Showing posts with label edu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label edu. Show all posts


#Arizona is fighting about defunding public schools again

2022.9.18: web.pol/edu/vouchers/
#Arizona is fighting about defunding public schools again:

. with expanded vouchers, the newer public schools

may have trouble repaying construction bonds.

. other than that, vouchers could be good

for promotion of gun-resistant and mind-liberating 



theory of #evolution renamed biological diversity

5.29: news.pol/edu/biol/
theory of evolution renamed biological diversity:
Arizona Superintendent of Public Instruction
Diane Douglas, has a good point;
in the theory of evolution,
we assume that the point of genetic mutation
is to evolve, when in fact
it could be something else like
adapting without necessarily evolving,
or simply to promote diversity.
. obviously some life is highly evolved
so Douglas's wording reminds the student
if random changes do not imply evolution
what does cause it?
. science has no answer for this,
except to say that
no matter how complex the design
it is not impossible
that completely random changes
could have produced the evolution.
. science has no way of disproving
that the genetic changes are not random;
except to remind us
that any alternative theories
involve unpleasant ideas that cause paranoia:
# being genetically modified by aliens;
# having our "randomness" influenced by
an intelligent supernatural entity.
. have you seen our wacky "big bang" theory?
the establishment couldn't care less
about the public knowing how we got here.


homeschooling for accelerated learning

5.16: for accelerated learning:
The Brainy Bunch: The Harding Family's Method to
College Ready by Age Twelve
by Kip Harding, and Mona Lisa Harding;
-- information about
getting into college through loopholes.
--  "timelines/suggestions about
homeschooling and acceleration"
-- "the Hardings provide a behind-the-scenes
glimpse of the method they iterated over the years
to work for their own family.
It’s enormously useful in that sense.
Young homeschooling families can learn
the pitfalls of trying to replicate "school",
what the challenges of homeschooling are,
that working parents can homeschool too,
[ get older kids to tutor younger ones ]
and how to hack education so that real learning happens."


#commoncore #delusion #overpopulation

11.20: news.pol/edu/common core:
. only 26% of high schoolers are ready for
college coursework,
it's clear we need to make a change to
the way we think about education.
. in math or science,
our children cannot compete internationally;
and today's students and teachers are trapped in a
rigid testing culture with little flexibility.
Common Core is a new set of education standards
that set clear goals for local educators
while giving them both guidance and flexibility
to help students succeed.
Right now, the Common Core literature uses
technical terms and tortuous prose
to sell an educational philosophy
that may not deliver what it promises .
-- do the math:
the problem with our nation's children
is not about a lack of fed' control;
the problem is that
people are crying about jobs
because there are too many people
asking for too much from capitalists
who don't have to give them anything,
and even if they did give us jobs,
people would only grow more,
and ask for yet more jobs .
. at some point they just have to say no,
and tell people this is not communism
and we're not here to find masses a job
as they persist in religiously
out-breeding the next holy or selfish nut .


the living bible should be growing

4.25: adds/relig/the living bible should be growing:

The Animated Stories From the Book of Mormon Journey to the Promised Land. the bible was about new tech:
both the idea of documentation
and the selection of content .
. the oral or written word
as a public safety vehicle,
the content that needed delivery:
# the non-linear ways of the
supernatural in psychology,
# the cycles of wealth and poverty,
# the pitfalls:
adaptations for yet-to-be-discovered germs .
. so, it seems ironic,
that given such a great start,
bible authoring would be left as untouchable
rather having each culture add to the bible
with the best of its own books .

4.28: the way to truth is down:
. the problem with building a bible,
as the jews have shown,
is that when you teach how life works,
they murmur about how you work .

adds/relig/islam/the mormon bible of judaism:
. Islam is the mormon bible of judaism;
this, I noticed just hours after realizing
that a healthy bible continues to be appended:
. a culture's bible should contain
all the current info on what can
protect our health,
and otherwise solve our problems .
. if there is no agreement,
there should be a book on that instead .


usa's chocolate-boxed high-tech education

2.8: pol/edu/gump's chocolate-boxed:
. even while college grad's cry about unemployment,
the high tech industry (this time biotech)
is again complaining they have shortages
of "(qualified) applicants .
doesn't it seem like a waste to have
everyone piling on spendy college attempts
Stress Wienerjust so these wieners can take the cream
and send the rest home to be dishwashers?

. much of what industry needs
just takes persistent parenting
(ie, with village backup)
rather than specialized schooling .
. if the kids started earlier,
they would have eno' of a background
that industry could easily train them .

. the way to rapidly evolve tech workers
is to support free high-level edu:
# do more with kids earlier:
much of the problem is just motivating kids .
. make motivation cheap:
use any welfare cases as teacher assistants .
. require people imprisoned for drug offenses
(the ones that can read)
to be manning online help centers for tutoring kids .
# free internet:
. put all the college textbooks online
in a place that grabs the attention of kids; [2.23:
this is already happening in wiki's;
now all we have to do is
replace most of the expensive teacher-time
with a free internet edu-portal workstation for every child .]
# volunteering:
. find other ways to allow people to
show how hard they can study
without paying for colleges .
. one can show off papers offered;
wiki contributions, blogs, etc .

[2.23: title: derived from [forrest gump].movie`qoute
"Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.
You never know what you're gonna get."