
usa's drug war in mexico

7.1: pol/purges/drug war/democratic drug war
invites socialism back into mexico:
7.x?: 9.29: summary:
. under mexico's previous president,
there had been a military crackdown on drug cartels,
who terrorized the citizens in response,
murdering around 50,000 .
. all this was to fight for usa's drug battle,
-- to take advantage of usa's financial assistance
and economic cooperations .
. the mexican's have a long history of being
socialists, organizing under the PRI;
and they just re-elected them .
. if the PRI was socialistic now,
that would be sweet justice,
as they would be saying to usa:
"( you think a drug war is democracy?
we would rather be socialists ! )
. unfortunately, I got no such justice,
as it was pointed out by a socialist site,
that the PRI is strongly capitalist these days .
. nevertheless,
the effect for usa is the same:
if PRI can stop the drug war violence,
I can assure you it's only because they
stopped getting in the way of drug lords;
because, with the grinding poverty of
combined Catholicism and capitalism,
the drug cartels have an infinite supply
of either dealers or butchers
-- take your pick .
. if usa was serious about the drug war
they would prevent usa's drug use;
but, while it's easy for the religious
to dictate drug abstinence;
try dictating fewer privacy rights
(like universal drug testing)
and you will find out
just how "religious" usa really is .

9.29: summary of links:
. the drug war is in, PRI is out;
PRI is no longer socialist;
Mexico's history of socialist politics;
would the US ever trust a pri president? .

7.20: web.pol/purges/drug war/
hiafric HIV rates driven by our drug policy:
"The global war on drugs
is driving the HIV/AIDS pandemic
among drug users and their sexual partners.
Throughout the world,
research has consistently shown that
repressive drug law enforcement practices
force drug users away from public health services
and into hidden environments where
HIV risk becomes markedly elevated.
Mass incarceration of non-violent drug offenders
also plays a major role in increasing HIV risk.
This is a critical public health issue
in many countries, including the United States,
where as many as 25 % of the HIV-infected
may pass through correctional facilities annually,
and where disproportionate incarceration rates
are among the key reasons for markedly higher
HIV rates among African Americans."
-- "The War on Drugs and HIV/AIDS:
How the Criminalization of Drug Use
Fuels the Global Pandemic,"
Global Commission on Drug Policy
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: June 2012), p. 2.

7.26: co.apt/pol/purges/drug war/
sobriety for trust and fear:

. the drug war is expensive and obnoxious;
so how does it survive in a democracy where
more than half [exaggeration]
have used drugs under the table?
. a key to understanding its driver
is our needing to maintain a sense of fairness
while upholding employee quality
in situations where trustworthiness is critical .
. basically, hospital staff can't get high;
so therefore nobody else can either .
the winning drug plan is this:
. we need to use our stimulant drugs
to fast-track the development of robots;
then we can replace these core staff;
and then finally the elites won't care
whether we get high,
because our monkey
doesn't even have to be in the same room
with their monkey .


Philip Torrance (ADDN) said...

8.12: co.apt/pol/obama/fast & furious/
bad news for drugwar but mexicans look happy:
. ah, the mexican leader is quiet about the gun smuggling;
either he is continuing the drug war,
and is happy that the weak gun laws are getting noticed,
or he is set on keeping his campaign promise,
and will no longer be fighting the drug lords
in order to cut the killing and the kidnappings,
so he could care less whether the lords have guns .

Philip Torrance (ADDN) said...

8.12: news.pol/communism/nafta:
. the primary purpose of the NAFTA agreement
with the Mexicans,
was to prevent the shock that happened last time:
we had rented them tech for extracting their oil
expecting we'd get the oil at a very good price;
but their communists took over our oil companies;
and after that, globalized capitalism soured .
. the NAFTA agreement was meant to break that ice:
we give you great jobs, if you keep us in charge .