


#Hanukkah Jonathan Cahn`haNOOka

12.4: tv.relig/judaism/Hanukkah/
Jonathan Cahn`haNOOka:
Jonathan Cahn (NOVEMBER 29, 2017)`
Hanukkah foreshadows the Antichrist
. he says Hanukkah is about rising up
to protect your culture from
being eaten by a One World Order,
and he wants us to fight back
against modern liberal values.
. Cahn is supporting Christianity
but he is a also a good source of
Jewish culture.