Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts


acetylcysteine can inhibit anti-cancer p53 protein

30: can inhibit anti-cancer p53 protein:
31: summary:
. N-acetylcysteine or NAC is a source of cysteine,
but is too powerful an antioxidant .
. a better source of cysteine is egg yolk:
it too is great at raising glutathione,
a safe antioxidant made by the body .


fewer endocrine disrupters for less #cancer

10.18: news.pol/healthcare/
petition for fewer endocrine disruptor:
Right now it is still legal for manufacturers to use:
Flame retardants, linked to reproductive damage, in crib mattresses and couches.
Formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen, in clothing and building materials.
Phthalates, linked to birth defects,
used to soften plastics in lunch boxes, backpacks and binders, for instance.
PFCs, some also suspected carcinogens,
used in nonstick cookware, clothing and carpeting.
I could go on and on: 62,000 chemicals on the market in 1976
-- still the majority of those in use today --
were grandfathered in under TSCA without proof of safety.
Since then, 23,000 more new chemicals have been allowed to enter the market
without rigorous testing. We may think that
because something is on the shelves of our stores,
it's been shown to be safe. We are mistaken.
And what's all this got to do with air pollution?
Many of these toxic chemicals "off-gas" -- they drift into the air in our homes and workplaces, and contaminate the dust on the floor where our babies crawl. We breathe them into our bodies.


supplements for radiation #fukushima

12.5: for radiation:
Dr. Melissa Patterson, ND
talks about supp's you may need for
dealing with the increased radiation levels
coming from the fukushima nuclear accident .
If large doses of C,E, and B (especially B5),
are taken before exposure,
the radiation sickness can be reduced to a large degree.
Vitamin A can be toxic to a pregnancy .


#cancer grows in #fructose #HFCS #sweetsurprise

11.14: in fructose:
Cancer Res 2010:
. Synthesis of nucleic acids and nucleotides
is of utmost importance for proliferating tissues
and especially cancers.
. fructose's contribution to nucleic acid synthesis
is considerably greater than glucose;
and, cancer cells preferentially use fructose
via TKT-mediated metabolism
to synthesize additional nucleic acids
to facilitate increased proliferative capacity.
. previous studies have shown that
chronic fructose feeding in animals
leads to insulin resistance
and promotes in vivo growth,
as evidenced by increased organ weights
Additionally, in humans,
increased fructose consumption has been linked to
obesity, diabetes, and elevated uric acid levels,
the latter in keeping with our
in vitro metabolomic studies showing
increased fructose-directed nucleic acid synthesis
[ Metabolism. 1982, J Nutr. 1985].
We have recently shown 2.5-fold higher
serum fructose levels in pancreatic cancer patients
compared with healthy subjects;
furthermore, in healthy volunteers,
serum fructose level rose rapidly following
ingestion of a liquid fructose and glucose load,
and in contrast to glucose
that quickly returned to fasting levels,
serum fructose remained elevated for >2 hours,
suggesting that circulating human fructose levels
are unregulated in comparison with the
exquisite regulation of blood glucose  [ Pancreas 2009 ].


Se-methylselenocysteine resources update #selenium #cancer #prevention

12.18: update
/{new source of selenate, se-msc}:
19: intro:
. this is a summary of updates to my knol:
health/anti-cancer selenium-cysteine compounds .
. following that is an amazon review for
the new selenate source .


#quackwatch mineral supps deemed useless

/#quackwatch mineral supps deemed useless:
editorial by a medical journal:
"Fortmann et al reviewed trial evidence to update
the usa's Preeventive Services Task Force recommendation
on the efficacy of vitamin supplements
for primary prevention in community-dwelling adults
with no nutritional deficiencies .
[ and no mineral deficiencies -- notice that .]
. after reviewing 3 trials of multivitamin supplements
and 24 trials of single or paired vitamins
that randomly assigned more than 400,000 participants,
the authors concluded that there was no
clear evidence of a beneficial effect
of supplements on all-cause mortality,
cardiovascular disease, or cancer ."
". the only supplements not gaining in popularity
are beta-carotene (some uses increased lung cancer)
and vitamin E (some uses increased all-causes mortality)."
"... mineral supplements are ineffective for
preventing mortality or morbidity
due to major chronic diseases."
. since most cancers happen to the elderly,
cancer could be considered to be
"morbidity due to major chronic diseases";
so, the editor of this journal
seems to be asserting that
mineral supplementation would prevent no cancers .


worsening weather from EM field pollution?

10.23: news.phy/increasing radio waves and risk of hutchison effect:
Dr.Wood warns of electromagnetic pollution:
. the Hutchison Effect releases  dramatic amounts of energy
by combining a static field with self-canceling radio signals,
that turn transverse waves into longitudinal pulses
in the electromagnetic fabric that light and radio travels on .
. the smart meters, wifi, cell, and digital tv
are increasing the amount of interfering signals
that could accidently produce the Hutchison effect .
. the increase in supercell weather events
has coincided with the emergence of
new radio frequency transmission towers
for the digital television switchover in 2009.


salt is real money during inflation! Natural Unprocessed Cooking salt:
The Spice Lab's 1 Kilo Coarse - Himalayan Natural Unprocessed Cooking salt
salt is real money during inflation:
. I like to use this like rock candy,
but I'm a little worried about cooking with it,
because I got the impression that natural salt
is a good source of nitrates (or nitrites?)
and when these mix with protein in the stomach,
they can promote stomach cancer .
. according to a reagan-era top economist
we are headed for an inflationary depression,
and salt will be like real money again .
hoard salt now !

15% of #cancer victims survive 20years #Fukushima #wifi survive 20years:
National Cancer Institute study  has found that
 approximately 13.7 million cancer survivors
were living in the United States as of 2012,
a figure which is expected to approach 18 million by 2022.
66% have survived 5 or more years
40% have survived 10 or more.
15% have survived 20 years or longer .
A coordinated agenda for research and practice
is needed to address cancer survivors' long-term
medical, psychosocial, and practical needs
across the survivorship trajectory.
10.1: pollution is getting worse:


anti-cancer selenium-cysteine compounds update

is the most valuable form of selenium
. garlic grown in a selenium-rich medium
can produce Se-methylselenocysteine;
which has been demonstrated in animal carcinogenesis bioassays
to be a non-toxic dose-dependent cancer cell-killing agent;
but, se-msc needs help against Survivin (apoptosis inhibitor).

here is the updated article:


thyroid obstructed by bromine

4: obstructed by bromine:
. bromine is in everything now,
and it may reduce our thyroid function
and increase our need for iodine,
even as it becomes harder to get:
. between 1970 and 1990, 50% reduction
in urinary iodine excretion .


the anti-christ is invincible #meant-all #WWIII #911neocons #petrodollar #uncircumcised

3.19: relig/anti-christ:
. you'd think wwIII happens to check Iran hubris
or maintain the petrodollar against devaluation by
competition from a gold-backed currency;
but the stakes are nuclear because
the hubris the elites want to erase is overpopulation
from family values like a cancer .


9-11 Directed Energy Weapons technology

11.15 ..12.12: pol/purges/controlled demolition:
summary of my NDEW theory:
. what struck me watching Hutchison Effect vid's
was how much effort was spent on
fine tuning the RF waves to resonate with a target .
. then while studying nuclear demolition devices,
I found that much of the energy came from x-rays,
which are just like radio waves,
but at a much higher frequency .
. if there was some way to make a nuclear device
that converted x-rays to Radio Frequency waves,
then they they could be both highly energetic,
and come in every needed frequency concurrently,
so that would provide all the needed tuning:
whatever your target's resonance frequency,
this nuclear device will generate all of them .


911 disaster preparedness

11.15 ..12.12: pol/purges/controlled demolition
11.24: news: summary/
cancers from dioxin and asbestos:

. many 9/11 cancers may be from dioxin (burning chlorine):
Chlorine + Heat = Dioxin. This is finally a proven
possible alternate source for several of the cancers .
. the Lioy report also gives a maximum percentage of
20% volatile compounds in the WTC dust
and approximately 2% asbestos was also present .
11.24: summary/prevention:

. part of preventing a similar 9-11,
is knowing where all the old tall buildings are,
as you can be assured they will have asbestos,
and someone will make money if they are bombed .
. this is usually a problem only for the lower class;
ie, the slums typically get put in harm's way;
but a lot of young educated professionals
are moving back to the city,
and they should know that terrorism there
will mean a lot of cancer (in addition to inconvenience!).
. also, any fire-prone place will cause cancer
as even modern buildings use PVC pipe,
and burning that produces estrogenic dioxin .
. if much of the asbestos was dustified,
then the main problem from that
would be silicosis not cancer;
but there are many other reasons for cancers .
12.1: news: summary/prevention/
WTC Evacuation Study

Preparedness Grand Round Series 2007:
The World Trade Center Evacuation Study:


1st responder's story

11.15 ..12.12: pol/purges/controlled demolition:
12.12: summary of 1st responders story:
. assuming that 9-11 was controlled demolition
I kept wondering why 1st responders died .
. later, after believing in conspiracy theories,
I wondered if the 911neocons hated unions
(fire fighters and police have great unions,
exceeded only by doctors and congressmen!);
but, I was amazed to learn later,
that many firefighters
had been told to evacuate;
many were "volunteering" against orders .
. amazingly,
the reason many fire fighters had died on 9-11,
was that they wouldn't take orders from police
(this had been an on-going conflict in 2001:
they are both different branches of policing,
and why should police boss the fire crews?!).
. even more amazingly,
higher-up's seemed to have been aware of
-- but not in control of --
the demolition capabilities of WTC# 1 & 2
(the 2 largest towers, stunningly dustified).


#9-11 #holocaust #denial pushback @PBS

news.pol/purges/controlled demolition/
Experts Speak Out against usa gov on PBS 2012.9.11:
Sep 3, 2012  "9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"
"9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out"
is getting public attention and
casting doubt on the scientific validity of
the U.S. government's investigation
into the WTC tragedy.
PBS is the first major network to air the program.
Just days away from the 11th anniversary
of the World Trade Center tragedy
and months away from the U.S. presidential election,
a game-changing 9/11 documentary
is ranking number three among
"most watched" documentaries on PBS
and number one among "most shared."
. see similar:
. books from professionals refuting USA gov reports .
11.20: Dr.Wood interviewed 
by OneStepBeyond`Theo Chalmers:
(title: Nov 15, 2011 Directed Energy Technology)


Beyond Coal

7.13: news.pol/energy/
natural gas is cheaper than coal!:

. a natural, capitalistic reason to dump coal
has finally arrived -- yahoo!!

7.26: co.pol/pol/energy/
the Production Tax Credit:

Mary Anne Hitt
date:     Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 5:00 AM
subject:     Tell Congress: We Can't Wait!

Tell Congress, we can't wait.
Urge them to support incentives for clean energy today!
Scaling up wind and solar power
will not only help reduce our dependence on
dirty coal and other fossil fuels
that are driving climate disruption and extreme weather;
it will also help support
tens of thousands of American jobs
in the growing clean-energy industry.
The bad news is that Congress is on the verge of
letting the wind energy Production Tax Credit expire,
jeopardizing tens of thousands of jobs,
and forcing America to continue relying on the
dirty energy sources that are threatening our climate.
Tell Congress to extend the Production Tax Credit
and ensure that a job-creating industry
can keep up the fight against climate disruption.
With tens of thousands of jobs,
a growing clean-energy industry,
and our future on the line,
there's no time to waste.
Thanks for all you do to protect our environment!
Mary Anne Hitt
Beyond Coal Campaign Director
Sierra Club
Congress: Support Clean Energy and Curb Climate Disruption!
As drought decimates half the country
and wildfires rage in Nebraska and Arizona,
it's all too easy for Americans to see
the effects of climate disruption.
More than 3,800 temperature records were
broken in the first week of July,
and things aren't exactly getting better.

Tell Congress to extend the Production Tax Credit
and ensure a job-creating industry can continue to
keep up the fight against climate disruption.
    Complete the form below with your information.
send your message to:
        Senator Jon Kyl
        Senator John McCain III
        Representative Ron Barber

Thank you for signing our petition
to mitigate climate disruption!
.  the Production Tax Credit (PTC)
to support wind power development
has not yet been renewed.
. it's ironic that some are now worried about
jobs in the clean energy industry;
because, the main cause of global warming
was giving all our manufacturing jobs to China
-- we did that exactly because they have
an utter lack of pollution regulations;
but even if we did our own work cleanly,
the rest of the world might still use China's
care-free coal burning services .
. I wouldn't worry about global warming;
but I am worried about our growing poverty
and our inability to handle the new climate .
. we need a Tax credit for not breeding;
and that would reduce unemployment
thereby having the same effect as job creation .

can "(organic) include nanotech? ........... ENM's are the new GMO

7.20: co.pol/nanotech/fda needs to regulate ENM's:
Center for Food Safety
date:     Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 10:18 AM
    Urge FDA to Regulate Nanotechnology
    to Protect Consumer Health

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a public comment period open through July 24th on the oversight of nanotechnology in food. Amazingly, the FDA currently does not regulate the use of nanotechnology in food, despite its widespread use, and serious public health concerns.
 Already a wide variety of nanoscale applications in food packaging and processing are being developed. Yet, we know very little about the health effects of exposure to engineered nanomaterials, and what we do know, is cause for alarm.
Make your voice heard and urge FDA to regulate nanotechnology to protect consumer health.
To: Office of Food Additive Safety, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Re: Guidance for Industry on assessment of the effects of the incorporation of Engineered Nano-scale Materials (ENMs) in food ingredients (food substances and food contact surfaces) (Docket number: FDA-2011-D-0490)
It is shocking that FDA does not yet regulate the use of ENMs in food ingredients, given that nanomaterials are reportedly widely present in food ingredients and food contact substances. A 2012 National Research Council report found that “there is little progress” on research into the effect of oral consumption of engineered nanomaterials on human health. The FDA should commission, finance and publish such research as an urgent public health priority, and a basis for regulation.
The FDA’s draft guidance to industry should be a first step towards regulation to protect public health and the environment.
Neither FDA nor industry should assume a food ingredient at its macro-scale to be safe at the nano-scale, since we know that nanomaterials can behave completely differently than their bulk counterparts. These unique behaviors are what make nanotechnology so attractive to industry, but they also raise unique risks that must be addressed through unique regulation and oversight. The FDA should require those companies to submit data showing that their products are safe. Further, these safety assessments should be publicly available and the consultation process transparent.
All engineered nanomaterials used as food ingredients, food contact substances, and food colorants should be subject to a rigorous pre-market safety assessment. FDA should withdraw from the market all products shown to contain engineered nanomaterials as food ingredients that have not undergone the pre-market safety assessment and been shown to be safe for daily human consumption.


beans increase your activity level

7.21: co.fb/health/legumes/
beans increase your activity level:
    Being Inactive Kills as Many as Cigarettes
    - Longevity Center - Everyday Health
How about some truth in headlines:
Being a [hyper-glycemic dieter] May Kill You .
-- The Truth About Sex via The Truth About Sex
. one way of getting more active without trying
is to get far more fiber
(replace meat with beans
and replace sugar with greens)
. look at the details of that study:
"removal of physical inactivity
had the largest effect on colon cancer,
and the smallest on coronary heart disease,
in terms of percentage reduction, ..."
. it just so happens that beans are
a major preventive of colon cancer
just as if you had gotten more exercise .
. that's not all beans do for health .

sugar transitions muscle to
prefering glucose over fats:

07-23-12 European Journal of Nutrition,
. the participants were lightly active, lean,
and then drinking soft drinks for only four weeks.
. Dr. Hans-Peter Kubis, Bangor University in England .
. the research showed regularly drinking soft drinks
changed the way muscles use food as fuel,
making them prefer to burn sugars over fats
via altered gene activity
-- encouraging unhealthy adaptations
similar to those seen in people with
obesity problems and type 2 diabetes:
a reduced ability to burn fat and to fat gain.
and making it more difficult for the body to
cope with rises in blood sugar.


leukemia from promiscuous kissing

risk factors for leukemia include promiscuous kissing!:
. risk factors for leukemia include promiscuous kissing!
. One is EBV, the Epstein-Barr herpes virus,
that can inhabit B-lymphocytes and nasopharyngeal cells.
Infection with EBV occurs by the oral transfer of saliva;
90 to 95 % of adults have been infected .
. it also causes chronic fatigue syndrome
but not everyone with leukemia and lymphoma
showed traces of it in their blood work .
. other causes of leukemias include chemical exposures
and ionizing radiation (eg, for treating other cancers).
. one important reason for exporting jobs is that
many 3rd-world countries
don't ban chemicals like benzene
that are needed in manufacturing
but that are known for causing leukemia .
. also interesting note that those employed overseas
can buy the products that are banned here:
cigarette smoking is linked to myeloid leukemias .
. other viruses known to cause leukemias
include HIV and HTLV-1
(the human T-cell lymphoma/leukemia virus).
The HTLV-1 virus is closely associated with
T-cell lymphocytic leukemia,
found in Japan, Africa, and the Caribbean.
. less than 4 percent of those infected with this virus
develop leukemia.
. farmers might be at risk handling cows who have
Bovine leukemia virus;
but cats with feline leukemia virus
are definitely not contagious .
. a high sugar diet can cause it indirectly;
because it leads to kidney and heart disease,
so then Kidney and heart transplantation
require the immunosuppressive drugs
that have been implicated in secondary leukemias.
. finally, a society that spurns eugenics
will never escape from genetic predispositions
to chromosome instabilities .
. adapted from Patient-Centered Guides © 2000
adapted from Barbara B. Lackritz `Adult Leukemia