Showing posts with label omega-3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label omega-3. Show all posts


skinless chicken has an omega-6 load similar to a single yolk

skinless chicken has an omega-6 load similar to a single yolk:

. an egg's worth of arachidonic omega-6

will prevent fish oil from causing bleeding disorders,

but too much may increase clotting disorders,

and contribute to inflammation.

. skinless chicken has an omega-6 load 

similar to a single yolk:


chronic illness increased after oils of soy, grain, and seeds added to diet

 2022.3.9: health/diet/omega-6/

chronic illness increased after oils of soy, grain, and seeds added to diet:

Dr. Chris Knobbe warns us that we are wrong about

omega-6 oil being healthy at higher doses.

AncestryFoundation 2021

Omega-6 Apocalypse 2 (AHS21)

Catherine Shanahan M.D. 2018: [ad]

Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food. 


fish oil reduces risk except for angina patients

22.1.2:  2.8:
/fish oil reduces risk except for angina patients:

Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Feb

Effect of Omega-3 Dosage on Cardiovascular Outcomes: 

An Updated Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression of Interventional Trials.

Aldo A Bernasconi, et al.


"People should consider the benefits of omega-3 supplements,

at doses of 1000 to 2000 mg per day

-- far higher than what is typical, 

even among people who regularly eat fish."


high fat vs high carb diet improves omega-3 vs 6 ratio?

 21.2.19: co.reddit/
high fat vs high carb diet improves omega-3 vs 6 ratio?:

. even when the diet's omega-6/omega-3 ratios are nearly the same,

the High fat diet group had a lower omega-6/omega-3 ratio

than the High carb diet group. 


krill oil brands with 3rd party testing

 21.1.28: web.cook/krill/brands with 3rd party testing:

[5.12: summary:

. some say the best thing about krill oil

is that it provides phospholipids,

but you could get that from lecithin;

what is great about krill oil,

is having a phospholipid combined with fish oil,

instead of some lesser-needed oil.

. when buying oils from seafood,

quality may benefit from 3rd party testing.

I tried chewing the IKOS-tested Sports Research

and was amazed at how fishy and weird it tastes;

meanwhile, MegaRed has no 3rd-party testing

but it has a pleasant taste; nevertheless, 

I would still prefer IKOS-tested products.]

IKOS® Sports Research, 400mg phospholipids* 60/subscribe $25.46

--warned about deliveries keep happening after unsubscribe.

same from iherb/$31.15

IKOS® vivanaturals Antarctic Krill Oil 575mg phospholipids * 30/$25.15


olive oil's high-polyphenol sources

20.3.30: oil/high polyphenol sources:
3.30: summary:
. health claims for olive oil
depend on the level of polyphenols,
which could be extracted from your olive oil,
unless your brand makes specific claims
involving 3rd-party testing,
or is billing itself as a polyphenol extract of olives.
. my favorite product is a fish oil with
polyphenol extracts added to prevent fish odor.


dose of selenium depends on mercury-binding losses

2019.8.26: health/diet/selenium/mercury-binding losses:
2020.1.7: summary:
. selenium (se) is an essential mineral
but it binds to mercury,
and there is a lot of mercury in some foods
especially since the industrial age,
(and some fillings release mercury;
and some flu vaccines may contain mercury).
so some may need more se than others,
ie, you may need more than is recommended.
. some lakes are low in se,
but the ocean has plenty of it,
so most ocean fish have more se than mercury,
however, even if ocean fish are not a
mercury hazard, they still have carcinogenic
endocrine disruptors such as PCB, and dioxins.
. in addition to using sardines for se,
(also omega-3 oils, and plenty of minerals)
I get se from Se-Methyl L-Selenocysteine
since it may have additional benefits
before being degraded into elemental selenium
that can bind mercury and be used in proteins.


a doctor's path to reversing artery plaque from insulin resistance

19.12.2: doctor's path to 
reversing artery plaque from insulin resistance:
Ford Brewer MD MPH Apr 18, 2017
How I Reversed 20 years of Arterial Plaque: 
Heart Attack Proofing?
. ACE inhibitors, like statins,
are designed for one thing
{lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol}
but they are actually most helpful because
they are reducing inflammation.
. he reduced high-glycemic carbs,
[noted in the captioning]
and because that lowers insulin
which improves blood lipids and pressure,
he was able to lower his dose of medications;
. he also used niacin, and ate salmon every day.


arrythmia better or worse from low iron?

19.11.25: med/heart/afib/
arrythmia better or worse from low iron?
. an elder who visited the doctor for afib
(atrial fibrillation or arrythmia)
was told that one aggravating factor was that
her ovo-vegetarianism had resulted in low iron
and that she needed to take iron supplements.
. I was surprised to hear this,
because it was previously believed that
higher iron levels involved oxidative stress
and men were being encouraged to give blood
in order to keep their iron low.
[Amer J Epi 1998]
. however, ...


how #vegan diets are more prone to bleeding

9.6: health/diet/how vegans are more prone to bleeding:
9.10: summary:
. vegans seem more prone to bleeding;
Sears's zone diet research suggests
that there is greater risk of bleeding
when taking high-dose fish oil,
because the omega-3 oil EPA
greatly exceeds the balancing effects of
arachidonic acid (AA) omega-6 oil.
. it is quite likely that the converse is true,
those with very low levels of AA,
are going to have a bloody EPA/AA ratio
even if their EPA is not high.
. one of the richest sources of AA is egg yolk,
and AA may be why a 2018 study showed
Chinese eating one yolk daily can
reduce their risk of bleeding death.
. a great vegan source for both protein
and the omega-6 that may be converted to AA,
is chickpeas (1.1g omega-6 per 100g);
of course, nuts and seeds
are the richest source of omega-6
other than processed oils.
. chia seeds and walnuts are balanced:
chia: 5.8g omega-6, 17.5g omega-3.
walnuts: 38g omega-6, 9g omega-3;
walnuts are rich in polyphenols too.


consumer reports`safe fish`safe fish:
19.2.3: sun
consumerreports 2017:
In the new [gov] guidelines, fish are grouped into
"best choices," "good choices," and "fish to avoid,"
based on their mercury levels.
And the agencies set limits for the amount of fish to eat
from the best and good choices groups,
advising 2*4 ... 3*4 ounce servings per week
of the best choices
or one weekly 4-ounce serving of the good choices.
(For children ages 4 to 7, the serving sizes are 2 ounces.)
cr advice:
Lowest-mercury fish:
salmon (wild and Alaska, canned or fresh),
oysters, scallops, shrimp, squid, and tilapia.
A 132-pound woman can safely eat up to
36 ounces per week; [5oz per day]
a 44-pound child can safely eat up to 18 ounces. [2.5oz per day]

oysters are good for omega-3? compare:
474mg omega-3 per oz pacific sardine.
414mg omega-3 per oz atlantic sardine.
356mg omega-3 per oz salmon, red, canned, (Alaska Native)
188mg omega-3 per oz oysters.


#dementia more risk from diet soda than from sugared soda?

more risk from diet soda than from sugared soda?:
the week.mag may 12, p21:
washington post:
boston univ`Matthew Pase:
. a 10 year study* resulted in few cases of dementia
but those who did get it, were more likely to have
used diet soda not sugared soda.
*[Stroke. 2017]


naturopath Frank Cooper early warning about Interesterified fats

Frank Cooper (Naturopathic Nutritionist based in Australia):
I was impressed that when Interesterified fats
were raising alarm bells in 2009,
Frank Cooper warned about them a year earlier;
I wondered what he is doing now,
and he seems to have lost web presence in 2013.


early #AMD reversal with high-dose fish oil #med #blindness

2.12: med/amd/fisho
2.13: summary:
. AMD is a major source of blindness;
studies show that in its early stages,
it can be reversed with fish oil;
and that a key marker of healing
is there being nearly as much EPA
as the body has of AA;
fish oil supplements vary in EPA;
eg, le caps have 0.35g of EPA;
along with EPA from fish oil,
you also need to lower AA levels:
keep insulin low (avoid grains and sugars);
limit omega-6 oils and most of all
be wary of AA in fatty animal products,
especially eggs and chicken.
if you get all your fish oil from fish meat
you also get some AA along with
dioxins, PCB's and mercury].
. AMD reversal was indicated by
the ability to read more letters
on a chart with increasingly smaller letters:
8 more letters at aa/epa ratio of 2-2.7;
[from perhaps 4 le caps per day]
15 letters at aa/epa ratio of 1.1-1.6
[from perhaps 8-12 le caps].
. the study applied the oil in 2 doses.
. rancid fish oil can do more harm than good
so it's important to pick a brand
that is 3rd-party tested for low rancidity
and also has powerful antioxidants
such as rosemary or olive extract.
. when taking high-dose fish oil
you should add more antioxidants,
and also ensure you get some GLA
that is blocked by high-dose DHA
(oats are a source of GLA).


@sproutsfm #sardines with no added salt or BPA #review

11.28: news.cook/fish/
@sproutsfm #sardines with no added salt or BPA #review:
. Sprouts has a good selection of organics;
they stock Certified Humane pastured eggs;
and I will be using their brand of sardines.
. today I tried the Sprouts sardines
with no added salt or BPA.
. if the daily sodium should be
the usa Daily Value (2400 mg per day);
and you don't get sodium from other sources,
then you can eat 9 cans of Sprouts sardines
compared with 5 cans of typical sardines.
. for a sardine with no added salt
I was surprised at how salty Sprouts tasted
(what are they actually doing in Morocco?);
anyway, salt is not really evil:
those with hypertension really need
less sugars (glucose and fructose)
and more greens.


canned sardines have B vitamins #health

5.22: sardines have B vitamins:
. canned sardines, despite being cooked,
still have some b'vitamins:
very good source of b12,
but only 9% of daily b6.


boxed wine and canned sardines #health

/boxed wine and canned sardines:

. boxed wine and canned sardines
are some of my favorite products
but are they a source of endocrine disruptors,
being exposed to plastics? not to worry:
the endocrine disruptors are even in our water;
there is no way to escape from them.


genetics, arachidonic acid, and EPA

microalgae oil not a good source EPA:
. great this video informs the public
that some may need to use L-methyltetrahydrofolate
to keep homocysteine levels in check.
. this video is associated with this whitepaper:
it says "If you’re vegetarian,
one other thing you might consider looking into is
microalgae oil since it has EPA & DHA
without having to be converted from ALA."
-- Dr.Sears claimed one problem with microalgae oil
is that it conains only DHA and not EPA;
and that the body's conversion of DHA to EPA
was not a great source of EPA either;
this is why non-fisheaters can't get
medicinal quantities of EPA without absurd levels of ALA.
. checking one source of microalgae oil
we find it contains only trace amounts of EPA.
. good to know about rs174537 being related to
the level of arachidonic acid levels;
Dr.Sears says high levels of that
should be medicated with high-dose EPA.


omega-3 medicinal effects

10.21: effects:
12.27: summary:
. fish oil has long-chained omega-3
that is very valuable for reducing disease;
you can make some yourself with
plant-based omega-3, but not much.
. plant-based omega-3 was not helpful for
reducing the risk of circulation disorders
yet one study showed it reduced the risk of
macular degeneration.
. some studies showed that supplements did not help
reduce risk of cerebrovascular disease,
only a diet of whole fish helped.
. one study showed high-dose supplements
did help with macular degeneration,
while another study showed that
low dose supplements did not help.
. fish is a source of mercury, PCB's and dioxins;
fish oil supplements that are 3rd-party tested
may help with heart disease, cancer,
arthritis, macular degeneration
and mental illness.


pregnancy brain

9.29: brain:
"pregnancy brain" is loss of memory
or some sort of cognitive loss
that has not been detected by controlled studies,
yet there is solid indirect evidence.
. pregnancy causes insulin resistance,
and this causes the brain to use less fuel
which then results in less brain function
similar to what happens during Alzheimers.
. other sources of cognitive loss during pregnancy
include problems with sleep, and
having to reduce IQ-raising caffeine.
. magnesium enhances insulin sensitivity
(dark green leafies are the richest source).
. even though fish oil doesn't improve insulin sensitivity
it does enhance memory in some
and there is an FDA-approved form: Lovaza
(undistilled fish normally have too much mercury
for use during pregnancy).
Europe sells prescription R-lipoic acid that may help.