
#schizophrenia the garbage-can diagnosis

psy/schiz/the garbage-can diagnosis:
11.29: summary:
. schizophrenia was once considered to be
the garbage-can diagnosis;
and the reasons for that may surprise you:
labeling someone a schizophrenic
is meant to deny evidence of synchronicity
or parapsychology and the supernatural .
2.23: web: intro:
Eriksen & Kress 2005:
..." current evidence that
schizophrenia is rarely curable", ...
. "it seems that each era has had its own
"garbage can" diagnosis;
that is, the diagnosis given to
all who don't seem to fall into
any other diagnostic category, ..."
[ the implication here is that
you would want a patient to fall into some other diagnosis;
because, the diagnosis of last resort
is the one considered to be incurable .]
. they go on to claim that the "garbage can" diagnosis
is "the most popularly ascribed diagnosis of the day .
. as hard as it might be to believe today,
schizophrenia was one era's favorite diagnosis,
borderline personality disorder belonged to the 1980s,
multiple personality disorder belinged to the 1990s,
and today's favored diagnosis might be considered to be
attention-deficit disorder" [ADD, ADHD].
[ ADD shares with schizophrenia
including symptoms that most adults have
but can't really talk about .]

Leonard Holmes, clinical psychologist:
"Some researchers believe that
[Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia]
are actually syndromes
- groups of several different disorders
that share certain characteristics.
There is evidence for schizophrenia's heritability,
but it has several forms that are
quite distinct from each other.
Still other diagnoses are sometimes described as
"garbage can diagnoses"
-- they describe the symptoms of
people who don't exactly fit into other
[more curable] diagnoses ."
Dr. Steingard 2012:
" the philosophical perspective of a monist
is that cognition, emotion, and perception
are brain functions;
a dualist, by contrast, believes there is
something other than the material world
from which these experiences air ."
. the essential symptom of schiz'ia [dsm IV]
is a "bizarre delusion"
(a belief in the obviously "impossible");
what is mentioned specifically
is a belief in thoughts as objects
(thought insertion or deletion,
thought broadcasting,
mind-reading as if eavesdropping;
or ideas of reference,
where the speech of strangers seems to be
making references to the subject's self,
by echoing the subject's current thoughts,
or by mentioning phrases significant to
the subject's private life).

2.16, 11.29:
. ideas of reference can be difficult to avoid
because even when everyone is
trying their best to be appropriate;
we all share mind influenced by the Holy Spirit
subconsciously choosing the words we use,
without making us aware of
why we make the particular word choices
that some nearby schiz'ic will be familiar with .
. sometimes references are deliberate:
the spirit of telepathy inserts a thought
giving us a hunch about the schiz'ic
along with an urge to hint about it .
. from such coincidental hints
the schiz'ic can reaffirm various bizarre theories
including mind readers, gossiping spirits,
or thought-broadcasting (involuntary telepathy).

. this is why "bizarre delusions" are incurable;
the schiz'ic is hearing self's thoughts
being echoed by strangers
and what are the chances of that sort of coincidence
happening repeatedly?
all your doctor can say to that is
the voices you are hearing are imaginary;
and how convenient it is that people are
averse to being routinely recorded!
. people who were on record all the time
would be less free to throw hints .
. the reason a determination of schiz'ia
is the garbage-can diagnosis
is that schiz'ia is an unspoken universal adult condition:
to say "he's a schiz'ic" is to say
he's not good at handling "stress"
(getting fingered by telepathy).
. you might also say of schiz'ics,
that failing to keep quiet about telepathy,
suggests they might have some problem with
inhibitions (brain damage or mania?).

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