Showing posts with label god. Show all posts
Showing posts with label god. Show all posts


the #god same as the #devil

8.16: web.relig/god/same as the devil:
. where in the old testament did I see
god and the devil are one in the same?


the god's chosen people or way?

4.29: news.relig/judaism/the god's chosen people or way?:
. it wasn't that god had chosen the Hebrews,
the Bible shows god choosing imperialism:
evolution to perfect mastery of technology;
high-tech is the star of David .

2014-04-16`animal sacrifice during wwII

3.22: relig/judaism/`animal sacrifice during wwII:
. in thisamericanlife's interpretation of the bible,
the god is portrayed as declaring
the perfect form of worship is animal sacrifice;


how much proof does a good gambler need?

10: co.apt/relig/god/how much proof does a good gambler need?:
. if you can see any proof of supernature,
and that it is interacting with our mind,
then the simplest theory explaining that is:
there is one supernatural intelligence
and it has full control of mind .
. the god could use this control to
give us roles in a game or long-term plan .
. if you look at parapsychology
as contributing to a proof of supernature
you can see there is considerable debate
about its scientific validity;
but if you are good gambler,
you have to ask yourself:
do I want all my money on one theory?
if there is a god giving guidance to all,
and thus there really are no secrets,
then I could be vulnerable,
so in the slim chance that there are no secrets,
how do I want to defend myself?
should I have nothing to hide,
or should I have layers of security and weapons
to protect me from people knowing my secrets ?
. if you assume that god is
trying to use us in a game,
you can then have a more conscious choice
about what role you finally play in that game,
and are less likely to be played the fool .


the basis of belief and disbelief #god

11.22: relig/god/the basis of belief and disbelief:
. maybe schiz'ia simply hallucinated
the basis for a belief in god ?
. my only defense to that argument would be:
consider how the brain itself can
engineer hallucinations and delusions;
and also consider that the basis in god disbelief
could be the result of a delusion,
one put in place by god .
. god disbelief is a sort of total mind control,
just like a hallucination .
. but to show god disbelief is a delusion
you have to present the facts
and show how they lead to god belief .
. look at how we are chained to emotions:
is emotion just a product of nature,
a product of the brain?
. surely the chemistry makes the emotions,
but what induces such chemistry?
. why is war and selfish overpopulation
a constant we have no control over?
the human is such a brainy animal
to not see a better way,
unless forced by god's control of emotions
to engage in war for evolving technology .
. consider the research in parapsychology;
if you believe people control telepathy
that theory is confronted by occam's razor:
the simplest explanation is
the existence of a single supermind
deciding which thoughts go to which brains .