
truth about obama is the truth about you

7.14: co.fb/pol/obama/the least spending increases:
Who Is The Smallest Government Spender Since Eisenhower?
Would You Believe It's Barack Obama? - Forbes
It’s enough to make even the most ardent Obama cynic
scratch his head in confusion.
. one of many rebuttals ... .
. the problem with obama's thriftiness
is that he himself
does wish it were otherwise!
. he realizes that during a recession
the way out is using more gov' spending, not less .
. the bigger problem though
with comparing presidential thriftiness
is that neither party is doing anything about
the source of gov costs:
in the age of automation
we could all be filthy rich,
except that we keep over-breeding
( the norm is to use breeding as a
motivation for the creation of wealth,
rather than -- the apparently reaganomic idea --
using the size of family fortune
as the motivator for breeding
. there are 2 sources of national overbreeding:
immigration and lack of contraception;
the dem's are big on promoting immigration,
while the repub's are notorious for their
backing of pro-lifers
and their barking about abstinence
without any teeth like laws against fornication .
. if we don't have the heart to
punish people for breeding in poverty,
then we should pay them for
cooperating with reduced breeding;
what we do now may not be child abuse yet,
but wait until capitalism is perfected:
there will be far fewer jobs in the future
yet people's breeding will not slow down .
. we need to put everyone on welfare
and tie it to population reduction .
. the more your community reduces,
the more federal or state funds it gets
-- and the more land it keeps .


Philip Torrance (ADDN) said...

7.18: co.apt/pol/purge/unemployment/
mark levin`it's about tax evasion:
. mark levin thinks
the job loss from outsourcing employees
is not much compared to loss from
businesses moving out to avoiding taxes?
. the main problem is a naive public that is
depending on capitalism to give them a job!
. you think taxes havens and outsourcing
have been a job loser?
wait until automation really kicks in
-- that's rolling over your jobs like a tank .

Philip Torrance (ADDN) said...

7.14: co.apt/pol/purges/reaganomics/
romney was no accident:
. how did romney get chosen?
does this highly unemployed voter base
really want to elect the icon of outsourcers?
. ah, I keep forgetting
the base doesn't vote for the president,
the elites choose the delegates who vote;
so the selection of romney is no accident;
they are saying to us:
"( you think outsourcing is your problem?
ha, the outsourcers should be president around here!
your problem is that even with automation coming fast
you think you can just keep outbreeding the joneses !
. outsourcing will only look smarter with time,
while your breeding turns you to dirt ).

Philip Torrance (ADDN) said...

7.30: co.apt/pol/purges/reaganomics/
end of middle class within 8 years:
. college is hard to get because it's not worth as much,
states see it's doesn't pay to subsidize it;
there are no jobs to pay for the degree .
. 3rd world is scraping to send kids to our colleges,
and they work for half price because
they don't get social program benefits .
. more gloom and doom,
you really think it's just obama;
you'll see,
maybe 8 more years of reaganomic magic,
then it's back to basics . pioneer life .

Philip Torrance (ADDN) said...

7.31: news.cyb/pol/purges/reaganomics/
the new normal:
. I was astonished that many were accepting as fact
the idea that the "(new normal)
was about gay acceptance in the culture .
. the first place I heard the term was marketplace.org,
refering to what is politically correct:
it is now patriotic to be against labor jobs
(it used to be about being against communism).
. another "new norm" I saw today was
opensource (against monopolies)-9.29

Philip Torrance (ADDN) said...

7.31: co.self/dream/

. in this dream, my boss is asking me
what this document means
that I gave in response to a company survey;
fear is setting in:
these are not casual clarifying questions;
they're trying to prep a case against me;
this is the beginning of the end .