
mostly Everyday Techniques to Overcome Mental Health Struggles

 2023.10.4: bk.psy/schiz/
Bowman Digital Media 2023`Techniques to Overcome Mental Health Struggles 

. this is a book review of Bowman Digital Media 2023`

Everyday Techniques to Overcome Anxiety: 
and Mental Health Struggles
Max Kayes (Foreword), Ira Bowman, Janet Hogan, Dr.David Foster, Eric Rosen, Jim Lomot, Lisa Jones, Rick Loek, Shmiko Cole, Tim Bowman


4-star/mostly everyday techniques:

I had some experience with high anxiety

when I tried to withdraw from 

emotion-numbing "antipsychotics"

that are used for treating "delusions" of telepathy.

. I was amazed at the calming effects of picamilon

(which is a drug patented by Russia

and now banned by the usa since 2015)

that uses a niacin binder to get the relaxing neurotransmitter GABA

past the blood-brain barrier.

. I also had some success with melatonin

but that is very tiring when you need to work.

. this book is controversial because 

it supports the use of anti-anxiety medications

which can be unhealthy.

. it also has the usual advice to

meditate, breath, get more exercise,

and get a good diet,

but doesn't get specific about what a good diet entails.

. I noticed that some of the authors

are a bit on the heavy side

indicating that they likely have

a very glycemic diet that can cause cycles of

a relaxing sugar high followed by

an anxiety-causing adrenalin rise

when the insulin spike drives sugar too low.

. on the other hand, some of the authors

may have become overweight on medication,

especially if the anxiety was caused by

a mental condition requiring antipsychotics.

Dr. David Foster has an interesting chapter on

transforming abused children which are said to have

"over-aroused sympathetic freeze-flight-fight systems".

. while these children usually require "medication" 

in order to benefit from the "neurofeedback",

he has some advice you can use on yourself:

. identify "limiting beliefs" and replace them with

a "realistic empowering belief".

. get in an environment that feels good,

and try to recall traumatic memories

and then distract the resulting emotions

by focusing on what you are currently sensing.

Lisa Jones gets into "limiting beliefs"

in the chapter on "negative self-talk" 

which includes criticism, doubt, blame, 

pessimism, catastrophizing, and overgeneralization.

. be aware that they are negative 

and that they are choices.

. there is a fine line between 

your own thoughts being self-destructive

and thoughts coming from a destructive demon

which could be considered a schizophrenia

where the mind is split between self

and telepathy with a Satan or demonic Accuser.

. Jones recommends seeing a professional

simply because they can assist in

cognitive behavioral therapy

where you yourself are the source of negativity

and you need a positive mind to debate you.

. if the negativity is from demon telepathy,

your anxiety may be relieved by an antipsychotic

but those drugs are very unhealthy;

better that you get help from a religion.

. when we say that Jesus can heal everything,

we mean you can turn that demonic voice

into a healing Jesus who loves you

just by channeling Jesus instead of the devil;

but it's not just a christian thing,

that healing could come from any name:

you are asking the Spirit to change roles.

. if you agree your negative emotions

are coming from your own negative thoughts,

you may be motivated to become a liberated mind

and honestly debate yourself.

. Jones suggests that and also talks about

"the power of positive affirmations":

anything that is a subjective value judgment,

you can honestly tell yourself it is true,

and eventually you retrain your heart

to automatically be more positive.

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