
the big reset #WWIII #WMD #BalancedBudget

1.3: pol/purges/wwIII/
911neocons use ritual to announce USA annihilation #wwIII:

. I'm suspicious that the 911neocons
used the ritual killing of new yorkers on 9/11
as a holy warrior-calling incantation
declaring they had every intention of starting wwIII
in order to both
bring this Islam-vs-Crusader irritation to a head,
and to deal with the debt crisis
caused by an over-reaching democracy in USA:

. when leaders offered social security & medicare,
medical was pretty useless and inexpensive;
now, we can cure anything for the right price
-- and each person is equal, and worth that price .
. if that alone wasn't enough to sink us economically,
look at how much there is to cure:
high-dose sugar (available from nearly-free HFCS)
is now known to cause an devastatingly expensive
alzeheimers and diabetes epidemic .
. finally,
USA's christianoid democracy has the expectation of
not being asked to help with suicide;
even when so many prefer The Good Death .

. the elite can erase these mistakes
with a wwIII that annihilates medical services .

. but the problem isn't just medical:
the universal religion is overpopulation
and that has created a significant inflation; [13.2.21:
actually the cause of real estate inflation
is how rich we are, ie, how many dollars
are chasing after the limited amount of prized lands
-- too bad we're not all equally rich!
nevertheless, population size does inflate many prices
like the cost of food and water .]
. democracy demands that we continue
both the allowance of overpopulation
and the raising of entitlements to match inflation .

Iran's WMD's aren't in Iran #WWIII #crusades2000 @geraldcelente

1.2: news.pol/purges/wwIII/
Iran's WMD's aren't in Iran #WWIII #crusades2000 @geraldcelente:
1.3: making the connection:
. communism could have an empathy for Iran
because of USA's use of economic blockaids
to force Iran's people into a democratic uprising:
if you tried that on China,
that would be an act of war .
1.28: re-eval'ing my threat model:
. N.korea just said it's going to test a nuke on us?
I am reminded that my latest paper is
so sure Iran is the heat;
but some think Iran's image is a total frame job
(it's been contested that Iran threatened Israel).
. and furthermore, why do I believe
Nostradamus predictions about Iran?
other Nostradamus predictions seemed true
according to those who knew how to read ambiguity?
why would g-d send a warning?
... well, why not, right? but the point is,
why are we sure this is g-d's warning ?
well, we are in a lot of heat with Iran
and have been abusing them for 50years, arf.
and they are growing up, ...


dreamed #WWIII by Easter

1.1: pol/purges/wwIII:
co.self/dream: assassinated hitler-like starts it:
. dreamed a hitler look-alike got assassinated;
what does that symbolize?
worried about how wwIII starts;
is that supposed to be Obama?
likely a mideast character that Obama has to retaliate against;
and, then this retaliation snowballs somehow;
because, the communists are against how we intervene .
"(let Israel manage by itself!), I'm fretting;
and then cowering in the other direction:
"(and if they start nuclear does that snowball ?).
co.self/dream: Easter:
. I had been dreading the 2013 new year,
fearing that would be the start of WWIII;
a WWIII study in my dream finds
Easter is significant to it,
as is the plastic version of something .
. on waking I realize that traditionally
Easter (the spring or vernal equinox)
was the new year to early christians;
and, so any predictions associated with New Years,
may be happening around Easter
... which is Iran's New Year (March 20 or 21).
1.31: easter island:
. the dream focusing on Easter
could be referring to the codeword: Easter Island
( after they demolished the ecosystem,
they just started eating each other
until everyone was gone ).
. don't those guys fish? yea but they were cold !
and they ran out of fuel and insulating material .

the anti-christ is invincible #meant-all #WWIII #911neocons #petrodollar #uncircumcised

3.19: relig/anti-christ:
. you'd think wwIII happens to check Iran hubris
or maintain the petrodollar against devaluation by
competition from a gold-backed currency;
but the stakes are nuclear because
the hubris the elites want to erase is overpopulation
from family values like a cancer .


prepper gyrations 2013.01 #WWIII

  3.10: summary:
. I'm not far from some secluded spots,
so I might survive wwIII,
perhaps, after checking the fallout risks,
and protecting a water supply .


open-house commune

1.8: adds/open-house commune:
summary of how to run a commune:
. the commune I have in mind is like a marriage;
you are committing to a relationship,
to the idea of sharing in the raising of children
and you might like sharing meals and company too
like at boarding school .
. people that want more privacy
-- esp'ly private parenting --
are protecting the ones that abuse privacy .
. privacy and lack of transparency
is the root of all evil .


optical backups are important #WWIII #EMP

2.26: co.cyb/xu/backup/optical media for EMP attacks:
linux/ Span DVD - backup software?/fisheater May 18th, 2012:
 I have 100GB of photos I would like to back up on to DVD
for remote (safety deposit box) backup.
I looked into brasero, but the documentation is lean.
I searched online and the forums with not much luck. 

optical backups are important


defend #PETA against "ag gag" bills #torture #whey #beef #milk #cheese

2.23: news.pol/animal rights/
defend #PETA against "ag gag" bills:

Undercover investigations by PETA
have put on TV and in newspapers
—for all to see— the routine beatings,
mutilation, sexual abuse,
and other severe cruelty to animals
prevalent within the animal-based food industries
and often lead to historic industry-changing
criminal charges and convictions.

Exposing cruelty will be next to impossible
—indeed, absolutely impossible—
if lawmakers under the influence of factory-farming interests
in New Hampshire, Nebraska, and other states
succeed in passing bills that could make it a crime
to photograph or to record video or even sound
on factory farms and in similar facilities.


one bright child, one dark history #WWIII #China #USA #Israel #Iran

12.12.20: pol/purges/war/Taiping_Rebellion:

13.2.5, 2.6: summary:

. free-trade Globalists have 2 main threats:
grudges from the Chinese, N.Korea, communists, ...
over who controls global capital's culture;
and, rivalries from the Islamic empire
over who controls global social's culture .
. if the USA-europe-Israel-India alliance
ever massively attacks one of these threats
they will likely have to face the other;
because, both Iran and China, when 3rd worlds,
had be quite abused by USA-european imperialism .
. Nostradamus . WWIII .
. Obama's intentions are good but not heeded,
the Navy acts headlessly to offend Iran;
then the Eastern powers intervene .
. if USA tries to protect Taiwan,
that could be an act of war on communism;
such a war might involve WMD's
(weapons of mass destruction);
because China could feel confident
that USA would never nuke China
since the insiders that actually
control USA's use of WMD's

have all their assets there in China,
and would never waste their own capital .


EMP bomb could throw USA into stone age #WWIII #zombie #apocalypse

1.8: pol/purges/wwIII/emp
2.1: summary:
. here is the military's report on EMP threats,
where a single nuke miles above USA
creates a magnetic wave so powerful,
that the currents it induces in wires
will fry all our computers except military,
and could erase all data on hard drives .
. history has shown that when the power goes out
the crime wave is proportional to the outage's extent .
. we could be eaten alive by the mobs
before our enemies even set foot on our space .
. the worst part is our utter reliance on electricity
for pumping our water and fuel .
. without water and sanitation,
we will quickly be visited by epidemic disease .

USA seen as expansionist to Russia #WWIII

2.1: news.pol/purges/wwIII/USA seen as expansionist to Russia
another way wwIII happens;
and usa is eager to start; because,
they have no control over mob's population growth;
there is no need for all these people;
but they keep demanding the economy be expanded
because they grow and need more jobs .
. automation is here,
christian is right about armegeddon:
unrelenting pop'growth is the universal religion:
and we will pay for such devil worship .


before there were ants, there was Light

. before there were ants, there was Light!
. this is my new ant farm showing off its light show:
Fascinations AntWorks Colors of Life
(see vid of lights changing).


New Israel -- preventing #WWIII

. could we, in the USA,
humbly offer the Jews of the world
a chance to all be peacefully Zionist
with some ocean-side national park land
to call their own,
for an everlasting, sovereign New Israel
away from Islam's center of mass?


turning the other cheek

1.24: web.relig/jc/turning the other cheek:

. a signature value of JC was
turning the other cheek;
he said if you are sued for your coat,
you should offer them your shirt also;
what was the context of that ?


#Israel just had an election #WWIII #crimeWave #apocalypse #911neocons

news.pol/purges/WWIII/#Israel just had an election
 #WWIII #crimeWave #apocalypse #911neocons:
. the bottom falls out after an election?
notice israel just had their presidential election;
that may have been the real election in USA too,
since USA's shadow gov is zionist(jewish or christian).
. the pro-settler party did well?
that is amazing .
the settlers are what gave zionism a bad name .
. wwIII is just around the corner, for sure .
. it's predicted that a new form of money
would make USA's current cash worthless?

I'm seeing the new system will be bartering
forced upon USA because of a massive banking failure
after USA is thrown into the stone age by an ebomb .
. USA is hit with a sky nuke or other EMP bomb
that knocks out all electronics in all devices,
and knocks out all the electricity
that is needed to run the phone and internet
that is needed by banking .
. most USA people are on gov assistance,
and now they won't be able to get their echecks,
and won't be able to cash their mailed checks ...
. with the power down there will be a crime wave .