
chatGPT-4 and William Search 2023 discuss Moral Compass theory

 2023.7.23: bk.cyb/ai/
William Search 2023`Moral Compass theory with chatGPT

"Conversations with chatGPT: 

Exploring the Theory of Morality and Existence" 

- 2nd Edition


5-star/this is a delicious topic and a great test of AI:

. this 2nd edition includes conversations with chatGPT-4

concerning the author's Moral Compass theory.

. the author quotes a prof who believes

humans are hard-wired for morality? [loc 951]

I believe that is only to promote group survival;

generally, living beings are hard-wired for

experience diversity:

in every measure of behavior,

there will be a few cases in the extremes of that behavior measure.

. the author believes [loc 154, 160]

the purpose of human existence is morality,

for without that, humans would have no sense of purpose.

. I disagree:

humans can have purpose the same way animals do:

the spirit or body puts a need or desire in your heart

and your purpose is to fill that need.

. your fundamental purpose is to follow your heart;

the fundamental purpose of the universe is to generate

an infinite variety of experiences

(consciousness, dreams, feelings).

. the author claims, in a world without morality,

people would feel free to do as they please,

regardless of the consequences,

leading to an inability to coexist peacefully. [loc 162]

. but that is exactly what we have:

an inability to coexist peacefully,

proving there is no morality generally,

and so that can't be the purpose of human life!

. how is the universe going to be free to

generate all the negative experiences

if everyone has morals?

. an AI is challenged by what our purpose is,

but agrees that morality is

"a fundamental aspect of our existence". [loc 167]

ai making sense here?:

"yearning for purpose and meaning

can be seen as evidence that

humans are intrinsically drawn to

the pursuit of morality." [loc 174]

. if A is evidence of B then A implies B, 

so does yearning for meaning

imply being drawn to morality?

AI is informing you that when people have talked about

the meaning of life, they have been concerned with

what is right and wrong.

. how could you be concerned about the meaning of life

and not be concerned about doing what is right,

making the god happy, 

or making the in-group happy?

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