Showing posts with label 911neocons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 911neocons. Show all posts


#911truther #remoteviewing #psyop not_consistent_with_evidence

10.25: news.pol/911truther/ consistent with evidence:
. I listened to an interview with Dr. Courtney Brown
speaker for the remote viewing program .
. he claims a 9/11 report will be good for
popularizing the believability of remote viewing;
but his results are not even consistent with facts .


#BadUSB code made public #badBIOS #android #linux #mac #Windows

news.cyb/sec/#badBIOS/#BadUSB code made public:
10.11: summary:
. in 2013 I wrote about #badBIOS malware
apparently infecting my mac and linux/pc;
 recently a demonstration of badUSB
has proven a key technology needed by badBIOS;
but the code was not revealed; because,
USB is considered to be unpatchable,
unless $billions in hardware were replaced .
. even more recently,
other researchers have released the code .


#USAFREEDOMAct reauthorizes #PATRIOTAct until after #wwIII is over

news.pol/privacy rights
/#USAFREEDOMAct reauthorizes #PATRIOTAct until after #wwIII is over:
. it's ok to lose privacy; we're in a war until 2017;
and after that we're in a global union;
how can you keep global peace
without keeping an eye on every guy
since you can't know who's evil until you look .
sign the petition:


Antichrist war is officially declared

news.pol/purges/wwIII/Antichrist war is officially declared: Aug. 21, 2014:
Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey,
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
ISIS has an "apocalyptic, end-of-days" vision 
that will eventually have to be defeated.


national security challenge of the 21st century

30: news.pol/purges/wwIII/national security challenge of the 21st century: news:
Aspen Security Forum in Colorado,
 A panel of experts discussed the specter of
terrorists armed with WMD's (weapons of mass destruction)
-- nuclear, biological, chemical, etc .
Among the panelists was Andrew C. Weber,
assistant secretary of defense for
nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs .


Kevin Ryan deepstate operation with energetics #911truther

7: news.pol/911truther/Kevin Ryan/deepstate operation with energetics:
. I was recently made aware of Kevin Ryan
a 911truther concerned with who did 9/11,
introducing a deepstate operation theory .
. this would fit in perfectly with
Dr. Judy Wood's beam weapons theory
as who else but a deepstate operator
could expose New York to beam weapons?
however, back in 2011 he appears to be
distancing himself from Dr.Wood's theory;
it is interesting that he would use the term "energetics"
to describe conventional explosives
when the Russians used that term for beam weapons .


Dr. Walter Haut vs beam weapon theorists

7.1: pol/911truther/Dr. Walter Haut/beam weapon theorist:
. "Dr Walter Haut" appears to be a fabricated mockery
of my hero Dr.Judy Wood; has Dr Haut listed as writing about
beam weapons on 9/11 -- just as Dr.Wood does --
but none of his books were available or in print,
so I wondered if his series was a publicity stunt
put on by truthers adding to Wood's beam theory
or counter-truthers trying to associate
beam weapon theorists such as Dr. Judy Wood
with conspiracy theorists ad adsurdum
who would have have us distrust
Freemasons, Obama, and FEMA camps
(quite the contrary:
when this country is ripped apart by WWIII,
FEMA camps will be our only source of
food, water, and safe policing
unless you thoughtfully prepared by 2016).
. I couldn't find any other mention on the web
of a Dr Walter Haut but there is a
1st Lt. Walter Haut
famous for being an alien truther .
. here he is talking about aliens
( Glen Dennis, Walter Haut and Mark Bean
Disclosure Project Witness Testimony Archive).

2014-06-26 remembers WWI 100 years ago

25: news.pol/purges/wwIII/ remembers WWI 100 years ago:
"One day the great European War will come out of
some damned foolish thing in the Balkans."
This prophecy came in 1888,
from German Chancellor Otto von Bismarck,
and On June 28, 1914, the excuse for WWI happened
with the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne,
while visiting Sarajevo, the capital of the
Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia-Herzegovina
and a center of unrest against foreign rule.
. it lead to the downfall of the Ottoman Empire
which sowed the seeds of the current troubles
in the Middle East .


mission accomplished by end of 2016 #WWIII

6.8: news.pol/purges/wwIII/mission accomplished by end of 2016:
Air Force Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, 
the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (Eucom)
DEAUVILLE, France, June 8, 2014:
-- just days after President Obama announced
all U.S. forces will leave Afghanistan by the end of 2016 .
. Breedlove's first priority
since assuming his command 13 months ago
has been "to get Afghanistan right";
Ukraine is now among his top priorities.
. a second priority of Eucom had been
transitioning to a more peacetime role;
but Russian aggressions in Ukraine got in the way .
. there is a focus on what to do for
the last seven months of the mission of
International Security Assistance Forces
-- preceding Operation Resolute Support .
--. this is consistent with the 5777  and 119 ministries prophesies:
Fall 2016 is the big showdown of wwIII;
and it's supposed to be a fight over Iran's threatening of Israel;
and, part of the Iran pressure by usa
is for usa to be surrounding Iran
by being in Iraq and Afghanistan until the showdown .
. Russia can't politically defend Iran against usa,
so they are starting the aggressions in Ukraine
as a way to popularize resistance to usa .


DARPA's automated internet disinfectant

6.4: news.cyb/sec/DARPA's automated internet disinfectant:
Mike Walker, DARPA program manager
In April of 2014,  insurers started selling insurance products
that covered physical harm generated by cyber effects
-- Google "cyber insurance" "property damage".
In May of 2014,
Sky News reported that over 42,000 London cars
-- nearly half of the cars stolen in the city of London --
were stolen with hacking.
The networked civilization we are building
is going to need to be able to make
strong promises about the safety of software,
because it won't just be guarding our data security
-- it will be guarding our physical security.
If we're going to be able to make strong promises about
software safety, we're going to need automation
that can investigate software in a
uniform, scalable and effective manner.
We know that expert auditors can't get there
-- IBM/Rational points out that our civilization crossed
1 trillion lines of code in the early 2000's.
Operating systems weigh in above 40 million lines
under constant development.
The problem is too big and it’s moving too fast.
We also know that today's automation is
losing every contest of wits to experts
-- in the wake of Heartbleed,
not a single automation product has come forward to say
that this flaw could have been detected
without expert annotation or intervention.
CGC is open technology development
on the problem of software safety,
a problem seen by the DoD
-- and everyone with a vested interest in our connected future.
. What if a purpose built supercomputer
could scour the billions of lines of code we depend on,
find and fix the toughest flaws,
upend the economics of computer security,
and level the playing field
between attackers and defenders?
co.reddit comment:
. a lot invested in the [stale] attack/defense model
of computer security competition.
I've heard arguments from many players
that the current model of attack/defense CTF
[capture the flag competitions] is "stale". 
Mike Walker:
. great innovation is happening in the CTF community:
see Build It / Break It / Fix It,
funded by the National Science Foundation.
6.7: my response:
. what is stale is the attack/defense model;
because, the chip firmwares have backdoors;
you need to secure the hardware;
then you can analyze the software;
but, at least with DECREE
they are promoting a microkernel OS
that can guarantee isolation between app's?
(well, the interface is tiny, if not the Trusted Code Base).
. unfortunately what they have in mind
is to use their simple OS only for
easily managing the budding automation competition;
then they plan to evolve the winning buds
for auto-fixing today's software on today OS's.
. but, what can they do for firmware breaches?
. they are trying to show concern about cybercrime
without actually blocking the backdoors used by NSA .


#politics of on-going #malware injustice

news.cyb/sec/#politics of on-going #malware injustice:
. we need a hardware system redesign that will
give the NSA the information they search for
but will not allow them to modify our systems,
so then criminals cannot modify our systems .


anti-christ war 3.23

pol/purges/wwIII/anti-christ war 3.23:
. march 23rd was said to be significant 
"Celestial Sign could mark the beginning of the end"
and so I gathered some news for that day .


#privacy not the purpose of #Qubes

2.17: co.cyb/sec/qubes/privacy not the purpose of qubes,
[3.1: intro:
. the Qubes project provides sure isolation
with a hardening of the hypervisor Xen;
you can have several virtual machines (vm) at once
and can safely run a web browser in one vm
knowing it will not infect your other vm's .]

Peter Chin Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 6:06 AM
Re: [qubes-devel] Digest for
This entire project is a total useless waste of time.
Please do due diligence in your research
about all threat levels that actually exist:
The very first compilers that were
created for the design of computers
were already compromised by the time they were used to
compile code for designing even rudimentary computers


the Global Health Security Agenda

news.pol/purges/wwIII/the Global Health Security Agenda:
17: summary:
. due to the heightened risk of Terrorism
there appears to be an increased risk of pandemics


Peter R Harley`Monroe 2013

13.12.26.. 14.1.13: pol/harley`monroe 2013
Peter R Harley`Monroe 2013

anti- #nsa #surveillance activist day

11: web.pol/surveillance/
[ twitter news ] philip torrance ‏@addn
if we let #nsa #surveillance then
no more malware on computers to force it ;)
Note to staff:
All leave is cancelled for the next 24 hours
– tomorrow is going to be a very busy day for us:


Metapedia judged by its 9-11 coverage

6: news.cyb/ to wikipedia/Metapedia:
. Metapedia is a wikipedia supplement:
here to do things that can't be done there .
. one thing you can't do in wikipedia
is talk about Dr. Judy Wood as being
a serious part of the 9/11 truth movement;
but, Metapedia doesn't even mention her
or her beam weapons evidence,
although Metapedia editors are hardly
main-line 911truthers either
since they blame 9/11 on a Jewish Conspiracy
rather than neocon-CIA-NSA imperialism
or a Liberal Conspiracy bent on
challenging the Muslim globalists
by stealing Zion from them
and handing it back to the Jewish people,
in order to start the Final World War
to choose the world leader
and give that leader the power to
implement global surveillance
and enforce peace throughout the world .

Charles Veitch remembers 9-11

6: web.pol/911truther/Charles Veitch remembers 9-11:
. 911truther Charles Veitch, is seen on this video
Charles Veitch Jun 29, 2011`
No Emotional Attachment to 9/11 Theories
- The Truth is Most Important
saying he now believes the gov's story
( 9/11 was a pancake collapse from plane strikes )
after getting much personal attention
from ex-cia who seemed sincere .
. however,


#mac #osx #rtfm #badBIOS #NSA stuccomontana

9: news.cyb/sec/#mac #osx #rtfm #badBIOS #NSA stuccomontana:
. when NSA conceals a computer vulnerability
(one that can take possession of your computer
and make it do the bidding of the internet)
there is nothing magical about this situation
that would prevent criminal elements
from also exploiting these backdoors .
. NSA knows the cat is out of the bag;
that's why they set up the Snowden leak:
NSA knows they need to get our permission now
rather than use our computer vulnerabilities
because the criminals now know too much
about the backdoors NSA needs for surveillance .

. the following is someone claiming to show
an NSA leak documenting the #badBIOS malware
that has been plaguing Dragos Ruiu .


you have 2 choices to make #wwIII #globalization #nationalism #catholicism

10: pol/purges/wwIII/you have 2 choices to make:
. wwIII is obviously going to happen
as usa defends zionists in Israel,
while Russia defends Arab regimes against
being undermined by usa's cia,
which in turn means that Russia is defending "terrorism"
(anti-zionist guerrilla warfare operations
punishing usa and Israel).

. in the bigger picture, the purpose of WWIII
is to decide who will be the global leader
of the modern world:
will it be usa's brand of democracy
and attention to human rights ?
or will it be something from russia
promoting orthodox christian views
as they rally against bible-sex deviants ?