22.6.6: web.psy/cis-gender/are you calling me a cis?:
. cis-gender people identify as
the same gender they were assigned at birth,
while transgender people identify as
a gender different from that assigned at birth.
[Canadian Med Assoc J JUNE 6, 2022]
. I wondered if that terminology was meant to
make straight people ask rhetorically:
"are you calling me a cis?"
but the source of that term actually comes from
their latin definitions.
. there may be trans-nationals
but there are no cis-nationals;
so why should there be cis-genders?
. some confusion comes because
trans- has 2 meanings in Latin:
you can have a transnational corporation
because trans- can mean "beyond",
so a transnational is beyond national borders;
but you can also have a trans-gender,
because trans- also means "on the other side".
. trans-gender can mean "beyond gender"
if you are choosing to appear asexual or ambiguous,
but conventionally it means moving across genders,
going from one to the other.