Showing posts with label graphics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label graphics. Show all posts


5 large moths replaced 5 preying mantises

2021.9.8: news.apt`wildlife/
5 large moths replaced 5 preying mantises:

. with the heavy amount of rain this year,

the night light is attracting a lot of small moths.

. 5 preying mantises were seen yesterday

apparently attracted by the moths;

and tonight (Sept 8) they were replaced by

5 huge moths, and only one mantis remains.


Merry Mother's day!

2021.5.9: relig/christian/Merry Mother's day!:

. my mother's name is Mary,

and she often writes a smiley face

in the M of her name.

. she gave out this picture of sunflowers,

so I turned it into a mother's day card for her.

2021-03-17 set 4/erasing a layer

 21.2.1: proj.cyb/ set 4/erasing a layer:

. after a base layer, I filled a 2nd layer

and then activated both erase and linedraw.

. the color fill didn't include the paper's texture

but painting on it brought the texture back.

(brush/wash/damp) made it look like a water color.

. used (blend/sponge blender) 

to make the erasure lines less crisp.

. added some more erasure shaped with (marker pen round)


happy birthday, mom!

first the god made the world
to hold our feelings,
then the god made humans
to appreciate our world;
and when I became fully human
I came to appreciate my mom
and the way she worked the garden of my life:
planting the seeds and pulling the weeds,
opening the light, and asking our god
for the attention a struggling life needs.
I'm thanking the god for this world,
these feelings, and my mom;
happy birthday 2020, mom!


Pima Air & Space and Titan Missile Museums

Pima Air & Space museum:
adjacent to DM Air Force Base
Titan Missile Museum:
This preserved Titan II missile site,
officially known as complex 571-7,
is all that remains of the 54 Titan II missile sites
that were on alert across the United States from 1963 to 1987.
the Titan II was capable of delivering a 9-megaton nuclear warhead
to targets more than 6300 miles (10,000 km) away in about 30 minutes.


graphics 2015

. these are the drawings I did during 2015;
done in colored pencils or pens.
. also a collage.