
emotion control for health by Theu Fa'a 2022

2022.12.3: 12.13: bk.health/psy/Theu Fa'a 2022`Healthy Habits:

Theu Fa'a 2022`Healthy Habits: 


Eliminate Stress, Fear, Worry, and Negative Emotions



4-star/much good but also needs to wake up about covid:

. this author has studied under Dr.Dispenza

and Dr.Bruce Lipton, and they do great work.

. Theu has renewed my interest in EFT

(emotional freedom technique)

as a way to relax negative emotions.

. the book's references are numbers, not names and dates,

yet the list of references has no numbering?

no, you can click on a number,

and it will take you to the "notes" page

even though that page is not listed in the

table of contents.

Dr.Bruce Lipton is quoted[p36..41]

because he agrees with the assertion that

it's absurd to assume your sickness is caused by

being exposed to a germ;

rather, you are always exposed to all sorts of germs,

but you get sick because

your immune system has been weakened,

usually by negative thoughts.

[ Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D. 2006:

The Wisdom of Your Cells: 

How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology]


. Theu claims that during the covid-19 pandemic

the establishment was warning us to beware of germs

even as such warnings are negative thoughts

that contribute to suppression of immunity;


author Theu needs to wake up:

. there is a lot more to immune deficiency than

negative thoughts and emotions!

. aging is a disease that weakens immunity 

exponentially; for instance, 

it's your immune system that is

protecting you from cancer;

and Dr.Sinclair 2019 (lifespan p80) said: 


. smoking increases cancer risk by 5 times;

but being age 50 increases risk by 100 times,

and age 70 increases risk of cancer by 1000 times.

. also, the modern diet is full of sugar, 

which provokes insulin spikes,

which causes brain sugar crashes,

which provokes high levels of cortisol

whose very job is to suppress the immune system,

so you can live pain-free with less inflammation.

. cortisol also gets more sugar to the brain

by causing insulin resistance in the rest of the body.

. and if Theu believes sickness is all about

immune deficiency,

he should try drinking from a well tainted with sewage,

and see if positive thoughts save him from cholera.

. even a healthy immune system can be overwhelmed

by the sheer numbers of germs.

. people believe it is vaccines that reduced disease,

but well before vaccines 

many communicable diseases were wiped out by

using toilet systems that kept the water clean.

[ Stephen P Luby, Review J Infect 2017

Clean water, clean hands or new vaccines? ]


. that said, Theu is right about

mind control being essential to health control.

. Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov is quoted as believing


many diseases are caused by the mind's 

negative thoughts and emotions.

. Dr.Dispenza too is quoted as saying that 

emotions can influence your health.

[Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden 2017:

Becoming Supernatural: 

How Common People are Doing the Uncommon]


. Dr.Dispenza also says you can

 use meditation and other techniques of mind and emotion control

to reprogram your subcon'mind to be more like the god

and get the god to influence your health

and make your intentions come true.

[ Dr.Dispenza 2012 "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: 

How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One"]


. I was amazed at the story of a very fit martial artist

who started getting very sick heart activity

from having to pretend to believe establishment science

that they make you swear to in medical school.

. he really could find no other heart cure than

being honest and quitting medical school?

. but his problems wouldn't have ended with 

getting past his school's professors:

a doctor still has to please medical boards:

doctors can have their license revoked for

treating or advising patients in ways

that go against the establishment.

. look how doctors were treated during covid-19:

many lost their license for what they believed in:

prescribing early treatments with generic drugs

instead of relying on vaccines and ventilators.

. doctors were saying the establishment science was

corrupt, driven by profits on patented medicines

and some were punished for spreading "disinformation".

[tennesseestar Debra Heine 2022.06: 

American Board of Internal Medicine Threatens to Revoke Medical Licenses from COVID Docs Peter McCullough and Pierre Kory.


lifesite news 2022.11: 

Dr. Peter McCullough is being systematically canceled for his resistance to the COVID jabs.


ibtimes R. Ghosh 2022.01.18: 

Meryl Nass: Maine Medical Board Suspends License of Anti-Vaxxer Doctor Who Treated Covid with Ivermectin; Orders Psychiatric Evaluation.


. the book has a website "theufaa";

where the "books" directory has a helpful list.


. the "heal" directory says this:


. in exchange for your email address,

you get a workbook and all the resources on

tapping, meditation, and other topics mentioned.

. he emails you this link:


which contains youtube videos,

a diagram of EFT tapping points,


and a 25-page workbook pdf 


which you can copy quotes from.

. the EFT tapping points differ a bit from Dr.Mercola's


but you may want to experiment with your own points too.

here are the EFT videos:

#1: Virgin Radio UK 2022:


Nick Ortner Explains How Tapping Calms

Anxiety And Stress | Live Tapping Demo.

#2: Gary Craig's NewThink 2015:


EFT: The Basic Recipe by Founder Gary Craig.

. the book he recommends for EFT is:

Nick Ortner, Mark Hyman M.D. 2014:

The Tapping Solution: A Revolutionary System for Stress-Free Living


. he sells supplements from "redoxvital".


(his website has a link to "myasealive"

for ASEA's proprietary Redox Signaling

with a subdomain of "theu".


. during his introduction of his supplements

he said that while it has improved lives

it's no match for the damage done by a negative mind.

. Theu was very careful to not mention

which of these supplements or their dosage

may have contributed to a cancer cure;

but he was trying to encourage the idea that

it would be a good idea to combine his supplements

with conventional cancer treatments including

chemotherapy which is based on disputed science.

(before you trust your body to chemo, 

get a 2nd opinion from 

Chris Wark 2018`Chris Beat Cancer: 

A Comprehensive Plan for Healing Naturally).


. also, keep in mind Sandy Shaw's experience

[Durk Pearson, Sandy Shaw 1982`Life Extension]


. her antioxidant supplements protected one from

radiation damage,

but radiation treatments for cancer

adjust the dose until they see some damage symptoms

and the resulting dose of radiation she got

caused her to have permanent nerve damage.

. google hasn't indexed anything on his website

[accessed 2022.12.4]

perhaps because it is too new,

or the author is considered to be part of 

covid "disinformation", or spammy,

or his site denies access to web crawlers.


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