
suggestions for a globalized pandemic preparedness and response

 2022.4.12: co.who.int/pol/healthcare/
suggestions for a globalized pandemic preparedness and response:

the intro from WHO:


the form to give your comment:


the question:

“What substantive elements do you think should be included

in a new international instrument

on pandemic preparedness and response?” 

my comment:

. one thing we should do to prepare

is teaching people about who survived the pandemic;

it was people with a diet that promotes

low inflammation, low cortisol, and low insulin,

for enhanced insulin sensitivity.

. and for elders it was high levels of vitamin D, vitamin A,

with vitamin K2 to prevent bone loss from vitamin D,

melatonin, and zinc.

. we don't want a global effort of 

forcing everyone to take risky vaccines,

when we could work to isolate the vulnerable,

while we rapidly build natural immunity,

and get the lock-downs over with sooner!

John Brockman`What Is Your Dangerous Idea?: 
Today's Leading Thinkers on the Unthinkable [ad]

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