12.15: news.
iraq war is ending, and a real war is just beginning:
. NPR was asking the public how they felt
about the usa officially pulling out of iraq today .
. a marine who was one of the first to be
stationed at iraq's sea port, said,
"( what struck me about my job, is that
I had to replace some iraqi guy
who really
did want to work
-- who
wanted to care for his family ).
. no doubt that iraqi guy was already doing
a perfectly good job at defending that port!
(but the way the marine said it, at first made you assume
that usa hadn't had to take the port;
they just had to keep it secure,
and they could have just managed over the current crew,
but they didn't know how to trust them
(how do you care for your family, really,
when terrorists know you help the other side?))
. those guys
wanted to work,
he poetically repeated in several places .
. wow, wasn't that the proverbial
"(your economy is just perfect now;
how do
you feel? )!
. this call had at least 2 interesting surprises:
first I was reminded of #OccuppyWallStreet
who were said to be expecting a "(handout) for college;
because, here was a caller representing troops coming home;
and, you know, today's troops are often tomorrow's police
-- the same police having to face #ows protesters .
. then I was reminded that many marines
will be in similar job-hunting curcumstances
-- really
wanting some sort of work
after they finish our war tour .
[. and not happy with just a handout .]
. well, trustables who want to work;
so, where will those jobs be?
. being trustworthy only works when you are
willing to pay people for what that trust is worth;
so, the jobs are going to people who
don't need to be trusted!
-- they're overseas, living in caves,
and can't possibly #OccupyWallStreet .
. the last idea from this call
came from the Carter admin':
at that time the military was angry with democrats
for telling the military to take a pay cut
(forgo inflation compensation)
yet the dem's still had plenty of fed money for what?
rolling out to welfare
-- for guys who
didn't want to work,
weren't conscerned about caring for their family .
[ie, the men were shadows to single welfare mom's .]