5.9: 5.19: news.relig/119 ministries/
The End of Days - Part 4 - Daniel Unsealed:
[2013.9.6, corrected the 2016 holiday dates]
. this is a transcription and commentary
of a video from 119 Ministries
The End of Days - Part 4 - Daniel Unsealed:
. I also offer a competing theory;
as they assume of the defiled Temple
that it concerns a human temple,
but they don't mention which humans,
or how these humans were defiled
on one day and not before or after .
. Israel's Temple in the mind
is the knowledge that Israel's security
is ensured by the Christian's of USA;
and that tie became less clear
with USA's election of Obama;
then on the day of the Temple defiling,
as identified by 119 Ministries: 2013.3.21,
that was the day Obama visited
-- and thus recognized --
Palestine's Mahmoud Abbas who was
still trying to carve out Israeli lands
to be ruled only by Arabs .
. days before that, Obama had visited Israel;
but it was a visit long overdue:
if Obama hadn't been elected twice,
no such visit would have even occurred;
and then,
right after that long overdue visit,
he visits their virtual archenemy
in order to make clear the position
that has defiled the Temple of Security:
that Israel should share power with Arabs,
rather than ghettoize them .
5.29: 6.4: summary/context:
. the theory presented by 119 Ministries
assumes the Bible has dual-meaning prophesies
that applied to both an ancient age and ours .
. some assume the clues presented in the bible
were fulfilled in ancient times,
despite some glaring exceptions,
such as Damascus never being leveled before .
Leonard Ulrich believes that Matthew 24
offers clues that could only apply to this age
(see also
Jesus End Times prophesy (Matthew 24)).
. one theory that is consistent with 119 Ministries
is that the elites who design our wars
are into magic and using psychology on the masses;
therefore I suspect the designers of WWIII
may be deliberately fulfilling prophesy,
using the bible's old clues
for designing the new apocalyptic plans .
. that means 119's predictions will be correct,
but g-d is hardly trying to punish evil
with a Judgement day that comes by surprise;
rather, g-d is using evil to cleanse us,
to reset our expectations,
and help us to re-emerge as a butterfly
(part of
the Perfection Plan)