
slow-carb fish eaters less prone to severe covid

 2021.9.15: health/immunity/covid-19/diet/
slow-carb fish eaters less prone to severe covid:

Jordi Merino, PhD:


"Our models estimate that nearly a 

third of COVID-19 cases would have

been prevented if one of two exposures

-- [uhealthy] diet or deprivation -- 

were not present." 

gut 2021:


Diet quality and risk and severity of COVID-19: 

a prospective cohort study

Jordi Merino, et al.


Compared with individuals in the lowest

quartile of the healthy diet score, 

high diet quality was associated with

slightly lower risk of any COVID-19 

(HazardRatio 0.91; 95% CI 0.88 to 0.94) 

and significantly lower risk of severe COVID-19

(HazardRatio 0.59; 95% CI 0.47 to 0.74). 

. along with low diet quality

an additional risk was being exposed to 

socioeconomic deprivation

[low education or low income or underemployment?].

. those with a healthier diet were more likely to be 

older, female, healthcare workers, of lower BMI, 

engage in physical activities ≥5 days/week

and less likely to reside in areas with

higher socioeconomic deprivation.

A diet was seen as healthy if it was

high in whole fruit, vegetable, and seafood,

and had lower levels of fat 

[ especially omega-6 veg oil, 

and corn-fed meat high in omega-6 oil;

but also saturated fats can be inflammatory].

. the study combined 2 scoring systems:

the healthful Plant-Based Diet Index (hPDI)

worth 14..70 points,

gave a low score for any animal product,

even seafood, but said nothing about fat;

and then there was a Diet Quality Score (DQS)

[nutritools.org] worth 5..15 points,

that gave a low score to fat,

but a high score for fatty seafood.

. the hPDI emphasises healthy plant foods, 

such as whole fruits, vegetables, legumes, 

in contrast to sugars and fruit juices.

. and whole grains in contrast to refined flour.

. specifically the hPDI measures low risk for

fatty liver, type 2 diabetes,

and coronary artery disease.

Criteria for best score in DQS:

Fruit ≥2 servings/d

Vegetables ≥ 3 servings/d

Oily Fish 200g/week

Total Fat ≤ 85g/d

Non-Milk-Extrinsic Sugars ≤ 60g/d.

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