Showing posts with label Free Capitalists. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Free Capitalists. Show all posts


EMP bomb could throw USA into stone age #WWIII #zombie #apocalypse

1.8: pol/purges/wwIII/emp
2.1: summary:
. here is the military's report on EMP threats,
where a single nuke miles above USA
creates a magnetic wave so powerful,
that the currents it induces in wires
will fry all our computers except military,
and could erase all data on hard drives .
. history has shown that when the power goes out
the crime wave is proportional to the outage's extent .
. we could be eaten alive by the mobs
before our enemies even set foot on our space .
. the worst part is our utter reliance on electricity
for pumping our water and fuel .
. without water and sanitation,
we will quickly be visited by epidemic disease .


real #NIBIRU danger -- not about planet X

10.2: web.purges/overpopulation/
nibiru cataclysm's political symbolism
12.24: summary:
. NIBIRU (Non-Inflationary Birth-Inflated
Rate of Unemployment)
. the NIBIRU cataclysm is a disastrous encounter
between the Earth and a large planetary object
which will take place in the early 21st century.
. birth-inflated conditions are those that
depend upon overpopulation .
.  people don't slow breeding for poverty;
and, capitalists continue to replace workers with
more profitable means of production:
automation, illegals, and immorals
(uninsured slaves in polluting countries).
... therefore,
the capitalists and the hyperbreeders
are like 2 huge planets about to collide .


9-11, Russia, Isreal, and The Beast

12.18: co.self/dream/pol/purges/war/beast/
Russian Zionism's israel dancing on 9-11:

notes of poorly recalled dream on 12.18:
. my dream left me with the impression that
Russia was the actual source of the
Israelis dancing on 9-11;
ie, they were Russians posing as Israelites .
. this is related to russia's view of
what communism means .
. one fragment has me recall 9-11's purpose;
it reminds me that Russia is not the enemy .
[.. these sleepy notes baffled me;
so, there was much to write about them .]

12.20: what I got from notes of this dream:


#wealth4all can #fayget

11.29: news.pol/purges/overpopulation/
latinos vs hispanics:

Fox News-Laura Ingraham vs Rick Oltman (2008)
is shown on youtube discussing
"(Rick Oltman's overpopulation scare tactics)
. Rick Oltman is representing
Californians for Pop' Stabilization;
what follows is the transcript .


obama #2012 #vote

10.30: summary:
. this is a collection of my reactions to
news about Obama, the presidential race,
or obamacare .


crash predicted after election

8.5: news.cyb/pol/purges/reaganomics/
crash coming in after election:

. at coast to coast an astrologer Joni Patry
has predictions about this november;
she also predicted the japan erthquake in march 2011
and they were very thankful for the heads up .

. she says september is a high:
there will be a major crash in november;
when the election will be like Bush's
with much irate contention about the results .
[. how could that cause a crash?
# obama wins:
people wanting romney
will rage about unemployment endless
and taxes look relentless
this could cause the market to go into theatric lows .
# romney wins:
. people wanting obama
will see obamacare getting dismantled,
and there could be something like a 9-11
to greet a usa that is once again christian-headed . ]

says we should buy xmas gifts now
because the bottom falls out:


Saitta's #pol #purges

25: web.pol/purges/Saitta's #pol #purges:

. I met Saitta's while voting,
when an editorial commented that he was spouting
contentious views on his educational site .
. here is the part related to pol/purges
(the ways we deal with population growth
and other resource instabilities):
October/November: 2012

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson
about a battle that goes on inside all people.
He said, "My son, the battle is between
two 'wolves' inside us all.
One is Evil. ... The other is Good. ...
"Which wolf wins?"
"The one you feed."`[the USA Native's] Trail of Tears 


usa's drug war in mexico

7.1: pol/purges/drug war/democratic drug war
invites socialism back into mexico:
7.x?: 9.29: summary:
. under mexico's previous president,
there had been a military crackdown on drug cartels,
who terrorized the citizens in response,
murdering around 50,000 .
. all this was to fight for usa's drug battle,
-- to take advantage of usa's financial assistance
and economic cooperations .
. the mexican's have a long history of being
socialists, organizing under the PRI;
and they just re-elected them .
. if the PRI was socialistic now,
that would be sweet justice,
as they would be saying to usa:
"( you think a drug war is democracy?
we would rather be socialists ! )
. unfortunately, I got no such justice,
as it was pointed out by a socialist site,
that the PRI is strongly capitalist these days .
. nevertheless,
the effect for usa is the same:
if PRI can stop the drug war violence,
I can assure you it's only because they
stopped getting in the way of drug lords;
because, with the grinding poverty of
combined Catholicism and capitalism,
the drug cartels have an infinite supply
of either dealers or butchers
-- take your pick .
. if usa was serious about the drug war
they would prevent usa's drug use;
but, while it's easy for the religious
to dictate drug abstinence;
try dictating fewer privacy rights
(like universal drug testing)
and you will find out
just how "religious" usa really is .

9.29: summary of links:
. the drug war is in, PRI is out;
PRI is no longer socialist;
Mexico's history of socialist politics;
would the US ever trust a pri president? .

7.20: web.pol/purges/drug war/
hiafric HIV rates driven by our drug policy:
"The global war on drugs
is driving the HIV/AIDS pandemic
among drug users and their sexual partners.
Throughout the world,
research has consistently shown that
repressive drug law enforcement practices
force drug users away from public health services
and into hidden environments where
HIV risk becomes markedly elevated.
Mass incarceration of non-violent drug offenders
also plays a major role in increasing HIV risk.
This is a critical public health issue
in many countries, including the United States,
where as many as 25 % of the HIV-infected
may pass through correctional facilities annually,
and where disproportionate incarceration rates
are among the key reasons for markedly higher
HIV rates among African Americans."
-- "The War on Drugs and HIV/AIDS:
How the Criminalization of Drug Use
Fuels the Global Pandemic,"
Global Commission on Drug Policy
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: June 2012), p. 2.

7.26: co.apt/pol/purges/drug war/
sobriety for trust and fear:

. the drug war is expensive and obnoxious;
so how does it survive in a democracy where
more than half [exaggeration]
have used drugs under the table?
. a key to understanding its driver
is our needing to maintain a sense of fairness
while upholding employee quality
in situations where trustworthiness is critical .
. basically, hospital staff can't get high;
so therefore nobody else can either .
the winning drug plan is this:
. we need to use our stimulant drugs
to fast-track the development of robots;
then we can replace these core staff;
and then finally the elites won't care
whether we get high,
because our monkey
doesn't even have to be in the same room
with their monkey .


healthcare, christians, devils, & dollars

7.1: co.apt/pol/healthcare/
christians against obamacare are not middle class:. a born-again -furious child is chanting:
"( everyone needs to **** !! ),
[a word that can humorously mean both
{ practice birth control
, grumble incessantly}]

 . hearing this child has me kidding about
obamacare pressuring us to eat right;
but seriously, the problem with our economy
is the unfair christian,
demanding we have freedom of diet*
yet also demanding we subsidize
medicalization of bad diets
with emergency room care that is paid for
on the backs of middle class insurance payers
-- not paid by the poor and rich
where most christians come from .
* [9.27: to be fair:
. christians don't necessarily agree with
freedom of diet;
in fact, gluttony is a "(deadly 7) sin .]

7.5: co.apt/pol/healthcare/
how could they hate obamacare?:
. how could the masses hate obamacare?
do they know how the middle class
is getting gouged by mandatory e.r. care?
. most who still have jobs don't pay healthcare,
and that's exactly why fewer of us have jobs!
. after seeing the steeply rising trend of
healthcare benefits due to free e.r. care,
employers are outsourcing our jobs
to countries with more sensible policies .]

7.8: todo.web/pol/healthcare/obamacare assumes
everyone is getting healthcare through insurance!

. I thought the whole point of needing to use the ER,
is that doctor's and hospitals wouldn't let you pay
except through an insurance agency .

7.18: co.apt/healthcare/obamacare won't keep costs down:
. did you know we give $25 billion to diabetics?
 . just a five % decrease in diabetes
 could save an estimated $25 billion every year!
. that's a lot of money,
 and things like dialysis are inately expensive,
 but did you see how much our doctors cost?
 could we get them to take $40k  instead of $400k?
 we could hire 10times more of them,
 and give them a needed break . no way!
 obamacare couldn't even get them to
 agree to at least getting paid only
 relative to their worth:
 by how much they improved health
 rather than how many scripts they wrote .
 . you know why?
 because we are ***heads!
 [@] {arrogantly gluttonous, like drug fiends}
 . the doctors know that wellness starts with
 patients who listen to "(you need a diet)
 but they know patients ignore such advice
 and then demand a pill for their problems .
 -- how can you make any money
 getting paid to make the ***head well ?!

7.12: co.apt/pol/healthcare/
cheaper doctor is complicated

. finding a cheaper doctor is complicated:
they are not just healers but drug police;
and, high trust is expensive;
eg, suppose we get laborers to be doctors;
if they abuse drugs and lose their medical license
they just go back to being laborers;
but make doctors high,
and they will fall hard .
. another thing that raises cost is that they are
only getting paid if they share air with you?
that's not a very smart use of a rare resource:
they should be seeing patients by video
to do most of the interviews;
how often do you really need
a physical exam? consider this:
if doctors would just get to know
you, your habits, and listen
to your perceived problems,
they might have your problems solved
without having to share your germs .
. one way to lower the cost of interviews,
is to get college students to do the them;
they can write the doctor a report,
and the doctor can add to the report
after making an additional, shorter interview .
. also, you can call any time
to add things to your file,
and a nurse will do just that
and read back what was written .]

7.19: news.pol/healthcare/
Rush speechless about Canada's success:

. Rush's Limbaugh's agenda today
includes informing us that
while usa wealth slides,
canada's wealth has risen
-- now higher than usa's --
but he has no comment on this news?
nothing to say about gluttonous socialists, Rush?
. could it be that universal healthcare
was very good for Canadian business?!

7.26: news.pol/healthcare/
a doctor's take on care's high cost:

the people who profit from healthcare.
. there are a number of overfed cats in health care
who are being given all the food they meow for.
Here are a few examples:
# Drug companies:
If government and private insurers
were not paying for most of the drug costs,
we wouldn’t buy most medications
-- the full price is impossibly high.
Even many generics are over $100 per month.
Would you trade a $500K payment from gov
for a $20K check from the consumer?
No more than my cat would turn down
the third bowl of cat food.
# Hospitals:
Stents ‘R Us hospital in our town
just built a large cardiology wing
They did this using money from a procedure
that has not been shown
to prolong life or save lives.
# Ancillary Services:
Why does a CT scan in India
cost a fraction of the cost in the U.S.?
because they can be, due to third-party payors
who shield consumers from the cost .
They pass them on to the taxpayers
or raise the rates of the insurance policies.
It doesn’t hurt them to pay so much,
so they just keep feeding the kitty.
# Doctors:
Why do docs see so many patients
that they can’t offer good care,
and why do specialists take home
3/4 of a $million ? Because they can.
Someone keeps filling the bowl.

. the third-party payor system
hides the cost from the consumer
and gets us all used to the idea of
paying for all that cat food.
All of this money is thrown at care,
and what does it get us?
Does it get us better care?
Does it get us longer lives?
Does it get us happier patients,
or satisfied doctors?
-- Rob Lamberts, MD,
is an internal medicine-pediatrics physician
who blogs at More Musings (of a Distractible Kind).
7.26: co.apt/pol/healthcare/3rd-party payer syndrome
started with medicaid and nixon's cheap food program:

( reviewing 6.20: news.pol/purges/reaganomics/
republican nixon criticized for price-raising trade barriers)
. could anyone ruin this country more than nixon?
 trying to beat inflation with cheap food
he had devastated the food quality;
at the same time,
he had just started to give away
free medical (medicaid) to welfare cases;
and that is when people's health
went straight down the toilet
even as health care costs
were going straight up .
[. medicaid is what started that culture of
3rd-party payer syndrome
where they can ask for any price, because,
the person that actually pays is the taxpayer
who doesn't even see
how the money is being spent,
while the medicaid consumer
knows how it is spent,
but has no idea how much is spent .
. the politician apparently doesn't care
because the corporate profits translate into
both corporate taxes and campaign contributions .


Rush`speech & Loughner`violence

7.24: news.pol/purges/mass murder/Loughner/
how Rush and Glen Beck incited him:
Thomas @
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman
wrote on his blog that the "hate-mongers"
Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck
contributed to the Giffords shooting,
despite later reports that the shooter,
Jared Lee Loughner,
had never listened to their programs.
The discovery that Loughner liked
"The Communist Manifesto" and "Mein Kampf"
forced media types to quickly abandon that smear,
but not retract their comments.
They're running the same play again.
. actually, Krugman still makes sense
but not in the way Thomas assumed:
Rush and Beck represent
the right-wing capitalist views
that america implicitly listens to
as they embrace reaganomics .
. Loughner was pointing out
Hitler's "Mein Kampf"
and Communism's "Manifesto"
in order to tell us that
reaganomics caused his hate
-- and it just so happens
that the icons of reaganomics
include Rush and Glenn Beck .
. so Thomas is right in one way,
but Krugman was right in another way:
Reaganomics -- and its supporters ---
caused the unemployment
that caused Loughner's desperation,
that unleashed a hail of bullets
on the Washington who will not listen
-- won't listen to conservatives
and won't listen to the jobless .
. communism always found jobs,
and Hitler even de-immigrated to make jobs .
. Loughner was all about jobs
or at least relief from homelessness;
too bad he wasn't about real population control
(immigrant control isn't enough).

can "(organic) include nanotech? ........... ENM's are the new GMO

7.20: co.pol/nanotech/fda needs to regulate ENM's:
Center for Food Safety
date:     Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 10:18 AM
    Urge FDA to Regulate Nanotechnology
    to Protect Consumer Health

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a public comment period open through July 24th on the oversight of nanotechnology in food. Amazingly, the FDA currently does not regulate the use of nanotechnology in food, despite its widespread use, and serious public health concerns.
 Already a wide variety of nanoscale applications in food packaging and processing are being developed. Yet, we know very little about the health effects of exposure to engineered nanomaterials, and what we do know, is cause for alarm.
Make your voice heard and urge FDA to regulate nanotechnology to protect consumer health.
To: Office of Food Additive Safety, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Re: Guidance for Industry on assessment of the effects of the incorporation of Engineered Nano-scale Materials (ENMs) in food ingredients (food substances and food contact surfaces) (Docket number: FDA-2011-D-0490)
It is shocking that FDA does not yet regulate the use of ENMs in food ingredients, given that nanomaterials are reportedly widely present in food ingredients and food contact substances. A 2012 National Research Council report found that “there is little progress” on research into the effect of oral consumption of engineered nanomaterials on human health. The FDA should commission, finance and publish such research as an urgent public health priority, and a basis for regulation.
The FDA’s draft guidance to industry should be a first step towards regulation to protect public health and the environment.
Neither FDA nor industry should assume a food ingredient at its macro-scale to be safe at the nano-scale, since we know that nanomaterials can behave completely differently than their bulk counterparts. These unique behaviors are what make nanotechnology so attractive to industry, but they also raise unique risks that must be addressed through unique regulation and oversight. The FDA should require those companies to submit data showing that their products are safe. Further, these safety assessments should be publicly available and the consultation process transparent.
All engineered nanomaterials used as food ingredients, food contact substances, and food colorants should be subject to a rigorous pre-market safety assessment. FDA should withdraw from the market all products shown to contain engineered nanomaterials as food ingredients that have not undergone the pre-market safety assessment and been shown to be safe for daily human consumption.

global warming bugs killing trees for fuel #overpopulation vs #ark-investing

7.18: news,co.pol/fires/global warming bugs killing trees for fuel:
climate central org
. the massive fire seasons recently
were the culmination of a trend:
between 1986 and 2003, western forests saw
a nearly fourfold increase in the number of wildfires,
and those fires burned six times the amount of land
and lasted five times as long
when compared with the previous 16 years.
In response, states and the federal government
adopted policies and legislation,
such as the Bush administration’s
Healthy Forest Restoration Act,
which were designed to head off
increasingly catastrophic wildfires
by thinning forests and reintroducing fire
to areas that were overgrown with fuel
from a century of fire suppression.
Some wildfires would be allowed to burn
in hopes of improving overall forest health.
The fires, however, have continued to grow
in size, frequency, and intensity,
while the policies meant to tame them
have sputtered and stalled.
Air quality issues
increasingly limit the number of days when
prescribed burns can be lit,
and the public is often resistant to them,
particularly after incidents in which
forest managers lose control .
Residents of fire-prone landscapes
are often unwilling to cut down the trees they love,
even when removing a few trees increases their safety.
And building with fire-resistant materials
is often more expensive
and doesn’t fit with mountain traditions.
. between 2000 and 2010,
more than 100,000 people moved into
Colorado’s most flammable forests .
. global warming means that
bugs are killing more trees,
so we have a lot more to burn through;
and, there's less water in the area
to naturally suppress that burning .
Wildfires nationwide cost the federal government
up to $3 billion annually
— twice what they cost a decade ago.
Today wildfires take up nearly half
of the U.S. Forest Service’s budget,
up from 13 % in 1991.
. even with climate change,
the real problem is that people who should be
investing in fire prevention systems
like irrigating the property around them,
are instead relentlessly spending on
expanding the population .
. use solar energy to pump oceans into deserts
and this will make solar do more desalination too .
. the problem is not too much affluence,
it is too much poverty:
high-tech could survive global warming;
but this 3rd-world mentality cannot .


virginMobile's new outlook

7.9: aq.cell/Virgin Mobile/We Paid Your Monthly Charge
9.26: summary:
. I had to dump Virgin Mobile;
because, they kept double-billing me;
they used to have very high ratings
from Clark Howard
now I'm with tracfone.
. after I cut VM from my credit card
they sent me this piece of cheese ...



the spirits and molecules of autism

. this file started out as a political issue
-- 5.20/pol/energy/Autism related to Coal's mercury --
but mercury policy has improved
while autism rates have increased,
so, it's been reassigned as a health issue .
. however, it may also be a socioeconomic issue
as worsening underemployment
increases reliance on children's disability payments .
. nevertheless,
even if parents were encouraging the diagnosis
for collecting child disability payments,
there is still evidence of increased autism risk
from environmental pollutants
(pcb's, pesticides, estrogenics, mercury)
and a degraded food supply quality
(increased use of gmo's, pesticides,
and herbicides -- thanks to gmo's;
non-organic farming creates a lack of
selenium in food
which is needed to counteract mercury).
. another theory explaining increased autism
is what I call two-headed dominance syndrome
where one of the heads tends to submit
in order to let the other head take control .
. likewise, in sociology,
when a population starts to feel
a loss of economic opportunities
there may tend to be more silent tension,
and an increase in dependent personalities .

. at the same time, unique to our times
is a tendency to demand much more of students;
whereas, in the past,
the developmentally challenged may have been
understood to be simply a rowdy or lonely laborer .

6.22: web: autism is on the rise:


Romney as born-again State's Rights disciple

5.21: co.apt/pol/to repub's
mormon romney is born-again state's rights:

. some other christians call mormonism a cult;
and the reason for that could be that
by fabricating their own 3rd bible,
mormonism may be suggesting that
the christian's interpretation of the bible
is a fabrication -- "(they may as well have
written a whole new book! let us do the same .)
. so perhaps,
by using mormon romney as a candidate,
the repub's intend to communicate
that they are the political landscape's
new and vibrant moral fiber .
[ or they could be trying to attract
people from 3rd parties?...
most likely his mormonism is an accident,
what they meant to communicate about him
is his conversion from being a democrat
to being a small-gov state-rights republican
so the main message is:
we don't have to agree with our candidate,
we just need to find someone that likes
state's rights, and love them for it .
6.23: 5.21:
. another important message is change:
Bush converted from drunk to christian;
Obama converted from druggy to christian;
and now that christian conversions seem played,
Romney represents the Tea Party conversion
from Democrat-funded tax-and-spend liberal
to Integrated Money Party -funded
maximal freedom for Big Money conservative .]


check your nitrogen footprint too #GlobalWarming

5.29: news.pol/energy/global warming/
check your nitrogen footprint too:

(we need to watch out for both our
carbon and nitrogen footprints ...)
my response:
. do you want to reduce suicides,
get more wind energy,
and feel more satisfied?
eat more meat, and dump more
nitrous oxide into the atmosphere!
. sure there will be more global warming,
but you have so much wind energy,
you can afford to live underground,
where the weather won't bother you !

news.pol/energy/hydrogen economy by 2020
and living in the deep sea:

world future society reports:
. new advances in fuel cells may enable us to
live deep under the sea .
. Hydrogen Economy will seriously begin to
supersede the Oil Economy by about 2020 .
your nitrogen footprint is huge:

a free-market obamacare

5.29: co.fb#leslie marshal show/pol/healthcare/
response to Hans Verboon:
Hans Verboon
Why not, have the government control this too.
Most of our politicians are overweight anyway.
I say leave the market to be free,
including health insurance.
May 9 at 5:11am via mobile
@Hans Verboon May 9  "(I say
leave the market to be free, including health insurance.)

. but the market can't be free
when average americans agree that we should
be given medical care and asked questions later;
it's creating this cycle of people using emergency rooms,
hospitals raise costs for insurance co's,
insurance is too expensive,
forcing people to rely on emergency rooms ...
hence, obamacare's mandatory insur'premiums .
. what would be fair for the free market
is to let us decide what services we'll accept,
and then we must pay insurance for only those services .
. eg, I don't want to be treated for cancer,
heart disease, diabetes, or mental illness;
but I do want surgery for accident recovery,
so my premium should be about $10/month .
(I could pay that much with plasma money!)

GOP (Get OverPopulation)

[6.22: summary:
. the highlight of this post was the realization that
GOP had the same initials as Get OverPopulation;
but the main theme is overpopulation's causes,
and ideas for humane solutions .
. inflation and unemployment together
are symptoms of overpopulation relative to
the labor needs of capitalism .
. when the GOP says "(we don't have the money)
they mean they don't need our labor;
and, all of their cost-cutting measures
are attempts to get overpopulation
by making us feel like we can't afford children .
. they don't feel like they're being heard though,
because they are the party of church values,
but they keep reminding us of family values
and hope we get the hint:
if your family doesn't have a job for your children
your family should at least have a spare bedroom .
. most of all they talk about reaganomics,
but you must know there are no more jobs
because they Get OverPaid too!
. not only are those jobs not coming back,
we are just a few years from intelligent automation;
so as we have more people needing a free lunch,
shouldn't we pay people to stop reproducing? ]


who's economy? obama's or private parenting?

5.29: co.apt/pol/purges/reaganomic/
neolib's are not job creators:
. I am a neolib, and I'm just warning you,
if you think romney is about jobs,
both the repub's and the dem's are also neolibs
giving your jobs to the needy globally;
so, if you give them a tax break,
they are only giving more jobs to india and china .
. just remember, you're the 60% who actually
owns something in america besides a birth certificate
-- crappy commoners .
5.10: news.pol/purges/reaganomics/
it's obama's economy:

andy dean conservative radio:
. he has this subservient lesbian sidekick
who when asked what she thought of
obama's lackluster economy,
said she doesn't believe in the 99%
-- said a person's job prospects are
up to the individual;
so it doesn't matter what obama did .
. the 99% is hiding the elephant of overpopulation,
and that is indefensible;
but, why isn't an obama supporter like herself
pointing out that the economy has
nothing to do with the president?
. obama isn't even allowed to touch
the root cause of our unemployment
which is globalized capitalism
-- that is nothing less than the unstoppable
perfection of the american way!
. if you believe in capitalism at all,
you believe in eventual automation,
so you must believe in massive unemployment
-- inevitably!
so stop dreaming about economic expansion,
and think about the homeless you generate
breeding like you want to .

5.1: pol/purges/reaganomics/
family values is dictatorship just like communism: