
Dr.Sinclair xenohormesis in contrast to hormesis

20.10.15: news.health/diet/
Dr.Sinclair`xenohormesis in contrast to hormesis:
. hormesis means the use of stressors
to activate our longevity defenses;
such as exercise, intermittent fasting, 
low protein diets, and being hot or cold:
see the paper:
"The 'Metabolic Winter' Hypothesis: 
A Cause of the Current Epidemics of 
Obesity and Cardiometabolic Disease"
which suggests that we have benefited from
a life without air conditioning.
[ that paper also clarifies 
what the author says about xenohormesis
in contrast to hormesis:
. a reduction in calories by 30%–40% triggers a 
network of genes that evolved to protect organisms
during times of food scarcity (i.e., "longevity" genes). 
This "longevity survival network" includes 
insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) signaling, 
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), 
AMPactivated protein kinase (AMPK), 
and the seven sirtuins (SIRT1–7), 
a family of cellular energetics and defense enzymes.44–46 
In fact, sirtuin-activating compounds (STACs),
such as resveratrol and fisetin, 
and other calorie restriction mimetics, such as metformin, 
are thought to derive the majority of their health benefits
not from antioxidant properties 
nor by inducing a cellular damage response (hormesis),
but rather from interacting with conserved regions in enzymes
that have evolved to sense molecules in the environment.47,48 
The "xenohormesis hypothesis" suggests that 
STACs act as an advance warning generated by plants
in times of stressful environmental conditions,
and that these stress-signaling molecules may coordinate
sirtuin-mediated defenses across species.49–52
)-'Metabolic Winter' Hypothesis.

. some supplements can be helpful by
being hormesis-mimicking; such as resveratrol, 
and more recently in the news: NAD boosters;
but metformin is controversial; most recently
it inhibits your ability to build muscle
with resistance training.
. similar to how certain stresses make us healthier,
plants under stress can make more of the 
health-promoting "Xenohormetic" nutraceuticals.
When plants are stressed with too much sunlight, 
they often add extra color with anthocyanins
and they are produced not only by radiation damage
but drought, adverse temperatures, nutrient restriction, 
pathogens, and wounding. 

especially the pinot noir, have higher levels resveratrol 
because they are stressed;
[ for instance, they don't use irrigation,
and they do use organic farming
which can add fungal stresses.]

dryfarmwines test their wines:

"By law, wine is not required to have a contents label
on the bottle. This is based on a old agreement 
between the wine lobby and the US government. 
As one of the only major food groups 
without a content label, consumers are
left in the dark about what is in their wine.
Since there are 76 legal additives approved for use
in winemaking by the government,"
testing can ensure that a wine minimizes additives.

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