cancer#prostate/prevention factors:
. I was recently introduced to a fund drivefor awareness of prostate cancer .
. it wasn't clear to me how funds could cure cancer;
but the drive certainly does promote awareness;
and, awareness begets prevention ...
however, I was stumped by the question
"(what prevents prostate cancer?);
and, they weren't offering any clues,
so I directed my available resources at research .
. my first strategy for assessing prostate risk
is to look at several cultures with low risk;
the most significant result of that has been: [12.28:
# paleo is not easy:
. even if you could afford grass-fed, chances are
your fats are contaminated with xenoestrogens .]
# soy & grain not required:
. the controversial soy & grain plan
is not required for prostate care:
soy has been the apparent source of Japanese health
but has not been needed by the Inuit .
. moreover, soy confuses 2 preventive factors:
# weakly estrogenic Isoflavones,
# legume diet's hormone-balancing benefits:
the pro-biotic, soluble fiber,
and the fiber's drip-feeding of glucose & protein
all work to reduce prostate risk
(even peanuts benefit from being legumes!).
. other strategies include trying to integrate the teachings
of the Zone diet (an advanced paleo diet),
and cancer reports with battle strategies,
all of which have unique contributions to the war on cancer .