Showing posts with label cook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cook. Show all posts


is a lutein and zeaxanthin supplement needed to prevent blindness?

12.30: cook/macuguard/4-star/
new formula tastes like soap, is it essential?

12.30: summary:

. this is research about a supplement

that features lutein and zeaxanthin

for the purpose of protecting the eyes

from blindness caused by macular degeneration.

. lutein comes from grean leafy vegetables,

but zeaxanthin is not so easy to get;

is it really needed? or can I rely on leaf?

11.28: 12.30:

Life Extension MacuGuard Ocular Support with Saffron

[purchased from amazon B01HFREINK(ad)]

. I chew this along with my other fat-soluble supps,

rather than swallow it whole,

and I noticed it tasted like soap in this new batch;

but I figured that's just the way marigold's can taste,

and I just never noticed it before,

or they have some new (possibly better) extraction method.

. this supp provides some eye-protecting pigments

not found in the dark green leafy veg (zeaxanthin).

. both those pigments might be preventing

macular degeneration

when combined with minimizing 

omega-6 veg oil and grain-fed animal fat,

maximizing omega-3 fish oil,

and staying away from refined sugars.

. "risk factors for AMD include

Blue light irradiation to the macula,

Hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, and diabetes."

[ Antioxidants (Basel). 2024 May 4

Antioxidants and Mechanistic Insights for Managing

Dry Age-Related Macular Degeneration;

Deepak Basyal, Sooyeun Lee, Hye Jin Kim.]

. the dramatic rise in the rates of AMD

are due to the rise of omega-3 vegetable oil

and grain-fed animal fat.

. there has also been a rise in refined sugars,

which may contribute to eye stress.

[ ophthalmology prof Dr. Chris A Knobbe 2023

The Ancestral Diet Revolution: 

How Vegetable Oils and Processed Foods

Destroy Our Health - and How to Recover!

[book from amazon (ad)]

or see the cureAMD organization website:]

"An intake of dietary supplied nutrients

rich in the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, 

appears to be beneficial in protecting retinal tissues, 

but this is not proven. 

Until scientifically sound knowledge is available 

we recommend" those at risk of AMD to

eat more dark green leafy vegetables, 

and protect their eyes from the sun's UV light

with protective lenses and a hat.

[ Nutr J. 2003

The role of the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, 

in protecting against age-related macular degeneration: 

a review based on controversial evidence;

Maneli Mozaffarieh, et al.]

. lutein may be more important than zeaxanthin

and you can get that from leafy greens:

Ophthalmology 2012

Effect of lutein and zeaxanthin on macular pigment

and visual function in patients with

early age-related macular degeneration;

Le Ma, et al, Randomized Controlled Trial

. Early AMD patients were assigned randomly to receive

10 mg/day lutein (n = 27), 

20 mg/day lutein (n = 27), 

10 mg/day lutein plus 10 mg/day zeaxanthin (n = 27); 

or placebo (n = 27) for 48 weeks. 

Macular pigment optical density (MPOD) 

and visual function variables were assessed

at baseline, 24 weeks, and 48 weeks.


Macular pigment optical density 

increased significantly by a mean ± standard error of 

0.076 ± 0.022 density unit 

in the 20-mg lutein group and 

0.058 ± 0.027 density unit in the 

lutein and zeaxanthin group during 48 weeks. 

[12.30: so given the standard error,

it's not clear whether your extra 10 mg

of more lutein or instead zeaxanthin

is better for Macular pigment optical density;

but if all error was equal,

it might be better to replace zeaxanthin

with more lutein?]

There was a significant dose-response effect for

lutein supplementation, ...

At 48 weeks, a trend toward improvement was seen in 

best-corrected visual acuity, 

and there was a significant between-group difference in 

contrast sensitivity at 3 and 6 cycles/degree 

between the 

20-mg lutein group and the placebo group. [12.30: 

but less dramatic findings in the

lutein + zeaxanthin group?]


Among patients with early AMD, 

supplementation with lutein and zeaxanthin

improved macular pigment, 

which played a causative role in boosting visual function

and might prevent the progression of AMD.


. but the data seems to show that

given the same high dose,

having it be all lutein was more effective than 

half of it being zeaxanthin? ]

. lutein and zeaxanthin are better for eyes than beta-carotene.

[ JAMA Ophthalmol . 2014

Secondary analyses of the effects of 


on age-related macular degeneration progression: 

AREDS2 report No. 3

Age-Related Eye Disease Study 2 (AREDS2) Research Group; 

Emily Y Chew, et al]

Randomized Controlled Trial.

. we also need to increase fish-oil/veg-oil ratio;

however certain nuts may also be helpful:

"Intake of Vegetables, Fruit, and Fish

is Beneficial for Age-Related Macular Degeneration"

[ Am J Ophthalmol . 2019

Alexandra P M, et al.]

. "The rate of slowing AMD progression was higher in

patients who followed the Mediterranean Diet 

and received a dietary supplement, 

compared to patients who skipped either 

supps or diet (p<0.001)."

. the supp was AREDS 2 formula 

(lutein 10 mg, zeaxanthin 2 mg, 

vitamin C 500 mg, vitamin E 400 IU, 

zinc oxide 80 mg or 25 mg, 

and cupric oxide 2 mg) (8) 

. the diet is high in polyphenols from olive oil,

non-refined cereals, potatoes, fruits, 

vegetables, legumes, fish, 

and is low in 

poultry, mammal meat, full fat dairy, and alcohol.

[ In Vivo. 2023 

Effect of the Mediterranean Diet on Progression of

Dry Form of Age-related Macular Degeneration;

Danai-Magdalini Gourgouli, et al]

. things to consider about that study:

. if they did better using the lutein supplement

it could be that their diet's "vegetables"

didn't include much dark green leaf.

. cereals are a source of omega-6 oil;

there are better sources of fiber;

especially the legumes (eg, peas and lentils)

and the vegetables.

. concerning non-refined cereals,

Dr.Gundry 2017 tells us that whole wheat lectins 

are a source of autoimmunity that clogs arteries. [The Plant Paradox (ad)]

. "Eating a lot of dark leafy vegetables

and some fruits

can help to prevent some diseases."

[ Nutrients. 2022

Lutein and Zeaxanthin and Their Roles in

Age-Related Macular Degeneration

—Neurodegenerative Disease;

Małgorzata Mrowicka, et al]


though Dr.Gundry 2017 tells us that

american fruits such as 

corn, pumpkin, tomato, and squash

can have lectins that some don't tolerate.

. "daily use of 5 grams of fish oil

(3.4 g of EPA and 1.6 g of DHA) 

significant improved vision acuity in 

patients with dry AMD."

[ PharmaNutrition 2014

Pilot study for treating dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) 

with high-dose omega-3 fatty acids

Tassos Georgiou, et al.]

. "A high intake of dietary fish oil or fish

was associated with a reduced risk of developing of AMD;

Every 15 g/day of fish consumption

was associated with 13% lower incidence of early AMD. 

(there are 125g per tin of sardines)

. fish intake was associated with a significantly

reduced risk of AMD progression 

(RR: 0.73, 95% CI: 0.53, 1.00).

The dose-response analysis showed a 6% and 22% decrease

in the risk of early and late AMD

for each additional 1 g/d fish oil intake."

[ Clin Nutr. 2021

Dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and fish intake 

and risk of age-related macular degeneration;

Hong Jiang, et al.]

". there is evidence of protection against early AMD 

from regularly eating fish, 

greater consumption of omega-3 fatty acids, 

and having low intakes of foods rich in linoleic acid 

[omega-6 oil from grains and grain-fed meats]. 

Regular consumption of nuts may also reduce AMD risk." [12.30: 

despite being a significant source of linoleic acid.]

[ Arch Ophthalmol. 2009

Dietary fatty acids and the 10-year incidence of

age-related macular degeneration: 

the Blue Mountains Eye Study

Jennifer S L Tan, et al, Paul Mitchell.]

. especially pistachio nuts:

"Pistachio Consumption Increases 

Macular Pigment Optical Density

in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial"

[ J Nutr. 2024 Oct 18

Tammy M Scott, et al, Elizabeth J Johnson]

. pistachio are best at improving blood lipids:

[ Am J Clin Nutr. 2020

Comparative effects of different types of tree nut consumption

on blood lipids: a network meta-analysis of clinical trials;

Kai Liu, et al, Linlang Liang ]

. "Bioactive compounds from tree nuts

delay aging and age-related diseases

possibly by several mechanisms:

. the Nrf2/EpRE pathway is upregulated 

and NF-кB pathway is downregulated by tree nuts.

. Tree nuts exert cytoprotection via antioxidant and

anti-inflammatory activities."

[ Trends in Food Science & Technology 2019:

Benefits of tree nut consumption on aging

and age-related diseases: Mechanisms of actions;

Marius Emil Rusu]


lentil cooking time in a pressure cooker

2023.1.29: web.cook/lentil/cooking time in a pressure cooker:

I reduce cooking time in 3 ways:

. soak the lentils in boiling water to soften them.

. puree the soaked lentils in a vitamixer;

and, that way some of the heat that was needed for

breaking up the lentils

can then instead be used for immediately

attacking anti-nutrients.

. use a high temperature by using an

InstantPot pressure cooker; [ad]


krill oil brands with 3rd party testing

 21.1.28: web.cook/krill/brands with 3rd party testing:

[5.12: summary:

. some say the best thing about krill oil

is that it provides phospholipids,

but you could get that from lecithin;

what is great about krill oil,

is having a phospholipid combined with fish oil,

instead of some lesser-needed oil.

. when buying oils from seafood,

quality may benefit from 3rd party testing.

I tried chewing the IKOS-tested Sports Research

and was amazed at how fishy and weird it tastes;

meanwhile, MegaRed has no 3rd-party testing

but it has a pleasant taste; nevertheless, 

I would still prefer IKOS-tested products.]

IKOS® Sports Research, 400mg phospholipids* 60/subscribe $25.46

--warned about deliveries keep happening after unsubscribe.

same from iherb/$31.15

IKOS® vivanaturals Antarctic Krill Oil 575mg phospholipids * 30/$25.15

find new supplier of progesterone with minimal additives

21.1.25: web.cook/ph/
find new supplier of progesterone with minimal additives:


. progesterone is both a male and female hormone,

but many versions of it are targeted at women,

and may contain estrogenic herbs that men don't want.

. my preferred retailers are amazon and iherb;

I chose Emerita Pro-Gest from iherb.

item I used got discontinued:

Bonvida 1g Progesterone in 60g Cream

purchased 2020.9.11 -- was using about 8mg per day.

other prostate health offerings:

fake news about progesterone:

woman claims Dr.Lee said you can't overdose on cream:

[5.12:. in at least one book by Dr.Lee, he warned about
how easy it was to over-dose on progesterone cream;
and that you had to consider that too much
could have the opposite effect.
Dr. Mercola has commented on Dr.Lee, 
warning us that applying this to skin is not the best;
you should be applying it to a mucous membrane
(I've been using it nasally with good results).]

. the following list is sorted with 
the first being the most preferred for men.


1918 flu pandemic a #WWI #bioweapon? bleeding from high-dose aspirin

20.5.1: health/immunity/1918 flu pandemic
/H1N1 with bleeding from high-dose aspirin:
. the 1918 flu pandemic was an H1N1 virus;
there was some who suspected it was a bioweapon
and not just the flu;
because a lot of bleeding was involved,
as if it was hemorrhagic fever virus
meant to influence the current war (WWI);
however, there was a new popular fad at the time,
of taking very high doses of aspirin
as it it had only recently been discovered;
and they unaware that it was the aspirin
that was causing the same sort of bleeding
that is caused from scurvy or low vit'C.
. historian on @scifri radio said
the 1918 pandemic was able to kill just the young
because it caused an autoimmune reaction;
so, the stronger you could attack the virus
the stronger you would attack yourself.


Marine Collagen Peptides are a source of histidine

19.12.31: health/diet/histidine/
Marine Collagen Peptides are a source of histidine:
. I'm getting most of my protein from sardines
and Zen Principle Marine Collagen Peptides
from the skins of wild caught cod fish.
(precious cysteine comes from raw egg yolk).
. I was noticing from the price of histidine
that they could make a lot more profits if they could
extract the histidine and sell that separately.
. my source claims on the package
that each 10g of powder contains 230mg histidine;
also, I found an amino acid researcher
who claims that fermentation --not extraction--
is the usual source of histidine.


boric acid #cook

9.28: aq.cook/boric acid:
. boric acid has some medical uses;
and, when you get a good price,
it will be for technical grade;
whereas we should have NF or USP grade
for use in eyes, ears, and internally.


#healthcare #fluoride Dr. David Kennedy

19.6.2: pol/healthcare/fluoride/Dr. David Kennedy:
6.3: summary:
. more bad news about fluoride
being a hormone disruptor;
I live in Tucson which doesn't fluoridate,
so my main source has been tea
which is a fluoride accumulator,
and comes mainly from China
where there is a lot of fluoride pollution
from burning coal.
. fluoride is known to affect thyroid
and very high levels of it may reduce
testosterone levels.

. heard Dr. David Kennedy on the radio:
with Martie Whittekin (Healthy By Nature)
[Tucson, AZ, KGMS 940 AM – Sunday 1 pm]
. fluoride is an endocrine disruptor
by affecting g-protein function.
fluoride increases brain aluminum.
Dr. David Kennedy has a book:
David Kennedy 1996`How to Save Your Teeth:
Toxic-Free Preventive Dentistry.
. that book has cult-classic pricing on amazon
but cheap pdf's are sold by


how to process organic greens

web.cook/how to process organic greens:
. I learned that canned greens
retained more fat-soluble vitamins than frozen,
and I couldn't find canned organic greens;
so I consided home canning,
but then decided it's easier to use fresh;
(just need to get to store more often).
. may blanch before vitamixing.
my next cooker might be an Instant Pot Mini.


@walmart tax cut? buy a better checkout system like @sproutsfm

2017: tax cut? buy a better checkout system:
. I frequent the Walmart located at
Kolb & Speedway, Tucson, AZ;
in 2017 I started storing a lot of canned food;
often I would bring 12 or more of the same item;
double charged by cashier?
I'll try my luck at self-checkout;
I double charged me too?!
. the display has only 10 lines
and displays each item on a new line,
instead of using just one line
to show you how many times
you entered the same type of item;
so, it's not obvious from looking at the display
whether or not an item scanned
when you have more than 10 of the same item type.
. it would be easier if the new system would tell you
how many times you entered that item
rather than listing each entry separately
(like occurs when using the cashier
and their one-line display
tells you what just got scanned).
. doing that would also save a lot on receipt paper:
instead of 12 lines of canned greens,
there would be one line saying:
12 x canned greens.
-- @sproutsfm has a system like that,
and it is very easy to check for charging errors;
whereas, on the Walmart receipt,
it lists each item on a separate line,
making the receipt difficult to check
for cashier or machine errors.


@sproutsfm #sardines with no added salt or BPA #review

11.28: news.cook/fish/
@sproutsfm #sardines with no added salt or BPA #review:
. Sprouts has a good selection of organics;
they stock Certified Humane pastured eggs;
and I will be using their brand of sardines.
. today I tried the Sprouts sardines
with no added salt or BPA.
. if the daily sodium should be
the usa Daily Value (2400 mg per day);
and you don't get sodium from other sources,
then you can eat 9 cans of Sprouts sardines
compared with 5 cans of typical sardines.
. for a sardine with no added salt
I was surprised at how salty Sprouts tasted
(what are they actually doing in Morocco?);
anyway, salt is not really evil:
those with hypertension really need
less sugars (glucose and fructose)
and more greens.


Collagen from Wild-Caught North Atlantic Cod

10.3: Atlantic Cod:
Zen Principle Marine Collagen from Wild-Caught North Atlantic Cod
. one problem I have with collagen in general
is that it might have a problem with
free glutamates (possible excitoxicity);
well, I will just use it many small doses.

3-star Pacific Marine Collagen Peptides

9.4: the pacific safe?:
Sports Research Marine Collagen Peptides from Pacific-ocean Wild-Caught Snapper
. one problem I have with collagen in general
is that it might have a problem with
free glutamates (possible excitoxicity);
well, I will just use it many small doses.
. but another problem with
this product in particular
is that it is sourced from the Pacific ocean
where there might be problems with radiation
from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear contamination.
. if the bone is from older fish,
it might have considerable levels of strontium 90
(strontium 90's half-life is 30 years,
and it collects in bones like calcium).
. except for having to manage that small fear,
I enjoy this product.

5-star Erythritol

9.4: are bad reviews talking about?:
NOW Foods Erythritol,2.5-Pound
. I agree erythritol is not sweet;
but if the product tastes bad, it is not pure erythritol.
. the purpose of this product is to repair dental cavities:
you soak your mouth in it; eating too much can give you the runs.


#cashews #lectins #diet @DrGundry

8.14: health/diet/lectins/cashews:
. cashews seemed to be a good nut
except they inflamed my mouth;
but Dr. Steven Gundry claims
they are related to legumes
and have the same toxic lectins;
although he also said
the toxicity of legumes can be reduced
by heating them in a pressure cooker,
although he didn't say that applied to cashews.


canned sardines have B vitamins #health

5.22: sardines have B vitamins:
. canned sardines, despite being cooked,
still have some b'vitamins:
very good source of b12,
but only 9% of daily b6.


boxed wine and canned sardines #health

/boxed wine and canned sardines:

. boxed wine and canned sardines
are some of my favorite products
but are they a source of endocrine disruptors,
being exposed to plastics? not to worry:
the endocrine disruptors are even in our water;
there is no way to escape from them.

dietary sources of AGEs #health #diet #cook

5.15: sources of AGEs:
. a doctor who wrote a healthy lifestyle book
says that sautéing is the best method for retaining nutrients;
but, sautéing involves browning the food,
and exposing fat to high heat.
. browning via heat is a Maillard_reaction:
Acrylamide, a possible human carcinogen
can be generated as a by-product of that.
. browning is related to AGEs
however, I suprised to find
that compared to the diet I had supported,
browning vegetables is a relatively minor source
at least if very little oil is used;
because, foods high in even good fat
tend to contain high levels of AGEs
regardless of cooking method or being raw
-- relevant to a ketogenic (high-fat) diet.

J Am Diet Assoc. 2013:
Advanced Glycation End Products in Foods
and a Practical Guide to Their Reduction in the Diet.
"Modern diets are largely heat-processed
and as a result contain high levels of
advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
". grilling, broiling, roasting, searing, and frying
propagate and accelerate new AGE formation
[Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 1989,
J Am Diet Assoc. 2004]."
"In all food categories, exposure to
higher temperatures and lower moisture levels
coincided with higher dAGE levels
for equal weight of food
as compared to foods prepared at
lower temperatures or with more moisture.
Thus, frying, broiling, grilling, and roasting
yielded more dAGEs compared to
boiling, poaching, stewing, and steaming.
Microwaving 6 minutes or less
did not raise dAGE content to the same extent
as other dry heat cooking methods."
"... in animal studies, a reduction of
dietary AGE by 50% of usual intake
is associated with reduced levels of oxidative stress,
less deterioration of insulin sensitivity
and kidney function with age,
and longer life span [Am J Pathol. 2008:
Oral glycotoxins determine the effects of calorie restriction
on oxidant stress, age-related diseases, and lifespan.
"advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the diet
correlates with serum AGE levels, oxidant stress,
organ dysfunction, and lifespan."]

. oils and nuts are AGE-rich, even in their
uncooked and minimally-processed forms;
for example, measuring just one of many AGEs,
we find in 100g:
grilled veg(broc,carrot,celery): 226 kU AGE;
-- a browning process yet not very toxic;
raw cashew (steamed briefly) contains 6730;
-- compare to roasted: 9807;
so, most of the toxin is from the natural fat
not the roasting. compare also,
100 mL (3.38fl oz) extra virgin olive oil: 10,040.

protein is a moderate source too:

100g chicken boiled 1 hour: 1,123
-- or half that if using acidic solutions
such as lemon juice or vinegar marinades.

salmon canned: 917
salmon raw: 528
no mention of raw yolk but
100g yolk cooked 10 min is: 1193


#vinegar anti-diabetic effects

2.14: effects
. vinegar's acetic acid may improve carb tolerance
by inhibiting carb-crunching digestive enzymes;
it may enhance insulin sensitivity:
the acetic acid may enhance glycogen repletion
in liver and skeletal muscle
(it may move glucose from blood to
liver and skeletal muscle).
. apple cider vinegar could be healthy because
it provides polyphenols, fiber, and phytosterols
while turning the apple's carb's to acid.
apples contain chlorogenic acid.
. there is also a red wine vinegar
that might provide the benefits of red wine
without the alcohol.
33% vinegar whitens teeth

Diabetes Care 2004
Vinegar Improves Insulin Sensitivity to a High-Carbohydrate Meal
in Subjects With Insulin Resistance or Type 2 Diabetes
Acetic acid has been shown to suppress
disaccharidase activity [carb-digesting enzymes](3)
 and to raise glucose-6-phosphate concentrations
in skeletal muscle (4);
3: J Nutr 2000
Acetic acid suppresses the increase in disaccharidase activity
that occurs during culture of Caco-2 cells.
Acetic acid treatment (5 mmol/L and 15 d) significantly decreased
the activities of disaccharidases
(sucrase, maltase, trehalase and lactase)
and angiotensin-I-converting enzyme,
whereas the activities of other hydrolases
(alkaline phosphatase, aminopeptidase-N,
dipeptidylpeptidase-IV and γ-glutamyltranspeptidase)
were not affected.
4: Amer Society for Nutritional Sciences 2001
Acetic Acid Feeding Enhances Glycogen Repletion
in Liver and Skeletal Muscle of Rats
. investigate the efficacy of the ingestion of vinegar
in aiding recovery from fatigue,
we examined the effect of dietary acetic acid,
the main component of vinegar, on glycogen repletion in rats.
Rats were allowed access to a commercial diet twice daily for 6 d.
After 15 h of food deprivation, they were either killed immediately
or given 2 g of a diet containing 0 (control), 0.1, 0.2 or 0.4 g
acetic acid/100 g diet for 2 h.
The 0.2 g acetic acid group had significantly greater
liver and gastrocnemius muscle glycogen concentration
than the control group.
In liver, acetic acid may activate gluconeogenesis
and inactivate glycolysis through inactivation of
fructose-2,6-bisphosphate synthesis
due to suppression of xylulose-5-phosphate accumulation.
In skeletal muscle, acetic acid may inhibit glycolysis
[breakdown of glucose to extract energy]
by suppression of phosphofructokinase-1 activity.
We conclude that a diet containing acetic acid
may enhance glycogen repletion in liver and skeletal muscle.

starch-inhibiting ingredient in vinegar is acetic acid,
“Vinegar appears to inhibit the enzymes that
help you digest starch.” When starch is not completely digested,
you get a smaller blood sugar (glycemic) response
— “20-40% less in healthy people and in diabetics” —
after eating a high-glycemic food such as a bagel.
. the “mother” in it, the solids at the bottom
are the bacteria that fermented it,
not the fiber (eg pectin) of the apple.
co: VerseauT
3/24/2016 4:42 PM MST
Leg Cramps Be Gone! I heard about how
ACV was good for reducing leg cramps in the night.
It is true. I take a half-inch of ACV
in a glass of water&honey,
or with cherry juice or blackberry juice, EVERY DAY,
and I don't get leg cramps in the night anymore.
If I forget, sure enough in a day or two
I will get a leg cramp in the night.

Switchel is the name for water mixed with vinegar.


. I recently found badmonkeybotanicals
selling pure powdered extracts of herbs;
good to know they are there;
did a web search of their web presence,
customer reviews. spotty history,
some complaints of bland extracts;
but now they are rated A- by BBB.
. includes sample of extracts I'm interested in,
some I'm not sure about getting
because I'm not sure how to identify quality
(I've never seen pure powders of them before).