
The Blind Girl Sees by Amber Needham 2022

 2023.7.18: bk.psy/schiz/Amber Needham 2022`The Blind Girl Sees:

Amber Needham 2022`The Blind Girl Sees


5-star/informative and inspiring:

. this book is about being a

born-again believer in a god that has 

angels talking to you when you need help.

. you can say the mind can act like a god

without there actually being a god;

but there is also evidence that the mind is 

not entirely from the brain;

and that the part of the mind that

is not brain-based,

is coming from the universe, like a law of nature,

and that law includes god-like behaviors.

. the hundredth monkey effect is about

when enough people know a behavior

then everyone can know it via telepathy,

from being influenced by the collective subconscious.

. similarly we can understand collectively

that we are gods, capable of what Jesus did and more,

if you have great faith (use the Law of Attraction).

. aside from an interest in the spiritual

I was also attracted by the book's suggestion

that you could get over your fear of blindness.

. even if the eyes did not recover,

she felt comfort in realizing that 

all of this was part of our god's plan

and a learning experience.

. losing most of her sight 

has become the greatest gift,

for all it has taught her,

as she was brought closer to a helpful spirit

that brought peace by teaching her to forgive,

and to give her fears to our god,

which I understand means this:

. the spirit is a source of our fears,

but why wish the feared thing didn't happen, spirit?

for you are actually the cause of it.

. it's your day, enjoy it!

. this book had was informative about

ways that blindness can happen.

. it can be dangerous to share or not replace eye makeup,

because it can start an infection in your eye,

if you accidentally poke your eye with the applicator.

. the author survived Stevens–Johnson_syndrome (SJS)

which can itself be a cause of blindness

and then after getting an eye infection from mascara

she needed to apply eye lubricant

to stop the spread of the scar formation on the eye.

. the batch of eye lubricant she used

turned out to be another source of eye scars

that was causing blindness

at least in survivors of SJS;

but her sight was restored by a stem cell transplant.

. this was like being physically born-again,

given a 2nd chance.

. however transplants require immune suppression,

which makes it easy for infections to spread,

and when some of her compost heap splattered

it threw a fungal infection into her eye,

and the cure for that nearly killed the stem cells.

. then came spiritually being born again,

where the holy spirit or angels were helping

by increasing the power of her intuition and dreams.

. after losing vision for the 2nd time,

an inner voice from "the Divine Intelligence"

was telling the author

she was meant to help others,

and to be patient.

. the author is using funds from this book

to support research for preventing and treating

the sort of blindness that happened to her

(limbal stem cell deficiency).



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