
to optimize a boy's IQ, avoid fluoridated water during pregnancy

2022.3.29: news.health/diet/fluoride/
to optimize a boy's IQ, avoid fluoridated water during pregnancy

. a lower IQ is what makes lead so dangerous,

increasing risky behaviors.

. if your region's water has high or added fluoride,

drinking that water while pregnant with a boy

will lower that boy's IQ.

tea is another major source of fluoride.

. this is not a call to end water fluoridation,

but to drink pure water during pregnancy.

JAMA Pediatr. 2019


Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure During Pregnancy

and IQ Scores in Offspring in Canada.

Rivka Green, et al.

-- a NIEHS-funded study 


(nat institute of environmental health sci).

--this paper was highly peer-reviewed.


a reply to critics:

JAMA Pediatr. 2020


Association Between Maternal Fluoride Exposure and Child IQ-Reply.

Christine Till, Rivka Green, Bruce Lanphear:

"We did not set out to compare IQ scores in 

children who lived in fluoridated vs 

nonfluoridated communities. 

We used a biomarker of fluoride exposure that accounts for all sources. 

However, we did find consistent IQ decrements

associated with fluoride intake

and water fluoride concentrations.

Some commentators were troubled by the reported sex differences.

Male individuals are often more susceptible to toxicants,

including prenatal fluoride exposure in some animal studies.

[ Mullenix PJ, Denbesten PK, Schunior A, Kernan WJ. 

Neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats. 

Neurotoxicol Teratol. 1995;17(2):169–177.]

Moreover, the National Toxicology Program (2016) 

called for sex-based analyses for fluoride.


"We acknowledge that IQ tests have been criticized as

having cultural biases. However, 

our analyses did not compare groups that differed by culture. 

Moreover, we controlled for ethnicity and city."

"To conclude, some commentators argued that 

studies that showed fluoride diminishes children’s 

intellectual abilities should be interpreted cautiously. 

We agree. We should also take precautions to

protect children’s brains from a potential toxicant, 

especially when there is no benefit of fluoride

for preerupted teeth."

. people with a lower IQ are more likely to 

engage in risky behaviors such as crime

and repeat teenage pregnancies.

Environ Health Perspect. 2009


Childhood Lead Poisoning: Conservative Estimates of

the Social and Economic Benefits of Lead Hazard Control.


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