

NSA backdoors all encryption software

9.18: news.cyb/sec/NSA backdoors all encryption software:
fierce government it`NSA backdoor:
. the NSA's SIGINT (signals intelligence) Enabling Project
covertly influences or overly leverages
the policies, standards and specifications
of the global cryptography marketplace
to make commercial public key technologies
more crackable by the cryptanalytic capabilities
being developed by the NSA and DOD's
Central Security Service.
. it has used a quarter billion dollars yearly
for at least the past 2 years .


NSA's globalized internet security

9.26: news.cyb/sec/NSA's globalized internet security:
Sept. 25, 2013, Army Gen. Keith B. Alexander,
Cybercom commander, and director of NSA,
at the National Press Club
or 4th Annual Cybersecurity Summit .

. in the past year, we saw more than 300
distributed denial-of-service attacks
on Wall Street.
We saw destructive attacks against
Saudi Aramco and RasGas [Co. Ltd.],
and against South Korea .

. U.S. Cyber Command (Cybercom)
has activated the headquarters for
one of its 3 Cyber Force branches:
Cyber National Mission Force,
that defends the nation;
Cyber Protection Force
defends DOD's information environment.
and Cyber Combat Mission Force
will provide assistance to the military
to implement cyber counterattacks .
Cybercom teams are now fully operational
and working side by side with NSA
to defend the nation.
The Army, Navy and Marines
trained about a third of the force in 2013
and they will train a third in 2014
and another third in 2015.


teachers DMT & schizophrenia

13: news.psy/Jan Kounen`Other Worlds (Ayahuasca):
. my notes from watching co.youtube#8Recon8
Jan Kounen`Other Worlds (Ayahuasca).

. Ayahuasca is a herbal form of DMT
which can totally separate the mind from body;
the body is a refuge:
a truly free mind can be in hell
just as easily as in heaven;
but the body is there to arbitrate
to mercifully limit experience .

USA intel has SOA on High-Security Internet

9.11: news.cyb/sec/USA intel has SOA on High-Security Internet:
Sept. 11, 2013
Al Tarasiuk, intelligence community CIO
and assistant director of national intelligence .
. the IC ITE ( Intelligence Community
Information Technology Enterprise )
is a new IT environment that will
vastly improve information sharing
across the intelligence community .

. consolidating IT across the community
was driven by budget considerations.
But today,
it's more than an efficiency play on IT:
intelligence integration,
information sharing and safeguarding .
. that translates into 3 goals:
1: effectiveness,
2: security
3: efficiency .
"In the past, these were mutually exclusive,
but now we'll have more of all 3 goals
because of cloud technologies,
and a [SOA (service-oriented architecture)]
or "service-provider-based business architecture"
providing an IC cloud not on the Internet,
but privately hosted on TS|SCI networks
(top secret / Sensitive Compartmented Information)
. high-security wide-area networks are
connected by Tesla beam transmissions,
which unlike fiber optic cable,
can be transmitted wirelessly,
and are very difficult to intercept .
. the govt denies this technology even exists,
but they've used it to communicate with submarines,
and a chinese-american collaboration is developing it .]


Marches for the various Truths on 9-11

American Muslim PAC`March for Truth:
20: context:
. one big stumbling block for Dr.Wood
as she communicates 9/11 was an inside job,
is seeming to imply that USA culpability
somehow washes away the guilt
of years of anti-zionist violence .
--[30: correction:
Dr.Wood has been very careful not to assert
any particular theories of who did what;
she only points out that there is evidence
that strongly suggests the use of beam weapons .
. it is a stretch to say she
communicates 9/11 was an inside job;
logical people seeing evidence of
directed energy weapons (DEW)
will tend to have intuition communicating to them
-- without Dr.Wood's intention --
that 9/11 was an inside job
( who else but USA insiders could do this
if a hijacked plane could not?! )
so, lets reword that:
. one big stumbling block for Dr.Wood
as her proof of DEW seems to imply
that 9/11 was an inside job,
is that the next logical question is:
ok, if USA's secret military did this
to motivate a war against anti-zionists
-- Islamic radical terrorism --
then is this war really justified ?
oh, and by the way,
anti-zionism is the new communism:
it could be dangerous to your career
to not support Israel under Zionism .
. if you think Islam is all about peace,
what do you think Israel is all about ?
. when Jews mass-migrated to the Holy land
backed by so many arrogant Christians,
-- especially the Nazis --
the Muslims who were being invaded
didn't just call their lawyers,
or in any way sue the United Nations
for giving Muslim lands over to the Jews;
no, Muslims think they are the new real Jews
and they won't be bought off:
they are not letting go of Israel
without a bloody fight to the end .
. and,
that is what the 911neocons were telling us
when they did that inside job on 9/11 .
. I want Christians and Muslims to apologize
for pushing the Jews in and out of Israel;
I'm not marching with either of them
-- Christians or Muslims --
for any cause related to either
9/11, terrorism, or the zionism war .
. why have a march against fear
when there is still so much to fear?
the Christians and Muslims are pawns
as the USA and Russia are conspiring
to launch the WWIII Shock & Awe
that ushers in a One World Government .


NRA vs non-lead ammo

8.15: co.pol/gun rights/NRA vs non-lead ammo:
re: sierraclub's Tell the NRA:
Stop your deceptive campaign against our wildlife
to: NRA (national rifle association)

non-lead is for Handloading but not Casting
. sorry about non-lead not being readily casted;
maybe we can guarantee that lead ammo can be owned
only for military (self-defense) purposes ?
. it also looks like some guns won't fit non-lead;
and so there will be some additional cost
to be a hunter in the new environment .
. in the following I show that
lead for food hunting is unhealthy;
and that your arguments against advocates are lacking .


anti-cancer selenium-cysteine compounds update

is the most valuable form of selenium
. garlic grown in a selenium-rich medium
can produce Se-methylselenocysteine;
which has been demonstrated in animal carcinogenesis bioassays
to be a non-toxic dose-dependent cancer cell-killing agent;
but, se-msc needs help against Survivin (apoptosis inhibitor).

here is the updated article:


Shia and Sunni hijacked by the illuminati

7.30: relig/islam/Shia and Sunni hijacked by the illuminati:
8.3: summary:
. the elites long ago engineered Islamic factions
that the superpowers are now using
in proxy wars that will lead to WWIII,
planned as a means of installing
the international neocon movement
as the One World Government .


9-11 update# matrix TV no-planes realization

7.20: pol/purges/gemini/911neocons/matrix tv


23: the update:
. in my prior theory of 9/11,
I had assumed that military drones hit the Towers;
but I drew that conclusion from a CNN video
that showed a large plane poofing into the building,
and then causing an explosion .
. recently it was pointed out to me
that the resulting video was a fraud,
a creation of layered video editing .
. reading Andrew's book, we are pointed to
Dr.Reynold's no-planes theory
that points out that the 9-11 planes video
must be a fabrication (matrix TV).
. Reynolds didn't explain how the planes
showed up on national tv channels;
but, Andrew had another link to
September Clues,
and this video was an eye-opener .

Certified Humane® store finder

30: news.care/Certified Humane® store finder:
Certified Humane® products now available in all 50 states!
"Adele Douglass, Certified Humane®"
date: Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 12:00 PM

you can use this link from certifiedhumane.org
to find store near you,
and find out what products they sell
that are Certified Humane® .


Amy Webb`intelligent infant care

7.31: news.care/Amy Webb`intelligent infant care:
"Here & Now" radio:
. Amy and her husband have a new daughter,
and they do a lot of data collection:
they noticed that when reading to her,
she was most attentive and contented
when the reader was more interested
in what they were reading;
so, instead of plodding through nursery rhymes,
they were reading their news magazines aloud .
. they also noted that a study has shown
infants exposed to a higher vocabulary
had higher IQ's or cognitive development .


mastercard supports Wikileaks

7.6: summary:
. wikileaks has been viewed by USA as
"an enemy of the state"
and banks have been afraid to support it,
but Mastercard broke ranks recently,
and it will be defended in the future by
pressfreedomfoundation.org .

Snowden is accepted into Venezuela

7.5: news.pol/Snowden is accepted into Venezuela:
. here's Snowden recently on twitter:
Edward Snowden @EJosephSnowden 56m
Revealed to staked-out reporters
existence of subterranean ultraterrestrials.
No more secret intermediaries!


thyroid obstructed by bromine

4: web.health/hormonics/thyroid obstructed by bromine:
. bromine is in everything now,
and it may reduce our thyroid function
and increase our need for iodine,
even as it becomes harder to get:
. between 1970 and 1990, 50% reduction
in urinary iodine excretion .


2014-2015 big year for #Israel

4.13 .. 6.30: relig/judaism/lunar eclipse tetrads on Jewish holidays/
proj: tetrads since 2nd Temple's demise:
. a Jewish-holy or holiday tetrad is defined as
four sequential full "blood-red" lunar eclipses
with no intervening partial lunar eclipses
that occur on the first and last Jewish holy days
Passover and Sukkoth .
. since the demise of the 2nd Temple (70AD)
to the 2014-2015 Jewish-holy tetrad
there have only been 8 such tetrads;
the next one won't occur for another 500 years.
--[119 Ministries refutes some of these 8 ].

. every time a Jewish-holy tetrad has happened,
it's been important to Israel's history;
what follows is a list of the Jewish-holy tetrads
with their significance to Israel or Judaism
along with some related history briefs
( there are many events significant to Israel
which are not occurring in a Holiday Tetrad year;
those who were significant to Israel include
christians, muslims, and communists ).

. according to 119 Ministries,
Ramadan 2014 will kick off the antichrist war
spoken about in the book of Revelation .
. this will devolve into WWIII,
with the apocalypse in the fall of 2016 .

. you may be surprised to learn
that Muslims and Jews were once quite friendly;
keep in mind that Islam's reason for living
is to proclaim that Judaism is good,
and that Jesus was a prophet of theirs;
moreover, the reason Islam rebukes Christianity
is not only because the Trinity doctrine can be
interpreted as making a false god of Jesus
but also, Christians had disowned Judaism .
. Islamic radicals are portrayed as anti-Jewish;
but they are violent only about Zionists
who tried to militarily remove Muslims
from controlling the land of Israel .

the main content is here:
bloodmoon tetrads and 2014-2015


Perfect Health Diet

5.31: web.health/perfect health diet:
. the latest advance in lifestyle advice
doesn't like legumes? find out why!
( longevity correlates with use of legumes:
the famous confusing example is soy:
the healthy traditional way to use soy
is to ferment it, and mix with fish,
to balance the high omega-6 in the soy .
. other societies did well on peas,
and PerfectHealthDiet approves of peas .
. I'm still putting my bets on
unfermented black turtle beans ).