
PĒCE Do Happy Today outreach

9.22: co.pol/Partnership for Equity and Civic Engagement
/Do Happy Today outreach:
. PĒCE (Partnership for Equity and Civic Engagement)
had a planning meeting for their Do Happy Today outreach .
 . part of happiness is getting a sense of community;
(eg free food may bring the community together)
. do you measure success in gross domestic product,
or do you measure it in national happiness levels ?
. and consider long-term happiness too:
you're high on sugar but what did alzheimer's cost?
you feel lucky but are you prepared for
climate change and limits to population growth?
. as a closing message,
I seconded the gentleman who earlier showed concern about
preparing for climate change:
even 3 days without infrastructure
would be as devastating as nuclear bomb .
(he adds that people are happy when they are grateful,
rather than being grateful when they are happy).
. we should use some of this time promoting happiness
to talk about long term happiness
remind people how fragile our supply chain is,
and that we need to relocalize,
telling people about backyard gardens and chicken raising .
[ but perhaps not a good message for a desert like Tucson
as it has more people than local water supplies .]


#USAFREEDOMAct reauthorizes #PATRIOTAct until after #wwIII is over

news.pol/privacy rights
/#USAFREEDOMAct reauthorizes #PATRIOTAct until after #wwIII is over:
. it's ok to lose privacy; we're in a war until 2017;
and after that we're in a global union;
how can you keep global peace
without keeping an eye on every guy
since you can't know who's evil until you look .
sign the petition:


the most paleo nuts

9.17: news.health/diet/omega-6/the most paleo nuts:
. "paleo" refers to a Zone diet (hormonics),
that keeps the glycemic index low (all nuts win)
and balances the omega-3 to match omega-6
(nuts and seeds vary widely in this regard).
. total poly'oils should be low relative to
mono'oils, and the good, non-palmitic sat'fats
(the palmitic sat'fat when combined with grains
will promote strokes and heart attacks)
. proteins that were not complete
were usually lacking lysine, and/or cysteine/methionine .
. the omega-3 found is usually Linolenic(18:3);
the omega-6 is Linoleic(18:2).

why is #GAPS #diet only #bean the white navy?

9.16: web.med/GAPS.diet/why is GAPS.diet only bean the white navy?:
. the GAPS diet (for Gut and Psych Syndrome)
lowers most types fiber and pours on the fats
in order to flush out the bad germs;
but, it allows the following legumes:
"Lima beans, Lentils, Peas;
White navy beans, properly prepared" .
. navy beans have a high saponin content;
Saponins exhibit antibacterial and anti-fungal activity,
and have been found to inhibit cancer cell growth.
. navy bean is the richest source of
ferulic acid [antibacterial] and p-coumaric acid
among the common bean varieties.
White beans are the most abundant plant-based source of
phosphatidylserine (PS) yet known .


reinterpreting "Lord you gave your life so I could be free" #liberal vs #christian

9.9: relig/christian/"Lord you gave your life so I could be free":
. I heard this line on a christian music station:
"Lord you gave your life so I could be free".
. "Lord's life" means Jesus;
but that line also makes sense within my religion theory,
which does not equate Jesus with the god
(I assume, without being a Muslim,
that Jesus was one of many sincere and wise prophets;
ie, people who are correcting their culture).


lecithin granules lipid composition #cook

9.7: web.cook/lecithin granules/lipid composition:
. I've been thinking of using more lecithin
such as Now Food's non-GMO soy lecithin granules
by using it in all my cooker recipes;
so, how much omega-6 am I getting ?
granules are 33-35% soybean oil,
and half of that is an omega-6 poly'oil;
also 10% of soy oil is palmitic acid,
the bad (atherogenic) saturated fat,
which becomes dangerous when adding grains to diet .


#usa was and is stingy with #Jewish immigration #5777

8.27: news.pol/zionism/usa was and is stingy with Jewish immigration:
9.6: summary:
. this is my edit of an article by
tabletmag's Mark Oppenheimer August 27, 2014 
[ with my comments in brackets ];
. this article reminds us that some Jewish people
are not that excited about Zionism
but the usa offers them no place to go but Israel
when things are getting much hotter for Judaism
in Europe, but also soon in Israel .
. it seems obvious that Zionism will lead to WWIII
and that is going to devastate not only Israel,
but major cities in the usa, by Fall 2016 .
. we should invite more of the Jewish gene pool
into rural america .


#liberals associated with #Lyme disease

8.27: news.pol/liberals associated with Lyme disease:
. this map of gay marriage (liberal) states (found here)
is similar to the Lyme outbreak density (found here).
. the Lyme ticks are thickest in liberal states
except clean NewMexico is liberal,
and infested Wisconsin is not .

webcam pedophilia sting operation like drones

8.27: news.pol/children's rights/
webcam pedophilia sting operation like drones:
27: summary:
. webcam pedophiles (defined as those who are
asking children to masturbate in front of the webcam
and may involve exposing children to adult masturbation)
are getting caught by a new policing strategy
because they can't tell the difference between
a human and a computer-generated character;
and, they show their face during the crime,
which can lead to identification of the offender .

Morphic Resonance #parapsych #paraphysics

8.27: news.psy/parapsy/Morphic Resonance:
. the idea that your brain's memory is more like a
radio receiver than a computer storage,
is included in a theory known as Morphic Resonance .
. just as there is a shared evolving memory for minds
there are shared memory stores for some natural laws
such as epigenetics and crystal formations .
video: Dr Rupert Sheldrake: 
"Morphic Resonance, 
Collective Memory and the Habits of Nature" .


#solar #oven by sunoven.com

2014.2.9: web.gear/solar.oven/compare amazon offerings:
All American Sun Oven

base oven is $294.00, extras is $45.5:


Antichrist war is officially declared

news.pol/purges/wwIII/Antichrist war is officially declared:
defense.gov Aug. 21, 2014:
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
ISIS has an "apocalyptic, end-of-days" vision 
that will eventually have to be defeated.


#Russia #religion the greater hope of the world #Cayce

7.22: relig/Russian (what Cayce esteemed)
8.13: summary: 
. Edgar Cayce was "the sleeping prophet";
he could hypnotize himself, and answer questions
which his waking self knew nothing about .
Edgar Cayce 1932.2 READING 3976-10:
What should be the attitude of so-called
capitalist nations toward [Stalin's] Russia?
On Russia's religious development
will come the greater hope of the world.
Then that one, or group, that is
the closer in its relationships,
may fare the better in the gradual changes
and final settlement of conditions
as to the rule of the world.
. the Religion Cayce saw coming to Russia
must have been the same one that Cayce
had himself been drawn to in 1932;
and, like the mystics of India,
Cayce's religion included Hindu reincarnation,
but was otherwise traditional Christianity .


#PC as the #communists vs the #fascists

8.10: news.pol/PC as the communists vs the fascists:
. traditional versions of Christians
believe that God Himself wrote the very Bible
that outlaws many sexual behaviors
which means you cannot be both Biblical and
tolerant of non-procreative sexual orientations .
. the Christians traditionally tried to
dominate every community around the globe,
replacing all the local perversities;
so, the natural reaction of the PC
has been to globalize sexual tolerance .

protecting Christian culture:
. one way to protect all cultures,
including the Christians and the racists,
is to have entire towns dedicated to
one particular culture and language .
. just like private homes can be discriminatory,
private groups who can afford to buy an entire town
can dedicate that town to their own culture,
their own language, or even their own race .


prioritizing supplements for a tight budget

health/prioritizing supplements for a tight budget:
. I'm looking for ways to save more in preparation for
lower luck and higher inflation;
so, I'm trying to replace health supplements
with items that foodstamps will pay for .


national security challenge of the 21st century

30: news.pol/purges/wwIII/national security challenge of the 21st century:
defense.gov news:
Aspen Security Forum in Colorado,
 A panel of experts discussed the specter of
terrorists armed with WMD's (weapons of mass destruction)
-- nuclear, biological, chemical, etc .
Among the panelists was Andrew C. Weber,
assistant secretary of defense for
nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs .


United Countries vs United Communities #Israel #Ukraine #WWIII

7.24: pol/United Countries vs United Communities:
. the purpose of the coming wwIII is to
give military muscle to the United Nations (UN);
and, I'm concerned about what sort of government
the UN will be enforcing globally .
. it seems like much of the world is aligned with
the policies of usa-Israel rather than Russia;
and it's likely the WWIII winner will determine
what sort of UN the world must be subject to .
. this concerns me because the usa strongly supports
the will of countries over communities .
. obviously there are some bad communities
( slavers, nazis, and fascists ),
but look what usa has done with good communities:


Richmond model of crime prevention

18: news.pol/Richmond model of crime prevention:
yea Richmond, paying people to prevent crime!
we should pay people to not breed;
and stop paying for the drug war .


Jeremiah's interpretation of the Law #Judaism

7.9: relig/judaism/Jeremiah's interpretation of the Law:

Kevin Ryan deepstate operation with energetics #911truther

7: news.pol/911truther/Kevin Ryan/deepstate operation with energetics:
. I was recently made aware of Kevin Ryan
a 911truther concerned with who did 9/11,
introducing a deepstate operation theory .
. this would fit in perfectly with
Dr. Judy Wood's beam weapons theory
as who else but a deepstate operator
could expose New York to beam weapons?
however, back in 2011 he appears to be
distancing himself from Dr.Wood's theory;
it is interesting that he would use the term "energetics"
to describe conventional explosives
when the Russians used that term for beam weapons .


Dr. Walter Haut vs beam weapon theorists

7.1: pol/911truther/Dr. Walter Haut/beam weapon theorist:
. "Dr Walter Haut" appears to be a fabricated mockery
of my hero Dr.Judy Wood;
amazon.com has Dr Haut listed as writing about
beam weapons on 9/11 -- just as Dr.Wood does --
but none of his books were available or in print,
so I wondered if his series was a publicity stunt
put on by truthers adding to Wood's beam theory
or counter-truthers trying to associate
beam weapon theorists such as Dr. Judy Wood
with conspiracy theorists ad adsurdum
who would have have us distrust
Freemasons, Obama, and FEMA camps
(quite the contrary:
when this country is ripped apart by WWIII,
FEMA camps will be our only source of
food, water, and safe policing
unless you thoughtfully prepared by 2016).
. I couldn't find any other mention on the web
of a Dr Walter Haut but there is a
1st Lt. Walter Haut
famous for being an alien truther .
. here he is talking about aliens
( Glen Dennis, Walter Haut and Mark Bean
Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archive).


flaxseed and chia vs fishoil

6.27..28, 7.04..05: health/crp/flaxseed and chia vs fishoil:
6.30, 7.4: summary:
. flaxseed and chia are interesting because they are
much cheaper than fish oil, and they contain
ALA, α-linolenic acid, a short-chain omega-3 polyunsaturate,
that can be converted into the very beneficial
long-chain omega-3's found in fish oil .
. ALA needs to be converted to fish oils
(long-chain omega-3 oils, EPA, DHA),
-- men's conversion to DHA is very inefficient:
DHA should be considered an essential fatty acid
(it's found in fish and eggs).
. the conversion to EPA is efficient
only only if your diet is paleo;
ie, low in the omega-6 (vs omega-3) polyunsaturates
that is heavy in grains, grain-fed meat & dairy,
fatty legumes (soy, peanut, chickpea), nuts
and most seeds except flax and chia .
. there was some controversial evidence for
ALA increasing the risk of blindness
or the advanced versions of prostate cancer
but you'd need to take a lot of chia fiber
to start worrying about chia's ALA load .
. getting more of any type of omega-3
may beneficially balance my diet's omega-6
(I get plenty from eggs, nuts, and olive oil).
. some flax has been genetically modified;
"organic" means the same as "non-gmo" .


new chapter in the war on cancer

27: news.pol/healthcare/cancer/new chapter in the war on cancer:
. according to a this JAMA article
with details here at greenmedinfo.com,
A new report commissioned by a working group
sanctioned by the National Cancer Institute
asserts that USA's practice of oncology
is in need of a host of reforms and initiatives
to mitigate the problem of overdiagnosis and overtreatment .

to what extent is menstruation lunar?

25..28: web.psy/to what extent is menstruation lunar?,
summary: fun with Lunar effect


defense.gov remembers WWI 100 years ago

25: news.pol/purges/wwIII/
defense.gov remembers WWI 100 years ago:
"One day the great European War will come out of
some damned foolish thing in the Balkans."
This prophecy came in 1888,
from German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck,
and On June 28, 1914, the excuse for WWI happened
with the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne,
while visiting Sarajevo, the capital of the
Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia-Herzegovina
and a center of unrest against foreign rule.
. it lead to the downfall of the Ottoman Empire
which sowed the seeds of the current troubles
in the Middle East .


blogger's health info disclaimer

2016.12.12: fake news disclaimer:
. many of my blog postings are sourced from
organizations that could be generating fake news;
even peer-reviewed science articles
can be corrupted by Big Money.
. my own opinions could unwittingly be
influenced by a number of fake news readings.
. all I can honestly say is that this blog
documents what I actually believed at the time:
I've been deluded before and it will happen again.

22: news.adds/blog/blogger's health info disclaimer:
23: summary:
. when bloggers or other writers
give health and medical info
they can expect that others will be
using the advice for solving their own
health and medical problems,
so, they need to be warned that this is
for informational use only,
ie, it is simply documenting how the
authors are solving their own problems;
and the authors can't possibly solve
all of the readers' problems
because every reader tells a story
and you've got to listen to that story
in order to help the individual .
. readers are also to be reminded
that all actionable medical claims
must be approved by the FDA,
and that the author's claims are not so approved .
. finally, readers are to be given an idea of
what to do with unapproved medical claims:
they can seek a licensed medical professional,
about how to apply the author's info .

curcumin absorption with piperine or Phytosome

1.21: web.cook/curcumin absorption with piperine or Phytosome:
. some believe black pepper is needed
in order to absorb turmeric's curcumin?
. I once said I was leary of black pepper,
but I researched it again,
and found that pepper's piperine extract
is healthier than whole black pepper .
. another way of absorbing curcumin
is by binding it with phosphatidylcholine .
[6.18: curcumin and MAO-B inhibition:
curcumin may inhibit MAO-B .
"Curcumin (10-80 mg/kg, i.p. in mice) dose dependently
increased serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)
as well as dopamine levels (at higher doses),
and inhibited MAO-A (and in higher doses, MAO-B)"
[ Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2008 ].


foods I use found at iherb

1.20: web.cook/foods I use found at iherb:
. adapted from a list made for a friend
who wanted to do all their supplement shopping at iherb.com .


reversing gum disease

6.13: summary:
. in 2013 I was starting to get a chronic gum infection;
and, for the past few months I've gotten fair results
from twice-weekly flossing, and daily listerine soaks .
. after the listerine I often use 1/4 capsule of
Garden of Life`Raw Probiotics (local fridge).
. when not soaking in listerine, I'm often soaking in
xylitol, green tea extract, and  Ultimate Ascorbate C.
. after meals I soak in Carnitine, arginine,
and ALA (alpha lipoic acid).
. you may get better results from
having any scale removed from roots,
and not leaving other dead things in your mouth
as is the case with root canal jobs .

1.20: news.med/reversing gum disease:
. looking through iherb.com`reviews;
user#alloriginal offers this story:

#selenium helps preserve #vitaminC

1.20: news.health/counterexample to elder's vit'c use:
nutrition.org 1989:
. in the elderly, supplementing with vit'c
resulted in raising the ratio of
dehydro-ascorbate (oxidized C) to ascorbate;
this may be due to their lesser glutathione function
which is needed to reduce dehyrdo-C to vit'C .
news.health/se/#selenium helps preserve #vitaminC:

how to raise #glutathione #health

1.19: news.health/diet/how to raise glutathione:
Mark Hyman, M.D. practicing physician
and founder of The UltraWellness Center,
a pioneer in functional medicine.
. free radicals are handled by a cascade:
from vitamin C to vitamin E to lipoic acid
and then finally to glutathione .
. the production or functioning of glutathione
is depleted by poor diet, toxic medications,
stress, trauma, infections and pollution
(80,000 toxic industrial chemicals,
electromagnetic radiation, mercury and lead).
[see all Glutathione-lowering pollutants .]
. supplements taken consistently:
multivitamin[with good minerals],
fish oil, [long-chain omega-3]
and the following glutathione boosters:

who wrote that constitution? #childcare

1.19: co.self/dream/psy/who wrote that constitution?:
. in this dream,
I was really excited to be in the presence of
someone who helped write our new constitution;
I went over to him and asked:
"is it true that you helped write the constitution?"
. then our shared voice gave me a nudge, saying:
"when you put it like that
to a guy who looks a bit odd,
then you seem to be asking
why that job wasn't done by someone photogenic" .


sodium ascorbate may have stability issues

6.12: summary:
. I was looking around iherb reviews
for what people thought of sodium ascorbate;
wondering if it might be stable like ascorbyl palmitate
only water-soluble instead of oil-soluble .
. I got the impression that anything water-soluble
is more prone to interact with moisture in the air .

ascorbyl palmitate vs Liposomal Vit'C

6.12: summary:
. ascorbyl palmitate is my preferred vit'c,
because it stores longer without refrigeration;
and, the Now Foods product is cheap and trusted;
but, Liposomal Vit'C may have unique benefits .
. it's very expensive and the competition is hot,
so some of the rumors about Mercola's product
may be planted by those working for Livon Labs,
or some other Liposomal Vit'C maker .

1.20: who encapsulated vs who formulates:
. notice Mercola's main encouragement
is that Capsugel is great at encapsulating,
but who formulates what goes inside the capsule?
what did he do to validate the formula?

tell #FDA to test food for radiation! #Fukushima #Strontium

6.11: mis.aq.cook#naturalnews
/health ranger's radioactivity testing:
.  Mike Adams, the Health Ranger,
talked of testing radiation levels in food,
but nothing came of it (not even for seaweed).
12: web:
however, this was written March 10, 2014:
DirectorFukushima Fallout Awareness Network
. three years since the beginning of the
ongoing Fukushima Daiichi nuclear meltdowns:
It’s also been one year since
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network
or FFAN filed a Citizen Petition with the
US Food and Drug Administration
to lower the current allowable levels of
Cesium 134 and 137
in food, nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals.
The International Physicians for the
Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) in Germany
wrote a report requesting a nearly identical
decrease in radiation allowed in food as FFAN’s petition,
so clearly an international movement
is forming on this critical issue.
The USFDA has responded that they need more time
to consider FFAN’s Citizen petition,
but one year is long enough won’t you agree?
The situation is urgent and we need your help
while the comment period is still open
or FDA may reject the petition entirely.
Comment to FDA at 1.usa.gov/17COR8W


#kindle supports .txt but not #epub

cyb/kindle formats don't include epub:
6.11: summary:
. I'm interested in amazon's Kindle; because,
it has the largest E Ink display on the market;
and, unlike the Nook, it also shows .txt files,
which most of my docs are already formatted as;
however I was needing html access too;
and epub support would have been convenient
since Nook already has me converting to that;
but, Amazon also has an email conversion service
if you don't mind your content being In The Cloud
(available to not only NSA but also many other authorities).
. if you are not confined to Chrome OS,
there are local apps for converting epub to mobi .


mission accomplished by end of 2016 #WWIII

6.8: news.pol/purges/wwIII/mission accomplished by end of 2016:
Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, 
the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (Eucom)
DEAUVILLE, France, June 8, 2014:
-- just days after President Obama announced
all U.S. forces will leave Afghanistan by the end of 2016 .
. Breedlove's first priority
since assuming his command 13 months ago
has been "to get Afghanistan right";
Ukraine is now among his top priorities.
. a second priority of Eucom had been
transitioning to a more peacetime role;
but Russian aggressions in Ukraine got in the way .
. there is a focus on what to do for
the last seven months of the mission of
International Security Assistance Forces
-- preceding Operation Resolute Support .
--. this is consistent with the 5777  and 119 ministries prophesies:
Fall 2016 is the big showdown of wwIII;
and it's supposed to be a fight over Iran's threatening of Israel;
and, part of the Iran pressure by usa
is for usa to be surrounding Iran
by being in Iraq and Afghanistan until the showdown .
. Russia can't politically defend Iran against usa,
so they are starting the aggressions in Ukraine
as a way to popularize resistance to usa .


manual vegetable juicers #EMP -proofing

6.8: web.cook`gear/manual veg grinder:
. wwIII or some other source of EMP
could take out the electrical supplies for a long time;
and also burn out anything electronic,
(many cooking appliances have electronic controls);
so, I'm looking to replace my electric blender
with something manual and reliable .


DARPA's automated internet disinfectant

6.4: news.cyb/sec/DARPA's automated internet disinfectant:
Mike Walker, DARPA program manager
on Reddit.com:
In April of 2014,  insurers started selling insurance products
that covered physical harm generated by cyber effects
-- Google "cyber insurance" "property damage".
In May of 2014,
Sky News reported that over 42,000 London cars
-- nearly half of the cars stolen in the city of London --
were stolen with hacking.
The networked civilization we are building
is going to need to be able to make
strong promises about the safety of software,
because it won't just be guarding our data security
-- it will be guarding our physical security.
If we're going to be able to make strong promises about
software safety, we're going to need automation
that can investigate software in a
uniform, scalable and effective manner.
We know that expert auditors can't get there
-- IBM/Rational points out that our civilization crossed
1 trillion lines of code in the early 2000's.
Operating systems weigh in above 40 million lines
under constant development.
The problem is too big and it’s moving too fast.
We also know that today's automation is
losing every contest of wits to experts
-- in the wake of Heartbleed,
not a single automation product has come forward to say
that this flaw could have been detected
without expert annotation or intervention.
CGC is open technology development
on the problem of software safety,
a problem seen by the DoD
-- and everyone with a vested interest in our connected future.
. What if a purpose built supercomputer
could scour the billions of lines of code we depend on,
find and fix the toughest flaws,
upend the economics of computer security,
and level the playing field
between attackers and defenders?
co.reddit comment:
. a lot invested in the [stale] attack/defense model
of computer security competition.
I've heard arguments from many players
that the current model of attack/defense CTF
[capture the flag competitions] is "stale". 
Mike Walker:
. great innovation is happening in the CTF community:
see Build It / Break It / Fix It,
funded by the National Science Foundation.
6.7: my response:
. what is stale is the attack/defense model;
because, the chip firmwares have backdoors;
you need to secure the hardware;
then you can analyze the software;
but, at least with DECREE
they are promoting a microkernel OS
that can guarantee isolation between app's?
(well, the interface is tiny, if not the Trusted Code Base).
. unfortunately what they have in mind
is to use their simple OS only for
easily managing the budding automation competition;
then they plan to evolve the winning buds
for auto-fixing today's software on today OS's.
. but, what can they do for firmware breaches?
. they are trying to show concern about cybercrime
without actually blocking the backdoors used by NSA .


#usa shows concern about #EMP threat

6.1: news.pol/healthcare/emp/usa shows concern about EMP threat:
6.2: summary:
. usa`congress is just now looking into
hardening the grid against EMP events;
they may not be done in time,
so be sure that your 3-month water supply
is not relying on electric well pumps
as many city water sources are .


#freemasonry vs #Catholicism

5.24: co.amazon/relig/freemasonry/vs Catholicism
Mark R. Dillon says:
"A chapter on how the College of Cardinals
of the Roman Catholic Church
is really a coven of satan-worshippers
without documentation?!? ...
The Catholic Church is the foremost
defender and propagator of the gospel in the world.
It is also the foremost opponent of
freemasonry from its beginnings.
Know your allies."
my reply:
. I think that was supposed to imply that the
freemasons are the satan-worshippers in this line-up,
but let's be clear:
the catholics are styled as globalist dictators
-- when not defeated by a plague of liberals --
whereas the freemasons are the States' Rights party,
asking only that you believe in one god,
without worrying about whether he has children
or who his prophets are .


black holes theory is a fraud hiding_gravity_beam_engineering

5.17: news.pol/gemini/black holes are fraud hiding gravity beam engineering:
. when a star meets a "black hole"
it is sucked into something that rotates
and then emits a jet from the spin's axis;
-- this is giving me an idea of what a "black hole" really is:
how can something with so much gravity
not give off EM (electromagnetic) rays?
it is so energetic that all its EM rays cancel each other,
resulting in EM waves being converted to EM pulses;
and, a certain class of EM pulses are gravity beams
(other EM pulses provide anti-gravity and dustification).
. that's why they are making up this idea that
a black hole has gravity so strong it absorbs light;
because the alternative is to believe that
light cancellation can turn into gravity,
leading to a theory that gravity is engineerable .


John E. Whitcomb, M.D anti-aging

4.30: aq.med/John E. Whitcomb, M.D anti-aging:
5.4: summary:
. a friend using integrative medicine for cancer
(using both chemo and functional medicine)
introduced me to an anti-aging doctor
who has a blog I found very helpful
and who has a clinic in Brookfield, Wisconsin
with BHRT (bioidentical hormone replacement therapy)
probiotics, and anti-aging diet management .
. I briefly explore his blog's advice,
and give a summary of his LiveLongMD.com site .


Ralph Nader`Unstoppable corporate state #illuminati

5.3: news.pol/gemini/illuminati/Ralph Nader`Unstoppable corporate state:
Ralph Nader`Unstoppable: 
The Emerging Left-Right Alliance to Dismantle the Corporate State
. he's too late .
. Nader is right about our country being hijacked,
but it was pawned by the illuminati not free capitalists
-- the pro-War-on-Terror hawks:
the freemason and christian zionists --
completely pawn the Republicans and Democrats;
so, Nader's Right-Left Alliance voters will be impotent .
. the illuminati have a civilization to save/dominate
before the anti-zionist world wakes up to the secret physics
of beam weapons, free energy, and anti-gravity propulsion .
. this is why a bunch of America's smartest
don't seem to be worrying about petty national issues
like popular disapproval or currency collapse .


PalmitOleic healthier than usual monounsaturate

4.30: news.cook/POA (PalmitOleic acid) Omega-7 mono'oil:
. good fat just got even better!

Douglas Rushkoff #relocalization

5.2: news.pol/econ/Douglas Rushkoff`relocalization:
. is off-shoring a symptom or a cause of overpopulation?


female #testosterone after #menopause

4.23: web.health/hormonics/female testosterone after menopause:
. a woman's life extension program should include
maintenance of youthful testosterone levels .

#politics of on-going #malware injustice

news.cyb/sec/#politics of on-going #malware injustice:
. we need a hardware system redesign that will
give the NSA the information they search for
but will not allow them to modify our systems,
so then criminals cannot modify our systems .


Medical Conspiracy Theories and Health Behaviors

4.29: news.pol/gemini/Medical Conspiracy Theories and Health Behaviors:
JAMA Intern Med/Research Letter | March 17, 2014
Medical Conspiracy Theories and Health Behaviors
in the United States 
summary by anh-usa.org:
Science is challenging because
you have to carry around a lot of uncertainty;
and there is a lot of money to be made
from corrupting the science .