Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts


Collagen from Wild-Caught North Atlantic Cod

10.3: Atlantic Cod:
Zen Principle Marine Collagen from Wild-Caught North Atlantic Cod
. one problem I have with collagen in general
is that it might have a problem with
free glutamates (possible excitoxicity);
well, I will just use it many small doses.


#cashews #lectins #diet @DrGundry

8.14: health/diet/lectins/cashews:
. cashews seemed to be a good nut
except they inflamed my mouth;
but Dr. Steven Gundry claims
they are related to legumes
and have the same toxic lectins;
although he also said
the toxicity of legumes can be reduced
by heating them in a pressure cooker,
although he didn't say that applied to cashews.

2017-06-21`cut back on #xylitol? #dental #health

6.11:`cut back on xylitol?:
. some dentists refer to studies
showing how use of xylitol
can reduce the risk of getting cavities:
it actually heals them like fluoride does;
so, I was suprised to see a warning from
Center for science in the public interest
to cut back on xylitol;
however their only negative finding
was that large doses cause the runs;
and coincidentally, it is controversial because,
many of the studies that showed it works
had used doses that were too high.


Dr.Jay Sordean`outsmarting the #dementia epidemic #alz

Dr.Jay Sordean`outsmarting the dementia epidemic:
book review of Dr. Jay Sordean 2015`
Outsmarting the Dementia Epidemic:
7 Key Memory Care Actions to Avoid Alzheimer's
and Successfully Keep Your Brain Safe, Sharp
and Sexy Into the Future.
. his website pages related to this topic
and fb news feed.


canned sardines have B vitamins #health

5.22: sardines have B vitamins:
. canned sardines, despite being cooked,
still have some b'vitamins:
very good source of b12,
but only 9% of daily b6.


boxed wine and canned sardines #health

/boxed wine and canned sardines:

. boxed wine and canned sardines
are some of my favorite products
but are they a source of endocrine disruptors,
being exposed to plastics? not to worry:
the endocrine disruptors are even in our water;
there is no way to escape from them.

dietary sources of AGEs #health #diet #cook

5.15: sources of AGEs:
. a doctor who wrote a healthy lifestyle book
says that sautéing is the best method for retaining nutrients;
but, sautéing involves browning the food,
and exposing fat to high heat.
. browning via heat is a Maillard_reaction:
Acrylamide, a possible human carcinogen
can be generated as a by-product of that.
. browning is related to AGEs
however, I suprised to find
that compared to the diet I had supported,
browning vegetables is a relatively minor source
at least if very little oil is used;
because, foods high in even good fat
tend to contain high levels of AGEs
regardless of cooking method or being raw
-- relevant to a ketogenic (high-fat) diet.

J Am Diet Assoc. 2013:
Advanced Glycation End Products in Foods
and a Practical Guide to Their Reduction in the Diet.
"Modern diets are largely heat-processed
and as a result contain high levels of
advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
". grilling, broiling, roasting, searing, and frying
propagate and accelerate new AGE formation
[Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 1989,
J Am Diet Assoc. 2004]."
"In all food categories, exposure to
higher temperatures and lower moisture levels
coincided with higher dAGE levels
for equal weight of food
as compared to foods prepared at
lower temperatures or with more moisture.
Thus, frying, broiling, grilling, and roasting
yielded more dAGEs compared to
boiling, poaching, stewing, and steaming.
Microwaving 6 minutes or less
did not raise dAGE content to the same extent
as other dry heat cooking methods."
"... in animal studies, a reduction of
dietary AGE by 50% of usual intake
is associated with reduced levels of oxidative stress,
less deterioration of insulin sensitivity
and kidney function with age,
and longer life span [Am J Pathol. 2008:
Oral glycotoxins determine the effects of calorie restriction
on oxidant stress, age-related diseases, and lifespan.
"advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in the diet
correlates with serum AGE levels, oxidant stress,
organ dysfunction, and lifespan."]

. oils and nuts are AGE-rich, even in their
uncooked and minimally-processed forms;
for example, measuring just one of many AGEs,
we find in 100g:
grilled veg(broc,carrot,celery): 226 kU AGE;
-- a browning process yet not very toxic;
raw cashew (steamed briefly) contains 6730;
-- compare to roasted: 9807;
so, most of the toxin is from the natural fat
not the roasting. compare also,
100 mL (3.38fl oz) extra virgin olive oil: 10,040.

protein is a moderate source too:

100g chicken boiled 1 hour: 1,123
-- or half that if using acidic solutions
such as lemon juice or vinegar marinades.

salmon canned: 917
salmon raw: 528
no mention of raw yolk but
100g yolk cooked 10 min is: 1193


marine-sourced Hydrolyzed Collagen

4.11: 4.12:,
Hydrolyzed Collagen/Dr.Rhonda Patrick:
Dr.Patrick, in her video:
. use a quarter cup of Hydrolyzed Collagen
(in a smoothie that may be divided into several meals);
2 rounded Tbsp contains 12g; cup/4 contains 4 tbsp;
so she is using up to 24g of Collagen
(2.64g of glutamic acid).
. during times of low glucose,
proline is released from connective tissue
for alpha-ketoglutarate for mitochondria
to create ATP for energy.
--. this gave me an idea that using collagen
may help preserve bone and teeth.

. I have 2 concerns, excitotoxicity,
and sourcing from beef rather than fish.
. based on Dr.Patrick's review I'll be trying this
but I'll take it in many small doses
and be sourcing it from fish.

Dr Rhonda Patrick` #leakygut may be a major cause of #heart disease

4.10: Rhonda Patrick`
leaky gut may be a major cause of heart disease:
Dr.Patrick doesn't use the term "leaky gut"
perhaps because it is controversial;
but among those who do, they are talking about
the same thing Dr.Patrick says here:


manganese toxicity #adhd

3.25: toxicity:
. someone mentioned that modern life might be
exposing us to toxic levels of manganese;
and a source of that is leaching from stainless steel;
I use a stainless steel pan to boil bones in acidic water.
how do I know if I have manganese toxicity?


genetics, arachidonic acid, and EPA

microalgae oil not a good source EPA:
. great this video informs the public
that some may need to use L-methyltetrahydrofolate
to keep homocysteine levels in check.
. this video is associated with this whitepaper:
it says "If you’re vegetarian,
one other thing you might consider looking into is
microalgae oil since it has EPA & DHA
without having to be converted from ALA."
-- Dr.Sears claimed one problem with microalgae oil
is that it conains only DHA and not EPA;
and that the body's conversion of DHA to EPA
was not a great source of EPA either;
this is why non-fisheaters can't get
medicinal quantities of EPA without absurd levels of ALA.
. checking one source of microalgae oil
we find it contains only trace amounts of EPA.
. good to know about rs174537 being related to
the level of arachidonic acid levels;
Dr.Sears says high levels of that
should be medicated with high-dose EPA.


how digestive enzymes reduce #inflammation

10.30: enzymes reduce inflammation?:
. several doctors say enzymes reduce inflammation;
but they are talking about different types?
Dr.Mercola says your best source is raw food
and calorie restriction;
but Dr.Bob Martin promotes a supplement
that contains various proteolytic enzymes
and other digestive enzymes.
. the idea I got from researching
Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride's
Guts and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) diet:
was that certain infections (candida?)
can inhibit production of digestive enzymes
so that more food is not absorbed by you
and is thus available to the infection;
this infection can be a source of inflammation
when your immune system attacks it;
so, the cure is to replace the enzymes
and go on a diet that inhibits infections
(no sugar, and low glycemic).
. if the infection is removed inflammation is reduced,
and, digestive enzyme supplements can be discontinued.
. if you tend to eat out of a blender,
keep in mind that the act of chewing
is a major source of some digestive enzymes.


omega-3 medicinal effects

10.21: effects:
12.27: summary:
. fish oil has long-chained omega-3
that is very valuable for reducing disease;
you can make some yourself with
plant-based omega-3, but not much.
. plant-based omega-3 was not helpful for
reducing the risk of circulation disorders
yet one study showed it reduced the risk of
macular degeneration.
. some studies showed that supplements did not help
reduce risk of cerebrovascular disease,
only a diet of whole fish helped.
. one study showed high-dose supplements
did help with macular degeneration,
while another study showed that
low dose supplements did not help.
. fish is a source of mercury, PCB's and dioxins;
fish oil supplements that are 3rd-party tested
may help with heart disease, cancer,
arthritis, macular degeneration
and mental illness.


pregnancy brain

9.29: brain:
"pregnancy brain" is loss of memory
or some sort of cognitive loss
that has not been detected by controlled studies,
yet there is solid indirect evidence.
. pregnancy causes insulin resistance,
and this causes the brain to use less fuel
which then results in less brain function
similar to what happens during Alzheimers.
. other sources of cognitive loss during pregnancy
include problems with sleep, and
having to reduce IQ-raising caffeine.
. magnesium enhances insulin sensitivity
(dark green leafies are the richest source).
. even though fish oil doesn't improve insulin sensitivity
it does enhance memory in some
and there is an FDA-approved form: Lovaza
(undistilled fish normally have too much mercury
for use during pregnancy).
Europe sells prescription R-lipoic acid that may help.


herbs that lengthen lifespan of yeast

9.20: that lengthen lifespan of yeast:
They identified six aging-delaying plant extracts:
Cimicifuga racemosa, Valeriana officinalis L.,
Passiflora incarnata L.Ginkgo biloba,
Apium graveolens L.,  and “particularly effective”:
Salix alba, white willow bark.

. I recently found badmonkeybotanicals
selling pure powdered extracts of herbs;
good to know they are there;
did a web search of their web presence,
customer reviews. spotty history,
some complaints of bland extracts;
but now they are rated A- by BBB.
. includes sample of extracts I'm interested in,
some I'm not sure about getting
because I'm not sure how to identify quality
(I've never seen pure powders of them before).

sources of Neuravena (mao-b inhibitor)

9.19: of Neuravena (mao-b inhibitor):
Avena Sativa (Green Oat Grass)
is known to be an mao-b inhibitor;
especially the strains cultivated by Frutarom
and used for making Neuravena.
. the only source of Neuravena is
LifeExtension dopa-mind.
. if you trust other extracts, a pure powder is sold


how is higher linoleic omega-6 oil healthier?

how is higher linoleic omega-6 oil healthier?:
4.19: summary:
. if anything "predicts type 2 diabetes"
it is sure to tell you that the studied population
was eating too much grain and sugar.
. this study basically says that
foods with more omega-6 oil were actually helpful
in a group tending to abuse carb's.
. while omega-6 (linoleic acid) may have problems,
a major source of it is nuts and seeds:
a great source of fiber and B vitamins.
. but as for linoleic acid reducing risk of mortality,
can you really get health benefits from
guzzling corn or soy oil?
. also they found palmitoleic acid was bad
whereas that is sold as a health food;
likely they were measuring levels of meat
rather than healthy sources like macadamia nuts.
. this was a study of types of oils found in blood;
that might not be directly related to oils in diet,
due to conversions.


only 2.7% of #usa is #healthy #weight #diet #exercise

4.7: 2.7% of usa is healthy weight diet exercise:
5.24: summary:
. the study found that most usa citizens are unhealthy;
90% failed due to being overweight.
. 15% of the overweight ones were seen as
both following the official usa diet,
and getting enough exercise.
. the official usa diet may be the problem:
there is no upper limit on grains;
in 2005 there was no limit on refined grains.
. the expected activity level is
150 min/wk (22min per day) of moderate-intensity
or 75 min/wk of vigorous-intensity physical activity
spread out over at least 4 days out of 10.

2016-04-17 is demonizing #eggs to protect hens

4.10: news.pol/animal rights/ is demonizing eggs to protect hens:
4.17: summary:
. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
( wants us to be vegans,
which includes demonizing eggs;
and it turns out that their primary reason
has to do with animal rights.
. I am sure we can humanely steal eggs;
what this requires is not a boycott,
but the implementation of a certified humane egg;
by Humane Farm Animal Care!
(see sample of passing hen care Standards).

(unfortunately my Eggland's Best didn't pass yet).