
overpopulation inciting class warfare

7.31: co.apt/pol/purges/reaganomics/
#ows delivers centralized banking:
. on the subject of OWS
[the Occuppy WallSt movement]
out there bothering our cops, I ask:
why are they there, anyway?
they didn't have half the excuse of
southern hiafrics fighting unequal segregation;
however, while on the topic of
stupid uses of reaganomc capitalism,

usa's drug war in mexico

7.1: pol/purges/drug war/democratic drug war
invites socialism back into mexico:
7.x?: 9.29: summary:
. under mexico's previous president,
there had been a military crackdown on drug cartels,
who terrorized the citizens in response,
murdering around 50,000 .
. all this was to fight for usa's drug battle,
-- to take advantage of usa's financial assistance
and economic cooperations .
. the mexican's have a long history of being
socialists, organizing under the PRI;
and they just re-elected them .
. if the PRI was socialistic now,
that would be sweet justice,
as they would be saying to usa:
"( you think a drug war is democracy?
we would rather be socialists ! )
. unfortunately, I got no such justice,
as it was pointed out by a socialist site,
that the PRI is strongly capitalist these days .
. nevertheless,
the effect for usa is the same:
if PRI can stop the drug war violence,
I can assure you it's only because they
stopped getting in the way of drug lords;
because, with the grinding poverty of
combined Catholicism and capitalism,
the drug cartels have an infinite supply
of either dealers or butchers
-- take your pick .
. if usa was serious about the drug war
they would prevent usa's drug use;
but, while it's easy for the religious
to dictate drug abstinence;
try dictating fewer privacy rights
(like universal drug testing)
and you will find out
just how "religious" usa really is .

9.29: summary of links:
. the drug war is in, PRI is out;
PRI is no longer socialist;
Mexico's history of socialist politics;
would the US ever trust a pri president? .

7.20: web.pol/purges/drug war/
hiafric HIV rates driven by our drug policy:
"The global war on drugs
is driving the HIV/AIDS pandemic
among drug users and their sexual partners.
Throughout the world,
research has consistently shown that
repressive drug law enforcement practices
force drug users away from public health services
and into hidden environments where
HIV risk becomes markedly elevated.
Mass incarceration of non-violent drug offenders
also plays a major role in increasing HIV risk.
This is a critical public health issue
in many countries, including the United States,
where as many as 25 % of the HIV-infected
may pass through correctional facilities annually,
and where disproportionate incarceration rates
are among the key reasons for markedly higher
HIV rates among African Americans."
-- "The War on Drugs and HIV/AIDS:
How the Criminalization of Drug Use
Fuels the Global Pandemic,"
Global Commission on Drug Policy
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: June 2012), p. 2.

7.26: co.apt/pol/purges/drug war/
sobriety for trust and fear:

. the drug war is expensive and obnoxious;
so how does it survive in a democracy where
more than half [exaggeration]
have used drugs under the table?
. a key to understanding its driver
is our needing to maintain a sense of fairness
while upholding employee quality
in situations where trustworthiness is critical .
. basically, hospital staff can't get high;
so therefore nobody else can either .
the winning drug plan is this:
. we need to use our stimulant drugs
to fast-track the development of robots;
then we can replace these core staff;
and then finally the elites won't care
whether we get high,
because our monkey
doesn't even have to be in the same room
with their monkey .


World Population Day

7.12: co.fb#walkfree.org/
Today is World Population Day:

Today is World Population Day
- there are over 7 billion people on this planet.
But did you know that 20.9 million people
are living in slavery?
That’s almost 3% of the world.
World Population Day?
slavery is form of purging overpopulation;
it costs a lot to treat people well;
but if we could care less about
how much people are paid;
then we can care less about
making too many people .
why World Population Day matters:
On a large scale, demographers talk about
how rapid population growth contributes to
migration and urbanization challenges.
How it makes education and employment
more difficult for struggling countries.
Let’s break that down. ...

father & daughter drown each other

7.5: news.pol/purges/casey anthony/
her lawyer has new book:
Jose Baez` Presumed Guilty:
Casey Anthony: The Inside Story

(foxnews.com summary)

truth about obama is the truth about you

7.14: co.fb/pol/obama/the least spending increases:
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower?
Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes
It’s enough to make even the most ardent Obama cynic
scratch his head in confusion.
. one of many rebuttals ... .
. the problem with obama's thriftiness
is that he himself
does wish it were otherwise!
. he realizes that during a recession
the way out is using more gov' spending, not less .
. the bigger problem though
with comparing presidential thriftiness
is that neither party is doing anything about
the source of gov costs:
in the age of automation
we could all be filthy rich,
except that we keep over-breeding
( the norm is to use breeding as a
motivation for the creation of wealth,
rather than -- the apparently reaganomic idea --
using the size of family fortune
as the motivator for breeding
. there are 2 sources of national overbreeding:
immigration and lack of contraception;
the dem's are big on promoting immigration,
while the repub's are notorious for their
backing of pro-lifers
and their barking about abstinence
without any teeth like laws against fornication .
. if we don't have the heart to
punish people for breeding in poverty,
then we should pay them for
cooperating with reduced breeding;
what we do now may not be child abuse yet,
but wait until capitalism is perfected:
there will be far fewer jobs in the future
yet people's breeding will not slow down .
. we need to put everyone on welfare
and tie it to population reduction .
. the more your community reduces,
the more federal or state funds it gets
-- and the more land it keeps .

corn syrup without fructose

7.7: pol/healthcare/corn syrup has no reason
without the unhealthy high fructose:

. even though fructose is
more expensive and unhealthier,
if fructose weren't added,
then corn syrup would not be sweet,
and then you'd have no reason to
add the corn syrup itself
other than it being a cheaper source of calories,
which gets: "( huh, why I am eating
so many empty calories anyway?
it doesn't even taster better! )

-- still, it would be just as filling, [9.27:
and then it would make you hungrier later;
so, I'm sure your food processors
would continue to add corn syrup to everything
even if it didn't have sweetening fructose .]

healthcare, christians, devils, & dollars

7.1: co.apt/pol/healthcare/
christians against obamacare are not middle class:. a born-again -furious child is chanting:
"( everyone needs to **** !! ),
[a word that can humorously mean both
{ practice birth control
, grumble incessantly}]

 . hearing this child has me kidding about
obamacare pressuring us to eat right;
but seriously, the problem with our economy
is the unfair christian,
demanding we have freedom of diet*
yet also demanding we subsidize
medicalization of bad diets
with emergency room care that is paid for
on the backs of middle class insurance payers
-- not paid by the poor and rich
where most christians come from .
* [9.27: to be fair:
. christians don't necessarily agree with
freedom of diet;
in fact, gluttony is a "(deadly 7) sin .]

7.5: co.apt/pol/healthcare/
how could they hate obamacare?:
. how could the masses hate obamacare?
do they know how the middle class
is getting gouged by mandatory e.r. care?
. most who still have jobs don't pay healthcare,
and that's exactly why fewer of us have jobs!
. after seeing the steeply rising trend of
healthcare benefits due to free e.r. care,
employers are outsourcing our jobs
to countries with more sensible policies .]

7.8: todo.web/pol/healthcare/obamacare assumes
everyone is getting healthcare through insurance!

. I thought the whole point of needing to use the ER,
is that doctor's and hospitals wouldn't let you pay
except through an insurance agency .

7.18: co.apt/healthcare/obamacare won't keep costs down:
. did you know we give $25 billion to diabetics?
 . just a five % decrease in diabetes
 could save an estimated $25 billion every year!
. that's a lot of money,
 and things like dialysis are inately expensive,
 but did you see how much our doctors cost?
 could we get them to take $40k  instead of $400k?
 we could hire 10times more of them,
 and give them a needed break . no way!
 obamacare couldn't even get them to
 agree to at least getting paid only
 relative to their worth:
 by how much they improved health
 rather than how many scripts they wrote .
 . you know why?
 because we are ***heads!
 [@] {arrogantly gluttonous, like drug fiends}
 . the doctors know that wellness starts with
 patients who listen to "(you need a diet)
 but they know patients ignore such advice
 and then demand a pill for their problems .
 -- how can you make any money
 getting paid to make the ***head well ?!

7.12: co.apt/pol/healthcare/
cheaper doctor is complicated

. finding a cheaper doctor is complicated:
they are not just healers but drug police;
and, high trust is expensive;
eg, suppose we get laborers to be doctors;
if they abuse drugs and lose their medical license
they just go back to being laborers;
but make doctors high,
and they will fall hard .
. another thing that raises cost is that they are
only getting paid if they share air with you?
that's not a very smart use of a rare resource:
they should be seeing patients by video
to do most of the interviews;
how often do you really need
a physical exam? consider this:
if doctors would just get to know
you, your habits, and listen
to your perceived problems,
they might have your problems solved
without having to share your germs .
. one way to lower the cost of interviews,
is to get college students to do the them;
they can write the doctor a report,
and the doctor can add to the report
after making an additional, shorter interview .
. also, you can call any time
to add things to your file,
and a nurse will do just that
and read back what was written .]

7.19: news.pol/healthcare/
Rush speechless about Canada's success:

. Rush's Limbaugh's agenda today
includes informing us that
while usa wealth slides,
canada's wealth has risen
-- now higher than usa's --
but he has no comment on this news?
nothing to say about gluttonous socialists, Rush?
. could it be that universal healthcare
was very good for Canadian business?!

7.26: news.pol/healthcare/
a doctor's take on care's high cost:

the people who profit from healthcare.
. there are a number of overfed cats in health care
who are being given all the food they meow for.
Here are a few examples:
# Drug companies:
If government and private insurers
were not paying for most of the drug costs,
we wouldn’t buy most medications
-- the full price is impossibly high.
Even many generics are over $100 per month.
Would you trade a $500K payment from gov
for a $20K check from the consumer?
No more than my cat would turn down
the third bowl of cat food.
# Hospitals:
Stents ‘R Us hospital in our town
just built a large cardiology wing
They did this using money from a procedure
that has not been shown
to prolong life or save lives.
# Ancillary Services:
Why does a CT scan in India
cost a fraction of the cost in the U.S.?
because they can be, due to third-party payors
who shield consumers from the cost .
They pass them on to the taxpayers
or raise the rates of the insurance policies.
It doesn’t hurt them to pay so much,
so they just keep feeding the kitty.
# Doctors:
Why do docs see so many patients
that they can’t offer good care,
and why do specialists take home
3/4 of a $million ? Because they can.
Someone keeps filling the bowl.

. the third-party payor system
hides the cost from the consumer
and gets us all used to the idea of
paying for all that cat food.
All of this money is thrown at care,
and what does it get us?
Does it get us better care?
Does it get us longer lives?
Does it get us happier patients,
or satisfied doctors?
-- Rob Lamberts, MD,
is an internal medicine-pediatrics physician
who blogs at More Musings (of a Distractible Kind).
7.26: co.apt/pol/healthcare/3rd-party payer syndrome
started with medicaid and nixon's cheap food program:

( reviewing 6.20: news.pol/purges/reaganomics/
republican nixon criticized for price-raising trade barriers)
. could anyone ruin this country more than nixon?
 trying to beat inflation with cheap food
he had devastated the food quality;
at the same time,
he had just started to give away
free medical (medicaid) to welfare cases;
and that is when people's health
went straight down the toilet
even as health care costs
were going straight up .
[. medicaid is what started that culture of
3rd-party payer syndrome
where they can ask for any price, because,
the person that actually pays is the taxpayer
who doesn't even see
how the money is being spent,
while the medicaid consumer
knows how it is spent,
but has no idea how much is spent .
. the politician apparently doesn't care
because the corporate profits translate into
both corporate taxes and campaign contributions .

Rick Warren's evolution teaching animals

7.24: news.relig/evolution vs creationism/
evolution teaching makes us act like animals:
co.twitter#Rick Warren:
"When students are taught they are
no different from animals, they act like it."
--{slate, whyEvolutionIsTrue}
. notice how Warren does assume that
    if we are taught we are
    no different from animals,
    then regardless of how smart we could be
    we will then start acting like animals .
. now why wouldn't he instead assume that
    if we are taught we are
    no different from animals,
    then we might tend to treat animals better?
maybe because he knows [7.24: 9.28:
    we're going to act like animals anyway
    even when following Warren's religion
    so when we find animal behaviour
    we should go for the Big Lie
    and claim that such is de facto proof
    of being unfaithful to Warren's religion .]
. I do believe in the one true god of
    doing good vs evil for
    evolving to eternal survival

and I believe in its creationism via evolution
so, I don't think teaching about evolution
is hurting his religion .