Showing posts with label pol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pol. Show all posts


#911truther Mark Passio`The Dark Side Of Tesla's Technology

5.31: news.pol/911truther/Mark Passio/
The Dark Side Of Tesla's Technology:
summary transcript of video with commentary:
. scalar waves flow at right angles to EM waves
considered to be finer than gamma rays;
they belong to the subtle gravitational field
aka gravitic waves or longitudinal waves;
many refer to them as Tesla waves.
. the Tesla Colorado Springs magnifying transmitter
transmitted scalar waves.
. as described by Thomas Bearden
interferometry that intersects 2 scalar waves
can cause earthquakes and dustifications.
. scalar interferometry was used on 9/11
to dustify the trade towers,
as seen in the evidence compiled by
Dr.Judy Wood [who mentions Hutchison].
. finally Mark Passio believes that
HAARP (high-altitude active auroral research proj)
involves scalar wave technology.
my comment:


Anonymous` #wwIII 2017-2018

5.25: news.pol/purges/wwIII/
Anonymous` #wwIII 2017-2018:
summary of video:
. usa knows it is doomed to failure
(obviously because it depends on debt
and it will run out of borrowers eventually);
so it will likely start wwIII
to stay in control of the world.
. N.Korea said they would be less threatening
if usa and S.Korea would stop their military drills;
usa responded by installing a missile defense shield
that threatens China's and Russia's nuclear strategy.
. just as usa had oil interests in the middle east;
(in addition to defending Zionism)
and this was the basis for many usa wars;
usa is now concerned with rare earth metals,
essential to high tech, and thus national security.
. major new sources include Afghanistan and
-- bet you can't guess -- N.Korea.
. recently Russia has been accused of
helping the resistance in Afghanistan,
working against usa.


#vaccine higher rate of allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders

5.23: news.pol/healthcare/vaccine/
higher rate of allergies and neurodevelopmental disorders:
Pilot comparative study on the health of
vaccinated and unvaccinated
6- to 12- year old U.S. children.
[J Translational Science 2017]
. neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD);
vaccinated homeschool children were found to have
a higher rate of allergies and NDD
than unvaccinated homeschool children.
While vaccination remained significantly associated with
NDD after controlling for other factors,
preterm birth coupled with vaccination
was associated with an apparent synergistic increase
in the odds of NDD.
summary of findings:
snopes reaction:


#wwIII #Russian tv remembers #international #bankers

5.15: news.pol/purges/wwIII/
Russian tv remembers international bankers:
. usa is on the verge of war with Russia;
and usa is the military heart of international banking;
Russian historians remember how civil war came
shortly after the Russian tzar failed to accept
a deal from an international banker.
. when talking about Rothschild's bank
it is typically seen as anti-semitic,
since Rothschild presented himself as Jewish;
but Russia's tv and historians remind us that
regardless of what ethnicity a bank owner is,
international banking can have a profound influence
on the relations and wars between nations.
. on the other hand, if you think we need
a banker's credit line to sustain a war,
you haven't been paying attention to
why the masses are so willing to fight wars.


Alan Dershowitz temporarily censored by youtube #zionism

10.25: news.pol/zionism/Alan Dershowitz temporarily censored by youtube:
12.31: summary:
. youtube actually censored a famous professor;
what did he talk about? a defense of zionism.
he may have since changed his material;
I transcribe his current work.


#microcephaly is it #Zika or #glyphosate or larvicide?

12.21: pol/healthcare/microcephaly/summary:
. Zika has been proposed by some usa officials
as the source of microcephaly birth defects;
but some doctors are pointing to pesticides.

#autism #glyphosate #Roundup глифосат аутизм

10.16: web.pol/healthcare/autism/glyphosate evidence:
. some suggest glyphosate (Roundup) causes autism;
Russia discourages the use of genetically modified crops;
would they have lower use of glyphosate?
and would they have lower rates of autism?
. some feel that Russia ignores autism,
diagnosing it as psychosis or retardation.
. some see autism rises with other birth defects,
and some see glyphosate causing birth defects.


#cancer #depression #Psilocybin the oracle

12.18: oracle:
. a brain cancer patient who would later die from it
did Psilocybin and it was like an oracle
(here is what is in store for you):
it gave her a very bad experience
but also the message that while life looks bad,
a big part of it is how you look at it:
don't ruin the precious here & now
worrying about the hopelessness of the future.


LOL "too Jewish" radio said alt news is fake news!

12.11: news.pol/purges/media/
LOL "too Jewish" radio said alt news is fake news!:
. I love to listen to Rabbi Sam Cohon
hosting "Too Jewish" radio in Tucson
because Israel and Jewish culture are important
for several reasons:
# most of the terrorists we are fighting now
are Islamic reactions against Israel's creation
which confiscated land from Islamic Palestinians;
and Israel's Zionism is genuine Judaism.
# you will never know the real Jesus (Yeshua)
without knowing more about Judaism.
. but today I was surprised to hear
"too Jewish" radio say alt news is fake news.

2016-11-16`@addn is near @BernieSanders

11.15: proj.pol/`@addn is near @BernieSanders:
. I took a test from
that measures your position within
a political space of 2 dimensions:
an economic scale going from Left to Right
(from communism aka state-controlled economy
to neoliberalism aka liberated capitalism)
and a social control scale going from
libertarianism aka anarchy to authoritarianism.
following are the questions they asked me,
and my detailed response.
. the test allows only 4 responses:
strongly or mildly agree or disagree.
. they claim my location is shared by Bernie Sanders;
moderate anarcho-syndicalism (libertarian socialism);
although I'm sure we have some major differences,
such as my belief in childrens' rights to
parents without genetic diseases (eugenics).
. my Political Compass out of -10...+10:
Economic Left/Right: -5.5
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.13


#HappyHalloween UN Hon'Ambassador for empowerment of women is Wonder Woman

10.31: web.psy/
UN Honorary Ambassador for empowerment of women is Wonder Woman
. the chosen icon for women's equality
is a character in a race in which
the women dominate the men,
and the men struggle for equality.


DOD DNI want #cyberwar command split from #NSA

10.6: news.pol/purges/war/
DOD DNI want cyberwar command split from NSA:
10.18: summary:
. the same technology used for hacking into computers
can be used for both gathering info (NSA activities)
and for making foreign computers do malicious things
(cyberwar command activities).
. anybody with that technology can do both;
not surprisingly both activities have been headed by
the same director (a military general)
but since Snowden exposed that NSA is spying on its citizens
privacy defenders want NSA headed by senate-selected civilian
rather than a general selected by the military.


what is the good news? #wwIII

9.26: relig/ is the good news? #wwIII:
. a rep asked me to look at an article
called "what is the good news?"
it makes a statement and provides scripture
that might hint how the statement is true.
. believes in heaven on earth;
angels toss out the sinners, install a global government
and then we live forever
without pain or death here on earth as humans.
. this reminded me of wwIII,
leaving only one military standing,
-- one global government --
that then enforces global arms control,
and brings peace on earth forever.
. the real you is your community,
and with global peace enforced forever,
your community (you) really could live forever
assuming your community can evolve
to travel to new stars after the Sun dies.


usa`nations sponsoring terrorism are #syria and #iran maybe not sudan

9.22: news.pol/purges/wwIII/usa`
nations sponsoring terrorism are #syria and #iran maybe not sudan:
. the move to consider taking Sudan off the list
of State_Sponsors_of_Terrorism,
would further focus on Iran and Syria
as the arch enemies of usa-Israel-NATO.
. Syria is an important naval base for Russia
only because the dictator of Syria allows it;
if the dictator were removed, Russia would lose.
. Iran and Syria are ruled by Shiites,
even though Syria is dominated by Sunnis,
hence the civil war in Syria, and a proxy war
between the usa-CIA and Russia.


why Iran targets Haifa and Tel Aviv #wwIII

9.21: news.pol/purges/wwIII/why Iran targets Haifa and Tel Aviv:
. if Iran were to punish Israel, they said
their first target would be Haifa and Tel Aviv.
I know Tel Aviv is the effective capital of Israel
but what is Haifa?


D'Souza's #Obama america 2016 think again

9.9: web.pol/obama/2016:obama's america:
. D'Souza's 2016:_Obama's_America is a 2012 movie
warning of major changes to the usa
should Obama be elected to office;
because he is an anti-colonialist
so usa will stop being a global leader.
. nothing could be farther from the truth;
Obama knows that the weapons revealed on 9/11
dustifying the trade towers leaving only papers
are much more powerful than nukes.
. by Fall 2016 he will be "forced" into wwIII,
that will leave only one military standing,
and there's a good chance usa-NATO will win.
. with global domination in place,
the usa will implement global arms control,
which will save Israel from the nations of Islam
and bring world peace,
because nobody but usa allies can make weapons.
. usa will be supercolonialists!


#Jesus will dethrown the Devil influencing our thoughts?

8.27: co.apt/relig/
Jesus will dethrown the Devil influencing our thoughts:
. some Jehovah's Witnesses are inviting me
to read their pamphlet;
it responds to those who would ask:
why believe in god?;
well, the existence of the god is obvious to me:
I noticed from "mental illness" [telepathy]
that thoughts come from the supernatural;
from the devil or the god -- hard to tell the diff because
good can lead to bad, and bad to good;
and the bible says the devil can tempt us;
so I figured we are really fooled:
actually, all our thoughts are influenced by the supernatural.
. the man agreed: just look at the world;
his wife gave me a tract to address that concern:


nasal B12 works? turned into prescription only

8.23: web.cook/b12/nasal B12 gel:
what happened to nasal b12? considered a drug?
make it yourself?
find a high dose pill with no silicates:
Now Foods, Methyl B-12, 10,000 mcg,
Xylitol, sorbitol, cellulose, citric acid,
stearic acid (vegetable source) and natural flavors.
. some complain potency went down
and Jarrow themselves warn the color varies from light pink to red.
(b12 has a dark red color).


#911truther Predictive Programming in Independence_Day_(1996_film)

6.25: news.pol/purges/illuminati/911truther/
Independence_Day_(1996_film) as Predictive Programming:
6.28: summary:
. everyone agrees that Predictive programming
entails media hinting at foreknowledge of
some catastrophes such as 9/11;
but they differ on why this is being done.
. I believe the point of hinting at foreknowledge
is to give you the idea that The Powers That Be
have control of the media, and everything else,
and there is nothing you can do to stop them:
9/11 was planned to motivate "the war on terror"
(an expensive war against anti-zionists).
. a prime example of Predictive Programming
is when aliens attack the world
in the 1996_film, Independence_Day,
and they show waves of things turning to dust
just as they mysteriously did on 9/11.
. aliens are synonymous with secret advanced technology;
and, 9/11 was done with secret advanced technology.


graphics 2015

. these are the drawings I did during 2015;
done in colored pencils or pens.
. also a collage.