Showing posts with label jesus christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jesus christ. Show all posts


#Jesus can heal the Sunni-Shia divide #Islam

1.29: relig/islam/Jesus can heal the Sunni-Shia divide:
. the Shia and Sunni fight over how their leader is chosen;
that is just like the Jewish vs Samaritan fight
over which mountain the Temple should be at;
Jesus transcended that fight by saying
worship in your heart not in a temple .
. likewise,
Muslims should transcend the Shia vs Sunni choice
by deciding Islam doesn't need a supreme leader;
all that is needed by a global religion
is to share the same scriptures
and listen to the consensus of our local elders
about how to follow the spirit of the law .
. the reason Islam needed a central authority
is that they were a military organization,
but another way to promote their religion
is by offering social security and local policing .


Samaritanism's relation to Judaism

news.relig/jc/Samaritanism's relation to Judaism:
. Samaritans are from Samaria,
the Hebrew kingdom of Israel vs Judah:
Samaritanism is related to Judaism.
The major issue between Jews and Samaritans
has always been the location of
the chosen place to worship God;
the Jewish place is Jerusalem;
while Samaritans believe in Mount Gerizim .


evangelists fed like the birds #Jesus

relig/jc/evangelists fed like the birds:
11.18, 11.22: summary:
. Jesus [Mat 5-6] was teaching those who would
consider evangelizing as a profession
instead of, say, fishing or farming .
. the people will support evangelists
just as the fields welcome the birds .
. where would society be if there were only farmers
and no prophets or evangelists to guard the heart,
and no police or soldiers to guard the home ?
. interesting that the leader of Israel
would compare his disciples to birds
which often survive only by migrating:
that is how Israel became great,
first migrating south to Egypt
in order to build up their numbers,
then migrating back to the Promised Land .


rising from the dead is what dieties do #Jesus

11.5: web.relig/jc/rising from the dead is what dieties do:
. Jesus is referred to as kyrios (greek`Lord)
kyrios may refer to a diety,
and there are many dieties rising from the dead;
one who seems to rise from the dead
would tend to look like a diety;
hence even if there is evidence that
Jesus didn't die on the cross
those who wish to paint Jesus as a god
would ignore such evidence to promote their belief .


#Jesus #privacy vs #knowlege #the_truth_will_set_ you_free

10.25, 11.2: relig/jc/the truth will set you free:
. when Jesus said "the truth will set you free"
he was talking about the truth about
what the god wants from us;
knowing that will set us free from sin
(being addicted to behaviors that harm us,
or that set us apart from the god,
giving us bad luck in war and competitions).
. is it generally true that truth is freedom?
there are 2 schools of thought:


#Jesus avoids proselytizing to non-Judaeans

10.7: preface:
. my reading of the New Testament sees Jesus as
intending only to politically unify Israel,
and thereby save his family from enslavement;
but his philosophy could also unify everyone
regardless of his intentions .
. in fact he does unintentionally save us all
by spawning the religious wars between
Christianity's Jesus-is-the-god 
and Islam's Christianity-is-idol-worship 
that would lead to World War III 
that will install the global union,
putting all military responsibility
in the hands of the United Nations,
and thereby bringing peace to the world,
the ultimate goal of the Messiah .

10.6: web.relig/jesus/avoids proselytizing to non-Judaeans:
mis: Matthew 23:15 is not proof jc against proselytizing:
. after reading Matthew 23:15 again,
I decided it was not proof of
Jesus being against proselytizing to non-Jews:
it can be interpreted to mean that
if you go out of your way to convert others,
you should set the best example,
instead of some debased version of the culture .
. so then,
what is the biblical evidence that
Jesus proselytized only to Jews?
[ tips from ]


Rabbi Kaduri characterizes the Messiah

2013.1.21: relig/judaism/Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri characterizes the Messiah
2014.1.12: 1.28: summary:
. Rabbi Kaduri was famous for making predictions,
and claimed that the Savior of Israel
would become apparent after 2014.1.11
or whenever Ariʼēl Sharōn died,
and that the Savior of Isreal would
unify Jerusalem as Israel's capital .
. from his clues I develope a theory
for what this "Savior of Israel" is .


#jesus #prophet not diety #I_and_my_father_are_one

6: relig/jc/I and my father are one:
. when Jesus said "I and my father are one"
[John 10:30]
he was saying that his policies were
one with the policies of traditional Judaism,
and one with the g-d of Israel .
[28: verse 35:
. he clarifies that "son of g-d" or "one with g-d"
is synonymous with "am the mouthpiece of g-d",
or "the word of g-d came to me" ]
. he claimed to be a prophet, not a deity,
one sent by the Father to bring Israel
back to the good graces of that Father .
win israel by first winning foreigners:
. when he wanted to save the world,
it was seen as the only way to save Israel,
as they seem obsessed with worshiping
foreign gods .


Jesus' End Times prophesy (Matthew 24)

13.2.7.. 5.21: relig/bible/matthew 24:
5.20: summary:
. Matthew 24 is quoting Jesus
giving us hints about 2 end times:
# the Temple's destruction in 70AD,
# the Apocalypse of the current age
which might be around 2016.9.1
preceded by an antichrist war
that might begin on Ramadan (2013.7.9).


the Islamic-friendly John 3:16

4.19: proj.relig/jesus/the Islamic-friendly John 3:16:
5.11: summary:
. the Muslims love Jesus as a prophet,
not as a the son of a god,
so I have explained John 3:16's "son of god"
with Muslims in mind .


wealth4all religion

3.24: adds/minimalist religion:
. the religions I'm seeing so far
are too much into micromanagement:
. the main thing to keep in mind
when designing a religion,
is that it is very easy to stray;
and, we have to work at
maintaining a moral community .


the anti-christ is invincible #meant-all #WWIII #911neocons #petrodollar #uncircumcised

3.19: relig/anti-christ:
. you'd think wwIII happens to check Iran hubris
or maintain the petrodollar against devaluation by
competition from a gold-backed currency;
but the stakes are nuclear because
the hubris the elites want to erase is overpopulation
from family values like a cancer .


New Israel -- preventing #WWIII

. could we, in the USA,
humbly offer the Jews of the world
a chance to all be peacefully Zionist
with some ocean-side national park land
to call their own,
for an everlasting, sovereign New Israel
away from Islam's center of mass?


turning the other cheek

1.24: web.relig/jc/turning the other cheek:

. a signature value of JC was
turning the other cheek;
he said if you are sued for your coat,
you should offer them your shirt also;
what was the context of that ?


Aquarian's church established in USA

10.29: relig/abstract islam/mecca pilgrimage:
. the mecca in the mind:
we should visit the places
where we have seen g-d's word,
or been touched by the supernatural
in some way .
. that includes using hallucinatory drugs,
like DXM, psilocybin, peyote, and DMT .

. after thinking that, I had to check out
what the mecca pilgrimage was really about .
. I was assuming it was where the Prophet
had seen the Qur'an;
but while that happened in the same lunar month,
the Mecca pilgrimage was actually about
the historic conversion of Mecca,
in the process of doing a counter-assault
after Mecca violated a peace treaty:
literally, the Mecca leadership blamed that defeat
on their god's subordination to Islam's god .


#Catholic gloriously right and fatally wrong

12.8: relig/christian#catholic/gloriously right and fatally wrong:
. the Catholics were both gloriously right
and fatally wrong:
they knew that the planet was doomed unless
we coordinated under one loving govt(papacy),
but their strategy for motivation
was to claim their authority came from
Jesus being The Son of God
which then inspired the equally successful
militant Islam counter-christian revolution;
thereby ensuring
they could never claim the crown
even after 2000 years of demon-amusing war .
. another mistake of the same kind
produced the schism that resulted in protestantism;
again, the idea is that if we want a rule4all,
we need a very lightweight doctrine
that can give local variants room to breath .
. on the other hand,
the true, covert purpose of religion or gov,
has been to provoke the wars
that promote the evolution of tech
that ensures our eternal survival after Sun death .
. in this regard,
Catholicism has been a stunning success .


message is save anyone not everyone

7.29: relig/christian/the message is save anyone not everyone:
. christian notices that the free market is immoral
because commercialism is diluting our culture .
. however, that is actually christian's fault;
because they are the ones who believe
that they are G*D-ordained to
convert and embrace the entire world;
so, their own idea for the
free-marketing of religion
means that everyone else's culture must be diluted
-- but the rub works both ways:
their culture gets diluted as well .
. what's really notable about that though
is that it doesn't have to be that way
according to their own leader, Christ .
. when Jews seek to maintain moral quality,
their ultimatum to you is social rejection .
. when JC set out to save the world
he was indeed looking beyond
his own Jewish community
but the idea was to recruit anyone -- not everyone .
. he had an important culture to foster,
and, whoever would embrace it,
that was who his new family would be .
[ his new religion was this:
you are unfairly calling people sinners:
. when your disabled make it look as if
your community is being cursed by G*D
you claim that god has really
caused the disability as a punishment
and that the reason for this is that
self or family has displeased G*D .
. faced with the demon-possessed (mentally ill),
you are forcing them to feign physical disabilities
in order to get sympathy while begging;
you shun people in required jobs like tax collectors,
and you shun the jobs you force on them
with your poverty and under-the-table demands:
eg, why is the prostitute allowed but shunned?
why are kids shunned for being born out wedlock
-- for what their parents did?
I'm not saying you have to embrace
or convert the whole world
but we need to take responsibility
for the mess we make as a society,
rather than leave the disabled
to beg or prostitute .]
. we CHRISTIANs need to live by example
and encourage people to join us that way;
we need control of our cities;
we can't have creeping democracy
forcing our city to flip cultures;
instead, new cultures should find new cities .
this is where privacy is really important
-- on the cultural level --
yet this is where we have none!
. a community 's privacy right
means the right to not be invaded by
competing cultures .
. this notion of community privacy rights
is directly at odds with the
separation of church and state clause;
but that clause make sense only at
the state and federal levels;
it doesn't makes sense at the community level
where people want to share values
to achieve trust and reduce contact stress .]
. but wouldn't this perpetuate intolerance?
the primary concern about intolerance
was what to do with freed slaves;
but if we offered them the American Dream
-- a piece of fertile land,
or the ownership of a thriving business --
I'm sure they would have been
quite happy with "(intolerance) .]

. the place where cultural competition can happen
is in the economic realm, like so:
if your culture can't afford a business
then you sell it,
and the new owners replace your culture with theirs .
. if a gated community has too many vacancies,
they may decide to convert the culture,
ie, sell it for use by some other culture
so that they can use the money to
expand where they can thrive .
. the way it is now though
gives each culture too much ability to
erode the values of another culture
even when the market has given it no in-roads .

. there can still be minimum fed standards
that ensure communities are not
holding people against their will
or getting into child abuse or neglect;
and that's where issues happen:
is being a drug addict considered to be
child endangerment?
. drugs could still be allowed in adult communities .

7.29: 9.26:
. but what about the free market?
you have to tolerate all these behaviours
because we have a right to
set up shop in your community,
and when we do, we have a right to expect
that you will not limit our clients .

7.29: 9.26:
. what about the free parent's dump:
your culture is so uninviting
that you keep losing people
and you are really adding to the federal blight;
because, you send them out with no resources .
. yet you are finding ways to
still own all the cities,
thereby creating all these homeless people .


interpreting JC's beatitudes

5.20: web.relig/jc/the beatitudes:
Jesus began to preach a message of repentance
because the kingdom of heaven was near (4:12-17).
In order to reach a wider audience,
He moved from Nazareth to the city of Capernaum,
on the shores of the Sea of Galilee,
but more importantly,
on the main highway through the land.
His declaration of beatitudes would come,
but not until He called for repentance.


evidence JC didn't die on the cross

4.30: co.g'+/relig/christianity/the swoon theory:

Jon Stewart's usa gov and christians:
Justin Bale 12:56 PM 
"(the american gov has the same approach to
reading the constitution
that christians have to reading the bible)

-- jon stewart
co.g'+#Kelline Pickett: 7:40 PM:
earlier in this stream I commented on
what my view of this post
about Jon Stewart sounds like to me.
I will comment again for you.
He's making a comparison statement
of the American Government to all Christians.
That can be considered a matter of his opinion.
However, his statement is based on an assumption
that all Christians don't read their Bibles.
To make an assumption like this,
one would have to know every single Christian personally. 
Philip Torrance Apr 28, 2012
"( the american gov has the same approach
to reading the constitution
that christians have to reading the bible
. I don't think you have to know any christians
to make that statement;
if you just listen to what anyone in christianity
is supposed to believe,
you know they are pretty selective
in their reading of the bible .
. a careful reading of the bible
should convince one that Christ didn't even die,
let alone get raised from the dead;
meanwhile, a christian is defined as
one who believes Christ rose from the dead;
therefore, a "christian" must be
one who is not reading their bible .
+1 your comment by Vladimir Sumarov.

ℛichard Mead Apr 28, 2012
Oh that definitely piqued my curiosity, +Philip Torrance
- would you be so kind as to give some supporting detail
showing how the Bible has convinced you that
Christ didn't die, and didn't rise?
Caleb GriffithsYesterday 4:19 AM
+Philip Torrance
well you have obviously never read the bible.
That was the stupidest thing I've read so far.
Coming from someone who has
read it cover to cover over a dozen times.
4:23 AM
Just because someone reads the bible occasionally
does not make them a Christian.
Just like going to McDonalds occasionally
does not make you fat.
You have to live it or it does nothing.
Philip Torrance:
+Caleb GriffithsYesterday 4:19 AM, 4:23 AM
. well, we don't really know how stupid I was
until I give you the biblical quotes,
and explain how I interpreted them .
. you can read the bible hundreds of times,
and of course really live it,
but if you don't have a justifiable interpretation
you are just living in a dream .
+ℛichard Mead Apr 28, 2012
some supporting detail showing how the Bible
has convinced me that Christ didn't die,
and didn't rise:
Jesus was crucified at nine in the morning,
and died at three in the afternoon,
or just six hours after the crucifixion.
Pilate was surprised to hear that
Jesus had died so soon (Mk 15:44).
The average time of suffering before death by crucifixion
is stated to be about 2-4 days,
and there were reported cases
where the victims lived for as long as 9 days.
The body is taken down from the cross and immediately
handed over to a close disciple (Joseph of Arimathea),
who transports Jesus' body to a
close-by roomy secure burial chamber.

. in that same chapter, the context is:
42 And when it was evening,
because it was the time of getting ready,
that is, the day before the Sabbath,
43 There came Joseph of Arimathaea,
a responsible man in high honour,
who was himself waiting for the kingdom of God;
and he went in to Pilate without fear,
and made a request for the body of Jesus.
44 And Pilate was surprised that he was dead;
and, sending for the captain,
he put a question to see if he had been dead for long.
45 And when he had news of it from the captain,
he let Joseph have the body.
. my interpretation, but not my original idea,
is that something to do with Jewish custom
precluded letting the crucified labor on the Sabbath,
and a very wealthy Jew simply bribed the captain,
to put the body to rest before the sabbath .

. perhaps the captain did not need to be bribed;
did he not stab jesus
in an attempt to ensure his death?
I understand that the routine for that occasion
was to hack the legs until they were broken .
. whether hacking was a routine or not,
many people have survived stab wounds .
. of course, since it's likely he never died,
there's no reason then
to assume he had risen from the dead
except by concerned "witnesses"
who wanted to keep him hidden .