Showing posts with label cook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cook. Show all posts


how is higher linoleic omega-6 oil healthier?

how is higher linoleic omega-6 oil healthier?:
4.19: summary:
. if anything "predicts type 2 diabetes"
it is sure to tell you that the studied population
was eating too much grain and sugar.
. this study basically says that
foods with more omega-6 oil were actually helpful
in a group tending to abuse carb's.
. while omega-6 (linoleic acid) may have problems,
a major source of it is nuts and seeds:
a great source of fiber and B vitamins.
. but as for linoleic acid reducing risk of mortality,
can you really get health benefits from
guzzling corn or soy oil?
. also they found palmitoleic acid was bad
whereas that is sold as a health food;
likely they were measuring levels of meat
rather than healthy sources like macadamia nuts.
. this was a study of types of oils found in blood;
that might not be directly related to oils in diet,
due to conversions.


progesterone creams for men

11.4: web.cook/progesterone/fewest ingredients:
. I need a progesterone cream for men;
many of the creams for women come added with
herbs meant to enhance estrogen function.
progesterone is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor,
that lowers DHT (dihydrotestosterone) levels;
it may also counteract the growing xenoestrogens problem
(although estrogen dominance is a controversial idea).


curcumin for #parkinsons


. curcumin is found in turmeric spice;
curcumin can reduce the progress of Parkinson's
by inhibiting the misfolding and bunching up
of the brain cell protein alpha-synuclein.
. curcumin can reduce ROS (stressful oxygen radicals)
that are associated with Parkinson's.
. alpha-synuclein toxicity can cause apoptosis (cell suicide),
and curcumin can protect cells against that
[BMC Neurosci. 2010].

other things curcumin can do for the brain:
. Curcumin can chelate metals that cause
oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA.
. it can inhibit inflammation (stongly associated
with brain cell death in Parkinson's)
and, stimulate beneficial microglial phagocytosis
[immune cells in brain eat unwanted material]
to clear amyloid out of brain.

. removing amyloid might reduce the formation of
the α-synuclein amyloid fibrils found in Parkinson's;
because, the α-synuclein tends to form aggregates
when seeded by other aggregates (amyloids)
[J Biological Chemistry 2005].

. curcumin extracts are poorly absorbed;
perhaps the most potent curcumin formula
is Relentless Improvement's Curcumin
unless you're allergic to Polyvinyl pyrrolidone.


se-methylselenocysteine at wikipedia

2.1: web.cyb/
. this is what I did for wikipedia;
their Methylselenocysteine page had been deleted
for copyviolations,
I may be doing too much quoting too;
we'll see ...


ethyl esters of fish oil raise fasting #insulin

7.5: esters of fish oil raise fasting insulin:
7.5: 12.29: summary:
. the natural form of fish oil
is to bond the EPA and DHA fatty acides
within a triglyceride or phospholipid;
but a more concentrated cheaper way
is by bonding with an ethyl ester;
testing of olive ethyl ester was positive,
but ethyl esters of fish oils
resulted in significantly increased
fasting levels of insulin
(suggesting they cause insulin resistance?)
. the doses of fish oil were rather high;
so does an equivalent dose of natural fish oil
have a similar effect on insulin ?


#caffeine causes liver to release glucose

12.19: web.cook/caffeine/causes liver to release glucose:
. caffeine makes your liver release sugar;
also, you can feel the brain sugar increasing
and it may come from raising cortisol
which causes insulin resistance in muscles
so they are less able to use blood sugar
thus leaving more for the brain .
. people running low on carbs still need brain glucose,
and they get it from the liver
which converts fat into sugar .
. something about caffeine is moving hormones
which in turn pulls more sugar from liver .
"the caffeine-induced increase in sympathetic activity
may stimulate endogenous glucose production" [PMC1464218];
"Caffeine ingestion has been demonstrated to
increase circulating epinephrine and norepinephrine" [8964766];
"epinephrine is a potent stimulator of gluconeogenesis
in humans" [PMC1464218].
. therefore, caffeine very likely does promote
gluconeogenesis (liver's release of glucose) in humans .


calcium for oat phytate and stimulation #cook

11.16: powder:
18: summary:
. I believe adding calcium to oats
might inactivate their phytic acid;
and in experimenting with calcium
I found that it can be stimulating,
and could reduce the need for caffeine;
so I looked for the kind of supplement
that would come in powder form,
for mixing with oats and water,
and not have too much lead .


mayonnaise homemade @

cook/mayonnaise/homemade @
20: summary:
. I'm not sure mayonnaise is the smartest thing to do
with nature's most awesome food, the egg yolk,
but if there is indeed a healthy mayonnaise,
you'll likely have to make it yourself .

high-oleic oils #health #cook #cancer

health/high-oleic oils:
20: summary:
. high-oleic are high in good fats (monounsaturates)
but they are also highly refined,
and therefore remove many of the antioxidants
that gave good fats their excellent reputation .


#homemade #mustard dealing with #tannins

10.4: web.cook/mustard/dealing with tannins:
. I made a mustard by pureeing mustard in mct oil,
(the vitamixer got the puree very hot)
and the result was upsetting to my stomach?
the reason may have been tannins;
so, maybe mustard should be cured like olives?
. says the tannins can be removed
by boiling and straining the seeds 8 times .
. other recipes leave the tannins in,
but make them less available by never heating the seeds,
soaking them in cold water overnight
and then pureeing drained seeds in vinegar .
. some cold-soak recipes soak in vinegar,
and then don't toss that soak,
instead pureeing it with the seeds .


reasons to cook oils at lower temperatures

9.30, 10.3: to cook oils at lower temperatures:
Advanced Glycation End-products:
Foods with significant browning, caramelization,
cooking done at temperatures above 120°C (248°F),
the use cooking oils high in polyunsaturates
as opposed to monounsaturates (olive oil, almond oil, ...)
will result in Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs)
which increases inflammation and causes heart disease .


lecithin granules lipid composition #cook

9.7: web.cook/lecithin granules/lipid composition:
. I've been thinking of using more lecithin
such as Now Food's non-GMO soy lecithin granules
by using it in all my cooker recipes;
so, how much omega-6 am I getting ?
granules are 33-35% soybean oil,
and half of that is an omega-6 poly'oil;
also 10% of soy oil is palmitic acid,
the bad (atherogenic) saturated fat,
which becomes dangerous when adding grains to diet .


#solar #oven by

2014.2.9: web.gear/solar.oven/compare amazon offerings:
All American Sun Oven

base oven is $294.00, extras is $45.5:


prioritizing supplements for a tight budget

health/prioritizing supplements for a tight budget:
. I'm looking for ways to save more in preparation for
lower luck and higher inflation;
so, I'm trying to replace health supplements
with items that foodstamps will pay for .


flaxseed and chia vs fishoil

6.27..28, 7.04..05: health/crp/flaxseed and chia vs fishoil:
6.30, 7.4: summary:
. flaxseed and chia are interesting because they are
much cheaper than fish oil, and they contain
ALA, α-linolenic acid, a short-chain omega-3 polyunsaturate,
that can be converted into the very beneficial
long-chain omega-3's found in fish oil .
. ALA needs to be converted to fish oils
(long-chain omega-3 oils, EPA, DHA),
-- men's conversion to DHA is very inefficient:
DHA should be considered an essential fatty acid
(it's found in fish and eggs).
. the conversion to EPA is efficient
only only if your diet is paleo;
ie, low in the omega-6 (vs omega-3) polyunsaturates
that is heavy in grains, grain-fed meat & dairy,
fatty legumes (soy, peanut, chickpea), nuts
and most seeds except flax and chia .
. there was some controversial evidence for
ALA increasing the risk of blindness
or the advanced versions of prostate cancer
but you'd need to take a lot of chia fiber
to start worrying about chia's ALA load .
. getting more of any type of omega-3
may beneficially balance my diet's omega-6
(I get plenty from eggs, nuts, and olive oil).
. some flax has been genetically modified;
"organic" means the same as "non-gmo" .


curcumin absorption with piperine or Phytosome

1.21: web.cook/curcumin absorption with piperine or Phytosome:
. some believe black pepper is needed
in order to absorb turmeric's curcumin?
. I once said I was leary of black pepper,
but I researched it again,
and found that pepper's piperine extract
is healthier than whole black pepper .
. another way of absorbing curcumin
is by binding it with phosphatidylcholine .
[6.18: curcumin and MAO-B inhibition:
curcumin may inhibit MAO-B .
"Curcumin (10-80 mg/kg, i.p. in mice) dose dependently
increased serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT)
as well as dopamine levels (at higher doses),
and inhibited MAO-A (and in higher doses, MAO-B)"
[ Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2008 ].


foods I use found at iherb

1.20: web.cook/foods I use found at iherb:
. adapted from a list made for a friend
who wanted to do all their supplement shopping at .


#selenium helps preserve #vitaminC

1.20: to elder's vit'c use: 1989:
. in the elderly, supplementing with vit'c
resulted in raising the ratio of
dehydro-ascorbate (oxidized C) to ascorbate;
this may be due to their lesser glutathione function
which is needed to reduce dehyrdo-C to vit'C . helps preserve #vitaminC:

how to raise #glutathione #health

1.19: to raise glutathione:
Mark Hyman, M.D. practicing physician
and founder of The UltraWellness Center,
a pioneer in functional medicine.
. free radicals are handled by a cascade:
from vitamin C to vitamin E to lipoic acid
and then finally to glutathione .
. the production or functioning of glutathione
is depleted by poor diet, toxic medications,
stress, trauma, infections and pollution
(80,000 toxic industrial chemicals,
electromagnetic radiation, mercury and lead).
[see all Glutathione-lowering pollutants .]
. supplements taken consistently:
multivitamin[with good minerals],
fish oil, [long-chain omega-3]
and the following glutathione boosters:


sodium ascorbate may have stability issues

6.12: summary:
. I was looking around iherb reviews
for what people thought of sodium ascorbate;
wondering if it might be stable like ascorbyl palmitate
only water-soluble instead of oil-soluble .
. I got the impression that anything water-soluble
is more prone to interact with moisture in the air .