
peer-reviewed studies of the #HutchisonEffect

6.11, 6.15, 8.5: summary:
"Gertsenshtein (1962) established theoretically
that EM waves in a magnetic or static field
would generate a gravitational wave (GWave)
and also hypothesized an “inverse Gertsenshtein effect,”
in which GWaves generate EM photons.
. the Gertsenshtein effect is interesting;
because, it relates to the Hutchison effect:
in the presence of a electrostatic field
the interference of antiphase radio wave pairs
will produce gravitational waves (GWaves)
that can have profound effects in one of 2 ways:
# anti-gravity (causing objects to rise);
# cold fission (low-energy unlocking of
molecular and sometimes nuclear bonds).
. the only problem with the Hutchison effect
is that it was discovered by an amateur
who gets only chance results
using many possible means of action;
thus, the name "Hutchison Effect"
is not used much in peer-reviewed journals;
and furthermore,
the official USA studies of Hutchison effects
were considered classified;
so, while we have solid evidence of great power,
we have no solid documentation .
. that is, until the Gertsenshtein effect
which is both professionally accepted and Hutchison-like,
in that it deals with Tesla waves .
. it is claimed that what shows the most potential
is not the Gertsenshtein Effect,
but instead the Li-effect
"that utilizes a synchro-resonance EM beam
to create a very significant EM signal
that propagates not in the direction of
the synchro-resonance EM beam
and the gravitational waves (GWs)
but perpendicular to both the magnetic field
and the GWwave/EM beam directions;"
whereas the pure Gertsenshtein Effect
utilizes only a static magnetic field
and will generate as a second-order effect
a very slight EM radiation moving in
the same and in the opposite direction of the GWs .
. nevertheless,
what is significant to the Hutchison effect
is that there is, in the study of Gertsenshtein,
documentation of an aspect of Hutchison's,
that some sort of static field has an effect of
translating Gwaves into another form of energy .
. there are 5 fundamental energy forms:
# EM (transverse electromagnetic) waves,
# Gravitational wave (longitudinal EM pulses),
# molecular bonds,
# nuclear bonds
# thermal (submolecular kinetics) .

variety best for sourcing selenium?

10.2: co.amazon/cook/
Frontier Bulk Garlic Granules, CERTIFIED ORGANIC:
where is it sourced from?!
. this is the perfect granule size,
just large enough for me to feel confident that
all the substance is actually garlic ...
. it tastes great but I'm interested in garlic because
it is a selenium accumulator,
with a very healthy form of selenium:
se-methy-seleno-cysteine .
. however, if it comes from China,
then there are many places there that have
very low levels of selenium in the soil .
. so my new strategy is to just get variety,
and not depend on any one brand .
. I'm also going for quantity too,
and not worrying as much about organic
when it comes to garlic .

fewer endocrine disrupters for less #cancer

10.18: news.pol/healthcare/
petition for fewer endocrine disruptor:
Right now it is still legal for manufacturers to use:
Flame retardants, linked to reproductive damage, in crib mattresses and couches.
Formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen, in clothing and building materials.
Phthalates, linked to birth defects,
used to soften plastics in lunch boxes, backpacks and binders, for instance.
PFCs, some also suspected carcinogens,
used in nonstick cookware, clothing and carpeting.
I could go on and on: 62,000 chemicals on the market in 1976
-- still the majority of those in use today --
were grandfathered in under TSCA without proof of safety.
Since then, 23,000 more new chemicals have been allowed to enter the market
without rigorous testing. We may think that
because something is on the shelves of our stores,
it's been shown to be safe. We are mistaken.
And what's all this got to do with air pollution?
Many of these toxic chemicals "off-gas" -- they drift into the air in our homes and workplaces, and contaminate the dust on the floor where our babies crawl. We breathe them into our bodies.

#wwIII #EMP takes out #water pumps

11.2: mis.care/water/mac attack as omen:
. having my computer broken reminds me
I have been forgetting about prepping for
disasters that may take away water as well as computing .

25: web.aq.care#beprepared/the essentials:
. water at about $1 per gal 20*5gal
. water disinfectant drops and solar oven .

chromebook #ChromeOS #VerifiedBoot

12.12: web.cyb/sec/chrome's verified boot:
Verified boot provides a means of
getting cryptographic assurances
that the Linux kernel, non-volatile system memory,
and the partition table are untampered with
when the system starts up.
This approach is not "trusted boot"
as it does not depend on a TPM device
or other specialized processor features.
Instead, a chain of trust is created
using custom read-only firmware
that performs integrity checking on
a writable firmware.
The verified code in the writable firmware
then verifies the next component in the boot path,  and so on. 
11.8: news.cyb/chrome/doing well while ms declines:
. chromebooks grow while microsoft shrivels?
. promising better security makes a diff .
12.25: best-seller on amazon:
. the best selling laptop on amazon.com [2013.1]
was the Samsung ARM-powered, Linux-based Chromebook.

7.28: news.cyb/chrome/sec
/some vulnerabilities found but many avoided:
application-sandboxes-a-pen-testers-perspective .
see also pdf .
. Chrome OS kernel exploits are not easy,
but are of medium difficulty to pull off;
OS user mode exploits are very difficult,
and every other penetration test was
not even applicable to Chrome OS
-- these included off the shelf exploits,
and various sandbox leakages:
keylogging, remote webcam/mic access,
clipboard hijack, screen scraping,
file stealing, network shares access . 

Dell Latitude E6430 #QubesOS #xen #security&freedom

12.31: summary:
. I feel secure on Chromebook with its verified boot;
but that is very limited in what it can do .
. the Qubes OS provides virtualization of linux
that is needed to isolate computer activities
into separate linux virtual machines .
. by providing this "security by isolation"
your web surfing of unsafe sites
can't be exploited to steal your bank's password
because they run on virtually separate machines .
. there is an hcl (hardware compatibility list)
to help you find a computer that Qubes works with;
and it says a Dell Latitude E6430 does work,
but doesn't work out-of-the-box
(it needs some sort of unspecified "tweaking").

printers for #EMP -proof #backup

12.12: summary:
. given that the policies of USA-Israel
are inciting such hostilities from
both dictators (China, Russia, Iran)
and muslims (Iran, Syria, ...),
there is a good chance USA will get
at least one EMP bomb in the next 3 years
that will destroy every electronics device
so that electronic backups of information
are not accessable until one can
import and afford another computing device .
. in the meantime,
a printout of all needed information
would come in quite handy .

#recycle #Apple #iMac 2008

10.9: todo.cyb/mac/recycling: [done]
. if I've found my infected overheating imac
isn't worth fixing,
I could just find how to crack it open
and reuse the drive,
and maybe also the dvd drive?
. vaguely recall the mac#mini's dvd burner
was not immediately reusable,
because I didn't have the right enclosure
(it wasn't the same interface as the harddrive).
. there are also rumors that mac's dvd burner
has unique firmware that needs special drivers? .]