Showing posts with label hormonics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hormonics. Show all posts


Dr.Mercola cured toenail fungus with sandals

17: fungus
/Dr.Mercola cured toenail fungus with sun and saltwater:
Dr.Mercola didn't need oil on his toes:
I have also struggled with fungal infections
and never found a prescription or natural approach to work
until I started spending my winters
in the subtropics wearing no shoes and
having my toenails receive hours of direct sun exposure
every day [he mentions salt water helped too,
and don't forget the extra bacteria
that compete with the fungus ].
The UV rays were more than enough to solve the problem.
This does take 4-6 months though
of nearly daily sun exposure to work,
in combination with wearing sandals most of the time
so there is no moist environment for the fungus to grow.
One way to reduce your risk of fungal infections
is to cut down on sugar, which feeds the fungi.
[ but Mercola was already doing that
when he developed a fungal infection .]


glycerine sweet relief from dry skin on hands

5: co.iherb/cook/glycerine/sweet relief from dry skin on hands:
. after I started using too much caffeine,
it raised my cortisol and lowered my dhea,
which then made me unable to sweat
so my fingers felt so dry it was annoying;
but, glycerine keeps the moisture on your hands
without making them feel greasy .
. this is the same stuff as in Sortkwik
meant to help paper handlers get a better grip .
. it washes off with hand-washing,
so I keep some in a little squeeze bottle
in my pocket at all times . [8:
( I mix 1 part water to 3 or 4 parts glycerine ).]


new normal sugar doubles heart disease risk

7: normal sugar doubles heart disease risk:
. sugar has been shrugged off as merely fattening;
but, it can also lead to cardiovascular disease
as well as many other chronic diseases,
including diabetes mellitus,
liver cirrhosis[from fructose in sugar],
and dementia [from cholesterol raised by sugar]
— all linked to metabolic perturbations involving
dyslipidemia, hypertension, and insulin resistance .
. in the latest study (JAMA Internal Medicine, Feb 3),
added sugars were defined as
those used in processed or prepared foods,
including sugar-sweetened beverages,
packaged cereals and breads, etc;
but not those that occur naturally
in fruit and vegetables.
. sugar counted for at least 25% of the calories
among 10% of the group;
that group had a 2.75 times greater risk
of cardiovascular disease mortality
compared to an sugar intake of less than 10%.


mortar & pestle as pill crusher

23: sci.cook`gear/mortar & pestle/metal is a great pill crusher:
(review of BC Classics Stainless Steel Mortar and Pestle)


nut trees for desert (not mac's) #xeriscape

4: web.apt`xeriscape/nut trees for desert (not mac's):
17: summary:
. I'm looking to grow cooking oil in the desert;
the healthiest is the mac nut (macadamia).
. avocados are heavy in palmitic fat;
and other nuts have a bit too much omega-6 .
. olives are difficult to process,
brazil nut fat is good only for selenium,
(the anti-cancer cysteine-bound form),
better to get that from brocolli and onions .
. so, what can I grow in the desert,
around Tucson AZ -- zone 12 ?


High-Gristle Diet

10: health/High-Gristle Diet:
. I was reading on page 93 of Harley's Monroe 2013
about the "high-gristle diet".
. you might think think he is kidding,
going from veganism to "sausage",
but there is some science behind it .
. sausage and hotdogs are given as
typical sources of gristle;
but, the ideal convenience product is gelatin .
Dr. Ray Peat points out that gelatin has
a different amino acid profile than meat,
and that the two complement each other .
. if anyone is going to be eating animals,
they need to start with the whole animal,
not just the muscle meat;
say, by adding "5 or 10 grams of gelatin"
to a large meat portion .
. "gelatin is a protein which contains
no tryptophan, and only small amounts
of cysteine, methionine, and histidine.
Using gelatin as a major dietary protein
is an easy way to restrict the amino acids
that are associated with many of the
problems of aging" .


fewer endocrine disrupters for less #cancer

10.18: news.pol/healthcare/
petition for fewer endocrine disruptor:
Right now it is still legal for manufacturers to use:
Flame retardants, linked to reproductive damage, in crib mattresses and couches.
Formaldehyde, a known human carcinogen, in clothing and building materials.
Phthalates, linked to birth defects,
used to soften plastics in lunch boxes, backpacks and binders, for instance.
PFCs, some also suspected carcinogens,
used in nonstick cookware, clothing and carpeting.
I could go on and on: 62,000 chemicals on the market in 1976
-- still the majority of those in use today --
were grandfathered in under TSCA without proof of safety.
Since then, 23,000 more new chemicals have been allowed to enter the market
without rigorous testing. We may think that
because something is on the shelves of our stores,
it's been shown to be safe. We are mistaken.
And what's all this got to do with air pollution?
Many of these toxic chemicals "off-gas" -- they drift into the air in our homes and workplaces, and contaminate the dust on the floor where our babies crawl. We breathe them into our bodies.


endothialial dysfunction and muscle cramps

12.30: summary:
. I've been more prone to leg cramping and edema,
as if something is clogging the leg's circulation
thereby depriving it of relaxing magnesium .
. it got much worse eating under-treated olives,
but that may have been due to increasing arginine
since that could have worsened a certain condition
that in turn worsens auto-immune activity .


#fibromyalgia #preventives

27: summary: 
fibromyalgia is thought to have no cure,
but some respond to thyroid supplementation,
while others need a psychological cure like EFT .


#cancer grows in #fructose #HFCS #sweetsurprise

11.14: in fructose:
Cancer Res 2010:
. Synthesis of nucleic acids and nucleotides
is of utmost importance for proliferating tissues
and especially cancers.
. fructose's contribution to nucleic acid synthesis
is considerably greater than glucose;
and, cancer cells preferentially use fructose
via TKT-mediated metabolism
to synthesize additional nucleic acids
to facilitate increased proliferative capacity.
. previous studies have shown that
chronic fructose feeding in animals
leads to insulin resistance
and promotes in vivo growth,
as evidenced by increased organ weights
Additionally, in humans,
increased fructose consumption has been linked to
obesity, diabetes, and elevated uric acid levels,
the latter in keeping with our
in vitro metabolomic studies showing
increased fructose-directed nucleic acid synthesis
[ Metabolism. 1982, J Nutr. 1985].
We have recently shown 2.5-fold higher
serum fructose levels in pancreatic cancer patients
compared with healthy subjects;
furthermore, in healthy volunteers,
serum fructose level rose rapidly following
ingestion of a liquid fructose and glucose load,
and in contrast to glucose
that quickly returned to fasting levels,
serum fructose remained elevated for >2 hours,
suggesting that circulating human fructose levels
are unregulated in comparison with the
exquisite regulation of blood glucose  [ Pancreas 2009 ].


Dr.Sears`zone diet 1997 reviewed #hormonics

11.10..12, 16; 12.21..23:
health/hormonics/Dr.Sears`zone diet

. this is a collection of notes for the book:
Barry Sears. zone-perfect meals in minutes.
HarperCollins Publishers (1997)
isbn 0-06-039241-X
. it includes notes from other sources
in order to full explain Dr.Sears' work;
and there are some updates for obsolete material .


anti-estrogen supplements #hormonics

11.20: web.cook/anti-estrogen:
. DIM and Calcium D Glucarate both reduce estrogen;
as a bonus, Calcium D Glucarate also promotes
apoptosis for anti-cancer .
glucaric acid is available in foods:
. broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage
kale, squash .
. consumption of vegetables rich in glucaric acid
"offers a promising cancer prevention approach."
[ "Detoxifying cancer causing agents to prevent cancer."
Integr Cancer Ther. 2003 Jun;2(2):139-44.
"Induction of apoptosis by calcium D-glucarate ..."
J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol. 2007;26(1):63-73. ]


. acetylcholinesterase inhibitors reduce #inflammation #Alzheimer's #MetabolicSyndrome

11.9: web.cook/hup/when is it needed?:
. in studying when huperzine (hup) is needed,
I'm wondering if the reason for it (confusion, forgetful)
was because I was depressed,
or otherwise in some condition that would be
assisted by the cheaper tryptophan .
. hup is an acetycholinesterase inhibitor;
so, is depression related to acetycholinesterase excess
or other causes of acetylcholine deficits ?
12.18: conclusion:
. there needs to be a balance between
dopaminergics and cholinergics;
increasing both equally
leads to good cognitive function;
and, there are several pitfalls
that are degrading one or the other,
including drugs and infections .
. the need for acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
is often due to low-grade infections
within the prostate or teeth,
that are leaking into the blood .


#mct or #ketones may prevent #alzheimers

12.7: summary:
. a mouse model of Alzheimers disease
responds well to addition of various ketones;
these are naturally produced by a low-carb diet,
or the consumption of mct oil .

2013-12-04 vs Nordic Naturals #fishoil #omega3

12.4: proj.cook/fisho/ vs Nordic Naturals #fishoil #omega3:
. Children's DHA by Nordic Naturals
caught my eye as the only brand at my local store
that had the "3rd party testing" label
or any mention of a testing agency such as IFOS .


#fructose kidney damage short magnesium

10.17: damage may be from magnesium deficiency:
"We showed that hypomagnesemia independently predicts
the progression to end stage renal disease
in patients with advanced type 2 diabetic nephropathy" .
"Our findings suggest that magnesium supplementation
may be renoprotective in this population."
[Diabetes Care 2012 Yusuke Sakaguchi]
-- this could be how fructose causes kidney damage:
it creates insulin resistance,
which in turn causes magnesium resistance .

#Alzheimers #slowcarb vs #prions

10.8: sugar bend proteins into prions?:
diane rheme show radio:
(interviewing a doctor who wrote a book about halucinations).
. alzheimers and parkinsons may both be
caused by prions, which are bent proteins
-- coincidentally,
high blood sugar can bend proteins;
so, perhaps high sugar promotes prions?

. inflammation and excitotoxicity
create free radicals; [stale buzz word
and he mispronounces acetylcholinesterase too?
but he does mention role of sugar
-- cutting-edge alzheimers research .].

avoid flu without vaccine

10.8: flu without vaccine:
. to avoid flu,  according to Dr.Mercola,
vit'd is key, along with the zone diet,
and eating right for your type:
. the Carb Nutritional Type requires about
60..80 % of food as carbs, and 10..15 % fat .
. the Protein Nutritional Type does better on
low-carb diet (50 % fats, and 10 % carb's).
. when you look at the Perfect Health diet,
keep in mind that not every nutritional type
can tolerate potatoes and rice .
 There is a major difference between
low-glycemic vegetables and
high-glycemic grains and starches;
and only vegetables are "safe carb's" to all types .

prediabetes epidemic precedes #diabetes epidemic

10.1: and risk-assessed:
. prediabetes is defined as
 (FPG[fasting plasma glucose] 100–125 mg/dL
or a hemoglobin A1c level of 5.7%–6.4%)
--  higher than normal but not high enough to be
classified as diabetes.
In 2010, approximately 1/3 of U.S. 20+ year-olds
had prediabetes, (an estimated 79 million persons).
. during 2005–2006, only approximately 7%
of persons with prediabetes
were aware that they had prediabetes.
Each year, 11% of persons with prediabetes
who do not lose weight
and do not engage in  moderate physical activity
will progress to type 2 diabetes
during the average 3 years of follow-up.
Evidence-based lifestyle programs
that encourage dietary changes,
moderate-intensity physical activity,
and modest weight loss
can delay or prevent type 2 diabetes
in persons with prediabetes. 


#trehalose is not a #slowcarb !

12.1: health/hormonics/#trehalose is not a #slowcarb !:
. trehalose should be presented as
a healthy alternative to popular sugars
(which includes not only sucrose,
but also high-fructose corn syrup);
the reason it is a better sweetener
is not because it is digested more slowly
but because it has no fructose
-- and nothing could be healthier
than ending the use of high-dose fructose .
. it also has some other health benefits .

trehalose is hardly a #slowcarb:
. when compared to pure glucose
its raising of blood sugar levels
is 33% lower than pure glucose,
(isn't that an index of 66? -- like bread!)
and the extent to which it raises insulin
is only 14% lower than pure glucose
-- that is hardly in the zone!
. also keep in mind the risks of
genetically modified foods;
trehalose comes from maltodextrins;*
and "most maltodextrin is manufactured from corn"
and of course,
USA corn is mostly GM (genetically modified) .
. I'm not sure anything is wrong with GM sugar
but I can't be sure about the dangers of GM
because the science is corrupted by Big Money,
-- and by Big Religion:
we need to keep feeding a population
that won't stop growing !

yeast infections love trehalose:
. after tsp/4 trehalose before bed,
I woke up with an inflamed mouth
which I understand was a mild yeast infection,
since I'm quite prone to that .

. but that could happen on trehalose itself,
not just the breakdown into glucose,
since the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae
can use trehalose as a carbon source for growth;
and, Candida albicans synthesizes Trehalose
in order to avoid stress-induced apoptosis,
so perhaps that yeast also can grow in trehalose .

. yeast is usually controlled by bacteria,
so I will mix the trehalose in my peas,
where I keep the probiotics .
. that will lower the glycemic index too!

* trehalose from maltodextrins:
"In 1994, two patents were issued by
Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratories Inc. (Okyama, Japan)
disclosing a novel non-reducing
saccharide forming enzyme
(maltooligosyl trehalose synthase,
MTSase; EC
and a trehalose releasing enzyme
(maltooligosyl trehalose trehalohydrolase,
MTHase; EC
obtainable from the culture of
microorganisms such as Rhizobiumsp. M-11
and Arthrobacter sp. Q 36 ...
The first enzyme acts on reducing maltodextrins
having a polymerisation degree (DP) higher than three
and catalyses the conversion of the α-1,4 linkage
at the reducing end to an α-1,1,
the second enzyme specifically acts on
the α-1,4 linkage adjacent to the α-1,1
liberating trehalose and a
lower molecular weight maltooligosaccharide
[ an oligosaccharide derived from glucose monomers
linked as in maltose;
maltose is converted to glucose by maltase.]
The enzymatic synthesis of trehalose
is currently obtained using the
MTSase and the MTHase described above
by Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratories Inc"