Showing posts with label gov. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gov. Show all posts


voting in tucson, az, usa

10.1: gov/vote

. I have 2 districts: one for fed & state,
the localization guy is on my ballot .
leg # 28,
fed # 8 .

10.9: info:
. the best way to find vote info,
is to google opposing candidates,
and you get their debates or editorials .

10.9: voter help sites:
guide to guides (all christian, pro-fam or pro-life)

az.state 2010 Voter Guide.pdf

vids of debates

tucson, az school board:
 Governing board members are unpaid volunteers,
and are usually people passionate about education,
with education backgrounds.  and meets monthly publicly
. you can see the meeting content here .

9.17: prop's:

~ prop 106: anti-obama hate speech,
106 - NO
some are confusing usa bill with canada's
where dr's can't deal direct with patients .
. tucson rn's claim {70% people, 60% dr's}
wanted national healthcare,

~ prop 107: dismantles eq opp for women,
107 - NO

~ prop 109: a legal morass
109 - NO
. how can you sanely have an unlimited right
to a limited resource?

prop 110: has no opponents,
110 - YES

~ prop 111: needs work
111 - NO
prop 112: has no opponents,
112 - YES
~ prop 113: cap's vs labor
113 - NO

prop 203: medi pot
203 - YES
-- jefferson (the closet interracial)
was a proud hemp grower for treating migrains .
-- recent montana med pot law has resulted in
many traffic accidents where pot was involved .
. doesn't say if they also involved
drinking at the same time;
(I recall being on pot (1972..1984)
was my only sane driving time (1978..1979)
-- paranoid? slow down)
. they also cried about how aweful pot addiction is .
(like addiction to sex?
if the kitchen's too hot ...)
. the only real problem with this bill
is it has you needing a card from
the same adhs who says
right there in opposing remarks
that you might need to get new staff
before any cooperation from that office!

~ prop 301:
301 - NO
. seems unfair when people
volunteer donations for a cause
and then policy switches from a promise .
-- they should show that all donations
have been spent on intention .
else raise new taxes instead of
cheating taxes from other programs .

~ prop 302:
302 - NO
. first things first program
and an az early childhood devel't health board
. it will be another attempt at
cheating the [no new taxes]-promise .
. the whole point of these programs
was that they assured they pay for themselves
by asking a certain tax for a certain thing
and do you agree with that ?
-- that's an excellent style of governing!
(needs a large savings acct tho'
-- hey that's excellent gov'ing too!!)

10.1: :

400 - YES
. I think it's complicated or unfair
to have property tax;
because what if you were poor
but worked hard to save for a nice house,
then the property tax makes you rent it out?
a property tax only makes sense if you assume
a property will generate income .
. I agreed with other spokanites (1984..2006)
that income tax is less regressive
than a sales tax;
but here in tucson, we have so many seniors
that have no taxable income;
the best way to find seniors with
other wealth to tax
is to have a sales tax on luxury items .
. the details of the proposed sales tax,
lead me to think we should
hold out for a better deal;
one commenter claims:
. tucson's combined personal income is $24M
yet it employs 239 at > $100k;
(. if you include corporate income and perhaps assets
some for prop#401 are calling tucson a $1B business [gdp])
. if all employees would take a
1% pay cut per $10k of salary,
our city budget would have  a surplus again .
. one problem with voting no on this
is that they may have a contract
promising not reduce salaries
nor fire them without a long notice .
. there may also be some reality
to fears that lower salary will bring
lower quality mgt .
. ironically, it's the con's that point out
this gov' pays too much on overtime:
that's an example of trying to cut jobs
only to inflate the use of other jobs .
. what if lowering salaries had
similar unintended consequences ?
not so ironically,
the objector's point is that
overtime is a symptom of the same
high-salary disease:
. what if we could restructure
to make the system's constitution
more quality-oriented
rather than depend on a few key players
being responsible in the dark?
. I just won't vote on this one .
. it's bumping it up by just 0.5%;
I now say help a downer now,
give lectures later .

401 - YES
. many more goods than neg's
. tea party endorsed it as good use of money;
and in this issue they can't be damaging .
[10.12: I was amazed at tea part out there
barking about obamacare;
you'd be about lower taxes
and defend this medicare?
you are either a selfish hypocrite
or a racist or a jews-should-zionist .]
. con's say this reduces local democracy
(more power to unelected)
. how are successful businesses
electing their mgt?
seems we do a lot of voting
with lackluster results .
(... I thought of this just before
reading about prop#401 here,
which wants to have gov select
some jobs that were once chosen by vote).

10.10: dem's picks
. these are also merged with my comments above;
I happened to be aligned with them all .

106 - NO
107 - NO
109 - NO
110 - YES
111 - NO
112 - YES
203 - YES
113 - NO
301 - NO
302 - NO

400 - YES
401 - YES

402 - YES
--[. they do have some gifted properties;
one thought they were trying to cover up
gross mismgt .]

10.8: Senate LD28: Ewoldt:
. Ewoldt's radio ad' introduced me to
relocalization -- where the
dem's and tea party can merge
rather than collide !]

Dave Ewoldt, Independent Candidate
for AZ State Senate, LD28
. he says the p word:

"(sustainability entails determining,
and staying within, the balance point amongst
POPULATION, consumption, and waste assimilation
so that bioregions, watersheds and ecosystems
can maintain their ability to
recharge, replenish, and regenerate.)
-- nice talk but, he's only running for
az's district 28 -- not a fed position;
still he's the idea man,
and here's his blog .
. his talk on relocalization is here .

A global growth economy
based on cheap and abundant
fossil fuels
to both grow and transport our food
thousands of miles,
and to supply the raw materials
for the cheap plastic throwaway goods
we've come to rely on,
is quickly drawing to a close.
We are not going to see an economic recovery,
because we are not in a recession.
We are at the end of a
historic period in human civilization.
. the American Dream
as presented by Wall Street,
Madison Avenue, Hollywood,
and the rest of corporate media
really is a mere dream
because one must be
asleep to believe it.

. we must rebuild our local economies;
recapture our sense of place;
reclaim our sovereignty;
and restore our communities.
. relocalization is the antidote to
growth, corporate globalization,
manifest destiny, and individualism.

Rather than trying to be competitive in a
global economy that's heading south
--in more ways than one--
we have the opportunity to become
global leaders in sustainable,
local living economies.
using steady-state economics,
a whole-systems approach
to creating
an alternative public infrastructure
that exists within
a bioregion's carrying capacity.

As a concrete strategy,
relocalization moves production of
food, goods and energy
closer to the point of consumption,
increases food and energy security,
and empowers local decisions
in the development of
currency, culture, and governance.
. in addition to
protecting local economies from the
slow drain of an export economy,
relocalization goes a step further
with a commitment to
reduce consumption, waste,
and to improve
environmental and social conditions.

Relocalizing means building
community networks of mutual support.
It means more family farms
(many, many more)
and making sure they're not
forced to sell out to developers.
It means living wage jobs
in clean, zero-waste industries
that use renewable energy;
that focus on
rebuilding our local economic base,
recapturing the skills and craftsmanship
we're lost to
overseas off-shoring, outsourcing
and the model of industrial efficiency
that puts quantity above quality.

As an added bonus,
living wage jobs also directly address
the issues of affordable housing and poverty.
Relocalization means
making our cities human-friendly
and less reliant on cars.
Less asphalt and more trees
means less urban heat island effect
and more natural carbon uptake.

Plus, rebuilding, renovating, and remodeling
for low-impact, energy-efficient
homes, businesses and infrastructure
will keep local construction industries
busy for decades to come.

In addition to supporting
the strategy of relocalization,
Dave Ewoldt will help the
Transition Movement
support and inspire
community led responses
around the relocalization strategy.

A Transition Initiative
is a community-led response
to the pressures of
climate change,
fossil fuel depletion
and increasingly, economic contraction.
There are thousands of initiatives
around the world including
Transition towns, cities, villages, universities,
churches and more .
-- that book is also sold here .
. they also have a primer .

Ted Downing and Paula_Aboud
vs the localization guy, Dave Ewoldt .

. Paula_Aboud was not elected
but selected to fill giffords move to fed
she is a good dem fit, but her competition is
the localization guy, dave, a green as indep,
and another dem
running as indep, Ted Downing .
 Dr.Ted Downing, UA Research Professor in social development,
running nonpartisan and independent,
former 2 term Democratic house legislator in LD 28
from 2003 to 2007),

az party hist
40's: 80% repub;
70's: 40% d,r, 10% indep;
2010: 33% d,r, indep .

Tucson midtown party status:
36,000 Democrats,
22,000 Republicans and
24,000 others
according to downing, but,
Aboud said
Democrats are left out of the loop
because of the large Republican majority.
[at the state leg?
perhaps that is true because
the indep's are voting for repub's still .]

. downing moved to indep because of
grid lock:
the parties require voting with the party
but that under-serves a place
with few votes like tucson;
the jobs were in construction,
the plans now are to lobby state and fed
for earmarks that bring jobs;
and also to support microlending
to spur jobs like india has .
. downing does have a good chance;
but, dave is the better ideas man;
I fear dave will just be a billboard
for the future .

Downing said he endorsed Goddard.
Ewoldt said he would likely align with Goddard
but disappointed Goddard wasn't showing
strong leadership on big issues.
Ewoldt ditched the Green Party label
in an effort portray environmentalism
as something consistent with both
dem and repub's values [relocalization].
Ewoldt said of Downing:
"Ted's going to have a hard time
convincing people he's independent.
He's one of the good old boys
of the core Democrats in town."
[but downings point was
not being forced to vote with party]
. Ewoldt's relocalization plans
are really promising;
I don't usually let greens
steal votes from the dem's;
but, this race is really between 2 dem's;
if you pick green this time
then you get some discussion rolling;
if Aboud wins you get more gridlock;
if downing wins you get less .
. both of the dem's act like
dave is not a threat at all,
that downing might let the repub in
when the repubs are a minority in tucson .
. dave said real things about job loss
that the dem's simply ignored (hid from:
"(omg, dave's a political bomb,
while we're just a pop'bomb! ...)).

. who are the az greens reputed to be?
Dave Croteau ran for mayor of Tucson in 2007
on a platform of relocalization
and received over 28% of the vote.
. greens hosted the notorious nader campaign
that clinched the bush presidency .
. we should embrace relocalization (jobs)
but what does dave think of
mobilizing for jobs via
earmarks on fed and state bills ?
. the bottom line is that
if you've been voting dem's
just to get close to the green menu,
now you have 2 dem's and a green:

10.9: Corporation Commission (vote for 2): Bradley, Garcia:

Democrat: David Bradley -- solar
Democrat: Jorge Luis Garcia
(current LD 27 State Senator
& Senate Minority Leader)
. details of dem's are for solar:

10.9: sec'state: Deschene
. Chris Deschene got into engineering
so that he could get into renewables .
. he's nitpicking about the incumbent's
response to the green party scandal;
(sec'state is esp'ly a chief elections officer);
he's nitpicked for missing 34% of his leg duty?
he has a good excuse:
he was there for key votes
vs votes meant to harrass;
he's 6 hours away, so he skips harrassment .
. chris voted against sb1070;
he should be supported for that
(well, if fed'dem's should be supported
...haven't seen the bill [however,
during the gov debates it was pointed out
that they lied when claiming it was
just like the fed bill;
it said things like if you know of
any illegals amongst your, say church,
you can be charged with harboring illegals .
--. has even the drug war
gone off the deep end like this? ])
. finally,
this office could be considered vice-governor;
and a dem could do a lot of good there;
also he'll match the dem I put in governor .
. the green is Michelle Lochmann .

10.9: treasurer: Cherny:
. the dem is a prosecuter who noticed
treasurer was not helping white collar crime:
$10B of investments -- done wrong .

10.9: superintendent of Public Instruction: Kotterman:

Huppenthal has a proven acctability system;
but he wants english only;
[10.12: we hijacked a hispanic state
and then complain about bilingual education?
if they would get into
relocalization of the economy
and away from global trading;
the problem of white taxes paying for
3rd world pop'explosion
would simply evaporate .
. the democratic way to relocalization
is giving minorities eno' land
to be their own farming and solar bosses .
(remember to save some fed land for zionists;
there will be no mideast peace
without declaring usa to be new zion) .]
. why is our school at the bottom?
rand studies say we are ok
(the bottom of a good system
is not that bad).
. salaries are not showing quality,
40k vs 60k .
. an auditor said our school was underfunded .
. race to the top was an issue .
The Vocational Education Association
named Senator Huppenthal
Legislator of the Year
for reducing paperwork and bureaucracy.
As Senate Education Committee Chairman,
Huppenthal has worked with parents of
children with autism
to improve the quality of education
available to children with autism.
Huppenthal helped start a
model summer school
for children with autism.
As Senate Education Committee Chairman,
Huppenthal sponsored and helped pass
legislation to bring best practices to Arizona
for our special needs children.
Huppenthal helped pass legislation
implementing a statewide merit-pay system
to ensure good teachers receive good pay.
As Superintendent of Public Instruction,
Huppenthal will work to improve Arizona’s
merit-pay system to increase the
quality of instruction
and reward our best teachers.
. he voted with his party on sb1070
and also wants to force English.
He is opposed to bilingual education
--[. his way may be efficient,
but we should be a bit more gentle
given the fact that this land
was hispanic very recently; [10.12:
it's a more efficient use of
childhood's ease of learning,
not to hold up that learning
waiting for english skills to sharpen .]
. I would like to see programs where we
hired parents at labor rates to help with
bilingualism, classwork assistance,
and classroom policing (let teachers have
more bathroom breaks)
. having teacher partners can reduce the strain
and keep the highly trained teachers happy .
Kotterman is the former president of the
Arizona Education Association,
the state's largest teachers union
rose from the ranks,
and demands teachers have certification
such as by mentoring programs
(not just a college degree).
her site:

GOVERNOR: Terry Goddard:
. I would never vote for a libertarian
that didn't have a humane pop'reduction plan;
but, ] hess is a good speaker .


co.apt/pol/Governor Debate:
Wed, Sept. 1 - Barry Hess (Libertarian)
. talking to libertarian who pointed out
we could reduce by 40% if we
just got gov out completely;
but he says that
like it means just the end of obamacare;
what about the hypocrite tea party's deathpanels?!
you promised us medicare
and you're going to pay a black hole
of high tech medical bills for every senior ?!
. a libertarian poking at dem healthcare?
he has no idea what he's talking about;
everyone wants their medicare;
nobody wants the obvious good
libertarians have!
[. you ask how could that be good
when you voted for obamacare?
the gov could do it like auto insur':
if you drive, then insur' is manditory
but you can negotiate with any co you want .
. likewise with medical:
if you plan to accept services,
then you pay private insur'co's
for the type of plan you'll accept care from;
(eg, I myself would save a bundle
not accepting cancer or heartdisease treatments
from this corn puff nation ...)
. the only gov (tax-funded) expense
would be the watchdog enforcing the
no-pay no-play rules .]

co.apt/gov/vote/debate rage:
. after watching goddard debate incumbent;
I was wow'd:
see that?! that was
right-wing radio on obama in reverse rage!
seems like so much justice
but that was really unfair
since the repub jan is simply giving us
what az.state asked for .
. dem's and repub's are both finding
ways to do the pop'control indirectly;
who has the [androgens] to solve the pop'problem
directly ?
dem's just don't want it done by ethnocentricity .
the dem's are like a [unnoticably petite] diff
from az voters ... but so sensitive[petite diff's] ...
. dem's are quite diff from christians:
"(they are saving the wrong half!)!

ATTORNEY GENERAL: Felecia Rotellini
. served from 1992 to 2005
as a civil and criminal prosecutor
working under a Republican,
and then Terry Goddard, a Democrat.
. opp is currently
Superintendent of Public Instruction .
She opposed SB 1070,
the state's new immigration enforcement law,
because it doesn't do enough
to combat illegal immigration.
. the budget cuts bound for her office
will not reduce under her watch
funding to the office's
civil rights division
or consumer protection section,
and she plans to resurrect
an elder affairs unit.

U.S. SENATOR: Rodney Glassman:
He is an ardent supporter of an
expansive government-run health-care system
and more stimulus projects in Arizona;
he also thinks the state
overstepped its authority
in passing the controversial
immigration-enforcement law.
. "(he faces accusations of
plagiarizing portions of his
Ph.D. dissertation )
--[ when they said that,
I remembered they said that about
the [I have a Dream].guy, King .
. I wondered if that was a signal that
hate groups were incensed at his views .
(while az is 1/3 indep, those might be
tea party culture-war types,
so responding to our
repub isn't tea party eno'
with maybe you need an Obama dem'
might look like a
voter-assisted suicide attempt .)
McCain voted against the
health-care overhaul;
Glassman said he would make changes
but supports a government-run system
like the one that members of Congress have.
McCain thinks the $862 billion stimulus
was a failure
and laments a smaller package he sponsored
wasn't adopted instead.
Glassman called the stimulus disappointing
but thinks in some ways
it wasn't large enough.
In particular,
he wants additional spending on
infrastructure projects
such as roads and bridges
[and solar, and relocalization!!!
to create work and improve communities.
. McCain leads Glassman
in the general election by 53%-34% .
. I'm really suprised az's not going for
the dem's approach to getting more jobs;
but I don't watch tv;
they may be a bit more convincing there
than right-wing radio is
about how taxing is just such a job loser;
sure, you give cap's more money
and they create more jobs -- overseas;
you give gov more money,
and they hand out lunches
while singing Kumbaya .
. solar would be so expensive,
even after all the infrastructure is paid for,
just thinking about all that free energy
seems so very expensive
for some political careers .]

CD8 U.S. REPRESENTATIVE:Gabrielle Giffords
. voted for healthcare .

. adopt a mine .
. don't let lack of money stop you,
how to find the owner? do we need to?
. solar panels in strip mines .
his site:

state house #28: Steve Farley, Bruce Wheeler (2):
Farley provided answers to the Arizona State Legislative Election
2008 Political Courage Test.
The test provides voters with
how a candidate would vote on the issues;
his legislative priorities:
1) Strengthen and achieve energy independence
by making the economy Arizona
the Saudi Arabia of solar energy
2) Create universal health insurance
through individual mandates (not business mandates)
and programs to make health insurance
affordable to all
3) Build alternative systems of
public transportation to give Arizonans
real alternatives to the high gas prices.

In 2010 National Rifle Association
gave Wheeler a grade of A-,
in its scorecard for candidates seeking office in 2010.

Wheeler’s Campaign Is Endorsed By:
Arizona Education Association
Planned Parenthood of Arizona
AZ Professional Firefighters
Fraternal Order of Police
Sierra Club
League of Conservation Voters
National Organization for Women (NOW)
Arizona AFL-CIO
AZ Realtors Association
AZ Nurses Association
AZ Multihousing Association
AZ Technology Council
-- many of these also endorse the other dem .
[... it's a 2-man post is why .]

Republican: Ken Smalley

10.11: county info:

clerk of superior court: noland

[letting the incumbent remain]
difrank challenges noland
The challenger says the online records issue
is stalled by the incumbent
who says the issue is in the hands of
the Arizona Supreme Court,
which is currently working on other projects,
Noland said.
DiFrank worked for Noland
after Noland's first election,
and was fired after 10 months.
DiFrank says she expects Noland to characterize her
as an angry ex-employee,
but that she runs because
she feels her experience
makes her very qualified
for this public office like no other:
she runs an investigations firm
that often works on criminal legal cases,
and holds a master's degree in
public service management .

While she worked under Noland,
DiFrank disagreed with
what she considered to be
unqualified hires.
. one current staff member
helped Noland with campaigns
when the clerk served as a state legislator,
and another is a fellow Republican
and former state legislator
voted out of office in 2006.
Those employees both make more than $90,000.
Noland's salary, which is set by the
Board of Supervisors, is $76,600.
[. this could also be a loyalty thing;
says they still get paid
less than those doing the same job
on some other branch .]
DiFrank also complains
Noland is not putting all
criminal and civil court records online
as required by Arizona law.
records are available at the
Pima County Courthouse,
where four computers are used for searches,
and copies cost 50 cents per page.
"She's just not willing to make public access
fully available,"
DiFrank says.
Regarding DiFrank's criticism about
public records, Noland says that
the Arizona Supreme Court has
asked all counties to have all records
go through the same portal for online access.
"They don't have it ready yet.
(DiFrank would) be in the same place,"
Noland says.
[I couldn't understand this argument;
because the records appear to be somewhat online
and are linked to the main site;
so, why put up the search site
if not connecting the entire base?
maybe the search site is recent .]
"... She wants it to seem as if
I am against transparency,
but that's just not my intention."
Instead, Noland says she has
worked to make records more accessible
by creating the system that
allows the public to access records
on the second floor of the courthouse.

Noland adds that DiFrank's company, Info-Tracts,
does work for Storts' office,
and she wonders how DiFrank
would separate herself from the business,
which she owns with her husband,
Terry Frederick.
The business works closely with
area attorneys and court cases
throughout the state
—and DiFrank would have access to
records that could potentially
benefit her business.
DiFrank says she recognizes
the potential conflict,
but has plans to "pass the baton"
to a different business partner
if she is elected.

the online access is discussed here .
2008.9 was the date they started rolling plans;
they want a unified system plan
to get a single deal
from the most competitive vendor .

Opinions from the appellate courts and Supreme Court
are available online for free.
Docket sheets from trial courts
are also available online.
This information can be accessed for free at
[. checking that out,
The Arizona Judicial Branch
is pleased to offer
Public Access to Court Case Information,
a valuable online service providing a resource for
information about court cases from
153 out of 180 courts in Arizona.
Unavailable Courts
The following courts are
not accessible through this site.
Please contact the specific court
for case information.
... Pima County Superior
main page:
entry to online access .
--. also follow ... record search
to get this:
. If the case or person you are searching for
does not appear,
please call 1 (520) 740-3240
or come down and visit our
Legal Records Department at 110 W Congress.
. Information from certain kinds of cases
are not available online,
such as sealed cases;
The rule concerning electronic court access, Rule 123,
can be found at

. interesting paper about going online .

10.11: tusd` board: hicks, ortega

. az is a place where amer'natives were
invaded by the spanish
who were then invaded by the anglos;
and charter schools have since
moved the high achievers out of tusd,
tucson's public school district;
and, a basically latino school
should have more latino governance;
. grijalva, ortega seem like
the most hispanic friendly;
after finding out from the debate
that hicks is part amer'native,
and was left behind as a youth
by this exact district
I gave the incumbents place to him .
( is one of those frontier hotspots
with major native reservations nearby;
I think it likely that many here
are partially native,
and the board should represent that .
. hicks is not such a good debater,
but he does teach at a community college;
so, I'm betting he's articulate
once acclimated to his setting .)

 Governing board members are unpaid volunteers,
and are usually people passionate about education,
with education backgrounds.  and meets monthly publicly
. you can see the meeting content here .

2. Adelita Grijalva,
incumbent board member (has served 2 terms since 2003)
3. Michael Hicks,
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Manager
for City of Tucson, Dept. of Transportation
4. Miguel Ortega,
Council Administrative Assistant
to Ward 3 Councilwoman Karin Uhlich
(formerly Chief of Staff)
5. Armand Salese, J.D.,
attorney in private practice,
ran for this office before
in November, 2004

here they are debating:
(that .asx file needs windows media player)
[thanks to mac.vmware`fusion]

. when she says
the school needs more ad's
pointing out its good parts
I think her strategy is to
bring back the workables
so the school isn't left with
all the what's-homework's .
... later on in this debate however,
she gave a good example of
the school needing better ad'ing
when she was asking about programs
and was told there none,
then finding later there were 8
and one was several years old .
. says a board should do
more policy less managing .

. he's got some native blood,
and got bumped along through
this same school district;
he might have that spirit of
no child left behind done right
not with one-time tests,
but persistent oversight .

. he forgot to mention on his
candidate statement
that he does also have
some endorsements;
but that seems unimportant
after listening to his
pro'presentation skills,
his familiarity with the issues,
and sharing my own positions
on where the school should be
and how they should get there .
. his accent was much more latino
during this debate
than on the tv presentation,
where he seemed possibly italian .

candidate staments:

. endorsement from the Tucson Education Association,
the Pima Area Labor Federation
(Communication Workers of America,
AFSCME, ...)
and Educational Leaders, Inc.

Miguel taught students for 5 years
in the 1990’s at TUSD and SUSD.
As a proven partnership builder,
he has extensive knowledge and strong relationships
with Tucson and Southern Arizona non-profits,
human rights and arts organizations.
Ortega has advocated for youth in the area of
prevention of teenage pregnancy,
gang activity and drug abuse.
He is a founding member of Tucson
Steering committee of Local Firs Arizona
(a state-wide small business advocacy group)
and a past board member of the
GLBT Chamber of Commerce.
[ The mission of the GLBT Chamber of Commerce
is to promote the success and growth of
the glbt and allied business community
through education, networking, and advocacy.]
In 2005, Miguel was recognized as a winner of
the Tucson Business Edge 40 Under 40 Awards.
Ortega believes we need a new vision for
TUSD students, teachers and working families.
He is the only candidate to
speak out on the out-of-state
TUSD Board travel budget,
to ask for a delay in selecting
the new TUSD superintendent,
and the only challenging candidate
to consistently attend board meetings
this past year.

+Hicks: [ well positioned for the job]
. shares his knowledge with students by
teaching Information Technology classes
at Pima Community College,
as Adjunct faculty member.
In his spare time Michael volunteers
at his children’s schools
where he has given hundreds of hours
providing additional support
for both students and faculty.
“Over the years I have seen the changes in
TUSD’s practices and policies
and the impact it has had
on my children’s education.
I feel that I can bring valuable knowledge
when analyzing budgets and specific areas
given the amount of money
TUSD spends on Transportation,
to reduce costs in that area
and free up funds which we can use
to improve our children’s
hands-on education”.

. TUSD faces many complex problems that make it unique.
We have had a desegregation order on us
since 1979 until recently.
We also have the only ethnic studies program in the nation
and it is currently under attack via HB2281,
recently passed by the famous Arizona 2010 legislature .

Adelita Grijalva
and Bruce Burke, were put in charge of
making the schedule/time-line for appointing
the new superintendent.
... before their November elections.
[seems right, show your work, but
picking the sup may be complicated
and take time]
. the reason this decision is being rushed
is because John Pedicone,
of the conservative
Southern Arizona Leadership Council,
has the votes required to win
right now.
[here is his interview results]
 Pedicone would be an enemy
of the ethnic studies program.
. nothing will ever get done
if he does not have the board's votes

+Michael Hicks:
a conservative who collected many signatures
at TEA Party rallies.
. a political issue is whether
Mexican- American studies classes
must be used as a history requirement;
[. I thought Mexican- American studies
was very helpful;
I had wondered why the mexicans got pushed back,
and thought that while texas was in dispute
it might have been a bit much of usa
to also snatch new mexico and az
in the heat of the argument over texas .
. we were set on an english federation
with a region packed with spanish .
. federations should have
per-state speech requirements
and this state should have been kept spanish .
. if you're not sympathetic to that view,
you might not want to hear about
mex-amer studies! ]

 does not believe the courses
should satisfy the history requirement
and would prefer to see it as an elective .
[ "(the) history requirement?
I would hope any region has to study
more than one history;
other sources showed
that the debaters didn't seem to agree
on just what the question meant:
should ethnic studies be
counted as history
vs should there be studies like
history and ethnic studies .
. if people think reading and math
are more important than history,
keep in mind that
some kids need motivation!
history includes stories of wars,
depressions, fierce job competitions .
. one candidate mentioned teachable moments
and history lessons remind me of that .]

. the district does not have
the public's trust
because children tend to be
pushed through the system
whether they're ready or not
. the district needs to be
less antagonistic toward lawmakers
and the state superintendent
in order to get more funding.
on mex'amer studies:
he wanted to make certain
kids are taking core courses first
to ensure they will be able to
function in the real world.

vids of debates:
. one reason they have low scores
is that parents didn't always
have choices
and now they are flocking to
charter schools;
leaving only the under-achievers;
[Charter schools operate on taxpayer dollars,
so there is virtually no cost to students.
] 1994 is when they started here in tucson;
charter schools can be picky:
This [charter] school is definitely not
for every child, especially if the children
do not have support at home
to go over homework.

grijalva, incumbent,
mom of toddler
-- but it's not a full-time day job .
. the new mother has a heart for early edu,
she was once into how to have schools
keep kids out of trouble
[she likely learned that's impossible,
-- and getting worse! --
as the workables move to charters]
. tusd has great pre-school programs
that simply need better ad'ing .

. we need to get out of our comfort zone
and talk in kid's lang to
get at the meat of edu:
it's not what you learn
but about learning to learn
and making the best use of
tech or "(tools of today).
. steal ideas from other schools!
. don't blame teachers,
but few bad apples [?
this doesn't make sense by itself;
but other examples show how a bad system
can make a lot of teachers look bad
when they are simply unable to escape
traps of the system
(one test means everything,
a few students can bring down whole school
just for being absent on
that one test-day;
the teachers have no access to parents,
and no leverage to motivate students .).] .

site-based decision making:
. teachers and parents decide
need to steal ideas from other schools .
. the sup' is walking into a hornets nest;
many teachers seen as lame ducks .

. a lawyer that sees kids whose parents
need to get involved because
they aren't doing the work .
. he sued the school over equity issues .
. our sup should be using
data driven info systems,
performance-based decision making .
. tucson public is approaching
80% minority (non-anglos)
because the anglos left for charters,
yet they're still making decisions
about the public school
like the anti-Ethnic studies bill HB2281
 John Pedicone, vice-president of the conservative
 Southern Arizona Leadership Council,
has a “horrible record when he was at Flowing Wells
and certainly represents the inverse relationship”
of supporting ethnic studies,
according to Martinez, the lawyer fighting HB2281
on behalf of the ethnic studies teachers .


genetic engineering done right, wrong, and ugly

2.20: of deception:

. a local radio station just interviewed the author of
[seeds of deception].book;
he recommended a site .

. googling for more info, I found a video of the author
detailing how his book needed to be written
because (at least at the time)
random genetic insertions were being carelessly used;
ie, done without being tested by anyone with
the consumer's interest genuinely in mind .

. the video champions The Campaign To Label Genetically Engineered Foods,
"(the principal organizer passed away July 3, 2009
after a long bout against cancer .
. The fight for a sane genetically engineered foods policy
continues at such excellent organizations as the
Institute for Responsible Technology.)
. the youtube entry has this intro:
This lecture was created by combining the 6 pieces
posted on YouTube by The Kick Them All Out Project.
This project shows you how we can take back control of Congress
from the special interests that control it now
and put an end to things like GMO foods.
This lecture by Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception,
summarizes the contents of his book .

. according to that video,
the reason of being cautious about gmo's
is that gov't is assuming gmo's are safe until proven guilty;
but, the nature of gmo`tech had been
(if it isn't still currently the case)
involving unpredictable changes in a plant's biochemistry
that warrant treating it like a complete alien
in need of quaranteen until multi-generational studies have been done .

. gmo's and biotech do offer the world a lot of potential
(like engineering high-intelligence organisms
that won't poison the planet with over-population);
but, we need labeling that assures testing:
(eg, what strains a food is coming from,
and links to proof of 3rd-party testing for that strain .)
--(. again, that's assuming genetic engineering is still done by
random gene insertions .)

. the problem with the monsanto method
of genetic modification
-- the method (at least at the time?)
that touches the majority of our foods
through the inclusion of the these crops:
soy, corn, sugar beets, and certain veg'oils (cottonseed, canola) --
is that it results in gene shifting,
which can potentially change the meaning or scheduling
of all the genes that got shifted by the insertion .
. it is this random widespread changing
that can result in creation or increased dosages of
allergens, anti-nutrients, carcinogens, and toxins .
. another side-affect of the commercial gmo process
is antibiotic resistant organisms;
because, the economical way to tell
when a gene insertion has taken place,
is to include with the insertion
an antibiotic resistance gene,
so then after applying the gene and then antibiotics,
only the gmo's are left .

fda knew genetic modified bacteria poisoned tryptophan:
. the most shocking assertion by the video
is that fda claimed the tryptophan poisoning
couldn't be due to gmo's
because the responsible manufacturer
was not using gmo's at that point,
but some leaked documents showed that
fda did have a receipt of legal documents
showing earlier use of gmo's by that manufacturer .
. the fda tried to blame it on
the manufacturer using cheaper toxin-catching filters;
but if the fda had admitted to
knowing about gmo's being in use,
the question they would have then been held to is
how are gmo's creating these toxins in need of filtering?
. see the video . see some brief text .

. while fda knew the gmo process had poisoned tryptophan,
they insisted it was due to "(health fraud schemes)
and relegated all tryptophan to prescription only .

. if the tryptophan poisoning hadn't created such bizarre symptoms,
they never would have been attributed to food,
and thereby fallen into the labeling wastebasket
of "(succumbing to the modern high-stress lifestyle) .
. between 1994 and 2001,
when many new gmo products were introduced,
the number of food-relatable illness doubled .

seedsofdeception @ amazon
. one critic of the book suggests a more "(even-handed) alt':
as it
"(deftly swats aside several of the well-known studies
that purport to show risks associated with genetically modified crops
(such as Dr. Pusztai's rat
and John Losey's Monarch butterfly studies)) .
. my response to his critics
is that the authors case is not based
primarily on Dr. Pusztai's rat study
but on simple facts about the effects of
random gene insertions causing unpredictable changes
by shifting nearby genes:
shifting a gene can change its function .
. none of his critics address that concern . @ facebook

cfs @ facebook
cfs @ twitter
. signed up for newsletters from Center for Food Safety
Cool Foods
Together we will make our voices heard and stand up for True Food!

first gm crop europe liked: Calgene Flavr Savr tomato
United States, Canada, and Argentina together grow 80 percent of all biotech crops

. why did tech nation radio (2010-02-02)
recently razz a solar energy advocate, Rifkin,
about the Flavr Savr tomato? minute 33:
. the context was that "vintage Rifkin" was known for dark predictions,
so it was curious that his newest book is The Empathic civilization .
. and it's not just a matter of empathy,
but the fear of economic failure moving toward green too fast .
. Rifkin said the problem is the older generation
keeping alive the classic American Dream of cowboys
not empathizing globally (eg, natives)
the European Dream envisioned by esp'ly some West Coast Americans
is biosphere conscious
rather, they resist investing in a move from oil to solar .
. she laughed that someone referred to Rifkin as
"(isn't he that guy with the gmo tomato?)
. he gives context to that:
he took on monsanto for using gmo's based on gene splicing
[@] recombinant DNA tech
-- at the time he thought a much better approach to gmo
was marker-assisted selection,
which is just now replacing gene splicing .
. it's not engineering across species lines,
but cross-breeding within a family
. that's a good example for what he's talking about
when cheering on solar over oil:
just because it's the first tech doesn't mean it's the best .

. then he started getting into something that seem confused:
. the 3rd industrial revolution has a good chance
but conservatives will say empathy is collectivism,
liberals will say, individualism is selfishness .
but wouldn't that be a confusion with definitions?
I think he's stretching to not frame it as
a conservative vs liberal thing,
but the "(individualism) that empathy requires
refers to breaking out of the
group identification that is typically fueling religious wars;
eg, when Americans can see their self as
an individual rather than a christian,
that's a prerequisite to seeing the {arab, semite}
as an individual rather than a {muslim, jew} .
. I'm quite sure that real liberals
are all for moving to the solar economy
because, even without global warming being a real danger,
pollution with coal and oil is selfishly living
high at the expense of future generations .
. furthermore, the sooner we invest in it,
the sooner it becomes self-generating:
by using some of today's solar energy
to convert ever more land to solar energy collection,
we can soon have the energy to completely
wipe out water shortages,
and cover the globe with free internet
that empowers the 3rd world countries to
rethink their population growth policies .
. upon the convergence of free energy and robust robotics,
the world will soon have worldwide free robotics
with robots producing robots with free solar energy
-- it's all free .
. but it all depends on free solar energy
-- energy controlled by every home owner,
not aloof oil cartels .

. on the other hand, if global warming is indeed a real threat,
not acting soon will make it more difficult
to use the globe for solar:
tornadoes and hurricanes will often blow away expensive equipment .

. the current green tech is based on cereals fertilized by oil;
whereas, the world would be much more health eating legumes,
and using legumes as fertilizer .
. with huge amounts of free energy to de-salt water,
and to properly cook legumes,
there will be good health, strong teeth, and free food .
. furthermore, cows fed all legumes are healthier source of meat
than those finished with grains .
. they would have less saturated fat
and more omega-3 oils, like fish .
. it's too expensive now only because
cooking beans for livestock
is too energy-intensive until energy is free .]

. he wrote a book condemning gmo's in 1999:
The Biotech Century by Jeremy Rifkin (Paperback - April 5, 1999)

. that book is related to that tomato by
Featured History of FOET Biotech Initiatives: Pure Food Campaign
In 1992, the Pure Food Campaign (PFC) was established,
a coalition of organic farmers and restaurateurs,
consumer and environmental groups, and animal welfare organizations
opposed to the use of genetic engineering in food.
The PFC organized protests and litigation under the banner of
“An International Boycott of Genetically Engineered Foods”,
opposing the use of an engineered form of a bovine growth hormone (rBST) in dairy cows,
and the market entry of the genetically engineered “Flavr-Savr” tomato.
As well, the group demanded mandatory labeling of all genetically modified food products.

types of genetic engineering
. a history of biotech .


santa man v1.0 -- a walk through the monsanto park

1.27: santa man v1.0 -- a walk through the monsanto park

. Health and Wellness Product Information Group asks:
should we eat gmo's?
should gmo's eat us!
-- look at this vid: Controlling Our Food
On March 11 a new documentary was aired on French television
- a documentary that Americans won’t ever see.
The gigantic bio-tech corporation Monsanto
is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity
which has served mankind for thousands of years.
. gmo is about patentable seeds,
so you know when you don't have gmo because
really only when the seed sale is free of
contracts prohibiting saving crops for seed .
[1.30: ... and when there is
no similar gmo crop growing upwind .]
. in processed food things won't be labeled in usa,
though they are in europe .
. in 1992 George Bush Senior signed an executive order
that genetically engineered food
be equal to non-genetically modified food .
. the FDA was able to classify gmo's as GRAS
and under this category,
doesn’t require any additional testing or labeling.

. this film convincingly reminds us
that when there's a lot of money involved
the chances that science gets fudged
become exponentially more likely and tenacious .
. Monsanto is the main target of the film
simply because they have been at the forefront of gmo tech,
and they were the main source of money
behind the USA`admn's current policy on gmo regulation .

. the film documents Monsanto's history of careless science
with what turned out to be some very hairy problems:
pcb's, dioxin use as free as 60's love ...
. pcb's are not only a cause of cancer,
but are reducing IQ, thyroid, and sex hormone function .
. pcb's are spreading world-wide,
[and this is one reason why fat in the diet causes cancer
even when a high fat diet
protects us from cancer in other ways .]

[. Monsanto might seem like an
obvious villain at this point;
but, as you saw from
the finance industry's deregulation causing
yet another worldwide depression:
we all love privacy (virtually deregulation)
even though it's proven year after year
that private parenting is sure to leave some children
exposed to molestation;
and likewise,
we feel our businesses deserve privacy
even though they are sure to devastate
some unlucky generation(s) .
. who can you trust?
first, be sure to trust no one who says
we can be trusted until proven guilty
(wouldn't that be you?) .]

. tryptophan's EMS disorder was said to be a gmo problem,
[but it was also said by others
to be a different type of biotech problem:
when you are growing organisms to produce chemicals,
you have to be constantly vigilant with testing
to insure you still have the same vector working for you
-- something like the need for testing software:
it's all really created by the devil
(the creator of emotions and imagination);
-- no matter who the human face's name is --
and, it's all got to be walk-through'ed and tested .]

. gmo soy has been modified to survive roundup .
. roundup was recently shown in French courts
to not be as biodegradable as they once asserted
[... and, it doesn't have to be!
the world's agriculture will soon be
entirely roundup ready
and everything else is simply expendible! .]

. gmo corn is cross-polinating with mexican organics;
and, that is feared to be the end of organics for corn
as the transgenics don't do well without
high-tech fertilizers and pesticides .
[ but I fear it will be the population crush
looking for a quick fix,
that is really going to encourage the use of
exactly those "(accidental) hybrids
that do well with the cheapest treatments
only to grow larger populations that require
yet greater yields -- demanding ever more from science .]

. India has a different problem with gmo's:
the cotton is advertised as resistant to some insect,
only to be more vulnerable
to something else (like some sort of jungle rot) .
. the naive borrow money to start the technocrop
only to go bankrupt and fold with a suicide .
. one social worker points out that patented "(transgenics)
are being tried on every crop that India is growing:
they are literally being carpet-bombed with patents
as there will not be any corner of agriculture
that will not be lured into the trap of quick bucks
and unstable futures ...
[and with accidental crossbreeding,
what crops will they not own
-- what genome will they not degenerate into
dependence on high-tech methods?]

. in several places there were pitiful instances where
a farmer's neighbors had all started growing gmo's
leaving them on the edge of spraying operations
with pesticide poisoning their ducks
-- and their children .

. in Paraguay, after the leakage of gmo seeds
into their agriculture, it was ironically
Europe's gmo labeling requirements
that forced the Paraguay gov't
to legalize gmo crops
-- otherwise, they couldn't sell to any place
that respected either patents or gmo-phobic labeling .

. Europe's gov't was no different than usa
in the force with which it was swayed by cash,
but they had a scientist tell on prime-time tv
that animal experiments showed that
our state of genetic engineering
was a lot more complicated and unstable
than what the corporate giants were maintaining .

. Europe's public was swayed by tv coverage of
genetically engineered potatoes
that got a snowdrop gene,
which produced an aphid resistance .
lectins often serve as natural insecticides;
but this lectin was considered non-toxic to humans
yet became toxic when inserted into the potato:
. rats eating the potatoes suffered from
hormonal imbalances (fatty organs) .
. increasing a proliferative response in the gut .
thereby having an adjuvant effect
on any chemically induced tumor .
. it caused the rat`immune system to
go into high gear;
and, the study's head doctor interpreted this
as meaning that the immune system
was "(identifying the potatoes as alien) .
. it was apparent that the
gene insertion was causing the problem
rather than whatever was being inserted .
. on aug 10 '98, for live news, he reported:
I found it's very very very unfair
to use our fellow citizens as guinea pigs .
[. doesn't it seem like having that labeling
is like being told
yet another neighor's house is on fire?
. the question should be not whether
your dollar is ignoring the latest gmo effort,
what are your tax dollars doing
to counteract gmo cross-pollination
by developing totally glass-housed growing methods? ]


lamenting lost deposit from a landlord

8.10: gov/aq.sto/Wolfe Apartments Llc(240 W Sprague Ave, 99201-3627, (509) 624-8001):
Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of F.
Reasons for this rating include:
* BBB does not have sufficient information to determine how long this business has been operating.
* BBB does not have sufficient background information on this business.
* Failure to respond to one complaint filed against business.
Refund or Exchange Issues
No Response
- Company failed to respond to BBB to resolve or address the complaint issues.

8.30: of

. the site never heard of them;
one of their pages gave the same address as
who is a bbb member and has grade A- :
. the owner of their website name is hiding their identity:
Private, Registration
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
.` ATO Terms and Policies.html:
Automotive Tools Online - 879 Joliet Street #324 Dyer, IN 46311
Phone 888-987-4853
FAX 888-987-7007
email to:
) is a bbb member and has grade A- :
Name: Mechanics Tool Supply, Inc.
Phone: (888) 987-4853
Fax: (888) 987-7007
Address: 879 Joliet St # 324 Dyer, IN 46311-1920

. then they said:
Your review cannot contain website URLs ''.
so this:

. the better business bureau site
never heard of them;
one of their pages gave the same address as
mechanics tool supply com
who is a b.b.b member and has grade A- :
. the owner of their website name is hiding their identity:
who is domain tools com says it's registered by:
Private, Registration
Domains by Proxy, Inc.
automotive tools online com` Terms and Policies:
Automotive Tools Online
- 879 J o l i e t Street #324 Dyer, IN 46311
Phone 888-987-4853
FAX 888-987-7007
email to:
mechanics tool supply com is a b.b.b member and has grade A- :
Name: Mechanics Tool Supply, Inc.
Phone: (888) 987-4853
Fax: (888) 987-7007
879 J o l i e t St # 324 Dyer, IN 46311-1920


welcome to tucson!

6.3: care
. non-emergency police 520-791-4444, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.,
or if outside those hours, then 911
. consumer complaints? not police:
see the Arizona Attorney General: 520-628-6504.
. new in Tucson and looking for services such as support groups?
Information & Referral, 520-881-1794,
is an excellent resource for many types of local information.
The telephone books lists quite a bit of information in the front
. You can also call the Pima County Public Library, 520-791-4010.

from arizona at the airport

6.17:`id card renewal
Just remember that the new Az ID's (not driver's licenses) do not expire
. There is no expiration date whatsoever on the ID,
which has caused me more trouble than it is worth at airport "security".
We are supposed to pop into the MVD every 12 years and get a new photo taken.


beware backorders


. is alerting about sci'lab yet? no;
. mywot says some links are coming from
make sure delicious has same warning added for
. they can give good service,
but if they tell you some items are on backorder,
that's their way of hinting that you ordered illegally,
and you then have 3 days to decline the order
after which time you legally agree that they can
take as long as they want -- forever !
-- they are not a member of their local bbb
exactly for this tactic .
. compare with first;
if they say you'll need to call rather than order online,
that's an item that will cause to pull a "backorder" on you . presence/
. other reports:
. found 2 complaints
. there is also a place to find legal help:

co.apt/pol/drug war/sci'lab:
. thinking aloud how I got confused by changing laws
into getting trapped by sci'lab:
. when I was able to buy script-only hormones from chem'supply,
I assumed that if the script wasn't a controlled substance,
then suppliers could give it to you
-- any with a credit card -- likely not any children,
but then getting hassled by sci'lab,
and double-checking with spectrumchem'
I noticed that the scripts I could get
were simply ones under that new law
that said we could have our own hormones .
. reviewed history and reasons for drug war:
. it was a sad day when war against alcohol was lost;
I'm sure that has fueled effort to
not lose ground on other drug prohibitions .
. alcohol was difficult to stop esp'ly
because every private house can produce it
(with no visible connections but food and water);
anti-alcohol was also an obvious minority inflicting its will on the majority,
similar to when today's elite
has shipped most of our jobs overseas .