
onion's hydrogen gas is an #antioxidant

23: news.health/probiotics/onion's hydrogen gas is an antioxidant:
24: summary:
. certain types of fiber produce an odorless gas
that is also a powerful antioxidant: hydrogen .

. pre-biotics are fibers that feed probiotics,
those are the friendly bacteria .
inulin-type fructans
have beta(2-1)fructosyl-fructose glycosidic bonds
which are resistant to digestive enzymes,
and are therefore available for use by
probiotics fermenting in the colon .
. the inulin-type fructans include
FOS(fructooligosaccharides), and inulin .
a high fructan diet includes:
onions, cabbage, leeks, okra, shallots, garlic;
broccoli, brussels sprouts, green peas .
--. legumes are mainly galactans;
[ they are definitely gassy,
but the gas may not have much hydrogen ].
. fructans and galactans are osmotic:
they pull water into the colon .

. raw onion is 8.6% fermentable fibers;
cooked onion is 5% .
-- onion is 2.8% fos fiber .

life-enhancement #2642, #2759:
. hydrogen is a powerful antioxidant,
scavenging the hydroxyl radical
(produced by radiation)
and also the oxidant peroxynitrite
(created by the superoxide radical
reacting with nitric oxide).
. fiber is fermented and turned to gases;
and, some of that gas is odorless hydrogen
(gases with an odor include methane).
. inulin fructans are the best fiber for
the bacteria that produce hydrogen gas .
. the longer chains of fiber
produce gas more slowly
and thus with fewer side effects .
. hydrogen produced by gut microbes
spreads through tissue rapidly,
passing through the blood-brain barrier,
and into the nucleus and mitochondria .
[. besides the fructans mentioned,]
adding turmeric to curry
significantly increased hydrogen
and shortened small-bowel transit time .

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