Showing posts with label Armegeddon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Armegeddon. Show all posts


#wwIII #EMP takes out #water pumps

11.2: attack as omen:
. having my computer broken reminds me
I have been forgetting about prepping for
disasters that may take away water as well as computing .

25: essentials:
. water at about $1 per gal 20*5gal
. water disinfectant drops and solar oven .


ra-el as jesus returned #WWIII

12.19: news.relig/christianity/ra-el as jesus returned:

EmpiricalData `WikiLeaks : LEAKED 
- U.N. Briefing On Alien God Arrival
. this vid features a ufo sighting
that is interpreted like so:
as ra-el's spirit was carried into heaven
from the base of mount olive
so too would he return 2011.1.28:
that is when the ufo with advanced acceleration
hovered over jerusalem, at the mount of olives .
"( the "son of man" would become "the son of god" ).

. this vid goes on to blame earthquakes and hurricanes
on the wrath of ra-el warning us to believe;
but, the sighting of ufo's should clue us in
there is a lot here we don't know about
like classified beam weapons 
that can cause all this bad weather
and even earthquakes . however, there is
 an implied understanding of beam weapons
as the ra-el site is interested in alien invasions
 predicted by bible codes to happen during
 Israel's big 2014-2015 change .


Marches for the various Truths on 9-11

American Muslim PAC`March for Truth:
20: context:
. one big stumbling block for Dr.Wood
as she communicates 9/11 was an inside job,
is seeming to imply that USA culpability
somehow washes away the guilt
of years of anti-zionist violence .
--[30: correction:
Dr.Wood has been very careful not to assert
any particular theories of who did what;
she only points out that there is evidence
that strongly suggests the use of beam weapons .
. it is a stretch to say she
communicates 9/11 was an inside job;
logical people seeing evidence of
directed energy weapons (DEW)
will tend to have intuition communicating to them
-- without Dr.Wood's intention --
that 9/11 was an inside job
( who else but USA insiders could do this
if a hijacked plane could not?! )
so, lets reword that:
. one big stumbling block for Dr.Wood
as her proof of DEW seems to imply
that 9/11 was an inside job,
is that the next logical question is:
ok, if USA's secret military did this
to motivate a war against anti-zionists
-- Islamic radical terrorism --
then is this war really justified ?
oh, and by the way,
anti-zionism is the new communism:
it could be dangerous to your career
to not support Israel under Zionism .
. if you think Islam is all about peace,
what do you think Israel is all about ?
. when Jews mass-migrated to the Holy land
backed by so many arrogant Christians,
-- especially the Nazis --
the Muslims who were being invaded
didn't just call their lawyers,
or in any way sue the United Nations
for giving Muslim lands over to the Jews;
no, Muslims think they are the new real Jews
and they won't be bought off:
they are not letting go of Israel
without a bloody fight to the end .
. and,
that is what the 911neocons were telling us
when they did that inside job on 9/11 .
. I want Christians and Muslims to apologize
for pushing the Jews in and out of Israel;
I'm not marching with either of them
-- Christians or Muslims --
for any cause related to either
9/11, terrorism, or the zionism war .
. why have a march against fear
when there is still so much to fear?
the Christians and Muslims are pawns
as the USA and Russia are conspiring
to launch the WWIII Shock & Awe
that ushers in a One World Government .


Shia and Sunni hijacked by the illuminati

7.30: relig/islam/Shia and Sunni hijacked by the illuminati:
8.3: summary:
. the elites long ago engineered Islamic factions
that the superpowers are now using
in proxy wars that will lead to WWIII,
planned as a means of installing
the international neocon movement
as the One World Government .


the big reset #WWIII #WMD #BalancedBudget

1.3: pol/purges/wwIII/
911neocons use ritual to announce USA annihilation #wwIII:

. I'm suspicious that the 911neocons
used the ritual killing of new yorkers on 9/11
as a holy warrior-calling incantation
declaring they had every intention of starting wwIII
in order to both
bring this Islam-vs-Crusader irritation to a head,
and to deal with the debt crisis
caused by an over-reaching democracy in USA:

. when leaders offered social security & medicare,
medical was pretty useless and inexpensive;
now, we can cure anything for the right price
-- and each person is equal, and worth that price .
. if that alone wasn't enough to sink us economically,
look at how much there is to cure:
high-dose sugar (available from nearly-free HFCS)
is now known to cause an devastatingly expensive
alzeheimers and diabetes epidemic .
. finally,
USA's christianoid democracy has the expectation of
not being asked to help with suicide;
even when so many prefer The Good Death .

. the elite can erase these mistakes
with a wwIII that annihilates medical services .

. but the problem isn't just medical:
the universal religion is overpopulation
and that has created a significant inflation; [13.2.21:
actually the cause of real estate inflation
is how rich we are, ie, how many dollars
are chasing after the limited amount of prized lands
-- too bad we're not all equally rich!
nevertheless, population size does inflate many prices
like the cost of food and water .]
. democracy demands that we continue
both the allowance of overpopulation
and the raising of entitlements to match inflation .