Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts


not all ingredients have to be listed #health #cancer

news.pol/healthcare/not all ingredients have to be listed:
2.26: summary:
. do you trust a product's list of ingredients?
there are significant exceptions to the law,
and even that law is not fully enforced.
. certain carcinogens don't have to be listed
because they are formed by combining
2 or more of the listed ingredients;
eg, my soap has Sodium laureth sulfate;
(ethylene oxide * sodium laurel sulfate)
and, that includes 1,4-dioxane.
. of course there are exceptions for pesticides
because they are in trace amounts
but trace doses can be endocrine disruptors.
. talc often contains asbestos;
and the quality control is not perfect;
yet ingredients don't have to say
"may contain trace amounts of asbestos".


#Crohn's disease #saccharin #sucralose

1.14:'s disease:
. Crohn's disease, also known as regional enteritis,
is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD);
which can increase the risk of cancer.
. the cause is officially unknown; but,
lifestyle choices that raise risk include
# saccharin or sucralose
# oral contraceptives,
# smoking or 2nd-hand smoke
# diets that provoke yeast or fungal overgrowth
(high in sugar or refined carb's;
or low in fiber that feed bacteria
that compete with yeasts)
# aluminum pollution in urban areas.
# low vitamin D
# nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
# prior use of antibiotics
(often killing the good germs results in
the growth of bad germs after antibiotics are discontinued;
IBD may be the immune system's response to a certain germ;
some are cured with a fecal transplant(good germs);
some go into remission on antibiotics.
. the GAPS diet might also work as an antibiotic:
it is a high-fat low-prebiotic diet that removes bad germs
followed by a fermented diet that adds good germs).
. being left-handed, you might be more inclined
to choose a lifestyle that increases risk.


biogas good but fracking for natural gas radioactive #health #cancer

1.6: news.pol/healthcare/cancer/
biogas good but fracking for natural gas radioactive:
. we can make biogas by fermenting crops;
but most methane today comes from
fracking for natural gas trapped in shale
which contaminates our water with radioactive particles.


National Academy of Sciences` postmarketing surveillance of #GMO foods

8.29: news.pol/healthcare/gmo
/National Academy of Sciences` postmarketing surveillance of GMO foods:
The New England Journal of Medicine 2015:
by Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., and Charles Benbrook, Ph.D.
[ 2015]

[Genetically modified (GM) policy is ignoring the science.]
. unlike traditional selective breeding,
genetic engineering vastly expands the range of traits
that can be moved into plants.
Foods produced from GM crops have become ubiquitous.
And unlike regulatory bodies in 64 other countries,
the usa's FDA does not require labeling of GM foods.

. the argument that [gm foods are equivalent to non-gmo]
misses the point that GM crops are now
the most heavily treated with herbicides
and that two of these herbicides may pose risks of cancer.


many safe products now part of #cancer conspiracy

many safe products now part of cancer conspiracy:
. many chemicals in our environment
are not classed as carcinogens because
they are not by themselves mutagens;
but many chemicals deemed to be safe
can conspire to contribute to cancer risk.


BPA-poisoning from receipt paper #cancer

2.1: from receipt paper:
. shopping reciepts use a type of paper
that is impregnated with BPA (Bisphenol-A)
an endocrine disruptor linked to cancer,
obesity, diabetes, CVD, and infertility .
. how much of the BPA rubs off on your hands
depends on what else is on your hands:
. using hand sanitizer (and other skin products
that contain dermal penetration enhancers)
increases BPA absorption by as much as 185 times

state of the industrialized nation #cancer

2.1: of the industrialized nation:
. the war on cancer is lost;
even childhood rates are increasing;
likely mostly due to increasing environmental levels of
endocrine disruptors and electromagnetic pollution .


immune response to mammalian meat and milk #cancer

2.1: 3.1: response to mammalian meat and milk:
. eaters of mammalian meat seem more prone to cancer [pnas 2014]
than eaters of other types of animal protein;
a sugar called Neu5Gc, is found in most mammals
but not in humans; and,
humans often have high levels of Neu5Gc-specific antibodies
(perhaps developing inflammation when they eat it)
[Nat Biotechnol. 2010];
scientists wondered if humans are troubled by
eating a foreign sugar such as Neu5Gc
so they engineered mice to not make that sugar
in order to have them better model human reactions;
and, when the new mice were then fed the Neu5Gc,
they were more prone to spontaneous cancers. []


iodine for apoptosis against #cancer

1.24: for apoptosis against #cancer:
. iodine may be of use against cancer,
but some say the needed doses
are far beyond what experts consider safe
(National Academy of Sciences).
. iodine has the same political problem as selenium:
when there are claims that it can prevent cancer
the very legitimate concern is that
people are being fed ideas that are not proven
because the proven cancer cures are so feared .
. anyone claiming a use for high-dose iodine
is creating a path for it in cancer treatment too .
. while many may thrive on high-dose iodine
(including a majority of Japanese
who get high-dose iodine from seaweed),
some trying high-dose iodine
have warned of damage to the thyroid
some say the damage came from an autoimmune reaction;
so, as with all things affecting hormones,
start low and go slow;
but also don't forget to get your
thyroid-soothing selenium,
(also another source of cancer prevention).
. the main cause of autoimmune disorders
may be leaky gut syndrome or GAPS
(Gut and Psychology Syndrome),
in which case the GAPS diet may help with
healing gut dysbiosis, curing autoimmune disorders,
and thereby increasing your tolerance for
possibly cancer-preventing doses of iodine .


a new denied XMRV retrovirus epidemic

1.21: news.pol/gemini/healthcare/a new denied XMRV retrovirus epidemic:
Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for
the Truth about Human Retroviruses and
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS),
Autism, and Other Diseases .


#organic to reduce nitrates in produce

1.18: reduce nitrates in produce:
. nitrates in food may contribute to
cancers of the stomach or esophagus;
organically grown vegetables will have less nitrates
than conventionally grown,
and especially less than hydroponics .
. of course most vegetables are also rich in
cancer preventives;
but organics will have more of the good,
and less of the cancer promoters .


born 1945 - 1965? #hepatitisC test

/born between 1945 through 1965 is high risk:
The CDC urges everyone born between 1945 through 1965
to get a hepatitis C blood test.
Testing should be initiated with anti-HCV.
A reactive result should be followed by
nucleic acid test (NAT) for HCV RNA.
see rationale.


AIDS from organ transplant antirejection drugs

6.21: transplant/AIDS from antirejection drugs:
. the first year after transplant with antirejectives
there is increased risk of the same sort of cancers
seen by those with AIDS from HIV infection;
5 years later there is an increased risk of
all the most common cancers .
. if you can get a transplant from a close relative
there is a chance of living without antirejectives .


anything wrong with yogurt? #paleo #diet

. milk is not considered to be paleo because of
lactose causing inflammation [].
(and many other reasons)[Dr.Cordain];
would yogurt's fermentation convert all lactose?
no, per 6-ounce serving, there is
nearly 6.8 grams Greek yogurt
nearly 8.5 grams in whole-fat yogurt
and 14 grams in non-fat yogurt [];
-- Greek yogurt has the whey drained off .


#health #diet raw mushrooms

10.31: mushrooms:
. mushrooms are slightly carcinogenic if not cooked .
. many mushrooms contain aromtase-inhibiting drugs,
and therefore should be treated like a hormone:
used only consistently and modestly .


high-oleic oils #health #cook #cancer

health/high-oleic oils:
20: summary:
. high-oleic are high in good fats (monounsaturates)
but they are also highly refined,
and therefore remove many of the antioxidants
that gave good fats their excellent reputation .


modern #medicine idol worship

10.11, 10.16: pol/healthcare/modern medicine idol worship:
. there are several meanings of "idol worship":
it was believed by the authors of the Bible
that each culture was ruled by its own god,
and that one's own god was the ruler of other gods
such that other gods were basically lifeless
and unable to work magic or bless their followers;
one's god required that certain commands be obeyed
and would provide rewards for doing so;
drugs were outlawed because they cheated the god
by taking rewards without doing the god's will .
. cheating the reward system is a form of idol worship;
because, it doesn't obey the culture's god
therefore it is worshiping some other culture
-- some non-god, an idol .


#oleic acid and #breast #cancer

10.1: acid and breast cancer:
10.4: summary:
. there is some confusion between oleic acid
and virgin olive oil rich in oleic acid .
. frying with refined oils is not healthy,
but simmering virgin olive oil in herbs may be ok .


new chapter in the war on cancer

27: news.pol/healthcare/cancer/new chapter in the war on cancer:
. according to a this JAMA article
with details here at,
A new report commissioned by a working group
sanctioned by the National Cancer Institute
asserts that USA's practice of oncology
is in need of a host of reforms and initiatives
to mitigate the problem of overdiagnosis and overtreatment .


nuclear fallout is survivable

30: fallout is survivable:
. in the 2014-2016 wwIII climax
we might not see any nuclear weapons
because Russia and usa have beam weapons;
however, if China gets involved,
and if China doesn't yet have beam weapons,
that nation may resort to nuclear weapons
in order to defend itself against attacks .
. if you survive a nuclear attack
you may want to stay in your house
to avoid fallout .
. you will want a good supply of
food and water in your house,
because much of what is available later
will be contaminated with radiation .
. if you are trapped in a house
rather than underground, you will need
supplements to neutralize radiation .