
a note on "religious schizophrenia"

22.10.26: bk.relig/christian/
Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe`Prayer 101:

. this is a comment on the book:

Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe`Prayer 101:


5-star/a note on "religious schizophrenia":

. my understanding of schizophrenia

-- literally split-mind --

is when your mind has thoughts from 2 sources,

the normal self, and somebody else, telepathically,

such as our god or an alien.

. p101 has a chapter on "religious schizophrenia"

that's about when you allow the Devil to deceive you,

thereby teaching you to deceive yourself,

so that you become out of touch with both you and the god.

. the term "schizophrenia" is a synonym for the term

"double minded" found in James 1:6-8.

as when one asks for a prayer to be answered

but doubts the god will actually help.

. so to not be "schizophrenic" you need to

not pray for anything you doubt will take place.

. you need to follow your heart,

before you can expect your prayers to be answered.

. then there are chapters about times when

you didn't doubt the prayer but it failed anyway.

. p106, in chapter "pernicious presumption",

section "the case of Moses and Aaron",

asserts that the reason Moses was

not allowed to enter the promised land,

was that he disobeyed the god

when he struck a rock to get water,

instead of commanding it to produce.

. that agrees with the literal text [Num 5:7-13]

but that is hardly the only reason;

because, what the rest of the story says

is that Moses was leading the people into

not getting circumcised [Exo 4:24-26, Joshua 5:3-9]

--defying a crucial covenant [Gen 17:10-14].

. before his army could enter the promised land,

they all had to get circumcised as adults,

but only after Moses was laid to rest.

The Sense of Being Stared At:
And Other Unexplained Powers of Human Minds[ad]

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