
Jon Justice sneers at sure justice

3.24: news.pol/jon justice sneers at sure justice:
. ironic how Jon Justice radio show
sneers at sure justice:
speeder-catching cam's are
"(the gov't watching you!)
. but perhaps the real point is that
speed limits are an obnoxious democracy
imposed where consensus could have worked:
eg, consensus would be where
your taxes pay for the roads with
the speed*mass you want:
. the most practical way is to
restructure our city planning
as gated communities that minimize commuting
by use of work-based residences .
. everything you need can be biked to
or trucked in with an internet sale .
. the shop docks are at the wall to minimize truck traffic,
the walls are composed of doughnut strip malls .
. then people can drive between these gated communities
at any speed they want .

1 comment:

Philip Torrance (ADDN) said...

5.21: news.pol/robotic policing/campaign for liberty.org:
. more news about speeder-catching cam's;
the last time I wrote about that was here:
2010.3.24: news.pol/jon justice sneers at sure justice
. campaign for liberty.org is saying that
red light cameras increase accidents,
perhaps because people are
stopping at yellow lights too quickly,
and even slowing down at green lights,
because they know the traffic light video
is handing out speeding tickets,
as well as catching red-light runners .
. they should have manditory auto insurance,
and then report all speeding
to the insurance database .
. additionally they should be investigating all speeders
to check they have a valid driver's license,
and make sure the car isn't stolen .