
grass-fed poultry

10.9: todo.care/can get chicken to eat cooked legume?

Grain legumes such as peas and beans
contain Trypsin inhibitors that not only
reduce the availability of protein in the feed,
but can also damage the bird's pancreas causing chronic illthrift.
To use grain legumes you must first prepare beans or peas
in such a way that you destroy the Trypsin inhibitors.
This is usually done using heat Ð keeping them at or above 180¡F (82¡C)
for at least 15 minutes.
The most effective method is:
1. Soak enough legumes to feed your chickens for a few days overnight in water.
2. Bring the whole lot to the boil then simmer for 15 minutes.
3. Cool and refrigerate.

neoprene footwarmers

4.21: gear/shoes:
. try new shoes with
small shoe covers reused as socks:
very warm, reminds of yellowstone park,
where my feet were too cold with
boots and wooly socks,
but were doing great with
something much cheaper:
put foam from backpack strap under feet,
use plastic bag as a sock, and wear sandals .
. the neoprene shoe covers prove that
my old dry feet still do sweat .

10.29: proj.gear/neoprene footwarmers:
. these were meant for outside the shoes,
but I accidently got a size way to small;
however, they do fit wearing them like shoes ! (with socks)
... but later I would find they can attract odor easily] .

10.30: proj.gear/neo.shoes/fitting inserts:
. the neoprene shoe covers had no soles,
so I had added the inserts taken from triking shoes .
. now, after having problems with the inserts being too large
(not fitting without a wrinkle),
I'm cutting the inserts to exactly the size of my feet .

10.30: proj.gear/shoes/slit to fit neo.shoes inside:
. the neo.shoes are very warm,
and will be good for inside shoes when much colder,
but they are cramped just eno to block circulation;
so, add slits positioned to extend the shoe's tongue
all the way to the tip of the shoes .
. the slit fabric lining under the leather shows through now?
remove much of that fabric in the toe area .
. found more thorns in sole? use clippers .

oxygen generating hvac

10.30: gear/hvac/oxygen generation:
. instead of worrying about filtering air;
use daytime`solar to turn water into {oxygen, hydrogen},
then use hydrogen for night-time energy,
and inject oxygen whenever low .
. does it matter that co2 is high if oxygen is normal? .
. how does space get water if they are using it for oxygen ?
they could use plants instead,
and they use batt's for night-time .

Byer Allagash Aluminum Cot

10.5: proj.gear/cot/shoed:
. the metal legs of this cot are staining or denting what it rests on,
so add coasters in the form of planks 2ft x 1x2" .
keeping them in place with sealing tape .

10.6: todo.gear/cot/shoed with wire:
. fix feet on cot with wire
use saw to make groove in plank
so that wire doesn't scrape on ground .
. also can drill through the plank,
so that wire is wrapped around the cot leg,
then passed throught that hole,
so that leg stays centered over that hole .
. on the bottom side, the wires pass through the groove,
then are wrapped around the plank and twisted together .

house maintenance

10.7: proj.apt`ventilation/lubed with ceramic oil:
. there is a oil holes for the fan bearings,
but the oil was thick and just sat in the inch/4 well tube .
. didn't see any easy way to oil the motor .
. seems to be running very smooth;
last time I hit it deep with the spray-on dry lube,
and it seems to have penetrated very well .

comparing mac app catalogs

10.17: sci,news.addn/net.mac'app lib/apple has the best?:
. apple has the best app exhibition? ...
. takes some getting used to;
eg, asked for html editor,, uh, total insanity:
. here is normal relevance:
and here for insanely relevant:

pedgen (pedal generator) for braking


6.9: mobi/pedgen for braking:
. the best idea is to move the pedgen by chain:
if just using at home then get some extra chain for the front
and undo the chain to the rear
then have a chain ring attached to the pedgen .
. if using the pedgen as a brake on the trike,
where braking energy can also refuel the battery,
then support the pedgen on the rack
and have a chain ring attached to the disk.brake`s disk .
. still not sure of the best way to engage the chain .

10.22: mobi/trike/pedgen/wooden frame is feasable:
. pedgen can use the 1" bearing
within a wooden frame system:
. it being 1" wide there is plenty
for wood to find strength in .
. woodworking is easy so this idea is doable .
the peg fits into bearing fits into wooden doughnut shape
bolted to the rotor .
. the stator axle then has a wooden holder
like the peg does,
only while the peg's chuck is bolted together,
the axle's chuck additional embeds a metal C-clamp
that helps keep the axle from rotating .

10.24: mobi/trike/pedgen/clutch:
. pedgen brake clutch uses air tank
to avoid suddenly yanking on generator:
the tire is pumping air tank which is pumping generator .


performance psychology

Keep it Real: Train in conditions that match the event
Practice under Pressure: Play matches with friends, but with consequences
See the Big Picture: Focus on global cue words, like smooth, tempo, and rhythm
instead of details that might make you self-focus."

get into learning mode by following some study rituals.
"Find your ideal working hours... The span of time when you
produce the most amount of work in the least amount of time...
Find those hours, make sure you factor them into your schedule,
and guard those hours with your life."

prodigal son

9.27: relig/bible/prodigal son/the best inheritance is education:
. this story is typically seen as a reminder to children
that while a parent's love may be unconditional
(or even sarcastically over-the-top),
others will surely make you regret
flowing with the foolish impulses of
inexperience and youthful hormones .
. another interpretation is that the fool
could have avoided angry brothers
while still getting his inheritance early
if our culture would encourage fathers to routinely
use their wealth to educate their children
-- give them all their inheritance now!

11.25: the prodigal son

. if you're not familiar with that bible story,
it's about this young guy who has an itch
to be a traveling party lover,
and asks his rich father for all his inheritance money right now!
. he wants it now instead of waiting until father's death
-- huh? (dis-honoring your parents goes against a 10-commandments) .
. he spends all the money on partying,
and when the money runs out
things get worse because the land he is in
is having a recession!
. the only job a party boy can find
is serving pigs who eat better than he does!
. so then he finds himself lamenting:
. oh, my father's cows eat better than I do,
if only I could go back and ask my father
would he take me back even just as a servant ?!
. the father is so overjoyed apon seeing that the spirit of
partying -- and recessions! -- has not killed his son
that he orders a major feast (killing an entire cow) .
. but his brothers are not happy:
he dragged the family name through the mud,
and now we are going to feast about it ?!
. his brothers feel ashamed
about letting their father be dishonored .

pillar of fundamentalism

9.6: relig/bible/pillar of salt:
. salt was once money,
money is an icon of symbolism;
symbolism is related to being used as an example .
. they were told to
not even look back at the evil city,
and when the warning was not taken literally,
that person was worth nothing by an example of wrong .
. this passage in the bible
could be the source of "(fundamentalism)
defined as concrete thinking:
interpreting a text literally
even when the language is obviously figurative .
. fundamentalism is a form of bowing, paying respects .]

origin of life

9.4: news.relig/origin of life:
Scientists propose new hypothesis on the origin of life
PhysOrg.com Sept. 4, 2009
"( Life on Earth originated at photosynthetically-active porous structures
made of zinc sulfide, similar to deep-sea hydrothermal vents,
under the high pressure of a carbon-dioxide-dominated atmosphere ...)
my response:
. the spirit drives life creation to make indefinite dreams,
I get the feeling science is trying to find
a way it happens without spirit;
as if our experience (dreams) was an artifact of life
rather than thinking of dreams as being
the main product for which life is a launchpad .
. really though, they could simply be interested in
how the first life could be sparked,
regardless of why it was sparked .

evangelizing non-toxic selenium

temp anti-cancer selenium-cysteine compounds
Se-methylselenocysteine is the most valuable form of selenium
[11.3: . garlic grown in a selenium-rich medium can produce Se-methylselenocysteine;
which has been demonstrated in animal carcinogenesis bioassays
to be a potent cancer chemopreventive agent . ]

[2012.2.18: updated table of contents:]

  • introduction
  • the usual selenium, BC
  • published studies

  • notes for further work

    11.3: sorry link is bad, here is sure ...:
    but first, do the revisions and see if the link changes .

    11.5: todo.health/se:
    . put in summary first lesson of anti cancer
    any form of se can prevent many cases of cancer if local soil has deficient in se .
    . 2nd point is unproven but worth exploring:
    use of non-toxic forms to prevent more cases with mega-dosing .

    Ghose A, Fleming J, El-Bayoumy K, Harrison PR.
    Enhanced sensitivity of human oral carcinomas
    to induction of apoptosis by selenium compounds:
    involvement of mitogen-activated protein kinase and Fas pathways.
    Cancer Res. 2001 Oct 15;61(20):7479-87.

    it was shown by Hoffman J L (1975) selenium toxicity and methyl group metabolism
    that se-methionine was not metabolized to selenocysteine as readily as methionine

    Whanger PD. Selenium and its relationship to cancer: an update.
    Br J Nutr. 2004;91(1):11-28. (PubMed)
    Selenomethionine (Semet) is the major seleno-compound in cereal grains and enriched yeast
    whereas Se-methylselenocysteine (SeMCYS) is the major seleno-compound in Se-accumulator plants
    and some plants of economic importance such as garlic and broccoli exposed to excess Se.
    Animals can metabolize both Semet and SeMCYS.
    Epidemiological studies have indicated an inverse relationship
    between Se intake and the incidence of certain cancers.
    Blood or plasma levels of Se are usually lower in patients with cancer
    than those without this disorder,
    but inconsistent results have been found with toenail-Se values
    and the incidence of cancer.
    There have been eight trials with human subjects conducted
    on the influence of Se on cancer incidence or biomarkers,
    and except for one,
    all have shown a positive benefit of Se on cancer reduction
    or biomarkers of this disorder.
    This is consistent with about 100 small-animal studies
    where Se has been shown to reduce the incidence of tumours in most of these trials.
    Se-enriched yeast is the major form of Se used in trials with human subjects.
    In the mammary-tumour model,
    SeMCYS has been shown to be the most effective seleno-compound
    identified so far in reduction of tumours.
    Several mechanisms have been proposed on the mechanism whereby Se reduces tumours.
    Even though SeMCYS was shown to be the most effective seleno-compound
    in the reduction of mammary tumours,
    it may not be the most effective seleno-compound for reduction of colon tumours.
    Proc Nutr Soc. 2005 Nov;64(4):527-42.
    Selenium in cancer prevention: a review of the evidence and mechanism of action.
    Se is an unusual trace element in having its own codon in mRNA
    that specifies its insertion into selenoproteins as selenocysteine (SeCys),
    by means of a mechanism requiring a large SeCys-insertion complex.
    This exacting insertion machinery for selenoprotein production
    has implications for the Se requirements for cancer prevention.
    If Se may protect against cancer, an adequate intake of Se is desirable.
    However, the level of intake in Europe and some parts of the world
    is not adequate for full expression of protective selenoproteins.

    The evidence for Se as a cancer preventive agent
    includes that from geographic, animal, prospective and intervention studies.
    Newly-published prospective studies on oesophageal, gastric-cardia and lung cancer
    have reinforced previous evidence,
    which is particularly strong for prostate cancer.

    Interventions with Se have shown benefit in reducing the risk of
    cancer incidence and mortality in all cancers combined,
    and specifically in liver, prostate, colo-rectal and lung cancers.
    The effect seems to be strongest in those individuals with the lowest Se status.

    As the level of Se that appears to be required for optimal effect
    is higher than that previously understood to be required to maximise
    the activity of selenoenzymes,
    the question has been raised as to whether
    selenoproteins are involved in the anti-cancer process.

    However, recent evidence showing an association between Se,
    reduction of DNA damage and oxidative stress
    together with data showing an effect of selenoprotein genotype on cancer risk
    implies that selenoproteins are indeed implicated.

    The likelihood of simultaneous and consecutive effects at different cancer stages
    still allows an important role for
    anti-cancer Se metabolites such as methyl selenol
    formed from gamma-glutamyl-selenomethyl-SeCys and selenomethyl-SeCys,
    components identified in certain plants and Se-enriched yeast
    that have anti-cancer effects.

    There is some evidence that Se may affect
    not only cancer risk but also progression and metastasis.

    Se-broccoli similar to se-garlic
    J Med Food. 2003 Spring;6(1):19-26.
    Reduction of cancer risk by consumption of selenium-enriched plants:
    enrichment of broccoli with selenium increases the anticarcinogenic properties of broccoli.

    Plant-based diets and phytochemicals present in plants
    are associated with decreased risk of cancer.
    Brassica species, and broccoli in particular,
    are associated with reduced risk of several important cancers.
    Broccoli accumulates Se many-fold beyond the concentration of Se in the soil,
    and the chemical form of Se in broccoli
    is similar to the chemical form in high-Se garlic,
    a food with unique chemoprotective properties.
    Se from broccoli grown to accumulate more than 500 micro g Se/g
    did not accumulate in rat tissues
    or increase glutathione peroxidase enzyme activity
    to the same extent as Se salts or seleno-amino acids.
    Se from high-Se broccoli decreased the incidence of aberrant crypts in rats
    with chemically induced colon cancer by more than 50%, compared with controls.
    Se from high-Se broccoli also decreased the incidence of mammary tumors in rats
    treated with 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA)
    and tumor number and volume in APC(min) mice.
    These results suggest that development of methods to increase
    the natural accumulation of Se in broccoli
    may greatly enhance its health-promoting properties.

    Med Hypotheses. 2006;67(2):318-22. Epub 2006 Mar 30.
    Cancer chemoprevention: selenium as a prooxidant, not an antioxidant.
    Rocky Mountain Selenium, Inc.,

    Although the average daily dietary selenium (Se) intake in the United States
    is consistently above the adult RDA of 55 microg Se/day,
    supranutritional supplements of 200 microg Se/day have been shown to provide
    chemopreventive benefits against several cancers, particularly prostate cancer.
    The hypothesis herein contends
    that selenium compounds with the greatest anticarcinogenic potency
    are likely to be sodium selenite with Se in the +4 oxidation state
    and methylseleninic acid.
    These compounds exert their cancer chemopreventive effects
    by directly oxidizing critical thiol-containing cellular substrates,
    and are more effective
    than the more frequently preferred (used) supplements of
    selenomethionine and
    that lack oxidation capability.
    Selenate (+6 Se) the immediate precursor of selenite (+4 Se)
    can be metabolically reduced,
    and although less potent than the +4 Se compounds cited above,
    appears to be a more effective anticarcinogen than organic forms of dietary selenium.
    Apoptosis, an important, Se-induced anticarcinogenic mechanism,
    is accomplished by the direct oxidation of
    vicinal sulfhydryl groups in cysteine clusters within the catalytic domains of
    cellular enzymes (e.g., protein kinase C),
    and by the production of CH3Se-,
    which reacts with O2 to generate superoxide
    and other reactive oxygen species (ROS).
    Activated oncogenes "prime" cells for Se-induced prooxidative apoptosis
    thereby providing the needed margin for "killing" cancer cells
    while leaving normal, healthy cells unharmed.
    Selenoethers, such as selenomethionine and Se-methylselenocysteine
    are not oxidizing agents,
    and first, must be converted to methylselenol (CH3Se-)
    that can be directly oxidized to methylseleninic acid.
    The addition of methioninase, to selenomethionine,
    or beta-lyase to Se-methylselenocysteine,
    rapidly produces significant amounts of methylselenol,
    which may be oxidized to methylseleninic acid
    or may react with O2 to produce superoxide and ROS,
    resulting in anticarcinogenic activities comparable to selenite
    or methylseleninic acid.
    The relatively large amounts of selenomethionine or Se-methylselenocysteine needed
    to produce apoptosis in cancer cells
    compared with selenite or methylseleninic acid
    are a probable consequence of low tissue levels of the required enzymes.
    Even though many studies have consistently shown that
    selenomethionine is an ineffective anticarcinogen
    at doses corresponding to those currently allowed by the FDA,
    it has been chosen as the Se intervention agent in the
    32,500-man (phase III), NCI-funded SELECT trial,
    which tests the effectiveness of dietary supplements of dietary supplements of Se and tocopherol,
    individually or in combination, in the prevention of prostate cancer.
    In 2013, when the data are in,
    the value of using Se supplements for cancer chemoprevention
    is likely to be underestimated.
    Lessons from Basic Research in Selenium and Cancer Prevention
    Journal of Nutrition Vol. 128 No. 11 November 1998, pp. 1845-1854

    Selenium, in the form of selenite or selenomethionine,
    functions as an essential micronutrient at levels of
    [approx] 0.1 ppm (mg/kg) in the animal diet,
    but it becomes a toxin at levels of 8-10 ppm (Jacobs and Frost 1981).
    At the other extreme,
    selenium deficiency is customarily induced in laboratory animals by
    [a dose of less than ] 0.01 ppm Se.

    the effect of selenium deficiency on carcinogenesis.
    The information in this particular topic is not only sketchy
    but also inconsistent.
    [anti-cancer effects unrelated to resolving deficiency issues
    involve dosing at levels ] above dietary requirement,
    usually in the range of 1-5 ppm Se.

    More than 90% of the selenium cancer chemoprevention experiments
    have used either sodium selenite or selenomethionine
    as the test reagent because they are commercially available.

    Both of these compounds are known to suppress carcinogenesis in many animal models
    (Combs 1997, El-Bayoumy 1991, Ip 1986, Medina and Morrison 1988).
    The effect is not organ specific,
    because tumor inhibition has been reported in
    mammary gland, liver, skin, pancreas, esophagus, colon and a few other sites.

    [. similar effects have been shown in humans,
    with significant reductions in occurrences of the major cancers in the U.S. population:
    lung: 54 % (P = 0.04),
    colon: 37 % (P = 0.002)
    prostate: 42 % (P = 0.03)
    . the study was documented by Clark et al. (1996):
    Effects of selenium supplementation for cancer prevention
    in patients with carcinoma of the skin.
    J. Am. Med. Assoc. 1996; 276:1957-1985
    . the Clark et al. (1996) trial used a [a non-methionine form]
    ( Selenomax¨ from Nutrition 21 La Jolla, Calif.)
    . according to Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach (p#671)
    Selenomax¨ is not your typical selenized yeast:
    . most selenized yeasts are primarily selenomethionine
    which is less effective than non-organics (eg selenite)
    at elevating deficient levels of glutathione peroxidase;
    an exception is selenized yeast from Nutrition 21
    which exhibits good results in this test .
    . while being organic, Selenomax¨ is most likely a seleno-trisulfide
    and not primarily selenomethionine .
    [or a di-methyl-di-selenide
    . according to Dr.Whanger's ref's
    yeast's se forms may vary like so:
    0...4 % selenate
    0...25 % selenite
    6...20 % Se-methylselenocysteine
    23...63 % (Nutrition 21: 16 %) se-methionine
    13...21 % (Nutrition 21: 11 %) se-cysteine
    13...51 % (Nutrition 21: 81 %) other:
    Se-adenosyl seleno-homocysteine,
    Se-ally selenocysteine,
    Se-propenyl selenocysteine,
    and unknown.
    #46 Speciation of selenoamino acids and organoselenium compounds in selenium-enriched yeast
    using high-performance liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
    J Anal Atomic Spect12 :785 Ð788,1997 .
    #47 Analytical selenoamino acid studies
    by chromatography with interfaced atomic mass spectrometry and atomic emission spectral detection.
    Fresenius J Anal Chem362 :447 Ð456,1998 .
    #50 Identification of the principal selenium compounds in selenium-enriched natural sample extracts
    by ion-pair liquid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma- and electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric detection.
    Anal Commun36 :249 Ð252,1999 .
    #54 Characterization of selenium species in biological extracts
    by enhanced ion-pair liquid chromatography with inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and by reference electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry.
    Spectrochimica Acta54 :1573 Ð1591,1999 .

    what are selenotrisulfides?
    Selenocompounds in Plants and Animals and their Biological Significance
    Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 21, No. 3, 223-232 (2002)

    . when selenite was given to animals,
    it represented only 14% of the overall quantity of selenium [found in tissues]
    and the seleno-trisulfide metabolites,
    as a percentage of total selenium absorbed, were:
    ( seleno-di-cysteine: 10 %;
    , mixed seleno-tri-sulfide of cysteine and reduced glutathione: 14 %;
    , seleno-di-glutathione: 8 %
    ). [seleno-tri-sulfides are apparently 1 part se, and 2 parts
    sulfer-based organic ]

    . selenized yeast often contains mostly Selenomethionine
    but the amount can vary markedly depending upon the growth conditions.
    [ eg, incorporation of selenite with cysteine, cystine and glutathione
    into Seleno-di-cysteine and seleno-di-glutathione
    is greatly affected by pH. {Czauderna, Samochocka}
    ] [and may vary on storage conditions:
    All the yeast-based supplements and one yeast-free supplement
    formed S-(methylseleno)cysteine on heating
    (from a reaction between di-methyl-di-selenide and cysteine or cystine)
    -- there were similar speciation patterns observed between
    yeast-based supplements subject to extended storage
    and those heated briefly at elevated temperatures . ]

    . plants and animals may contain some inorganic se;
    when inorganics are found, they are usually selenate .

    . most plants contain se-methionine,
    which animals can uses as either se or methionine
    [hence the reason animals short on protein (esp'ly methionine)
    will still be deficient in se after getting se-methionine]

    . animals contain mostly variants of se-cysteine;
    any se-methionine used as se rather than protein
    will soon be reduced and reconstructed as some se-cysteine .

    . the few plants that contain mostly se-cysteine (esp'ly Se-methylselenocysteine)
    -- when they contain any se at all --
    include garlic, onions, wild leeks, and broccoli florets or sprouts .
    . the Nutrition 21 Selenomax¨ trial was
    double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, and involving
    1312 basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma of the skin patients (mostly men)
    from a selenium-deficient area (eastern coastal plains of USA).
    . the blinded phase of the trial was stopped early
    primarily because of the apparent reductions in total cancer mortality
    and total cancer incidence in the selenium group .

    . it was originally set up to determine whether
    selenium would decrease the incidence of skin cancer;
    and while it failed to show any effect there,
    it did show that giving se to se-deficient people (200 µg of selenium per day)
    was capable of significant harm reduction:

    reductions in total cancer incidence:
    (77 cancers in the selenium group
    vs 119 in controls [RR, 0.63; 95% CI, 0.47-0.85])

    reductions in total cancer deaths:
    (29 deaths in the selenium treatment group
    vs 57 deaths in controls [RR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.31-0.80]) .

    the scientific conclusion:
    . what was proven here was not that increasing se decreases cancer risk,
    but that being se deficient does increase cancer risk .
    . it's an essential mineral, and plants don't need it,
    so the only sure source is seafood and or supplements .

    . one reason for the variation of success could be
    the degree to which apoptosis is involved or prevented;
    eg, calcium channel blockers can inhibit apoptosis
    and increasing doses of them are known to
    increase the risk of cancer in the elderly . [48]
    Ganther H. E., Lawrence J. R.
    Chemical transformations of selenium in living organisms.
    Improved forms of selenium for cancer prevention.
    Tetrahedron 1997; 53:12299-12310

    web.health/se/yolk and whey not a sure source of se:

    . no it does depend on the animal's diet .

    J APPL POULT RES 2009. 18:151-157. doi:10.3382/japr.2008-00069
    Poultry Science Association
    Selenium contents of eggs from broiler breeders supplemented with
    sodium selenite or zinc-L-selenium-methionine
    This study evaluated the effects of sources and levels of Se
    on egg production and Se concentration in eggs.
    A comparison between treatments with single Se sources
    demonstrated that the concentration of Se in eggs
    followed the increased levels in the feeds when ZnSeMet was used.
    However, the supplementation of a combination of sources
    (Na2SeO3 and ZnSeMet) produced similar egg Se concentrations.
    Laying hens were fed a diet that contained either 0.10 mg/kg natural selenium,
    0.10 mg/kg natural selenium plus
    0.32 mg/kg selenite selenium,
    or 0.42 mg/kg natural selenium.
    After the hens had been fed these diets for 180 days,
    tissues and eggs from hens fed 0.42 mg/kg natural selenium
    contained significantly more selenium than
    tissues and eggs from hens fed the selenite selenium.
    . when hens were fed 0.1 mg/kg of selenite selenium,
    significantly more selenium was present in the yolk
    than in the white of the egg.
    Selenium in the white resulting from the selenite feeding
    could be removed by dialysis but not that in the yolk.

    Comparison of Selenium Levels and Sources
    and Dietary Fat Quality
    in Diets for Broiler Breeders and Layer HensPoult Sci 2008. 87:2605-2612. doi:10.3382/ps.2008-00174
    . to study the effects of Se sources,
    in interaction with dietary level of Se or dietary fats
    on performance, Se incorporation into
    tissues (blood, liver, breast muscle, and egg) and eggs,
    hatchability, and glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activities
    in tissues and blood.
    Both experiments involved a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement of 3 Se sources
    (selenite, Se yeast, or B-Traxim Se)
    and either 2 levels of each source (0.1 or 0.3 mg/kg)
    or 2 fats (fresh or oxidized).
    Egg production was not affected by Se source or dietary fat in both experiments.
    Egg production was greater in breast muscle of layers.
    It is concluded that broiler breeders require supplementation of 0.3 mg/kg of Se,
    and that there are numerous measurable advantages
    in using organic rather than inorganic sources for both breeders and layers.


    co.net/sidewiki/obj'oriented blogging:
    . select some of the text,
    hit the sidewiki.button,
    there's a pencil.icon on the side you can press,
    and it opens an entry:
    "(Write an entry about: helpful information with)
    [@] (the text I selected)
    obj'oriented blogging:
    . now all the parts of all blogs about a page
    can reside with that object, rather than be author-oriented .

    1st-class programmable keyboard

    9.29: web.addn/kybd programmable with mem card bak:

    . need a kybd that lets a program
    do all my programming for me .
    . here is one author who needs the same thing:

    Let's say we have 2 computers connected with each other via USB.
    How to make a program that could be run on one of the computers
    and send keystrokes to the another?
    In other words the computer with the program
    would appear as a keyboard to the other computer?
    I don't want a thin client or dumb terminal...
    my goal with this is to create something that will be able to for example
    brute force a BIOS password in case you'll forget it
    - that's why I need it done in hw
    because otherwise you can't connect to the computer
    (when it only is booted to BIOS).

    . here is hackery for the obvious but iffy idea of
    connecting a computer to a usb.kybd:

    . the usb.kybd` interface is open:

    . a USB device class that describes human interface devices such as
    keyboards, mice, game controllers and alphanumeric display devices.
    The USB HID class is defined in a number of documents
    provided by the
    USB Implementers Forum's Device Working Group
    USB HID class keyboard is normally designed with
    an IN endpoint that communicates keystrokes to the computer
    and an OUT endpoint that communicates the status of the keyboard's LEDs
    from the computer to the keyboard.
    The PC 97 standard requires that a computer's BIOS must detect and work with
    USB HID class keyboards that are designed to be used during the boot process.

    X-keys programmable key pads
    . xkey for mac
    . points you to iKey for Mac OS X
    . In Hardware Mode the X-keys declares itself as a native USB keyboard and/or mouse
    and sends only USB keyboard or mouse messages to the USB port.
    The macros are stored in the X-keys onboard memory
    and played when the appropriate X-keys button is pressed.
    After originally programming the X-keys there is no software involved

    . on a tangent, I wondered if the [The Y-mouse Adapter for USB]
    would be a cheaper way to have an ergo'kybd;
    lets you put any 2 kybd's together,
    but it doesn't say anything about using the modifier keys of one
    to affect the keys of the other .

    turns your PC system into a USB device.
    contents includes:
    # USB HID Device Emulator
    * USB HID Class Mouse Application
    * USB HID Class Keyboard Application
    * USB 1.1 Full Speed/Low Speed
    * 512 Kb/S Transfer Rate
    * Bi-Directional Parallel Port Interface
    * USB Device Interface
    * Philips ISPD12 USB Peripheral Controller
    . contact them if want sales ? b2b only ?

    external cross-platform hd

    9.2: news.addn/mac/external cross-platform hd:

    I am looking at purchasing a reliable external hard drive for my MacBook Pro,
    but I also want to back up some files from a friend's PC.
    Does anyone know of a good desktop external hard drive that can be
    used for both OS's without having to reformat for one or the other?

    the FrŽdŽric Lejal 2-partition disk:
    * partition your disk, and make one parition HFS+ for your Mac,
    and the other partition NTFS for Windows.
    Mac will be able to read and write the HFS+ partition, and read the NTFS.
    Windows will only see the NTFS parition,
    with read and write permissions
    * read this
    and proceed to installation to have your Mac able to read AND WRITE on NTFS,
    and format your external drive in NTFS:
    you will be able to share the disk both with Macs and Windows,
    even for files bigger than 4Gb

    my reply:

    . ideas I liked summarized from above:
    . purchase the enclosure and disk separately .
    . Seagate drives are great, 5 year warranty;
    but lacie raid is awesome:

    . for your need of
    a general mac drive that also does pc backup,
    2 ideas:
    . the FrŽdŽric Lejal 2-partition disk (is that timemachine ready?) .
    . the Frederik Vande Rieviere NAS idea:
    . a free network-attached storage server,
    supporting: CIFS (Samba), FTP, NFS, rsync, AFP protocols, iSCSI, S.M.A.R.T.,
    local user authentication, and software RAID (0,1,5),
    with a web-based configuration interface.
    FreeNAS takes less than 64 MB once installed on
    hard drive, CompactFlash, or USB flash drive.[1]
    FreeNAS is currently distributed as an ISO image and in source form.
    It is possible to run FreeNAS from a Live CD,
    with the configuration files stored on an MS-DOS-formatted floppy disk.
    There is also a VMware disk image available.

    . for a {mac, pc} backup solution on my 8gb usb sd card
    I format as fat32, and then for mac files
    I use a near-4gb dmg file formatted as Mac OS Extended (journaled)
    which I believe gives me better protection from fat32 file corruptions?


    lamenting lost deposit from a landlord

    8.10: gov/aq.sto/Wolfe Apartments Llc(240 W Sprague Ave, 99201-3627, (509) 624-8001):
    Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of F.
    Reasons for this rating include:
    * BBB does not have sufficient information to determine how long this business has been operating.
    * BBB does not have sufficient background information on this business.
    * Failure to respond to one complaint filed against business.
    Refund or Exchange Issues
    No Response
    - Company failed to respond to BBB to resolve or address the complaint issues.

    Preventive approach to Alzheimer's disease

    8.27: news.health/Preventive approach to Alzheimer's disease:

    A study from University of California in Los Angeles
    used immune cells to help identify a suspected indicator of Alzheimer's disease.
    By testing the ability of immune cells in the blood
    to absorb the peptide amyloid beta,
    researchers moved toward developing a blood test
    which can gauge a person's risk of developing Alzheimer's.
    Patients in the study with Alzheimer's disease demonstrated
    poor uptake of amyloid beta,
    while participants without the disease showed high uptake.
    The results conclude that if the immune system is not adequately
    clearing amyloid beta, there is risk of developing Alzheimer's.
    MP Biomedicals LLC of Orange County has a contract to commercialize the
    technology developed by UCLA,
    creating a diagnostic blood test for screening for Alzheimer's disease.
    . I believe there are other results showing
    that on the other side of the equation
    a hormonic diet (low-glycemic load with high legume)
    can help the weak immune system
    by making less plaque needing removal . ]

    11.6: news.hormonics/alz'/more evidence against high-carb lifestyles:
    They used a genetic mouse model that
    develops Alzheimer's-like symptoms in adulthood,
    and over a 25 week period supplemented the
    regular, balanced diet of half the animals
    with 10% sugar water.
    Afterwards, they compared the metabolism,
    memory skills (by means of various mazes)
    and brain composition
    of the regular and sugar-fed mice.
    The sugar-fed mice gained about 17% more weight
    than controls, had higher cholesterol levels,
    and developed insulin resistance.
    These mice also had worse learning and memory retention
    and their brains contained over twice as many
    amyloid plaque deposits,
    an anatomical hallmark of Alzheimer's .

    . “Diet-induced hyperhomocysteinemia
    increases Amyloid-beta formation and deposition
    in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease,”
    -- journal: Current Alzheimer Research.
    “The data from previous studies show — even in humans —
    when the level of homocysteine in the blood is high,
    there is a higher risk of developing dementia.
    We hypothesized that high levels of homocysteine
    in an animal model of Alzheimer’s
    would accelerate the disease” .
    . there are apparently 2 factors controling homocysteine levels:
    a high-methionine diet,
    and maintaining a biochemistry that can
    prevent methionine from lingering in its intermediary,
    homocysteine form .
    . this is yet another reason why high-quality protein
    must be drip-fed,
    and thus why the best way to get it is from beans .
    . other factors needed for minimizing the intermediary
    is b-6, and perhaps some other b-vitamins .
    . tmg or dmg might also help homocysteine .

    dmae for age spots

    8.19: web.health/dmae for age spots:

    Solar lentigo (eg, actinic lentigo, senile lentigo, sun spot, liver spot)
    is the most common benign sun-induced lesion that occurs in sun-exposed areas.

    DMAE has the ability to dissolve lipofuscin
    and can work both inside and on the body.
    The mechanism for this action is fat emulsion.
    DMAE has properties similar to that of lecithin.
    Lecithin emulsifies fat in the liver
    and both of these substances produce acetylcholine in the body.
    However, DMAE and not lecithin is capable of lessening lipofuscin.
    The oral dosing of DMAE must be between 1,600 to 3,000 mg per day.
    One should start with a low dose of DMAE and slowly work up to this higher dose.
    Once the high dose is reached it must be maintained for five to six months
    for effects to be noticed.
    [anti-oxidants] should be taken along with high dose DMAE
    to avoid any imbalance in acetylcholine production with other neurotransmitters.
    [or more importantly, dmae is an accelerant,
    helping anti-oxidants act quicker,
    or if short on anti-oxidants, then helping oxidizers do more damage .]
    Some people experience stiff neck or headache with doses of DMAE at 3,000mg per day.
    If this occurs, the dose should be reduced
    and 400 to 800 mg per day of magnesium added.
    DMAE actually can help cells utilize magnesium more efficiently.
    Since magnesium must be present for many enzymatic reactions to occur in the body,
    the two elements work synergistically to help clear lipofuscin.

    Apparently removes lipofuscin (accumulation of toxic pigments) from cells,
    including nerve and brain cells (neurons), and age spots from the skin.
    . isolated adverse reactions have cropped up in different studies.
    . for people with Alzheimer's using high doses:
    Drowsiness, confusion, and high blood pressure have occurred .
    . DMAE can be over-stimulating for some people.
    Headaches, irritability, and tense muscles may result,
    including tightness in the jaw, neck, or shoulders.
    Weight loss and insomnia may also occur.
    [though] DMAE has been shown to increase daytime motivation
    and physical energy in persons afflicted with insomnia.
    As well as reducing the amount of sleep required by about 1 hour per night,
    users experience sounder sleep.
    Lucid dreams have also been reported.
    These effects should disappear when intake is lowered or stopped.

    inflammation syndrome

    8.15: news.health/chia is the best omega3 grain:
    . see:
    . salba[brand] nutritional facts (grams)/100g:
    21.2 protein
    34.5 fat
    6.3 omega6
    22.8 omega3
    1.9 mono
    37.5 carb
    3.4 sat
    3.5 sf (soluble fiber)
    34 insoluble fiber .

    8.29: sci.health/(full-)motion aerobics:
    . just putting all joints through all angles
    seemed to involve a surprising amount of air;
    wondered if there's much toxins not being flushed
    but by motion
    or if moving in new ways
    both works the brain
    and causes mass use of usually relaxed muscles .

    12.10: health/hormonics/inflammation syndrome:
    . one thing with old age could be this spiral of no gh,
    more calls on the non-gh branch of immune system,
    more inflammation, which then calls cortisol,
    cortisol further increases insulin resistance
    which aggravates lack of gh .
    (because insulin resistance resists gh too).

    Atkins diet in eskimos

    8.14: co.apt/health/atkins in eskimos:
    . Atkins was a doctor who specialized in heart health;
    the medical community went against him because
    he went against their keep it simple program
    which said that saturate fats were bad
    without mentioning that sat'fats were only bad when
    combined with usa's main product:
    grains .
    . Eskimo's traditionally eat nothing but fresh, raw blubber (plenty of vit.c
    in addition to megadoses of the satanic saturated fats),
    and other raw animal products .
    . they rarely had heart disease until western grains were introduced .

    how obesity can increase intelligence

    8.8: health/cortisol confusion:
    . I had thought that cortisol
    was the source of greater success among the obese,
    but now I'm thinking the relation is like this:
    . adrenalin dips sugar which raises cortisol
    that causes insulin resistance;
    and then adding grain diet to that condition
    raises insulin, which raises inteligence .
    [ cortisol does raise blood sugar for the brain's benefit,
    but I was confused at how
    increases of this could both increase intelligence
    and be the source of brain damage ] .

    Holford's Optimum Nutrition for the Mind

    psy/Holford's Optimum Nutrition for the Mind:

    . Holford's flax seed info contradicts that of Zone diet .
    . gla(primrose, borage) good for schiz'ia .
    . pyroluria: like schiz'ia but cured by b6, zinc .

    . The three best sources of GLA are Borage Seed Oil, Black Currant Oil,
    and Evening Primrose Oil.
    Borage Seed Oil (usually about 24% GLA)
    contains about 5% more GLA than Black Currant Oils,
    and more than twice as much GLA per capsule
    as Evening Primrose Oil (which usually contains about 10% GLA).
    As a result of its high percentage of GLA, when you take Borage Seed Oil,
    you end up taking less of the undesirable Omega-6 (lenoleic acid) oils.
    ) .
    Borage Seed Oil is the second of the four most important diet supplements,
    which are: Fish Oil, Borage Seed Oil, Green Tea and Magnesium.
    -- [12.21: eating plenty of greens will provide magnesium,
    the most important mineral supp' is selenium .]
    . I'm already familiar with this advice:
    beans are a great source of zinc, tryptophan, vit.e, glutathione,
    and of course, slow-releasing carb's and high-protein .
    we differ some:
    . I think the safe forms of niacin are a bit spendy,
    [12.21: I recently started using it though];
    he thinks carnitine is too spendy;
    he doesn't mention huperzine or galanthamine .

    8.18: web.health/www.mentalhealthproject.com:

    cancer risk related to autoimmune risk

    8.6: news.health/cancer risk related to autoimmune risk:
    . tumor necrosis factor helps fight cancer,
    and suppressing it can also suppress autoimmune disorders
    -- tho' now they are finding it raises risk of leukemia .
    . this gave me the idea that
    autoimmune disorders might be a symptom of
    the body having to raise its tumor necrosis factor
    in order to fight high levels of tumor creations;
    so that if one could reduce cancer risk
    there might also be a reduced risk of autoimmune disorders .

    . Capsaicin is weakly mutagenic in the Ames test, and a co-carcinogen in rats,
    enhancing gastric carcinogenesis.
    Ten percent of mice exposed to capsaicin developed duodenal cancer,
    versus 0% of those not exposed. A study in Mexico found that consumers of chili pepper
    had a more than 5-fold increase in risk of gastric cancer
    (age- and sex-adjusted odds ratio of 5.49; 95% CI 2.7-11.1) compared to nonconsumers;
    high-level consumers had an odds ratio of 17.11 (95% CI 7.8-37.6).
    In India and other Southeast Asian countries, eating of chili peppers is associated with
    oral submucosal fibrosis, a precancerous condition of undetermined etiology.(7,22-24) .

    buffelgrass control with grasshoppers

    8.20: web.pol/buffelgrass control with grasshoppers:

    . some grasshoppers will eat buffel grass .
    . if there was an easy way to catch them,
    they could both eat the buffelgrass and serve as food,
    as they do in many places -- including japan .
    . this is an economical way to get grass-fed meat .

    Warm and dry spring conditions encourage nymphal growth.
    An early spring followed by cloudy, damp weather
    encourages diseases that sicken and kill hoppers.
    A long, hot summer ensures a plentiful food supply
    and encourages early maturity of grasshoppers and a long egg-laying period.
    On the other hand, a cool summer and early fall
    slows down grasshopper maturity and reduces time for laying eggs.
    Grasshoppers are drawn to monocultures
    and dislike nitrogen-fixing crops like legumes and sweet clover.
    . all birds love grasshoppers .

    . instead of being caterpillars, they develop in an egg,
    and hatch as jumping grass or forb [flowering non-grass] eaters;
    in a few more weeks they can fly .

    The most widely eaten insects in japan are inago
    (the grasshopper, Oxya velox F.),
    which is preserved by boiling in soy sauce.
    -- a luxury item in supermarkets throughout the country, including Tokyo.
    Catching inago is done in rice paddies in autumn
    . with rice in overproduction, why not let inago feed on the excess,
    thus increasing the population of the grasshopper?
    perhaps the prefer their rice;
    they also like cooking wasps, suggesting it might be just a sport .

    insect hazards
    Some insects secrete toxins, produce toxic metabolites
    or sequester toxic chemicals from foodplants
    (Blum, 1978; Duffey, 1980; Wirtz, 1984).
    Defensive secretions that may be reactive, irritating or toxic
    include carb-oxylic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, alkaloids, ketones, esters,
    lactones, phenols, 1,4-quinones, hydrocarbons and steroids, among others.
    Phytochemicals sequestered by various insects include
    simple phenolics, flavin, tannins, terpenoids, polyacetylenes,
    alkaloids, cyanogens, glucosinolates and mimetic amino acids.
    Insects are also a source of
    injectant, ingestant, contactant and inhalant allergens (Wirtz, 1984; Gorham, 1991 ),
    and some insects serve as vectors or passive intermediate hosts of
    vertebrate pathogens such as bacteria, protozoa, viruses or helminths (Gorham, 1991).
    More attention should be directed toward
    assessing these risk factors in the edible insect groups.
    The long history of human use suggests, however, with little evidence to the contrary,
    that the insects intentionally harvested for human consumption
    do not pose any significant health problem.

    The Nematomorph hairworm (Spinochordodes tellinii)
    develops inside land-dwelling grasshoppers and crickets
    until the time comes for the worm to transform into an aquatic adult.
    . the mature hairworms brainwash their hosts by producing proteins
    causing them to seek out and plunge into water.

    Family Anthomyiidae
    . -- Members of the family Anthomyiidae are medium in size,
    about a quarter-inch (6 mm) long and closely resemble the common housefly.
    One species is reported to parasitize grasshoppers .

    Acridomyia canadensis Snyder
    is the only species of family Anthomyiidae in North America
    known to parasitize grasshoppers.
    It has been classified as an ÒimportantÓ parasite in Canada
    and mentioned as ÒoccurringÓ in Montana and Idaho (Rees 1973).
    This fly is known to parasitize at least 16 species of grasshoppers
    within all 3 grasshopper subfamilies of the family Acrididae,
    the slantfaced, the spurthroated, and the bandwinged grasshoppers.
    Melanoplus bivittatus and M. packardii
    are reported as this parasite's preferred host species.
    . flesh flies, family Sarcophagidae,
    are important parasites of grasshoppers in North America.
    . their eggs hatch within the uterus
    and the female deposits a live larva on the host via larviposition:
    the female flips a larva from the tip of her abdomen onto the grasshopper.
    The larva quickly penetrates the host's body through an intersegmental space
    and begins feeding on the body fluids and tissue .
    . species Servaisia falciformis (Aldrich) = Protodexia =Sarcophaga falciformis (Aldrich),
    possesses a sharp ovipositor that is used to insert a larva
    into the large muscle of the hind leg of the grasshopper.
    . mature larva exits through a hole in the grasshopper body wall
    and pupates in the soil. These flies target last-stage nymphs and adults
    and are generally considered the most effective group of grasshopper parasites
    . 3 species of Tachinid flies are considered important parasites
    in the United States and Canada .
    Acemyia tibialis is the principal tachinid parasite of grasshoppers
    and has been reported from Melanoplus bivattatus and M. sanguinipes.
    Canadian reports indicate parasitism ranges between 16 and 65 percent
    (Rees 1973). Ceracia dentata (Coquillett)
    and Hemithrixion oestriforme Brauer
    and Bergenstamm have been reported from grasshoppers collected in the United States
    and Canada with parasitism rates ranging between 1 and 5 percent (Rees 1973).
    . tangle-veined flies (family Nemestrinidae)
    are medium-sized, stout-bodied, fast fliers that can hover persistently.
    . of six North American species, 2 are parasites of grasshoppers
    Neorhynchocephalus sackenii (Will.)
    and Trichopsidea (= Parasymmictus) clausa (Osten Sacken) (Smith 1958)
    . they favor rangeland and Òidle acresÓ habitats .
    Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder), Camnulla pellucida (Scudder),
    Metator pardalinus (Saussere), and Aeropedellus clavatus (Thomas)
    are preferred hosts of
    N. sackenii with parasitization rates between 30 and 95 percent .
    . solitary wasps (family Sphecidae) consisting of eight subfamilies,
    most of which nest in wood, construct mud cells, or burrow in the soil.
    Twenty-nine species are recorded as parasitizing grasshoppers
    in Canada and the United States (Rees 1973).
    . Trombidiidae is the most important of three known families of mites
    that have been reported as parasites of grasshoppers and locusts.
    Red mites have been universally observed attached to the wings of their host.
    Adult mites appear early in the spring and begin searching for grasshopper egg-pods.
    Mites remain in the pods feeding on individual eggs
    until the mites become sexually mature.
    Mating takes place in the egg-pod, but eggs are laid in cells in the soil.
    Larvae emerge after 28 to 30 days and actively seek a suitable host.
    Larvae usually attach at the base of the wings on adults.
    . mites had little if any effect on the grasshopper hosts;
    [they are mostly egg predators .]

    Grasshopper nymphs eat vegetation contaminated with the eggs of
    the Mermithidae species of Nematodes;
    The infective nematode larva is released from the egg
    during the digestive process.
    The larva eventually penetrates through the host's gut wall into the body cavity,
    where it remains for 4 to 10 weeks.
    The mature larva exits the host (usually killing it) late in the summer
    and overwinters in the soil.
    Known North American distribution is limited to the
    upper Midwest, Northeast, and small, restricted areas in the Western United States.
    Moisture in the microhabitat, probably in the form of free water,
    is required for successful development of nematodes.
    When the required conditions occur,
    the incidence of infestation in localized areas can exceed 60 percent .

    . the Gordiacea class of roundworms (Nematomorpha)
    are known as horsehair worms or Gordian worms. closely resemble nematodes
    . they are opportunists that attack many hosts
    -- incidental parasites of grasshoppers and Mormon crickets .
    Adults are free living and aquatic.
    Larvae are parasitic in crustaceans, grasshoppers, crickets, and beetles.
    Females lay thousands of eggs in long, gelatinous strings in water.
    Upon hatching, larvae seek an immature form of aquatic insect as the primary host.
    Later the larvae become terrestrial
    and seek a secondary host (usually a cricket, grasshopper, or beetle),
    where they feed and continue to develop.
    The mature larva exits the host (causing death)
    and returns to an aquatic habitat (ponds, animal watering troughs,
    intermittent pools, streams, or similar area),
    where it reaches sexual maturity.

    . There are 856 species of Asilidae (robber flies) in North America;
    26 are reported as predators of grasshoppers
    Six species exhibit a definite preference for grasshoppers (Rees 1973).
    . Two species of family Anthomyiidae have been reported as
    predators of grasshopper eggs
    Female Òdigger waspsÓ (family Sphecidae)
    prefer grasshoppers as provisions for their nests
    and are sometimes mentioned as efficient grasshopper predators
    (Lavigne and Pfadt 1966).
    A typical species of this group, Prionyx parkeri Bohart and Menke,
    requires about 1 hour to capture, cache, and lay an egg on an adult grasshopper.
    Upon hatching, the wasp larva begins to consume the live grasshopper,
    which remains paralyzed.
    These wasps are generally rare in most grasshopper habitats,
    but there is a report in Idaho (Newton 1956) of three Tachysphex spp.
    reducing a population of Oedaleonotus enigma (Scudder) by 84 percent.
    . The wolf spider, Schizocosa minnesotensis Gertsch,
    and a jumping spider, Pellenes sp., are two species of nonweb-builders
    that are often quite abundant on rangeland
    and are reported as predatory on various rangeland grasshopper species.
    The black widow spider, Latrodectus mactans (F.),
    is also a common rangeland predator of grasshoppers in Wyoming and Idaho.
    . Adult mites appear early in the spring and begin searching for grasshopper egg-pods.
    Mites remain in the pods feeding on individual eggs
    until the mites become sexually mature.

    accountability tax

    8.14: co.apt/pol/health care/accountability tax:
    . instead of rationing, we should collect more taxes
    on exactly the foods that cause the most damage .
    . tag every food and drug with an insulin resistance index
    and a glycemic index .
    . some of the venom behind rationing is racial;
    because the people who don't get medicare are the chronically unemployed,
    who are mostly the racial minorities .
    . one problem with this is that
    people could understandably be livid
    supposing this glycemic index is the next cholesterol scare:
    what if it was all just the industrial (mental) disease?
    . there should be manditory health insurance,
    but there should be plans for those who
    believe that glycemic index makes a difference,
    and who will not ask for glycemic-related care .
    . let our money talk the American way .

    8.25: co.apt/pol/health care/preventive outreach:
    . cancer prevention needs to start with kids diet
    which can only be changed by controlling what's available to them:
    right now that diet is controlled strictly by the stock market
    and the social psychosis:
    eg, green light go!
    (everyone's oblivious to the dangers of trusting green lights) .
    . another reason you could never expect people to diet rationally,
    is that there has been so much news about
    diet being only a small factor in the
    total environmental causes of cancer .

    9.9: co.apt/health/look experts telling you, can't wait for obama care:
    . is there a correlation between the introduction
    of high fructose corn syrup and the rise of obesity
    in the past 30 years?
    Many factors contribute to the development of obesity,
    yet nutritionists, health experts and researchers generally agree
    that the chief cause is an imbalance
    between calories consumed and calories burned.
    . have they ever heard of thyroid resistance,
    or jetfueling sugar maybe causing it?
    . I hardly eat anything and I'm too tired to exercise?
    that's your thyroid ignored in that equation .
    The American Dietetic Association notes,
    Excess body fat [obesity] arises from the energy imbalance caused by
    taking in too much energy and expending too little energy. ...
    . look at these expert panels,
    I can hardly wait for obama care .

    10.15: co.apt/pol/sin tax on fattening foods:
    . after hearing that neither side of the debate
    feels that a sin tax is warranted,
    I'm ranting:
    . keep gov out it? what about
    it's already ok to tax for charity health care?!
    [it's esp'ly the poor who get the most fattening foods
    because those are the cheapest
    (flour, corn syrup, hydrogenated soy fat) .]

    11.17: news.pol/healthcare/metabolic syndrome:
    Risk factors for metabolic syndrome, such as
    obesity, high blood pressure, and elevated blood lipid levels,
    can increase a person's healthcare costs nearly 1.6-fold,
    or about $2,000 per year.
    For each additional risk factor those costs rise an average of 24%,
    according to an illuminating article in a recent issue of
    Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders .

    cap and tax

    8.9: news.pol/cap and tax:

    . some of the same forces opposing the health care reform
    are also angry with cap-and-tax as being a job loser .
    . it's a tax to promote the use of
    energy sources that don't contribute to global warming
    -- this is a big deal to the rest of the world
    although a major initial drawback is that
    there is not getting china to cooperate
    and they will continue to get our jobs
    unless we also have some laws that keep our corparations
    employing our citizens .
    . the gov could use the tax money to invest in better energy sources
    so the long-term prospects of this bill are very good;
    but the current players are going to lose their fat seats .
    . heritage.org paints a bleak picture of huge job loses 20years out .

    . a wall st jou editorial
    says we either cut services
    or we are going to need to tax the middle class more .
    Obama Drops Health Care Reform 8/4/2009
    wsj is saying the admn is saying the new strategy is not health care
    but health insur needing reform
    -- demonizing an industry?
    they need regulation just like cities need police .
    . manditory insurance is the main target .
    . wsj (Weight of the Nation 8/3/2009)
    talked about the staggering costs of our nation gaining so much weight
    esp'ly since the advent of corn syrup in all the food since the 70's .
    . safeway started an accountability campaign
    where the employees got cheaper health premiums for keeping weight .
    . getting weight is much less invasive than getting blood lipid numbers!

    freedomworks.org on health care
    . "(Trial lawyers, government mandates, and tax code distortions
    are what is making health care too expensive )?
    they must be kidding!
    if a society insists on manditory health care,
    they must pay for it either with charity (gov)
    or manditory health insurance .
    . in case you couldn't find an advocate for vampires,
    here it is at freedomworks.org:
    it was revealed that massive beverage tax hikes are planned
    to fund part of the $1.5 trillion dollar tab
    their socialization of health care is expected to run up
    over the next 10 years.
    Specifically, they're looking at
    increasing the tax on a bottle of wine by 233 percent.
    The beer tax would go up 145 percent per six-pack.
    The liquor tax would go up 19 percent to $2.54 per fifth.
    And an entirely new tax is proposed for [sugar-sweetened beverages]
    -- including soda, fruit and vegetable dinks, sports drinks,
    iced teas and coffees, and flavored milk and dairy drinks.
    This planned beverage tax hike
    not only leaves *us* with less money during a recession,
    it will also be a *job* killer, [mr.job from the bible?]
    particularly in the hard-hit hospitality industry, [hospi- what?]
    where unemployment is already over 11 percent.
    In an industry that has already lost around 400,000 jobs in this downturn,
    a new tax that could destroy an estimated 160,000 more jobs
    is a terrible idea.
    . oh, my god, I just lost another soda !

    FreedomWorks` Tea Party Patriots:

    The lobbyist-run groups Americans for Prosperity and FreedomWorks,
    which orchestrated the anti-Obama tea parties earlier this year,
    are now pursuing an aggressive strategy
    to create an image of mass public opposition to health care
    and clean energy reform.
    A leaked memo from Bob MacGuffie,
    a volunteer with the FreedomWorks website Tea Party Patriots,
    details how members should be infiltrating town halls
    and harassing Democratic members of Congress .
    ) .


    8.5: rel/pol/movie"koyaanisqatsi:
    . this was a sort of documentary showing the forces of nature and man
    ravaging the planet .
    -- a cult film [someone] was proud to introduce me to .
    . it ends with the hiameric predictions and warning:
    if we dig precious things from the land,
    we will invite disaster .
    . near the day of purification,
    there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky .
    . a container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky,
    which could burn the land and boil the oceans .
    . it also gave the definition of the movie's title:
    'crazy life, life in turmoil,
    life out of balance, life disintegrating,
    a state of life that calls for another way of living .

    The film consists primarily of slow motion and time-lapse photography
    of cities and many natural landscapes across the United States.
    The visual tone poem contains neither dialogue nor a vocalized narration:
    its tone is set by the juxtaposition of images and music.


    8.3: pol/homelessness:
    . I wonder why nobody is addressing the fact that
    the bulk of homeless are really people with bad reputations,
    being encouraged to fester in our jungles .
    . they present them as being mentally ill,
    but retiring from a life of crime is a huge culture shift
    -- this is the stuff that makes symptoms of mental illness .
    . this treatment was what gave birth to the charles manson clan .

    wall st watch dogs

    8.2: rn.pol/wall st watch dogs:
    . throw out both parties?
    parties don't have constitutions,
    so then both would be replaced by similar parties
    because our system has a constitution that attracts such abuse .
    . the system should throw out closed-door law making
    . law makers should consult academic judges;
    we have been burned by lax finance law before,
    and historians and economists could have predicted this depression .
    . then big twist for money driven by
    jungle heat of over-population:
    need to make a fair system in return for getting
    fair parenting cooperation from the masses .
    . if there is a way we could all be wealthy,
    there is less reason for wealthy special interests to bribe our law makers .

    biblical truths

    8.20: psy/biblical truths/be prepared for the unthinkable:
    . when G*D promised there would never again be a great flood
    that was a warning that the next great catastrophe
    to catch most off-guard
    would not be something predictable from knowing our history .
    . new technology will bring new nightmares .
    . meteorites will darken the skies for centuries .
    . the sun's death will be survived only by reengineering life for
    ultra-distant space travel .

    virtually true delusions

    8.17: psy/schiz'ia/virtually true delusions:
    . delusions that involve persecution by large groups of people?
    that could be virtually true,
    as everything that is those people
    has to come through your mind before it can get to you .
    . your mind literally invents everything;
    ie, if it wants everyone to be your nightmare,
    they will be -- they can not be anything else .
    . recreational drugs can make them irrelevant,
    and anti-psychotic drugs can make you irrelevant,
    but there is no changing who your mind says they are .

    we are legion

    8.31: co.apt/relig/jesus.christ/curing the we are legion ... of pigs:
    . I was letting loose with spontanious joking
    about jc's encounter with we are legion,
    and then afterward thinking about what I said .
    . it reminded me that one reason we can't agree
    is that we are legion!
    . then it occurred to me that this jc story
    was a hint, like his other parables:
    . curing a madness called we are legion,
    and then to have it result in
    the loss of a legion of pigs,
    reminds us that
    to find your strength
    asume you are legion:
    assume that there are many like you,
    not being pigs,
    but having a vision of some common good .
    . you can't lose the insane guy
    without losing a bunch of moral pigs too!
    . (bunch of pigs) is a twist of
    united under one who is like a pig;
    ie, a pig is well fed only to be slaughtered,
    the same thing could be said of lamb .
    . the literal reason for Christ's slaughter
    (death before grandfathering some children)
    was that a hypocritical, unjust moral system
    prevented him from being fully accepted into his society
    due to no fault of his own,
    but for merely being the innocent offspring of
    a statutory rape (taking of a girl not in marriage) .

    life lessons

    8.20: mom/relig/life lessons:

    date Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 5:07 PM
    Begin forwarded message:
    > Date: August 11, 2009 1:23:16 PM EDT

    > 1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
    [. the good life is when you can appreciate
    even the unfair jungle that life is .]
    > 2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
    [. the key to handling complexity
    is finding how to express it as sets and sequences of small steps ]
    > 3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
    [. being mad is a symptom of madness;
    it's a clue that there is something illogical
    about some of your expectations
    or your assumptions about the situation .
    . the act of trying to understand how things happen
    is a creative process that can divert energy
    from destructive vengeance towards intellectual constructs .]
    > 4. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
    [. we are the puppets of society;
    societies are puppets of future's angel .]
    > 5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
    [. a good credit card is like a good drink;
    only the hopelessly addicted will abstain from
    what is good only within caveats .]
    > 6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
    [. democracy is an illusion foisted upon us
    by a society overrun with land lords, a world already owned,
    with nothing left to do but find the biggest ape by election
    to tell us how we will be packed into the same box .]
    > 7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone.
    [the easiest way to cry is to be un-alone like this:
    look at your feelings like they are a separate person;
    and, admit to your "(self) it's your feeling's fault .]
    > 8. It's OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
    [. god is the creator of your anger;
    anger with god is just laughter .]
    > 9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
    [. make the bible a living document
    pointing out how often it pleads to the future
    how being prepared and aware can save us from a sorry fate
    -- right here on earth! ]
    > 10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
    [. addictions should be given up completely;
    good things can be overindulged without harm;
    whole-fat cocoa is beauty, sugar is futility .]
    > 11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
    [. if the past has screwed up the present;
    remember that children are the future;
    thank god the screw-ups can pass away
    leaving only good documentation behind .]
    > 12. It's OK to let your children see you cry.
    [. it's ok for everyone to have children together;
    just don't have children as your sole responsibility,
    and then let them see you cry .]
    > 13. Don't compare your life to others'.
    You have no idea what their journey is all about.
    [. competition really started as
    how you could be better for your society .
    . ask your jealousy whether you are not doing your best,
    and whether your society is not generally good .]
    > 14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it.
    [. private parenting is the root of all evil;
    perfect childhood programming is the key to justice .]
    > 15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye.
    But don't worry; God never blinks.
    [. console yourself knowing that god is always in control?
    when bad things happen to good societies,
    it's ensuring that only good things happen to the future .
    . security should always have a backup against security failures .
    . security should never rely on
    perfect intelligence, on the eye that never blinks;
    nevertheless, open living is a key to economical security .]
    > 16. Life is too short for long pity parties.
    Get busy living, or get busy dying.
    [. freedom to party is a delusion produced to ensure the failures
    that will develop the future that can party without failures ]
    > 17. You can get through anything if you stay put in today.
    [. much of the moment's pain comes from fearing future pain;
    find comfort in creating ideas that are using today's pain
    for really understanding the world to ensure a better future .]
    > 18. A writer writes. If you want to be a writer, write.
    [. many have had great insights;
    the celebrated few were simply those who bothered to write them down .]
    > 19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
    But the second one is up to you and no one else.
    [. remember society's childhood; we're still in the middle of it .
    . the 2nd childhood is the elder's learning to relearn,
    without it, there is only midlife crisis .]
    > 20. When it comes to going after what you love in life,
    don't take no for an answer.
    [. remember the drug war is really a war on poverty and overpopulation;
    people love powerful people who have real choices -- and glow like it .]
    > 21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie.
    Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
    [. put not your treasures in worldly things,
    but in the control you can muster
    over your emotions, your environment, and your destiny .
    -- mostly psychological and intellectual skills .]
    > 22. Overprepare, then go with the flow.
    [psy/biblical truths/be prepared for the unthinkable:
    . when god promised there would never again be a great flood
    he was warning us that the next great catastrophe
    would catch most of us off-guard;
    it would not be something predictable from knowing our history:
    . new technology will bring new nightmares .
    . meteorites will darken the skies for centuries .
    . the sun's death will be survived only by reengineering life for
    ultra-distant space travel . ]
    > 23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
    [. be yourself: eat grass-feed meat, insects, and lots of vegetables .]
    > 24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
    [. the most important brain is the social collective .]
    > 25. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
    [. imagine god is the director of a soap opera;
    why should things be as god would have you expect them:
    how would that possibly keep the plot interesting? ]
    > 26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words:
    "In five years, will this matter?"
    [. "(in five generations, will this even be remembered?);
    writing down your problems will help you work through them,
    -- and may help the future develop a better idea of the problem .]
    > 27. Always choose life.
    [. death, and even suicide, is just choosing a younger, healthier life;
    but is it right to quick-fix societal problems by burying the symptoms? ]
    > 28. Forgive everyone everything.
    [. write your feelings down,
    then write everyone's feelings down;
    write like you were god:
    like writing is the only control you have .]
    > 29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
    [. the same god that talks about you there,
    is the very god that makes your emotions to inspire such murmuring;
    imagine god wants everyone to have more control over their environment:
    who gets closer to you, who has more children?
    who makes us feel better? who makes us talk? ]
    > 30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
    [. psychic wounds ache to be heard;
    write them down, and the ache can leave with hope:
    even if you destroy the writing,
    the message has still been transferred to that part of your brain
    that can communicate to others with words -- or telepathy?
    with words, surely, we will eventually coordinate .]
    > 31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
    [. remember the key to the bible: Luke 16:20-31:
    . when the rich goes to hell,
    and the poor sits with the Father;
    the Rich begs the Father:
    "( if there could be no relief for the Rich fallen into torment
    at least raise the poor from the dead
    to warn my living brothers of what evil awaits them!
    ) . the Father reminds him that we have the word of the prophets
    -- if only the living Rich could be woken to how tenuous is their luck,
    to the urgency of the prophets' message .]
    > 32. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick.
    Your friends will. Stay in touch.
    [. start asking way yesterday, and you will receive!
    . moreover, start building wealth with urgency,
    so it is not too difficult to help those in need when times dive .]
    > 33. Believe in miracles.
    [. use the force Luke; the supernatural is the very will to live;
    imagine the things we can accomplish together,
    if only the supernatural will communicate a coordinated plan .]
    > 34. God loves you because of who God is,
    not because of anything you did or didn't do.
    [. god's primary concern is eternal progression of diverse experience;
    to say god is love is telling you something about love;
    it's just a drug, a motivator; and an experience, part of the product .]
    > 35. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
    [. when you come to see the real you is society,
    even the deadly things make you stronger .]
    > 36. Growing old beats the alternative - dying young.
    [. for those seeking the middle road,
    that of attempting a youthful old age;
    let the ultimate test of your success
    be an increased life-time productivity .]
    > 37. Your children get only one childhood.
    Make it memorable.
    [. when your society owns your children
    -- embracing village values rather than family values --
    everyone has a better chance at
    having a memorable childhood .]
    > 38. Read the Psalms. They cover every human emotion.
    [. David of Goliath fame is actually most notable for
    writing most of Psalms; he is known as Israel's sweet singer .
    > 39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
    [. the sun is waiting for you with highest quality vitamin.d,
    and the increasing proximity to hidden life
    is changing your chemistry telepathically like a touch;
    less miraculously,
    the air is likely less to be polluted than what is found indoors .]
    > 40. If we all threw our problems in a pile
    and saw everyone else's, we'd grab ours back.
    [. privacy is golden; so are robotic module contacts:
    the world's savior is very near .]
    > 41. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.
    [. auditing a class means avoiding any gamble of getting a losing a grade;
    don't let depression or cowardice be passed off as
    frugality or moderation .]
    > 42. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
    [. give your children -- and employees -- the tough-love boot!
    also toss angel dust, LSD, ecstasy, and marijuana .
    . seriously,
    don't let the privacy of your mind allow you to slip into
    tolerating thoughts that are unproductive or unfair;
    > 43. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
    [. how did past generations help today be lovely?
    how will you help your society help the future ? ]
    > 44. Envy is a waste of time.
    You already have all you need.
    [. envy is sarcasm; the source of your inner {voice, feelings, life}
    could have anything it really wanted .. well,
    if only you were into population control, collective ownership of land,
    and other far-out's: new bone growth requires old bone destruction .]
    > 45. The best is yet to come.
    [. while youth blossomed into the freedoms of adulthood;
    old age will finally tame the inner jungles of your mind .
    . optimism is a celebration of yesterday's progress;
    hope depends on the belief in progress -- or miracles .]
    > 46. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
    [. in telepathy, proximity matters;
    if you're not already declared dead,
    showing up will fill you with more life .]
    > 47. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
    [. some of exercise's magic is just moving more breath;
    a deep breath is stimulating like a brisk massage;
    and helped many stop craving smokes .]
    > 48. If you don't ask, you don't get.
    [. privacy and cowardice are the leading causes of mass ignorance .]
    > 49. Yield.
    [. more people die from trusting green lights, modern food,
    and other popular expectations, ... than die from old age:

    . Whole-grain intake is inversely associated with the metabolic syndrome

    Metabolic Syndrome Ups Colorectal Cancer
    Metabolic syndrome and Alzheimer's disease
    Metabolic Syndrome, Inflammation, and Risk of Cognitive Decline
    Metabolic Syndrome Predicts New Onset of Chronic Kidney Disease
    Metabolic syndrome and the risk of stroke


    [66% bad modern diet: ]
    (1) Diseases of the heart heart attack (mainly) 28.5%
    (2) Malignant neoplasms cancer 22.8%
    (3) Cerebrovascular disease stroke 6.7%
    (6) Diabetes mellitus diabetes 3.0%
    (8) Alzheimer's Disease Alzheimer's senility 2.4%
    (9) Nephritis and Nephrosis kidney disease 1.7%
    (13) Essential Hypertension high blood pressure 0.8%
    [8% bad assumptions(traffic, sex, social skills, ...)]:
    (5) Unintentional injuries accidents 4.4%
    (11) Intentional self-harm suicide 1.3%
    (12) Chronic Liver/Cirrhosis liver disease 1.1% [hepatitis often sexual]
    (14) Assault homicide 0.7%

    [27% natural, classic causes of death:]
    (15) All other [non-infectious causes] 17.4%
    (4) Chronic lower respiratory disease emphysema, chronic bronchitis 5.1%
    (7) Influenza and pneumonia flu & pneumonia 2.7%
    (10) Septicemia systemic infection 1.4%
    > 50. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift.
    [. even in our sleep, life comes to play!
    -- merciful death often doesn't come so easily;
    it can be awfully rude to refuse a gift .]