Showing posts with label parapsychology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label parapsychology. Show all posts


Rupert Sheldrake The Extended Mind

8.5: web.psy/Rupert Sheldrake/The Extended Mind:
GoogleTechTalks`Rupert Sheldrake`
The Extended Mind[the mind beyond the brain]:
Recent Experimental Evidence
Rupert Sheldrake at GoogleTechTalks!
(partial transcript [and comments])


Dr. Morehouse annoyed at remote viewing 9-11

2.14: news.pol/911truther
/Dr. David Morehouse annoyed at remote viewing 9-11:
. remote viewing is the use of prayer
to get private info about events .
. last year the big news in remote viewing
is's exposure of the 9/11 event
as a conspiracy among usa's own government,
but they contradicted the evidence showing
the trade tower dustification was from
a classified beam weapon technology
rather than some clean nuclear bomb .
. a magazine about remote viewing, Eight Martinis,
interviewed Dr. David Morehouse
and he was not excited about remote viewing
because he wasn't into conspiracy theories!
. he was likely thinking like me
what difference does a conspiracy theory make
if it doesn't expose the biggest story:
9/11 was evidence of directed free energy technology .

remote viewing and the Law of Attraction

2.14: news.psy/parapsy/remote viewing and the Law of Attraction:
. this is my first exposure to EightMartinis,
a magazine about a parapsychology method
that gets private information supernaturally
by basically praying to know something .
. those who practice it often also meditate
and that is a key to the Law of Attraction
(the secret to influencing people).
. some people seem possessed after remote viewing
becoming obsessed with discomforting thoughts
suggesting that "dabbling in the supernatural"
may increase risk of psychosis or obsessions .


#ESP is classified

2.4: co.fb#aj/pol/gemini/ESP is classified:
John Greenewald:
Last year, I filed a FOIA request for
information on Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)
to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
After finding records that originated at the CIA,
they forwarded them over for review, and release to me.
After waiting quite some time, the documents were determined as
fully classified and exempt from release.
They denied my request in full .
but google "FOIA remote viewing"
"the CIA has already declassified and released
over 70,000 records on remote viewing".
. but here's
Greenewald asking about "remote viewing":
anyway, here's cia's search engine:
here's a better of way of using that:
google remote viewing
eg, (mostly about ufo's but mentions "remote viewing").


#hinduism #reincarnation

9.14: relig/hinduism/reincarnation:
. transmigration is the process of using successive lives
to work through a growing process gaining experience
somewhat like having to be the janitor
and working your way up to CEO .
(that fits in well with India's caste system
which limits social class mobility).
. why the need for a reincarnation theory?

battered wife syndrome like #schizophrenia

9.11: psy/schiz/like battered wife syndrome:
. in the battered wife syndrome,
despite trying guys with different profiles,
the victim always manages to attract a victimizer .
. I wondered if this was like schiz'ia,
where your guardian angel has a program for you,
and everybody you meet feels like
following that program;
because, we all share the same guardian angel
in order to orchestrate conspiracies
such as battered wife syndromes,
and schiz'ia hauntings .

#schizophrenia as god-mediated caste control?

8.24: 12.31: psy/schiz/god-mediated caste control?:
. a common time to become schiz'ic
is when transitioning to another social level,
such as trying to enter a major in college,
quitting substance abuse upon growing up,
moving from lower to the upper class,
or even from childhood to adolescence .
. schiz'ia is caused by the Holy spirit
intervening as a spiritual father
teaching one how to be totally honest
by revealing secrets through telepathy .
. the Holy spirit may organize a caste system
and give loyalty to the upper castes
in order to maintain some plan;
but schiz'ia doesn't hit every upward social move?
maybe some know what they are doing
(pledging allegiance to a group)
or they are highly sought
for the position they are entering ?
... but more likely it's as simple as
when moving to a new social position
you might not be aware telepathy exists,
and as you move, your subcon'mind realizes
other subcon'minds don't approve of
the secrets or attitudes you're holding;
ie, the key to not showing "delusions of telepathy"
is to have been basically loyal to
the caste or social group you are entering,
or to have been of sufficient emotional intelligence
so as to not warrant any fathering interventions
by the Holy spirit .


astrology as social engineering

5.1: psy/astrology as social engineering:
. astrology seems to present itself as
a study of how planet movements affect our fate;
what it could be instead is something like
the power of group prayer;
so, astrology isn't studied, it's designed .
. there is a hypnotic power from
people believing in it
and inducing that belief in the shared mind
that controls our emotions and whims .

your telepathic supermind sacrificed you

4.30: psy/your telepathic supermind sacrificed you:
We already know most of the answers we seek in life:
How do I get healthy? – Eat better and exercise more.
How do I become successful? – Work harder and smarter.
How do I find happiness?
– Be grateful for what you have, pay it forward,
and take a vacation occasionally.
It all seems pretty easy to grasp, but then
why are two-thirds of the United States obese,
success is hard to come by,
and more people seem to be caught up in all the
negativity which surrounds them
instead of enjoying the beauty in life?
--. after seeing that, it was obvious to me:


#schizophrenia the garbage-can diagnosis

psy/schiz/the garbage-can diagnosis:
11.29: summary:
. schizophrenia was once considered to be
the garbage-can diagnosis;
and the reasons for that may surprise you:
labeling someone a schizophrenic
is meant to deny evidence of synchronicity
or parapsychology and the supernatural .


A'shayana Deane`Voyagers is misguided #paraphysics

11.12: web.pol/gemini/aliens/A'shayana Deane`Voyagers is misguided:
A'shayana Deane (AKA Anna Hayes Gruber)
has a series of books, "Voyagers"
which has some interesting ideas about aliens
but it is all sourced via "telepathic downloads"
apparently from "ET's, IT (inter-time),
or OD (other dimensional)" beings;
. the basic truth is that the supernatural intelligence
has so much control over us,
able to control our emotions, our thoughts,
and even form shared new worlds via hallucination .
. communications from the supernatural
are often a disinfo program that are meant to
keep the real truth away from the masses
in order lead us into painful programs
that evolve technology through war
and diversify experience in ways we would not choose .
. you know you are being lied to
when your telepathic Source agrees with today's physics
about such things as dark matter and black holes:
black holes are a figment of the false einstein-based physics
meant to cover up the beam weapon physics
in order to keep us safe from terrorists .
. however,
all disinfo comes with a lot of truth,
and we are warned of "monumental changes" by 2017
which coincides with prophesies of Fall 2016
(Israel's messiah comes in hebrew year 5777
ushered in by the climax of WWIII).


#Judaism the 7 Noahide laws whereby anyone can get into Jewish New World

11.3: co.self/dream/relig/judaism/the 7 Noahide laws 
whereby anyone can get into Jewish New World:
[ just before this dream I had learned from
about the Talmud's 7 commandments of god 
meant for all of the remaining gentiles
who were welcomed in the Jewish World to Come;
it had a law that was not in Moses 10 commandments:
not only shall you not take a life,
but also not take the limb from a life .
. also, instead of saying Honor your Parents,
it was saying Parents should instill in their children
a love for maintaining the legal system .]


#911truther #remoteviewing #psyop not_consistent_with_evidence

10.25: news.pol/911truther/ consistent with evidence:
. I listened to an interview with Dr. Courtney Brown
speaker for the remote viewing program .
. he claims a 9/11 report will be good for
popularizing the believability of remote viewing;
but his results are not even consistent with facts .


Morphic Resonance #parapsych #paraphysics

8.27: news.psy/parapsy/Morphic Resonance:
. the idea that your brain's memory is more like a
radio receiver than a computer storage,
is included in a theory known as Morphic Resonance .
. just as there is a shared evolving memory for minds
there are shared memory stores for some natural laws
such as epigenetics and crystal formations .
video: Dr Rupert Sheldrake: 
"Morphic Resonance, 
Collective Memory and the Habits of Nature" .


who wrote that constitution? #childcare

1.19: co.self/dream/psy/who wrote that constitution?:
. in this dream,
I was really excited to be in the presence of
someone who helped write our new constitution;
I went over to him and asked:
"is it true that you helped write the constitution?"
. then our shared voice gave me a nudge, saying:
"when you put it like that
to a guy who looks a bit odd,
then you seem to be asking
why that job wasn't done by someone photogenic" .


the symbolism of quick-cooked meat

6: psy/the symbolism of quick-cooked meat:
. quick-cooked meat is burnt on the outside,
but still raw on the inside,
and could be a vector of parasites or pathogens .
. this is similar to born-again* syndrome
where someone has been raised by whims
and then at the last moment saw the light
and quickly adopted a culture
that others trained years for
leaving reflexes that are still untamed,
so there is a problem of serving 2 masters:
the born-again wants to be nice,
but in a world of telepathy,
it's not enough to hide rude thoughts;
rather, to really have a nice meet,
we need to be enculturated much earlier
so that diplomacy is subconscious,
not pairs of infantile thoughts
being revised by parenting thoughts .
. even with good intentions,
those who are quick-cooked may find
they have a lot of rough edges
that make them difficult to be around .
. if someone serves you quick-cooked meat,
and you get worms in your brain;
you might want to ask yourself:
where has that brain really been? ;) .


Dr.Rupert Sheldrake`extended mind

17: summary:
. I'm interested in parapsychology
in pursuit of theories of supernature;
this helps us to understand the phenomena
that formed religions and theories of god .
. I recently found Dr. Sheldrake's intro .


how much proof does a good gambler need?

10: co.apt/relig/god/how much proof does a good gambler need?:
. if you can see any proof of supernature,
and that it is interacting with our mind,
then the simplest theory explaining that is:
there is one supernatural intelligence
and it has full control of mind .
. the god could use this control to
give us roles in a game or long-term plan .
. if you look at parapsychology
as contributing to a proof of supernature
you can see there is considerable debate
about its scientific validity;
but if you are good gambler,
you have to ask yourself:
do I want all my money on one theory?
if there is a god giving guidance to all,
and thus there really are no secrets,
then I could be vulnerable,
so in the slim chance that there are no secrets,
how do I want to defend myself?
should I have nothing to hide,
or should I have layers of security and weapons
to protect me from people knowing my secrets ?
. if you assume that god is
trying to use us in a game,
you can then have a more conscious choice
about what role you finally play in that game,
and are less likely to be played the fool .


the basis of belief and disbelief #god

11.22: relig/god/the basis of belief and disbelief:
. maybe schiz'ia simply hallucinated
the basis for a belief in god ?
. my only defense to that argument would be:
consider how the brain itself can
engineer hallucinations and delusions;
and also consider that the basis in god disbelief
could be the result of a delusion,
one put in place by god .
. god disbelief is a sort of total mind control,
just like a hallucination .
. but to show god disbelief is a delusion
you have to present the facts
and show how they lead to god belief .
. look at how we are chained to emotions:
is emotion just a product of nature,
a product of the brain?
. surely the chemistry makes the emotions,
but what induces such chemistry?
. why is war and selfish overpopulation
a constant we have no control over?
the human is such a brainy animal
to not see a better way,
unless forced by god's control of emotions
to engage in war for evolving technology .
. consider the research in parapsychology;
if you believe people control telepathy
that theory is confronted by occam's razor:
the simplest explanation is
the existence of a single supermind
deciding which thoughts go to which brains .


Collective Unconscious vs Godhead

12.18: news.relig/god/Collective Unconscious vs Godhead:

NeuroSoup`Collective Unconscious vs. Godhead
. this video talks about levels of tripping,
first there are mere hallucinations,
then telepathy and oneness with things .
. entering the Collective Unconscious
will give you an appreciation for all religions
by experiencing their languages
and getting an understanding of their symbolisms .
. finally there is the Godhead experience
which couldn't be explained
but from the sum of the video
the point of the title is that
sometimes the god itself is confused with
things the god merely provides
such as Collective Unconscious,
and synchronized messaging for telepathy .

in another video god is explained: