Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health care. Show all posts


#microcephaly is it #Zika or #glyphosate or larvicide?

12.21: pol/healthcare/microcephaly/summary:
. Zika has been proposed by some usa officials
as the source of microcephaly birth defects;
but some doctors are pointing to pesticides.

#autism #glyphosate #Roundup глифосат аутизм

10.16: web.pol/healthcare/autism/glyphosate evidence:
. some suggest glyphosate (Roundup) causes autism;
Russia discourages the use of genetically modified crops;
would they have lower use of glyphosate?
and would they have lower rates of autism?
. some feel that Russia ignores autism,
diagnosing it as psychosis or retardation.
. some see autism rises with other birth defects,
and some see glyphosate causing birth defects.


#cancer #depression #Psilocybin the oracle

12.18: oracle:
. a brain cancer patient who would later die from it
did Psilocybin and it was like an oracle
(here is what is in store for you):
it gave her a very bad experience
but also the message that while life looks bad,
a big part of it is how you look at it:
don't ruin the precious here & now
worrying about the hopelessness of the future.


nasal B12 works? turned into prescription only

8.23: web.cook/b12/nasal B12 gel:
what happened to nasal b12? considered a drug?
make it yourself?
find a high dose pill with no silicates:
Now Foods, Methyl B-12, 10,000 mcg,
Xylitol, sorbitol, cellulose, citric acid,
stearic acid (vegetable source) and natural flavors.
. some complain potency went down
and Jarrow themselves warn the color varies from light pink to red.
(b12 has a dark red color).


everyone's #testosterone lowered by environmental endocrine disruptors

4.14: news.pol/healthcare/hormonics/
everyone's testosterone lowered by environmental endocrine disruptors:

Travison, Araujo, OÕDonnell, Kupelian, McKinlay.
A population-level decline in serum testosterone levels
 in American menJ Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2007.
full text:
( Study Observation years Age range (yr)
, TotalTestosterone (ng/dl) (Median, Interquartile range)
, Bioavailable T (ng/dl) (Median, Interquartile range)
1987– 89 age45–71
(501, 392– 614); (237, 179 –294)
1995–97 age50 – 80
(435, 350 –537); (188, 150 –234)
2002– 04 age57– 80
(391, 310 –507), (130, 101–163)


#nanoparticles in food untested risks #cancer

5.28: news.pol/healthcare/cancer/nanoparticles in food untested:
. nano-sized materials promote genetic instability
(used in cosmetics, biomedical, textiles, food, plastics and paints);
genetic instability might promote cancer.

Friends of the Earth`petition:
We urge baby formula companies to recall formula containing nanoparticles.


only 2.7% of #usa is #healthy #weight #diet #exercise

4.7: 2.7% of usa is healthy weight diet exercise:
5.24: summary:
. the study found that most usa citizens are unhealthy;
90% failed due to being overweight.
. 15% of the overweight ones were seen as
both following the official usa diet,
and getting enough exercise.
. the official usa diet may be the problem:
there is no upper limit on grains;
in 2005 there was no limit on refined grains.
. the expected activity level is
150 min/wk (22min per day) of moderate-intensity
or 75 min/wk of vigorous-intensity physical activity
spread out over at least 4 days out of 10.


grape seed extract for treating edema seed extract:
2016.5.11: summary:
. review of 2015 cook and med notes
about grape seed extract for treating edema.
I had edema in feet for 2.5 months,
then it was much reduced after 2 weeks of
quadruple dosing of grape seed extract.


@MonsantoCo #roundup chronic low doses caused #kidney damage in rats

4.19: news.pol/healthcare/roundup/
chronic low doses might cause kidney damage:
. low-dose Roundup might cause kidney damage?
this had caught my eye because recently
I had blamed the increasing kidney damage on
dramatically increasing use of fructose;
but also there has been increasing use of Roundup
(it contaminates much of the water supply now;
it might even be your rain).
and this study says low-dose Roundup in rats
was associated with slow kidney damage
(occurring over years not months).
. tests for gmo's and their associated pesticides
are usually short term (eg, 90-day) studies,
whereas any damage may take several years.


offering humane #prochoice #eugenics for World #Hemophilia Day 4.17

4.16: web.pol/healthcare/offering humane #prochoice
#eugenics for World #Hemophilia Day 4.17:
. hemophiliacs have an inherited medical condition
that can involve untreatable complications;
we should offer free embryo selection
so that hemophiliacs can have children
who are sure to avoid this disease.
. some in the pro-life movement
will tell you that embryos are people too;
but I'm here to remind you that how I feel matters,
and many hemophiliac treatments feel aweful forever.
. an alternative that is both pro-life and pro-feeling
is to force hemophiliacs to abstain from reproduction;
which is virtually forced sterilization;
whereas selecting embryos is harmless killing
of people who don't even know they are alive:
to every embryo we discarded, I say:
. your life was sacrificed in order that
the remaining you did feel well.


Dr. Kelly Brogan`helping women's depression

Dr Kelly Brogan`helping women's depression:
Health Ranger told us about Brogan's new book.
I gave amazon a piece of my mind about the one-star reviews

{Kelly Brogan M.D., Kristin Loberg}`A Mind of Your Own:
The Truth About Depression
and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives


not all ingredients have to be listed #health #cancer

news.pol/healthcare/not all ingredients have to be listed:
2.26: summary:
. do you trust a product's list of ingredients?
there are significant exceptions to the law,
and even that law is not fully enforced.
. certain carcinogens don't have to be listed
because they are formed by combining
2 or more of the listed ingredients;
eg, my soap has Sodium laureth sulfate;
(ethylene oxide * sodium laurel sulfate)
and, that includes 1,4-dioxane.
. of course there are exceptions for pesticides
because they are in trace amounts
but trace doses can be endocrine disruptors.
. talc often contains asbestos;
and the quality control is not perfect;
yet ingredients don't have to say
"may contain trace amounts of asbestos".


#Crohn's disease #saccharin #sucralose

1.14:'s disease:
. Crohn's disease, also known as regional enteritis,
is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD);
which can increase the risk of cancer.
. the cause is officially unknown; but,
lifestyle choices that raise risk include
# saccharin or sucralose
# oral contraceptives,
# smoking or 2nd-hand smoke
# diets that provoke yeast or fungal overgrowth
(high in sugar or refined carb's;
or low in fiber that feed bacteria
that compete with yeasts)
# aluminum pollution in urban areas.
# low vitamin D
# nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
# prior use of antibiotics
(often killing the good germs results in
the growth of bad germs after antibiotics are discontinued;
IBD may be the immune system's response to a certain germ;
some are cured with a fecal transplant(good germs);
some go into remission on antibiotics.
. the GAPS diet might also work as an antibiotic:
it is a high-fat low-prebiotic diet that removes bad germs
followed by a fermented diet that adds good germs).
. being left-handed, you might be more inclined
to choose a lifestyle that increases risk.


biogas good but fracking for natural gas radioactive #health #cancer

1.6: news.pol/healthcare/cancer/
biogas good but fracking for natural gas radioactive:
. we can make biogas by fermenting crops;
but most methane today comes from
fracking for natural gas trapped in shale
which contaminates our water with radioactive particles.


#gmo academics is not compromised

9.9: news.pol/healthcare/gmo/academics is not compromised: folta-affair-exposed-in-the-new-york-times
Folta was revealed by Freedom of Information requests
to have accepted $25,000 from Monsanto,
even though he had repeatedly denied having any Monsanto funding.
There is no evidence that academic work was compromised,
but emails show
how academics have shifted from researchers to
actors in lobbying and corporate public relations campaigns.


National Academy of Sciences` postmarketing surveillance of #GMO foods

8.29: news.pol/healthcare/gmo
/National Academy of Sciences` postmarketing surveillance of GMO foods:
The New England Journal of Medicine 2015:
by Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., and Charles Benbrook, Ph.D.
[ 2015]

[Genetically modified (GM) policy is ignoring the science.]
. unlike traditional selective breeding,
genetic engineering vastly expands the range of traits
that can be moved into plants.
Foods produced from GM crops have become ubiquitous.
And unlike regulatory bodies in 64 other countries,
the usa's FDA does not require labeling of GM foods.

. the argument that [gm foods are equivalent to non-gmo]
misses the point that GM crops are now
the most heavily treated with herbicides
and that two of these herbicides may pose risks of cancer.


many safe products now part of #cancer conspiracy

many safe products now part of cancer conspiracy:
. many chemicals in our environment
are not classed as carcinogens because
they are not by themselves mutagens;
but many chemicals deemed to be safe
can conspire to contribute to cancer risk.


closer to genetically modified humans

5.10: news.pol/healthcare/gmo/closer to genetically modified humans:
. germline editing is the only solution for
getting rid of inherited diseases
without a eugenics mandate .
. we are getting closer to such technology,
but scientists worry about public opinion
claiming only the god should create new life .

2015-05-09` #parkinson's disease

2.6:'s disease/
. Chris Kresser, M.S., L.Ac talks about
new findings in the study of Parkinson’s disease .


Pharmaceutical opportunities in_Latin_America_and_Africa

3.4, 3.7, 3.15, 3.16: pol/healthcare/
Pharmaceutical opportunities in Latin America and Africa
Which countries in Latin America and Africa
have the greatest need for Pharmaceutical products
especially difficult to get drugs, [specialty pharmaceuticals]
such as, cancer medications?
Which agencies and individuals in those governments
handle the financing of these medications?
Which NGO's [non-governmental organisations]
are fulfilling that need?
a key resource is the eligibility list
of the Global Fund for AIDS;
many needy governments appear to be
working with the Global Fund .
. wwIII will likely climax before Fall 2016,
and that will dramatically change the market:
there will be a global government in place after that,
in order to control the new Tesla beam weapons;
and a global government might tend to
distribute pharmaceuticals more fairly .